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You ladies are lucky. I gained 2st/28lb with DD1. I've gained 27lb already with this one! Still 13 weeks to go :sad2: Right thigh has gained 2.5" and left has gained 3".

I lost it quickly with DD1, dropped to 7st 3lb in 9 weeks (pre preg 8st 2lb), that was after a caesarean too so no exercise. Hopefully works the same with this one even more so I'm attempting to BF to start with.

im sure u carry it well though :p u look very skinny. if i gained 30 pounds on top of what i was originally, i would look like a pumpkin maybe. and good thing ur able to lose it fast.

oh. i have a question about ur csection. how soon after the operation were u able to start breastfeeding. and did the meds they give u interfere with anythign?

It's made me bottom heavy. I'm only 4'11-5'0 so look plumpy. All mirrors have to be angled for me to look in them :haha: false vision of being taller and skinny.

I wanted to FF DD1 from the start, which was a good job too as I had a bad reaction to my surgery. I was high risk with a fit and out of it for an hour after, so OH took her and gave her her first feed in a separate room. She wouldn't feed from anything afterwards so I tried breast as soon as I felt "normal" which was about 10 hours after and she refused that too so went back to formula. She only took 6ml in 24 hours so I'm guessing she was still full with crappy bits. The only meds I remember taking were blood thinners (injection), paracetamol, and diclofenac but I brought home around 7 different boxes of meds - I didn't take anything but the thinners while at home (injecting yourself is awful). I doubt they would interfere with anything as they encourage (force) you to BF anyway, so it shouldn't get into your supply or effect it in any way. It'd probably help BF'ing as soon as you can as a handful don't feel as bonded with baby after a CS. I was refused skin to skin too.
thanks for responding. why the heck were u refused skin to skin? and will u try vaginal birth this time around or aanother csection? i do find some people are super rude when it comes to parents not wanting to breastfeed. I remember being in uni in a womens health class and at the time I was a virgin and only thought of something touching my breasts as sexual and didnt associate it really with breastfeeding a baby. The professor asked me if I was ok and why would i ever decide not to want to breastfeed. I feel different now, but man oh man was she harsh
I wasn't in a stable condition in their eyes to have any contact, even afterwards (despite feeling okay). OH was given the option to when he fed her. I was all for a VBAC this time round, then I was in fear of uterene rupture (actually made me scared for 2 years at the thought of being pregnant), MW fed me a load of BS about my chances of giving birth naturally but my consultant gave me the all clear :) So I'm going to try it. They are extremely rude, and with how breasts are publicised as a sexual object nowadays doesn't help. I felt too "exposed" to BF DD1 and wasn't comfortable at all. It doesn't help that my nipples are used a lot during sex and truth be told I'm going to be scared about having the sense of pleasure but apparently some mothers have orgasmed from or during breastfeeding.
I've just weighed myself. I've put about 3/4 of a stone back on now. But I suppose for 26weeks pregnant that's not to bad.
So I'm a few pounds over my pre pregnancy weigh
I wasn't in a stable condition in their eyes to have any contact, even afterwards (despite feeling okay). OH was given the option to when he fed her. I was all for a VBAC this time round, then I was in fear of uterene rupture (actually made me scared for 2 years at the thought of being pregnant), MW fed me a load of BS about my chances of giving birth naturally but my consultant gave me the all clear :) So I'm going to try it. They are extremely rude, and with how breasts are publicised as a sexual object nowadays doesn't help. I felt too "exposed" to BF DD1 and wasn't comfortable at all. It doesn't help that my nipples are used a lot during sex and truth be told I'm going to be scared about having the sense of pleasure but apparently some mothers have orgasmed from or during breastfeeding.

well gl i hope all goes well. and i understand where you are coming from. I actually just watched a documentary about these 4 adults(1 boy 3 girls). the 3 girls were all molested/raped by their father startign as early as 5 yrs old. The father was more keen on the oldest one and she said if it was allowed, he would have married her. Her first pregnancy was at 14 yrs old ,but she got an abortion and was told to say that she slept around(dad even got jealous if other boys looked at her) . anywho. she said that her first orgasm was with her father. first everything. One other sister was abused and raped so her experience was horrid, but the youngest one felt left out and she would actually pray for her dad to come and have sex with her because he was gentle with those two and they enjoyed it. They thought it was something normal. When the oldest finally realized it wasnt ok(dad finally went to prison).. she got a bf. got pregnant, but refused to even change her babys diaper because she thought it would turn her on. She also refused to breastfeed because she thought she would enjoy it. I felt so bad for her.

