Thanks ladies. I'm not sure how I can confirm ov now bb, I only temped as a one off this morning! I guess if my temp stays high I know I did ov early. We've dtd every other day which is how I concieved my last 2 pregnancies so should be covered but I wanted to do more this month
Frustrating not knowing when you ovulated, but it sounds like you have covered your bases so fingers crossed for you this month. It's a good excuse to test early if you don't know what dpo you are
right I am a little confused! I had my d&c 4 weeks as of this coming Friday,
this morning I did a preg test on the cheapo strips and a ovulation test, the ovulation test was positive and on the preg test there is a super faint line but defo there
we have been ttc since 10th may so surely too early for a pos preg test unless I ovulated straight away?? or could it still be left over from the pregnancy that I mc x
Fingers crossed it means a new positive for you. Hope they get darker
Ladies, would love to join this thread.... After three losses since Christmas I am super determined to get a sticky BFP if it's the last thing I do! It's been a pretty shitty year for me so far so things can only get better right?!? I'm really struggling at the moment as all my friend seem to be pregnant. I don't begrudge them whatsoever but surely it's gotta be my turn soon! One of my mummy friends who I met on the post-natal ward (our boys are born on the same day) is currently 24 weeks pregnant. We decided to try & get pregnant at the same time. We did but I loss the baby at 7 weeks
So whilst she is off shopping for double prams ( I am obsessed with double prams btw!), I'm instead having tests done for recurrent miscarrage
I'm sure it will happen but if better happen soon before I end up crazy! Xxx
Hi Kate, welcome. These girls are great.
OMG so nice to hear about all the other stroller addicts! Phew, I thought I was odd. I had my stroller car seat combo picked out 3 months before I got pregnant! I can't get it here so will be ordering off amazon. The shipping cost is almost the same as the set, but still cheaper than buying a similar one here. Crazy.
I just hope they run tests for us all. I'm worried my dr will tell me to give it more time. X
You can tell a little white lie and say you have been trying for longer ?
It's a little more red I'm sure I'm out
Hope it's not AF
your symptoms were sounding so promising.