So, getting nervous about the ultra sound...
I told my friend a couple of days ago, and she sort of reminded me that they may find that the baby is dead, and I didn't even think of that! I was all like "Once I get past the 12 first weeks, everything will be fine".
And now I'm all nervous and thinking of getting one of those home doppler systems.. Any of you girls have them? Are they any good?
When is your u/s? Sorry if you said already.
I'm sure everything will go just great and sorry that your friend scared you hun![]()
I have a Doppler but I'm yet to find the heart beat and I'm passed 14 weeks already. Mine however was bought 2nd hand. I can find my own heart beat with it perfectly but I struggle a lot with trying to find baby. I have however had 2 ultrasounds and I know it is there as I saw it so I'm not too stressed about it.
Some other ladies I've seen on threads have the Sonoline B (I think) that they use and have found the heart beat nice and early.
I think you should decide whether it would work for you or not. It can cause you a lot of unnecessary stress if you cannot find it even though nothing is wrong with baby. Otherwise if you do find it, it will be great reassurance.
i think my morning sickness is almost comletely gone. Its still hard to eat at times, but its gotten much better. Im sure part of that is due to the ulcers n stomach pain... I lost 30 pounds since finding out i was pregnant. and I have gained 5! i was getting worried losing so quickly
my bp meds are working wonders right now and im so happy about that.
keep thinking i feel baby kick but i guess i wont know for sure for sure until later on when i know what a real kick feels like.
anyone else feeling flutters?
i also feel myself having more energy than before which im also happy about
4 more days until 3d ultrasoundsuper excited
are u ladies drinking lots of fluids? or do u still not really have an appetite?
so many questions lol
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas
Exciting to hear about everyone's scans and baby kicks
I have possibly been feeling kicks the last couple of days but I'm not sure it could just be muscle twitches, my pregnancy book says most first time mums feel kicks between 18 - 20 weeks so it could be what I'm feeling, only time will tell
I'm still getting nausea and occasional sicknessI feel sick every morning and most late afternoons
Is anyone preparing for their 20 week appointment? Mine is ages away and I'm getting twitchy starting to worry, it's not until 16th Jan![]()
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas
Exciting to hear about everyone's scans and baby kicks
I have possibly been feeling kicks the last couple of days but I'm not sure it could just be muscle twitches, my pregnancy book says most first time mums feel kicks between 18 - 20 weeks so it could be what I'm feeling, only time will tell
I'm still getting nausea and occasional sicknessI feel sick every morning and most late afternoons
Is anyone preparing for their 20 week appointment? Mine is ages away and I'm getting twitchy starting to worry, it's not until 16th Jan![]()
We have the same EDD snorman...
Was it your choice not to have early scans? I had a couple already and now just waiting for my 20 week appointment which feels like ages.....
Oh and goodluck with the announcement.... I'm pretty sure all is well....![]()