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I've got a baby shower planned now he he :happydance: we move on the 23 and baby shower will be the 24th, thought I may as well get it over and done with seen as I'm 10 mins away from friends and family. Even hoping to have a few over from America :D x
Oooh really don't feel right today!! Been up since 4am. Started with heart burn now got pains, tightenings, feel like I wanna be sick and constantly on the toilet! Tummy is making some pretty strange noises too......wish OH would wake up.......
Repeat c-section is in the books for me.
I'm hoping we can schedule it at my appointment Tuesday.
I'm not happy about it, as I'd been told this whole time I could try a VBAC and now I can't, because this whole time it's against hospital policy to do VBAC's so I could have switched and got the birth I wanted if I'd have known earlier, but now I can't. I've tried...:/
Honestly though, I feel like an ELCS is a better choice for me. In order for me to have a vaginal delivery now I would have to labor at home til almost 10 cm dilated and pretty much be pushing baby A out when I get there, and I know my body well enough to know I couldn't handle laboring at home.
Oooh really don't feel right today!! Been up since 4am. Started with heart burn now got pains, tightenings, feel like I wanna be sick and constantly on the toilet! Tummy is making some pretty strange noises too......wish OH would wake up.......

Are you feeling any better yet? I really hope so :hugs:

Repeat c-section is in the books for me.
I'm hoping we can schedule it at my appointment Tuesday.
I'm not happy about it, as I'd been told this whole time I could try a VBAC and now I can't, because this whole time it's against hospital policy to do VBAC's so I could have switched and got the birth I wanted if I'd have known earlier, but now I can't. I've tried...:/
Honestly though, I feel like an ELCS is a better choice for me. In order for me to have a vaginal delivery now I would have to labor at home til almost 10 cm dilated and pretty much be pushing baby A out when I get there, and I know my body well enough to know I couldn't handle laboring at home.

Sorry you weren't told this from the beginning. Maybe with it being twins it is better to go c-section to avoid having baby A and then having to anyway go with emergency c-section if baby B was breech or something like that etc :flower:
What an eventful day I've had!! I am knackered :sleep:

I've posted yesterday about some brown discharge in pantyliner etc and how I came to the conclusion that I was losing a little bit of mucus plug. I thought my body was busy making "future arrangements" for labor... Anyhow turns it was not even close to mucus plug.

I came home lunch time, went to the loo, wiped and had some red on tp and brown on the liner again. I called the clinic and the sister told me to come in as it sounds like my mucus plug is being lost and the groin and vagina pain I complain of might be dilation :shock: I go in and get an internal exam (OMEHOLYCRAP did that hurt!). No dilation and she thinks it is plug.

To top this all off Matthew has not been active today... I felt him a few times this morning before getting out of bed and since he has really been very quiet and when I do feel something I wasn't sure that it was him. Wait there is more I start getting back aches and I haven't really had that as a pregnancy symptom.

I decide to go to hospital so that they can rather monitor me. At hospital they put me on the monitor (thank God they weren't dismissive and took my concerns to heart) and my bp is normal, heart rate elevated but okay. Find baby's heart rate and he goes steady between 140 to 160 bpm while monitored with no dips. So heart beat found but he still didn't really move around.

Hospital does ANOTHER internal exam and Dr says that my cervix has become longer but not dilated yet. No discharge found around cervix so off I go to pee in cup and what do we know I have contracted bladder/kidney pipe infection AGAIN... this now marks 4th or 5th one this pregnancy... I've lost count. On antibiotics again and the brown and red discharge is due to the infection. I'm also dehydrated according to tests and apparently my exhaustion/dehydration causes sleepy baby. Not sure how true that is but according to the hospital that could be why he has been so quiet today.

Hospital gave me their personalised kick chart to complete. Lie down for an hour a day, count movements up to 4 per hour. If less than 4 in that hour, do it again for another hour and if still less than 4 movements go to the hospital immediately.

I've been so busy at work the last few days since returning from leave + having to train 2 people that I can actually see how I might have slipped up a bit on the water.

Oh and just as a matter of interest after 2 internal exams today my vagina does not have a happy face right now... EFFING sore is what it is :haha:
What an eventful day I've had!! I am knackered :sleep:

I've posted yesterday about some brown discharge in pantyliner etc and how I came to the conclusion that I was losing a little bit of mucus plug. I thought my body was busy making "future arrangements" for labor... Anyhow turns it was not even close to mucus plug.

