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Ndh that's so true about babies being term 37-42wks. My ds2 was 12 days late but didn't look overdue at all. They had put me forward a week at the scan, but as I knew when I ovulated I knew that couldn't be right!
It annoys me when midwives start talking about induction as soon as you get to 40wks, give the baby chance will you! :haha:
Advice please getting worried.

I am cd 37. I got a faint positive on friday morning and another friday afternoon. My partner is due home tonight so i have took another test this morning so i know for sure before telling him and the line is not getting any darker. There is still a line but i expected it to be darker. With my first i got a very strong bfp at 7dpo and sickness from 8po. This pregnancy i was around 20dpo before i got a bfp and no symptoms apart from sore boobs. I just dont feel pregnant. Am i worrying for nothing or should my tests be getting darker.
Wow lots to catch up on overnight :haha:

Radiance - Congratulations on the scan, glad everything went well! :)

Sengland - Congrats on your BFP. Don't let all the birth convo put you off - I find it really hard to join in on it sometimes as well as this is my first and I've not experienced it yet but there's some really good info so I tend to just read it but don't have much to say either :hugs:

trying4babies - Congratulations, you must be absolutely over the moon! I know it's great when anyone gets their BFP but I always get just that little bit extra excited when someone who's been LTTC gets theirs. :cloud9: We'd been trying 5 years 1 month for our BFP too - hopefully they'll be sticky rainbows for us both :D

Nikoru0111 - I don't really have any advice for you, I've told a couple of my really close friends who already knew that I'd been TTC and that I've had MCs before because it's nice to have their support but I think it's down to individual choice.

I'm in a similar situation with my boss at the moment though and I ended up lying to him last week. I was on holiday for 2 weeks until 13th September and since I've been back I've had several hospital/drs appointments. I had a blood test the week I got back (unrelated to the pregnancy :haha:), drs on 23rd Sept and then midwife on 3rd October. So I've had an afternoon off every week since I've been back. Then I've booked two days off next week (although that's for DHs birthday as we're going to Manchester to see a comedian) and then the following week I booked weds afternoon off for a scan and fri afternoon off for midwife. He knows I've had a couple of miscarriages before because I've had to have time off work - so it's obvious I'm TTC. At the moment I'm using annual leave and time in lieu for my appts, even though if I told him I was pregnant I'd be entitled to paid time off as it's antenatal care. :shrug: He outright asked me last week if I was pregnant and I lied because I'm only 5-6 weeks and I really don't want to tell anyone yet. Hopefully he'll understand when I tell him later on, but he's probably the type to be mardy about it :dohh: I definitely don't want to tell him now because I've not even told most of the family/friends and he's got a big mouth. :haha:

I told DH about the pregnancy as soon as I got my :bfp: I wanted to come up with something clever and announce the pregnancy to him with a card or clues or something, but I'm too impatient and was too excited to keep it to myself :blush:

weewdy - Sorry that you're worried about your lines :hugs: Do you know when you ovulated etc? Could it be that you ovulated later than you thought or implanted late? Also, did you do both tests with first morning pee?
What brand of test are you using weewdy? Some cheaper brands just never get darker. By 20dpo I would expect to see a pretty dark line though, but I still wouldn't necessarily be concerned. Implantation can happen between 6 and 14 dpo and a pregnancy test wont show positive until implantatrion occurs and hcg builds up enough to be defected. Are you positive of ovulation? The best way to check is to ask your dr for a beta hcg. The number itself isn't important as it will just say whether the number is high enough to be considered pregnant (there is a range of normal for each dpo, but its pretty wide). The important thing with betas is to have a second test done 2-3 days later to see if the hcg is doubling in 48 hours on average.
I think i ovulated between cd 15 and 17. I am using tesco own brand tests and amazon cheap ones. I am tempted to go and buy a more expensive one just now but its a 70 mile round trip. I done both tests with the first pee of the day.
Try testing with a different time of day. Fmu has never been the most reliable for me.

This was my test with fmu (it didn't dry much darker)

And I took another test 4.5 hours later, after peeing twice in between and this was the result
Thats an amazing difference ndh, i've always used fmu but i know its different for everyone!

Goodluck weewdy x
Well I finally got my really strong positive line at 17dpo. I wish I could stop POAS though. I managed to go two days without. I'm going to try make it 4-6 this time and then allow myself just to check. I'm crazy I know.

Hi ladies hope you don't mind me joining, second baby for me due approx 6th of June :) actually had 2 in there but unfortunately one was in my Fallopian tube and died, hoping the one that's in the right place is a sticky one :) hope everyone's having an easy time so far, nice to see so many babies due in June
Hi Trying4babies ours is also an IVF ICSI baby and we are due June 10th :)

Ah thats great news :p i bought m6 first set of newborn clothes today. I.always said id buy one set when i found out i was pregnant :)
Testing over and over drives me crazy. I feel the need to but it always worries me in the end!!