And when you mentioned some mothers have had an orgasm breasfeeding their babys is hard to imagine. I think to myself theres a point where u can feel that u enjoy it, but ur letting it continue. THe sad thing about it is u never know someones background and what they are used to... despite it being wrong or not. (btw im not comparing u to any of these stories. u just made me think. same with me after i got married and they were primarily the things that were being used and would even be super sore after. im like no way im letting a baby on these. its been like 4 yrs since weve been married though so its not the same, which is why i feel different than i did a while back. the only thing that would probably stop me now is them hurting so bad... (anyone else have dry nipples right now? mine are dry and i have to use cream. hurt quite a bit) )

sorry for my essay. its an interesting topic.
Thank you :) Just hope my labour is at least half of my first lol.

Oh wow. That's awful. It's nice to know they're able to move on, so to speak, from the whole thing. Anybody can sympathise for her, you don't know a reaction until you've had something to react to. It's a taboo subject, it isn't out there enough to be discussed openly without having a incline of judgement. When I wrote that, I instantly thought to myself "oh crap, that makes me sound a bit of a wrong 'en". I even googled it and so many experiences are there. One article says that that's why mothers carry on breastfeeding, because of the actual feeling - and if they didn't feel it, there wouldn't be as many natural feeders out there. Then it states the guilt and shame feeling which is in fact normal as the nipple is being stimulated and releases hormones which also helps milk lactate. But I know for a fine fact if I feel that sensation it would make me stop because it was a primary reason for not to BF DD1. I will admit that to OH too if it ever comes to it. Might even come to the point where anything sexual is eliminated (including sex itself) and motherly instincts kick in and turn me into a nun :haha:
Thank you :) Just hope my labour is at least half of my first lol.

Oh wow. That's awful. It's nice to know they're able to move on, so to speak, from the whole thing. Anybody can sympathise for her, you don't know a reaction until you've had something to react to. It's a taboo subject, it isn't out there enough to be discussed openly without having a incline of judgement. When I wrote that, I instantly thought to myself "oh crap, that makes me sound a bit of a wrong 'en". I even googled it and so many experiences are there. One article says that that's why mothers carry on breastfeeding, because of the actual feeling - and if they didn't feel it, there wouldn't be as many natural feeders out there. Then it states the guilt and shame feeling which is in fact normal as the nipple is being stimulated and releases hormones which also helps milk lactate. But I know for a fine fact if I feel that sensation it would make me stop because it was a primary reason for not to BF DD1. I will admit that to OH too if it ever comes to it. Might even come to the point where anything sexual is eliminated (including sex itself) and motherly instincts kick in and turn me into a nun :haha:

i didnt think u came off bad at all. and now with this post, you are making me think of the women who breastfeed their children up to 8 yrs of age. Have u seen those youtube videos of mothers breastfeeding their children who are already in elementary school? I actually wondered if they actually enjoyed it and tricked themselves into believing it was purely beneficial for their child. because even if the milk is beneficial, u could always pump and give it to them in a cup. but not have ur 8 yr old girl drawing pics of ur breasts and tugging at them in public.

