Argos are now price matching toys:
We don't think you'll be able to find better prices for toys that you can take home today or have sent to you with incredible same-day delivery.
We're so sure, we'll refund the difference if you find the same product cheaper elsewhere.
The following conditions apply:
Prices are matched based on those displayed in a competitor's shop, website or via telephone, if it is the first price quoted on the same day as your purchase from Argos.
Please report the price difference within 14 days of your purchase. If you have paid in-store, just visit our customer service desk with your proof of purchase and evidence that the product was available cheaper from a competitor on the same day you purchased it from Argos. If you have paid online, email us with your query. We will refund the difference once we have confirmed the price is valid.
Individual products must be identical in brand name, model, size and colour and be in stock, rather than available to order only.
If a retailer is in administration or closing down our Toy Price Promise will not apply.
Video games and consoles are not included in our Toy Price Promise.
If the competitor's product is available for delivery the same day, the delivery charge will be counted as part of the price paid.
We will not match prices available via voucher codes.
Products sold as part of a multi-buy, discounted or with a free item will be matched to the cheapest price of each item when sold individually.