Wow lots to catch up on overnight
Radiance - Congratulations on the scan, glad everything went well!
Sengland - Congrats on your BFP. Don't let all the birth convo put you off - I find it really hard to join in on it sometimes as well as this is my first and I've not experienced it yet but there's some really good info so I tend to just read it but don't have much to say either
trying4babies - Congratulations, you must be absolutely over the moon! I know it's great when anyone gets their BFP but I always get just that little bit extra excited when someone who's been LTTC gets theirs.
We'd been trying 5 years 1 month for our BFP too - hopefully they'll be sticky rainbows for us both
Nikoru0111 - I don't really have any advice for you, I've told a couple of my really close friends who already knew that I'd been TTC and that I've had MCs before because it's nice to have their support but I think it's down to individual choice.
I'm in a similar situation with my boss at the moment though and I ended up lying to him last week. I was on holiday for 2 weeks until 13th September and since I've been back I've had several hospital/drs appointments. I had a blood test the week I got back (unrelated to the pregnancy
), drs on 23rd Sept and then midwife on 3rd October. So I've had an afternoon off every week since I've been back. Then I've booked two days off next week (although that's for DHs birthday as we're going to Manchester to see a comedian) and then the following week I booked weds afternoon off for a scan and fri afternoon off for midwife. He knows I've had a couple of miscarriages before because I've had to have time off work - so it's obvious I'm TTC. At the moment I'm using annual leave and time in lieu for my appts, even though if I told him I was pregnant I'd be entitled to paid time off as it's antenatal care.
He outright asked me last week if I was pregnant and I lied because I'm only 5-6 weeks and I really don't want to tell anyone yet. Hopefully he'll understand when I tell him later on, but he's probably the type to be mardy about it
I definitely don't want to tell him now because I've not even told most of the family/friends and he's got a big mouth.
I told DH about the pregnancy as soon as I got my
I wanted to come up with something clever and announce the pregnancy to him with a card or clues or something, but I'm too impatient and was too excited to keep it to myself
weewdy - Sorry that you're worried about your lines
Do you know when you ovulated etc? Could it be that you ovulated later than you thought or implanted late? Also, did you do both tests with first morning pee?