alright i wont talk about this anymore
Haha don't worry. I'm not keen on the thought of people who BF over the toddler age, it does make me cringe. That's what cows milk or an alternative is for. I believe breast milk will do nothing for them over the age of 3 as after all it's for nutrients at an important stage of growing in their lives. On the other hand, it could be the mother holding onto the baby stage of their child, or the child using it as a comforter. But who am I (or we) as an outsider to tell another parent how to bring their child up. I'm only planning to BF for the first crucial weeks and limit myself to 1 year - that's if I manage that long.
I just wanna say be careful ladies to any of u who are going to buy anything for ur baby online and need to drive to the sellers house. Was just watching the news and a 26 ur old pregnant woman saw an ad on Craigslist for newborn baby clothing. When she arrived at the sellers house, the 34 ur old woman beat the pregnant lady up , stabbed her, and ripped the baby out of her womb... the suspects HUSBAND was there and they both drove the baby to the hospital and the suspect told the doctors that she had had a miscarriage. The baby died But the victim actually survived and she is in icu right now. Ie think It's so disturbing of a world we live in that people will go to extreme lengths to get what they want Even when It's as crazy as this. Who would've ever expected this from an innocent baby ad. Poor mother. I feel so bad for her
I saw that story too Nilla! Unbelievable that something like that happened! I cannot even imagine what that poor mommy and daddy must be feeling :(
Please allow me to vent and sorry if I offend anyone... then again if I do offend someone they need to rethink having a baby...

I am so disgusted now. My SIL's sister has been trying for many years to fall pregnant (6+ years) and still no luck. My friend suffered two mc last year and still struggles to fall pregnant after as well. I know they would give anything to have a baby :(

We went to our local pub & grill to get take-aways for dinner and a lady who lives in town (about 8-9 weeks pregnant I think) was there as well and she was doing shooters :shock:
I am like WTF????????? You have 9 months within which to give your baby the best that you can and alcohol is not something that you NEED so why??! There are so many ladies that I know in real life and on B&B that would give anything for a baby and this lady does not even take the time to realise how blessed she is!

Sorry for the rant ladies but I am just so disgusted right now!
^ :growlmad: That sort of thing disgusts and angers me so so much! If you are lucky enough to be carrying a precious little baby how dare you be so selfish as to drink and also smoke! It gets me so so riled up! I honestly believe that this country (I'm not sure about laws in any others :dohh: ) but if a pregnant woman is caught drinking or smoking they should be spot fined (like the do if they see you stubbing out a cigarette on the ground , I think its £50 the fine you but not positive as I don't smoke) and then if you are caught a certain amount of times you should have to have a visit from social services or something or something similar? To scare you so it gets into your bloody head how harmful it actually can be to an unborn baby! And for people who genuinely don't know the risks they can be informed and even given help into quitting smoking and even drinking if its a problem for you.

It annoys me so much the mothers that do it obviously but also that the government will put things toward like littering fines etc but not ones to protect our unborn babies from either ignorant ot just pure selfish mothers :dohh:

P.s I know I may offend some people and actually have done in the past :dohh: When I told a ... I wouldn't quite call her friend but a neighbour/ acquaints :haha: about my strong views ... Obviously I did it in a nice way but still haha , but tbh I don't care if I offend anyone , these sorts of things aren't talked publically about or addressed enough in my opinion because people are too afraid to offend anyone else (typically British :haha: ) and its about time something was done about it as its a form of neglect in my opinion and in more extreme cases even worse!
I feel just like you Sarah! I mean really! I haven't smoked, had alcohol, prawns, shellfish etc at all as I know there are risks involved and I'm not willing to take those risks.

I suffer from psoriasis on my scalp and I'm not even allowed to use the cream that controls is due to is not being safe. I have to wash my hair every day, try not so scratch my scalp and it looks like I suffer from severe dandruff BUT SO WHAT! I'm doing the best for my baby so the psoriasis can kiss my ass :D
^ exactly! And I'm exactly the same, some people may call it too paranoid :dohh: But I won't even put that tiny drop of wine in spaghetti bolognaise sauce when its cooking anymore :haha:
I find it difficult to understand how all pregnant women don't feel the same about risks taken...