I came home lunch time, went to the loo, wiped and had some red on tp and brown on the liner again. I called the clinic and the sister told me to come in as it sounds like my mucus plug is being lost and the groin and vagina pain I complain of might be dilation :shock: I go in and get an internal exam (OMEHOLYCRAP did that hurt!). No dilation and she thinks it is plug.

To top this all off Matthew has not been active today... I felt him a few times this morning before getting out of bed and since he has really been very quiet and when I do feel something I wasn't sure that it was him. Wait there is more I start getting back aches and I haven't really had that as a pregnancy symptom.

I decide to go to hospital so that they can rather monitor me. At hospital they put me on the monitor (thank God they weren't dismissive and took my concerns to heart) and my bp is normal, heart rate elevated but okay. Find baby's heart rate and he goes steady between 140 to 160 bpm while monitored with no dips. So heart beat found but he still didn't really move around.

Hospital does ANOTHER internal exam and Dr says that my cervix has become longer but not dilated yet. No discharge found around cervix so off I go to pee in cup and what do we know I have contracted bladder/kidney pipe infection AGAIN... this now marks 4th or 5th one this pregnancy... I've lost count. On antibiotics again and the brown and red discharge is due to the infection. I'm also dehydrated according to tests and apparently my exhaustion/dehydration causes sleepy baby. Not sure how true that is but according to the hospital that could be why he has been so quiet today.

Hospital gave me their personalised kick chart to complete. Lie down for an hour a day, count movements up to 4 per hour. If less than 4 in that hour, do it again for another hour and if still less than 4 movements go to the hospital immediately.

I've been so busy at work the last few days since returning from leave + having to train 2 people that I can actually see how I might have slipped up a bit on the water.

Oh and just as a matter of interest after 2 internal exams today my vagina does not have a happy face right now... EFFING sore is what it is :haha:

I hope he starts moving around for you, maybe he's running out of space , I was in hospital Wednesday, over the last week I have lost 2 bits of my plug, I had 3 stupidly painful internals one with mucus and blood around my cervix, the third one was because the bloody student midwife dropped the sample on the floor so they had to do it again, my placenta may of now attached itself to my c section scar as its very tender and feeling fragile. Got home 8 hours later to find I was bleeding a little pink blood which i think was from the internals they did. Saw
Midwife today and baby is growing well, but said I should be prepared for an early delivery if baby decideds to come, I'm hoping he stays 4 more weeks till c section day.
Ah sorry you've had to go through that Miley. They really do suck and left me feeling a bit worse after.

Since starting 1st antibiotic pantyliner on my side has been clear and Matthew has moved some. Maybe he just had one of "those" days.

Lots of June Bugs are due within the next few weeks of May due to early inductions so your one won't be alone. Hopefully he does however stay put a bit more :hugs:
Omg wunna and miley!! Really not been our week has it!! I was in hospital yesterday aswell.....
Started getting really bad pains at about 6am ish after being woken up at 4 with heart burn.
Tummy was going rock hard, pains were taking my breath away even tried having a bath, finally managed to speak to a midwife at my current hospital ( don't officially move till my booking appointment next week) and the midwife just said oh there's a bug going round. Call ur doc if ur not better tomorrow and put the phone down.....couldnt believe it
By chance I thought I'd try the new hospital and when I explained to that midwife what was going on and how I felt she said I needed to get an ambulance in to see them........wtf!! How can two different midwifes advice be sooo different!!

So had to drive over to the new one as we had to drop ruby over with my parents and then get to the hospital. Never ever again am I driving in pain!
Got there they rushed me straight in, midwife was AMAZING!! Got me hooked up to machine, brought us loads of food and drinks then had to have an internal and a swab to check if I was in labour.....with out any lubricant.....never in my life have I felt pain like it! And had bloods. Eventually all came back ok but was a scary day!

Wunna hope the antibiotics work for u and this is ur last infection!! It must be awful x and hope little Matthew is back to him self today x :hugs:

Miley: hope little one hangs in there till c section day for you, must feel so close yet so far :hugs:
Happy to hear you are okay! At the clinic she just did the check and said it is plug with no dilation. Had I not trusted my gut and gone to hospital I probably would never have known about the infection, so I get you on 2 people giving opposite advice!

