Pink Phoenix, I just realised you are from West Yorkshire? Which part? I'm living in Tokyo at the moment but my hometown is Leeds

going back to visit for Christmas soon

Hope I feel better.
Oceana, I don't feel much better honestly. Still vomiting every day, lost 10lb now and starting to worry. I'm skinnier than before I was pregnant. I'm 5'11/180cm and now weigh 132lb/9st 6/60kg

my BMI is now 18.5....I started with a BMI of 19.8, I was never big but this is getting ridiculous. I can't remember the last time I was EVER under 9st 7....probably early teens...I just cannot lose anymore. I'm so glad that this pregnancy wasn't planned...I was hoping to lose a little bit of weight before trying for a baby just because I was a few pounds heavier than I wanted but imagine if I had done that?! I would have been seriously underweight

I guess no wonder I'm feeling dizzy. I can only hope I'll put some weight back in when I'm in the UK over Christmas. It doesn't help being in Japan where for some reason I have no appetite for any Japanese food whatso ever but for some reason I feel like I could eat a lovely veggie pie, potatoes, gravy, Yorkshire pudding and veg right such thing in Japan though

even simple things like baked potatoes and cottage cheese....first off most houses don't even have an oven!
Ah sorry for the rant. I'm just feeling really fed up. It's coming up for aroun 7w of vomiting and another 2 w before that feeling nauseous and I've just had enough

to add to it I feel like I've got thrush and a UTI. My best friend in the UK is a GP so she is going to sort me out when I go back. If I need any prescriptions she'll take me to a walk in

at least that's one thing off my mind though.