I've just decided that since this is my first ever pregnancy, I'm just going to let myself be excited, tell people, plan things etc as I have no reason to believe it could be otherwise. I think if I start down the path of worrying, I'll worry like crazy, so thinking positive is probably going to be best for me. If (and I pray to the gods it doesn't) anything goes wrong then I guess next time I'll allow myself to worry a little more but for now, I guess I'll just try to enjoy and think of lovely things.
Since my BFP wasn't exactly planned, in the early days when I realised I could be pregnant (beginning of the 2ww) I stopped drinking alcohol and coffee and panicked to some of my friends a little. Mainly because I thought I probably wouldn't be but there was a slight chance.
Now they are starting to ask me about it and I don't want to lie but not sure I should tell them yet. At the moment I'm skipping going out with them in case they ask me why I'm not drinking. They know my period should be due by now and if I tell them I got it, it's a lie and if I say I didn't they'll ask me if I took a test and then I'll be lying again lol...as you can tell...I don't particularly like lying.
What would you do?
I love how you're thinking about it. This is our first as well so I am trying to do the same...it can be hard though lol. It's like we are hardwired to worry!
I personally told the people close to me because I can't keep a secret. By that I mean our parents, siblings, best friends and I told my boss (not worried about getting treated differently at all, just wanted her to understand if I need to take a day here or there or need long lunch breaks for appts) and the girl I share a desk with. These are all the people who are going to be in my immediate vicinity should something bad happen, and since I wear my heart on my sleeve there would be no hiding it anyway. We are going to try to wait until 12 weeks to announce publicly, but I am already bursting so if everything looks good at 8 I may do it then.
I am cd 37. I got a faint positive on friday morning and another friday afternoon. My partner is due home tonight so i have took another test this morning so i know for sure before telling him and the line is not getting any darker. There is still a line but i expected it to be darker. With my first i got a very strong bfp at 7dpo and sickness from 8po. This pregnancy i was around 20dpo before i got a bfp and no symptoms apart from sore boobs. I just dont feel pregnant. Am i worrying for nothing or should my tests be getting darker.
My tests haven't really gotten darker either. I was worried until I had my beta done. I am using wondfos. I had one test that actually dried pretty dark but the rest have all been about the same as yours. My beta was 138.1 at 15dpo so it's definitely in my blood even if it isn't coming out in my pee lol. A positive is a positive and apparently all tests have different amounts of dye in them and you're pee can be diluted (I thought I was testing with fmu for a cpl days until DH reminded me I had been getting up in the middle of the night to go

). So as long as there is a line I wouldn't worry. They turn positive at a certain amt of hcg but they aren't guaranteed to get darker. Even now at 17dpo mine are total squinters sometimes while others aren't, and I've been getting bfps since 9dpo.
AFM, not much has changed just still crampy and super sore bbs and so tired! My mom says I have pregnancy brain too, I can't focus on anything and my short term memory is on the fritz

Apparently she had that with me. I did have some (TMI warning) peach colored CM when I wiped, like a pinkish brown color, only about the size of a quarter this afternoon. Freaked me out. Please stick please stick please stick!
My EDD is 6/6 but I O'd on CD 20 so I asked to be put on for june 9th and I am already on the front page

I asked last week when I found out but then didn't get back on to post until I had absorbed the info a bit. When I go for my scan at the end of the month I will update my EDD if she gives me a new one.