I think we'll have a few labor scares going forward now because we ar so close to the end.
Sorry you ladies are going through a hard time just now! :hugs: hopefully signs of baby getting ready to come on time and not late! :thumbup:

I've been feeling semi okay today ... Well sickness wise I've been okay, back pain and other pains not so much :dohh: anyways I managed to get a pic of bump! :happydance: but it's me sitting down :haha: I was going to go upstairs to the full length mirror but my back was like ehhh no... :haha: I'll have to go up there for bed so I will try get a proper view then so yous can see how much I am looking like a space hopper atm :haha:


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Can't wait for the full one. I'm still waiting for load shedding to finish here and when the lights go on I'll ask dh to take my weekly bump pic
Yeah I think there's going to be a few more on the cards but atleast I know this new hospital seem to know what there doing! They do say third times a charm eh haha

Sarah I think u look great, especially to say uve been thru it so much
Thanks :hugs: Wait till yous see the full one :haha: I've literally seen women who are pregnant with twins with a smaller bump! :haha: I do still love it though and will miss my baby bump like crazy when it's gone like I did last time :cry: :haha:
Here is my bump pic @ 33 Weeks :D

This week I've decided that I'm going to embrace my stretch marks and do bare bump pics as well.

I always wanted to do bare bump pics since I fell pregnant but with the stretch marks that came along I was shy! I've finally decided to just do it!

Only been off for a few days again and there's loads to catch up on! :haha:

Wunna - Glad to hear that you're feeling more positive about things and the new job with less hours and same salary sounds great! :) Sorry to hear that Matthew hasn't been moving as much and that you have an infection. Hope that the antibiotics are doing their job and you're feeling better now. How's the kick chart going?

Pink - How are things going with your OH now? I don't blame you for not wanting to get rid of the lizards, we have quite a few pets too (2 dogs, 2 tortoises, 3 snakes and a rabbit) and I couldn't imagine getting rid of any, they're like members of the family (especially the dogs!).

Glad everything is ok with baby, sorry to hear about the stress with the first midwife - sounds like it's definitely good that you're switching hospitals though! P.S Your bump pics are gorgeous and I love the pics of Ruby!

Mdscpa - People have commented that I still look like i'm carrying high too and I was really anxious about the fact that bump hadn't dropped - I REALLY don't want to go overdue as baby is already measuring big, but when I saw midwife last week she said i'm actually 3/5 engaged :shrug: For some reason it's not displaying your bump pics for me, there's just like a cross where the pic should be :(

Sarah - It was about time you saw someone who took you seriously! I'm so pleased that your new midwife got your referrals through quickly and it sounds like the appts. with physio and consultant went well :) Hope that the exercises the physio recommended help and also hope your little man is feeling better from the chest infection now too x

Nilla - Thanks for the updates :) I'm glad to hear your Abel's weight is going back up and that you've been able to pump more. Love that he settled down when you sang to him, that's just so cute :cloud9:

Eppgirl - I can't believe they've let you go all this time thinking you could try a VBAC and then tell you too late to do anything about it that their policy is a c-section :( At least you feel ELCS is the better choice for your circumstances, but you should have had the option x

On the subject of leaking already, i've had the occasional (minor) leak from my left boob since before 20 weeks but in the last few weeks it's getting worse and the right boob is now doing it too. Last week I was sat on the sofa and managed to leak through a breast pad and bra and had a huge wet patch on my t-shirt in quite a short period of time :dohh: I mentionned it to the midwife when I saw her because sometimes my boobs get really sore too and then when they leak it's sometimes like 'pressure' is released and the aching feeling stops, so I asked if I could express or something to help with this and she advised me not too as apparantly stimulating the nipples that way (even by hand) can cause early contractions. :(

I hadn't heard about avoiding chocolate or cheese - these are definitely regular foods i'm eating at the minute so will definitely need to get out of that habit!

I need to pull my finger out and start taking bump pics, I really wanted to do this but I think I got a few at 4,5,6 weeks... then one about 11 weeks, then one about 28 weeks, one about 32 weeks and that's it :blush:
Thanks Kit :) Since starting the meds yesterday I haven't had any more spotting on my panty liners.

Kicks are going great on the chart. I got the 4 required in the hour so then I can stop. He does however do more. He is making up for the stillness of yesterday :D

Chocolate and cheese are some of my main foods too so I will def be struggling with that one.

I've also read natural ways of inducing labor is nipple stimulation and the one site actually suggested doing it by hand so I agree with the mw to rather not try that for now :hugs:

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