Wow that's so interesting Jo. Do you think you had any symptoms worse early on because of the fact that you were carrying 3. Sorry if I'm bugging you with questions, the miracle of 1 baby is awe inspiring to me but 3 at once is just WOW
And hi Jo!
Welcome Jo and whoah BIG CONGRATS on your 3 little ones.....![]()
Welcome Jotriplets! What a blessing! Ahh I can just imagine all the cute wee outfits you can dress them in!
Excuse me if anyone has already asked this (so hard to keep up on such an active thread) but on the scans can the actually see all three babies? Or are the too cuddled up together
to make out much?
Yip it is very annoying, Nilla!
When our are gets it from 10 am it's okay but when we get it at 18pm I get very pissed. I mean we get home from work and have to cook and clean but then the power only comes back on at 20h30 - 21h00
I worry about during the winter after I've given birth... Will it happen then still and will it affect baby's room temp etc. Oh well, will wait and see
So u have 2 amniotic sacs? And the third will be fraternal to the other? NeatWelcome Jotriplets! What a blessing! Ahh I can just imagine all the cute wee outfits you can dress them in!
Excuse me if anyone has already asked this (so hard to keep up on such an active thread) but on the scans can the actually see all three babies? Or are the too cuddled up together
to make out much?
Thank you, Sarah.
I had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks and even then it was extremely difficult to get them all on one screen. We have a set of twins and a singleton so we're able to see the single baby beautifully and while they're still little, we can see the twins together too.
lol at the Oh being another Lolol.good one.Nillabean: I have 7 bearded dragons, 2 crested geckos, a leopard gecko, a snake and now the puppy haha!
There all pretty low maintenance really, snake eats once a week, leo gecko a few times a week, the crested one have a fruit mix once a week. And the beardies have fresh veg once a day and live bugs once a week x
Just puppy that's an all day thing haha
Lizards have a bath once a week too!
Wow that sounds horrific with the power outage wunna! Isn't it strange how different places in the world are so different. Hope winter with the LO will be easier than your expecting!!
Ohhh I forgot one more pet...... the OH haha