Well I just had my first emotional pregnancy lady alligator tears cry. At 3 am because.... google....lol I was so sad and scared cause I was destined to have a unhealthy baby or lose it and all these test thst drs demand that ladies say cause miscarriages. I finally got calmed down. My real problem is im terrified of a pap smear. Im 24 never had one but hubby was my first and he has always had frequent std testing until we became a thing lol. So ive never done it and really dont care too. Then i saw where a lot of women were saying they miscarried healthy pregnancys a couple days after a pap which really scared me lol But sigh newly pregnant lady stress. Im ok now I am going to talk to the dr and see if he will wait till I deliver I mean even if they find something they cant do anything till babys here anyway. What do u ladies think. Am I parnoid lol
i just had one a couple weeks ago. they aren't the most fun things in the world, but getting them regularly is very recommended. even if you've only had one sexual partner. once you are a certain age, regardless of sexual activity, they are just to make sure that everything is healthy. it's like breast exams or teeth cleanings - keeping everything in working order and catching anything early. cavities suck if you wait until your teeth actually hurt, but if your dentist sees the beginnings of one early, the treatment is so much easier and you can avoid other complications. think of pap smears like that.
(i actually just got a phone call from my primary care doc yesterday saying that the results weren't completely normal, so i have to go in for "further testing" so i'm not just saying this off the tip of my tongue, but as a person who has been checked for STDs since meeting my husband and appears to be perfectly healthy and yet, something is giving them reason to do more tests. trust me, i cried and did google and everything too. but google is often NOT your friend.

anyway, i hope this doesn't sound preachy

...but preventative medical care is SO much better than curative care in my mind.

also, obviously i am no doctor, but it wouldn't seem like a pap smear would be the sole cause of a miscarriage. at least not any more than having sex would cause a miscarriage. i mean, the pap smear is way less invasive than some of the BDing i've done with my husband