Hi there everyone, it's been quite a while since I last posted and I don't know much of what's gone on in here
An update on me and baby, I've had problem after problem, been admitted to hospital 6 times. I had a major bleed at 11w+6, I've had a really bad kidney infection and I am still getting infections, as soon as ones cleared up I get another. Quite frankly I am sick of taking antibiotics as its all I've seemed to do since falling pregnant.
I will be 18weeks on Wednesday, my dating can showed baby measuring smaller then first thought so makes me due the 3rd and not the 1st, but I am tiny still. I don't look pregnant at all and yet with my first by this time I had quite a bump and come my 20w scan I was clearly pregnant. Worried they are going to put the date back further just because I am so small.
Baby is getting bigger though as the kicks in the bladder are getting stronger by the day

oh and the sore itchy boobs
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas

my little girl was 4 on Saturday, don't know where the times gone!!
I got my OH two books for Christmas, first time dads survival guide and the one before it about the pregnancy. He's getting really into it
I know this maybe taboo, but has anyone started looking into prams? I've picked mine but not bought it yet, having to save after we move house this coming weekend.
Hope everyone is well

speak again soon xxxx