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Sarah I always had trouble with depressions and moods and finally since this pregnancy got a definitive answer to having bi polar and it's very similar to what you describe, and have Defo found that pregnancy has made it worse especially the first few weeks and recently. I refused any meds only as I thought it wouldn't be the best time to start. And only reached out as I felt my self relapsing to how I got a few years ago when I really suffered bad. Got my self into money trouble, stopped going to work, shut my self away and started drinking!! Was a bad time and really struggled to get back on track, and felt I was heading back that way early days of this pregnancy! Hand in there hun you will soon have your little one to hold in your arms and I'm sure along with the rest of your lovely family it will make the troubles a little easier. I'm always about if u need a chat

Snap the first bit of pregnancy my hormones where everywhere! And then second tri calmed down a bit and now third tri is here it's like boom! They're back! :dohh: :hugs: that sounds just awfull my only saving grace if you can call it that is that (even though it started when I was really little so much so that I can't remember being any other way tbh ) but I only really got bad when I was about 14 and diagnosed and given tablets that sent me through the roof tbh and I relapsed a few times between the ages of 14 to 16ish so at least i was young enough that I didn't really have the money to get into money troubles etc! Same to you :hugs: it will all be worth it in the end! Haha just got to whenever I have bad feelings to try to distinguish properly wether they are just raging hormones or the depression creeping in more! Can be difficult to figure out sometimes :dohh: but got to try my best! :thumbup: and thanks :flower: same goes to you if you ever need a chat I'm just a pm away :flower:
Yeah I can't ever really remember being any other way if I'm honest. Always been a moody stubborn little bugger but got bad towards my teens. It's Defo hard to figure out if it's pregnancy or just me I agree with that 100%.
But yeah ur right will be worth it in the end xx
I really REALLY wish OH would realise what a selfish, lazy, self centred piece of shit his ex wife is!
Asked if we would drop kids off cos she's still pissed from last night and as she's planned something for tomorrow she can't be arsed picking them up early tomorrow morning as planned she seems to think it should be my job.......remember what u told us when we were snowed in and asked if u could drop the kids???? Let me remind u.....oh well they just won't come then!! Well how does JOG ON U LAZY FAT DISGUSTING excuse for a mother sound eh??
U dragging ur sorry arse out of bes early tomorrow doesn't effect the kids but u refusing to drop them off and making snide comments about them not seeing their father does.
P.s I'm not a taxi service for when u wanna go get pissed and throw ur self round men at ur local inbreed pub and arnt capable of picking your own kids up. Ur a 35 year old woman with two kids, nout time u remembered that and put them first for a change.....

I'm 28 weeks pregnant in constant pain, swollen up like a balloon and got more important things to be doing like sorting all my stuff out for the brain surgeon appointment I have this weekend to finally get an answer to how I'm actually having my baby. Sorry if I'm not jumping for joy that u expect me to run round after u

Ok rant over

So annoying, some people just shouldn't be allowed to breed
So we finally got seen by our doc after 7 weeks from our last appointment and scan. I had urine and blood tests again but they're also gonna check if i have hepa we didn't wait for the result because we were asked to go back again next Saturday for my 2nd Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccine. I was supposed to get it today but i got cold and been coughing for 2 days now thank God i don't have a fever. :dance:

We asked for another scan and baby is still a boy!!!! :dance: He is measuring exactly 2 weeks ahead making my due date on June 4, 2015 (but will stick with my real due date :dance:). He is weighing 1,731 grams and is on the right position, praying he won't change until birth.

Oh, and we might look for another hospital one last time. We asked if DH is allowed inside the delivery and they said they don't have private rooms for the delivery so men are not allowed inside. Me and DH were so disappointed... I want my DH beside me, it's our first baby and I don't want him to miss that day. FX we find one.

Potty Shot:


Adam's face: - look at that chin and his chubby little cheeks :happydance:




Ah ladies I feel so far behind with all that is going on here :cry: Sorry about that

Smartie, I dont see any updates from you so I hope that everything is still well with you and your little lady.

Pink, massive :hugs: I cannot imagine the frustration DH's ex is causing to you. I agree she is a grown up and should therefore behave like one and take care of her kids. Good luck at your appointment! I hope that it all goes well!
Mdscpa: aww that is such an awful thing that men arnt allowed in the delivery room, it's a shock that in this day and age that there is still places that seem to be in the stone age.
I understand completely why they have those rules but I can imagine there is many that share your frustrations!
I hope you manage to find a hospital who will let your husband share in the experience with u x
Pictures are adorable, he's going to be a little stunner

Wunna: thanks hun :hugs: I really think that it's just me some times and then I wind my self up thinking I'm being a knob!
But I just can't get my head round where she gets her reasoning from......
I understand there my OH's kids and I knew that when I met him and had to accept that about him but what I wasn't prepared for was the usless selfish 20 odd stone of wasted skin and organs that was attached to the other side of the kids!
Loving the bump pics x always love your updates
Thanks Pink. I'm in the middle east that's why most hospitals won't allow it unless we find one that has a private room for delivery I know we can find one but it'll be a lot more expensive. Time to find one and change as early as possible.
Could you not ask your current hospital if they know of any where with a private room for you x
Pink, yeah sure you knew he had kids but that does not mean because you love and accept them that their real mother should stop caring for them.

She better pick up her act otherwise the children will onde day become the wiser and hate her for her actions toward them.

