So me and DH used the doppler again today 11w6d to try mode 2 settings and have it recorded closer to the speaker so the sound would be great....

with the outcome... We decided to try it on a weekly basis.

while waiting for doc's visit.
aww thats great
ive just had a play with my dopler and its getting much easier to find HB and still makes me grin like an idiot when i find it haha. defo a case of simple things and simple minds xx
the wait for the doc is like the longest wait ever isnt it, ive only got 2 days to wait, feels like 2 weeks

Same here, although not being actually sick everytime I think my nausea is disappearing it comes back again...!
i havent actually been sick yet, come close a few times tho like feeling my mouth water or being sick but it not actually making it out, its worse when i have heart burn and burp tho, that awful burning taste

and really really gagged the other day changing the bin, OH came charging down the stairs thinking id actually been sick was that bad

poor bugger hes more on edge than i am