I'm going back and forth. I don't believe in the whole waiting 12 weeks to share because of "safe zone"... there just isn't a safe zone in pregnancy or life so for me I just don't see the point. I really want to try to wait until I'm fullterm or go into labor to share. I plan on tracking my pregnancy with pictures, special dates, blogging.. all that good stuff and then when we share it will be extra special. At the same time I'm already having a really hard time not sharing. I am so excited!! I just want to scream it to everyone :haha:

5+2 today <3
Hi ladies :)

Man, so much talk about birth. I am just getting over the shock of a bfp at 9dpo (a week ago, although this was planned lol) so I cannot even start to think that far down the road yet!!

I am also having cramping for the past couple days, whenever I move around. No spotting though. I don't go for a scan until the 28th and I have called my dr this week to ask for a beta but she hadn't called me back, luckily I work in a hospital and one of the doctors I work with agreed to order one for me to ease my anxiety, and it was 138.1 at 14-15dpo. Technically I am 5 weeks today but I didn't O until like CD 20, so I am really only 4 weeks today when I adjust my cycle. Praying it sticks I am SO scared!

My other symptoms are really achy bbs and fatigue (that just started today, though) and I am SO bloated I look like I'm about 6 months along! I can't stop poas either, even though they have been definitely positive for a whole week now lol.

Sorry to just talk about myself, I just couldn't get into the birth convo but wanted to jump in because I haven't been on in a week :hugs:

Congrats! When is your due date so I can get you added to the front page?

Congrats to all of the other new BFPs!

Not much going on here. Haven't had any bleeding, crampy sometimes, super tired. Just counting down until my ultrasound on Friday and hoping everything looks good and there is a heartbeat.
I am crampy all day. This is definitely the most uncomfortable pregnancy that I've had. I'll get my betas done again tomorrow morn. I'm super tired today too, but can't fall asleep at night. (Insomnia...Blah)
Congrats to all the new BFPS! There is sure gonna be a lot of June babies <3 x

Radiance- I agree there is no safe zone, personally though i am keeping who knows to a minimum at this stage as i told the world with my first pregnancy and when we lost it, it was awful having so many ppl for mths after asking if im feeling anything etc. Thats the only reason. I dont believe in tempting fate though. What will be will be x

Trying4babies- Aww what did u buy? do u have a pic? iv decided to allow myself to buy one thing after my 1st scan <3 x

Well todays symptons are shooting pain in my right nipple, very gassy, exhausted and slight mild cramping xxx
Congratulations everybody :)

I tested today, a bit early but I sort of just knew that I had conceived.

I go on an all inclusive holiday on Thursday so sort of wanted to know before I drank my body weight in cocktails

EDD 20th June
Yay! I did it, i finally read every single post :)

Since I didn't get to do much of an intro before, here's my story:

It took 7 months to conceive DS. I have pcos and finally told DH I just wanted to take a break (I had already gained so much weight and the acne was getting ridiculous), and of course that's when I got pregnant. I had one failed cycle using clomid and had started taking FertilAid (a fertility supplement). So, this go round I immediately started using FertilAid and OvaBoost and got my BFP on our 2nd cycle TTC.

Before DS I was a pretty healthy person, but let that all go as a first time prego and gained 60lbs during pregnancy. A year after my sons birth I decided to get in shape, so I started running and exercising daily. I plan to stick to that routine. My son also loves going on runs with me, so it's fun for us both.

So far with this pregnancy I have no symptoms, other than minor cramps and sore nipples. I feel completely normal otherwise, although I am only 4 weeks today.

Also, DixiePrincess - I read about your doctor making you pull down your eyelids... It's an early gender prediction. I do this to ALL of my pregnant friends. I have only been wrong once out of over a dozen predictions! So if anyone wants to send me a "creepy eye pic" I'll give you my gender prediction. It's more reliable after 9 weeks ;)

I'll join the FB group too as I'm on my phone way more than my computer or tablet.

Hope everyone is feeling great :)
Thanks ladies! I think I diverted the conversation last time by saying I hadn't got my period yet which was true. Then they said "ah that's normal after coming off the pill" so I think I might have given myself a little bit of time but I think the next time they ask I might just tell them. They are relatively new friends but I've become quite close to them due to us being expats in Japan and they have helped me through the difficult time of settling in. One of them opened up to me and another girl a few days ago and I think that made us even closer so I definately don't feel comfortable lying.

At the moment we have only told my OHs parents, my sister, my BFF and my husbands close friend. I want to tell my parents but it has to be over Skype as they live in the UK and I asked to speak to them but the earliest they are free is Tuesday...I didn't want to worry them by saying it's important. So I guess I have to just wait.

Hi Nik! One option that I have used in the past is just to say "We're trying and so I'm limiting caffeine / alcohol / etc." That way you are not really lying but you don't have to fully spill either. And also it sort of discourages further questioning, because what is someone going to say - "where are you in your cycle??" No. Usually they just go, Oh great. And that's it... :)

I told my best friend because she has been asking, and I don't mind if she knows. And DH. But otherwise I will def wait until after the first scan at 9 weeks. By that point I may even be showing since this is my second baby. My Mother in law is coming around Oct 30 so if all is well that will be about 10 weeks and I might just tell her then, and then the cat will be out of the bag, ha.

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