When exactly is your appointment? Hopefully there won't be any issues with you being able to birth your baby the way you want to :hugs:
The apointment is Tuesday morning but back where my mum and dad live so we are going to my mum and dads tomorrow and staying untill the appointment x
I've been really confident all the way along that they will agree with me but all of a sudden I've got this awful feeling there gonna tell me it has to be a c section :( bit nervous now.
Got my actual antenatal consultant the week after so really hoping I should get some answers that help us come to a decision of how to proceed best that suits us both.
In and idea world I'm hoping my brain surgeon is just going to laugh, agree with me complety and say a normal birth is perfectly ok
Ok, DH found one!!! (near DH's office). He searched all the private hospitals here and called them one by one.... phew!!!! He said he spoke to one lady and said yes it is allowed but only one person the wife's mother or her husband :yipee: She even said that all hospitals here allow it but she's definitely mistaken. We are going to visit that hospital in the next few weeks or in two weeks from today after we visit our current hospital next Saturday for my TT vaccine. :wohoo:
Fx that you are allowed to go your route Pink :hugs:

Daphne, I'm so glad dh found a hospital for you bith :yipee:
We got one more place, the hospital where one of my colleagues gave birth... On to visiting those two in two weeks time... :yipee::dance::wohoo:
Gahh I've had a horrible day :cry:

I was in the loo having a wee and Kian as per usual followed me in, he happened to be playing with a ball and as I was turned around from him the ball fell in the bath tub, so he started opening the shower door to reach it (which he would have been able to do quite easily as its not a deep bath) but as he opened the shower door and only the tinyest bit as well it came flying off the hinges and cracked me in the back/shoulder blade area as I was still facing my back to it because I was at the sink. Kian got such a fright that he froze still between me and the door so I had to quickly decide to swing my body round of that makes sense? :dohh: and try catch it with my hands so it wouldn't crack Kian on the head but I obviously didn't swing round as fast as I thought I could because it ended up smacking against the side of my bump :cry:

I was in pain and phoned the midwife that was here in place of the other one being on holiday and she said I would have to come to the hospital, so I clearly panicked even more and couldn't stop crying until Kian kept petting me and saying "mummy you okay?" In such a wee concerned voice I had to just suck it up for his sake because he had already got such a fright the poor wee soul <3 anyways to try cut a long story short i managed to finally get to the hospital and was put on that monitor thingy to check the heartbeat and movements and also to check if I was having contractions, at first she said baby's heartbeat was a little fast but after literally a few minutes it calmed down and after being strapped up for 20-30 minutes everything showed up okay thank God , the only thing was that she found blood in my urine... But I forgot to ask if that could be because of the knock or I could have had it anyway? So have to wait on the results back from the lab on that one but as for now I am just sore and sensitive where I have a bruise on my back and tummy, quite achy tbh so don't see me getting any sleep tonight :dohh: midwife also said that if I don't feel right at any point tonight or feel any tightening etc to phone her asap so I can breathe a sigh of relief that everything seems okay so far but at the same time in still quite worried tbh .... :cry:

I'm also really pissed off tbh because since moving into this house so many things have happened! You see we rent the house and the previous tenant before us before she moved out offered us carpets , wooden floors , wall lights a shower etc and I ended up paying her bloody £500 for it all... Yes a complete rip off!Especially since the carpets are actually starting to just lift off from the ground, the wooden floor is all scratched to f*ck bit when we came to see the stuff the floor was covered well the damaged area with a rug , the list could go on and on and I was stupid for paying her for it especially that much but the way I seen it was I needed to go into a house with flooring already in it because of Kian and at the time we couldn't afford to put any down ourselves :dohh: plus she's been a neighbour of my mothers and mine since I was little so well as silly as it may sound I trusted her not to rip me off... :growlmad: anyways to get to my point we had to sign an agreement to say we had paid her money ect and to accept the house as it was because the housing partnership has had an incident before where they let the previous tenant leave carpets and then it had fleas and the new tenants claimed for new bedding and beds etc etc, so we had to sign this or everything we had paid for would have been ripped out of that makes sense? So I realy don't know where I stand? Because the floor and carpet etc are just the little things there has been a few big ones! One being the cupboard door fell of the day after we moved it and got my oh on the head, it was lucky it was him as he was strong enough to kind of stop the blow a bit, if it was me it would have been heavy enough to knock me out! Then later when we got our living room redecorated recently the man who was doing it noticed a plug looked funny and when he checked it he came back to us and told us it was a fire hazard and we where lucky it hadn't gone into flames before now! So after that I got the rest of the plugs checked and what do you know that wasn't the only dangerous one!! And now this shower door .... I mean what if it didn't get me on the back and Kian got the blow on his head!? It is a super heavy door and it would have kocked him out cold! And then what if it had happened to be a few seconds later it happened and I was turned around my tummy would have got the full blow like my back got and even the midwife said I was lucky that didn't happen or things could have been really bad... I'm just so so angry and don't know what to do or where I stand? I mean I know we accepted the house as it was but I'm sure when there are fire hazards involved and my child almoast getting a blow to the head and my unborn baby actually getting a blow surley that kinda breaks a contract in some way? And someone should be held responsible or something? Even just to check over the house properly for us to make sure there isn't anything else!? :growlmad: God I'm just so angry I could cry :cry:
Oh Sarah I hope ur ok!! Stressing over a house is really the last thing you need. Glad everything seemed fine at the hospital and hope you and little kian are recovering well from the shock xx

Mdscpa Yayyyyy that's great news. Hope you get somewhere your all comfortable with xx

thanks wunna :hugs: will try and keep you all updated on what's said on Tuesday xx
Ah Sarah, I'm sorry for all your troubles :nope: Hope you do manage to get a good night's sleep tonight. Glad baby was monitored and that all seems fine :hugs:

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