On a good note though I have an amplifier which amplifies sounds via a probe. Similiar to doppler but not as good. At 26 weeks today for the very 1st time my entire pregnancy I heard baby's heart beat for about 2 or 3 seconds. I released the 'on' button to call dh and Matthew moved so that I can get it again. The fun part is when I push down with the probe he kicks or punches at it. So either he is playing with me or getting annoyed at me :haha:
there was someone here on this forum who was asking if it was ok for her to have a shanty(i think thats what it was called... not sure of the spelling. it was my first time hearing it) ... many were angered and actually soe were supportive and said to keep it at a bare minimum. Then another member brought to everyones attention that this same woman asked this question before and the thread got heated with her last pregnancy(which ended in a miscarriage). I commented and said that if she already struggles with miscarriages, It wouldnt be wise for her to risk it, even if its a sip. One woman told me her mother drank throughout her pregnancy and she turned out 'fine'. Yes everyone is different and whose to say ur baby will get fetal alcohol syndrome from 5 drink 10 drinks, or 20 drinks. the point is... why risk it? Some of the medication I was on while not knowing i was pregnant has effected my baby physically so I can only imagine risking alcohol. same goes for smoking everyday. I knew a woman who had 7 kids and smoked with all of them and said they were all fine, just small babies. we really dont even know the full effects of it either to be saying they are fine as babies after youve done something like that throughout pregnancy.

some of these women are not even addicts. to me its more of a lack of self control which can inhibit this addict type mentality. the wacky thing is she said her doctor also said it was ok?!!!!!!!!!!! i dont get it
I don't get it either! I know someone who smoked and drank during her 1st pregnancy. Her son had a few problems during his 1st few years with heart condition scares etc. She was distraught and blamed herself. Then she fell pregnant a few years later and again smoked and drank now and again :dohh:
Some people aren't on the same wavelength as others. I think being members on sites like this makes us ignorant to different points of views of what is happening on the outside - there are more people than we expect who can't conceive or carry for whatever reason, on here than we see in real life. Also "rules" change all the time with pregnancy over time on what we can and can't have.

My mum heavily smoked with me, I weighed 5lb 6oz and was 12 days late, suffered with asthma from birth too. So although some symptoms were backed, it goes to show not every action is a risk. For instance, smoking increases the chance of premature birth *apparently*. My asthma wasn't necessarily caused by the smoking either.

Admittedly, I had 2 weekends on the trot (drank around 18 units per weekend in one night) while I didn't even know I was pregnant. I felt awful once finding out. I've oddly craved alcohol too (I wasn't even a "regular" drinker! Once every few months). But champagne in a glass just looks so appetizing and Baileys cream in hot chocolate made my body melt as the thought. I even had a shot bottle of Baileys on the shelf just to make myself subconsciously feed my crave without touching it.
So glad that yous agree with me! Thought that posting after wunnas initial post some people might get all offended and heated :S haha, it just baffles me tbh how people could think it was okay :dohh:

Also forgot to add when I was pregnant with my first (admittedly I was only 18) but I was out in Glasgow at the hospital for my second scan and waiting on a taxi home with my oh and this woman was giving me the dirtiest looks ever, like literally looking at me up and down and clearly stopping for a bit longer at my bump and then making remarks to her friend (because I was a young expectant mother) and I didn't say anything but all I could think "was how bloody dare you! You are there with a bump yourself (supposedly older and wiser! :haha: ) and you are standing there outside a maternity ward and puffing away on a cigarette! And you have the cheek to judge me! :growlmad: I may be young but it's clear that I am already a better mother and making better decisions for my unborn child then you! Selfish cow! " :haha:
God I am so lucky that no one can hear my thoughts sometimes, I'd get my head kicked in :dohh: :haha:
Smartie I crave champaigne too :haha: I won't have any but I would love some! Over Christmas and New year everyone had champers and with my blood hound nose I went crazy smelling it the whole time! Drove me nuts...

I like us group of girls as we respect each other's opinions and don't force things on each other. I think it is healthy for us to vent and express ourselves and knowing that nobody is being attacked. Thanks for letting me vent :D
I don't understand that with people. Especially not to the point there pissed up. I must admit
I did have a glass of some very low percent sparkling drink at my friends baby shower. But it was literally a mouthful wouldn't have done it normally.
I think the trouble is that everyone's opinion of 'in moderation' is completely different.
To me it means maybe one drink and by one I mean a single low percent drink through a whole pregnancy, to others it could mean once a week.
I used to work in the hospitals doing security and the amount of women u see chain smoking out side or sneaking out to drink with boyfriends was awful.
Or severely poorly people wondering about attached to drips and cataters and all sorts staggering out to have a cig

Hurts my feelings

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