congrats smoore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how did you find out she was a girl at 13 weeks? do u have the pic?
im excited for you. i would also love a girl, but i thought i saw a nub for a boy
Thank you, everyone!!
congrats smoore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how did you find out she was a girl at 13 weeks? do u have the pic?
im excited for you. i would also love a girl, but i thought i saw a nub for a boy
We didn't find out at an ultrasound. It was from genetic blood work. We were offered it as a precaution since our son was stillborn at 30 weeks during my first pregnancy. I have attached the latest ultrasound picture though.![]()
Well I'm originally from Manchester but I live in Haworth now, it's so beautiful out this way.
Tbh hun I doubt my tummy would handle much else than plain boring English food. I'm struggling with that as it is.
I bet you can't wait to get back over here? Do u live in Japan on a permanent basis?
Long time since I was on here! How is everyone?
Can't believe some of you are in the second trimester now!
And got ultrasounds! I'm so jealous.
In Sweden, we get our first scan at 18-20 weeks (I got mine on January 20th!), and it's not even an option to pay for a private one (at least no one said anything about it to me).
I don't feel pregnant at all, though. My boobs hurt a little, but that's about it. I guess I should be lucky, but instead I'm worried all the time. I've taken like 5 tests
Can't it be January already??![]()
Well I'm originally from Manchester but I live in Haworth now, it's so beautiful out this way.
Tbh hun I doubt my tummy would handle much else than plain boring English food. I'm struggling with that as it is.
I bet you can't wait to get back over here? Do u live in Japan on a permanent basis?
Ah Haworth is lovely!
Yeah I live permanently in Japan for the foreseeable future. It isn't really possible for us to move to the UK as getting a visa for hubby is really difficult and would mean living apart for at least a year and I would HAVE to work (even if he was working and earnt enough for both of us) in order to sponsor his visa, and well that's impossible at the moment since I will be having to give birth at some point this year. Weird really because Its so much easier to get a Japanese visa, yet, their immigration laws and rules are so so so much tighter and Japan doesn't have as many foreigners living there as in the UK. Just their processes and constant checking up seem to weed out any non genuine people and therefore if you are genuine it's so much easier.
I used to love Japanese food but I think when you are feeling ill you just want very familiar comfort food. Plus I guess most of my cravings are british food because I guess I'm used to it more.
I realised I seem to whinge about Japan a lot, don't get me wrong I do love it here, I guess just when you are feeling ill and want familiarity and even my mum to pamper me...(now I'm sounding like a child lol) and plus I haven't lived here that long yet so still getting used to it and I think I'll enjoy it even more, the more Japanese I can pick up. Won't be as lonely. I NEVER thought I'd miss the UK that much though...I always used to complain about it. Guess you don't know what you've got until it's gone.
Well, all genetic blood work came back fabulous!!
It's a girl!! The first one in my very immediate family since me! I have 6 nephews, a stepson, and my son who we loss. This girl is already set up to be rotten.![]()
I find mine every time we get to try the doppler i too have anterior placenta. It sounded like a train or a galloping horse and much stronger since 2 days ago.... Odd that i get two heartbeats from both sides 3-4 inches apart from the middle 3 inches below my belly button....
I find mine every time we get to try the doppler i too have anterior placenta. It sounded like a train or a galloping horse and much stronger since 2 days ago.... Odd that i get two heartbeats from both sides 3-4 inches apart from the middle 3 inches below my belly button....
There are arteries that can sound like a heartbeat on your left and right side. Lots of people mistake that for baby and is likely what you're hearing and not 2 heartbeats.
ok ty. then its baby . yayy. i didnt know if the placenta would be a swoosh just like the arteries. was just wondering if placenta would be in the way. ive watched videos already but tyThe placenta sounds like a swoosh swoosh noise and about the same speed as your hb and the baby sounds more like a train or galloping horse and much faster. When you find baby (it can take a while) it's unmistakable. You may also hear a swooshing beat towards either side of your stomach which I think are the main arteries into your legs. If you YouTube fetal heartbeat on Doppler you should find some example videos which can help you to know what you're listening for xxx