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You too look fabulous. <3 I'm actually dreading for the day when my bump drops because a lot of people noticed how i still carry high at this stage. They keep on telling me to have lots of walk which i always do everyday.... Makes me worry and think i'll carry him past my due date.... :( which i is exactly what i don't want to happen.... As of today, bump is still high.... We all got connected because of our babies... :D
Makes me smile too. We don't know each other from anywhere but we all share having babies and that has brought us close. At least I feel close to you ladies! :D
Aww good I'm glad :D

My belly started dropping nearly two weeks ago and got my self all in a panic but have chilled out a little now. Still concerns me that ever where I look it says with first babies it normally drops 2-4 weeks before labour and mine dropped 2 weeks ago
Every pregnancy is so different. I don't think there's anything to read into dropping - whether you think it's too soon or too late.

I'm 35 weeks with my first and have not dropped yet.
I feel like I've always carried very low?! I think if I drop Matthew will be on my knees :rofl:
In other news: You are welcome to laugh at me or with me :D
My left boob seems ready to have and feed a baby. I do breast exams etc and when I just apply pressure lightly to my left boob I get lots of colostrum coming out then I do the same to the right boob and it doesn't do anything hahahahaha
I wonder if I'll be a 1 boober :rofl:
Ohh u do make me laugh!!
My boobs have always produced milk/colostrum since MMC in 2011 but they have Defo turned it up a notch in past few weeks. I have a thing in my head that if I don't clean them properly in bath or shower there going to smell so sometime due to the stimulation it's squirts out lol! Hoping it's a good sign I should be able to BF ok but only time will tell
Well I'll be keeping my fingers crossed

Just seems as though it will make life sooooo much easier haha not that I'm lazy or anything but sure sounds like a better option all round
My right boob is going to be a prominent milker. I've asked my HV if I could express colostrum now and freeze it but she's unsure and thinks it's bizarre that I'm producing so much already. I've noticed that my left nipple used to have a single piece of tissue (looked a little like a skin tag) stick out, which made me release colostrum but has now been sucked back in and acting like a plug :dohh: Ruined a few of OH's work tops from wearing them to bed braless.

I think if you start massaging or stimulating now it'll get them ready in action, but only by hand. Wouldn't risk a pump just yet - bruised nipples at your service!!
Has anyone else got to a point where there that exhausted they just wanna lay down and cry?? It's the same kinda time every day
I've been told to start using nipple cream at 36 weeks and massage nipples with that once a day to get them ready. My mom said she did it with both myself and sister and "prepped" the nipples in advance to get use to the action/pressure. She said it did wonders for her and she found breastfeeding easier and less painfull than initially anticipated.

Another helpful tip was to avoid chocolate and cheese in the 1st 2-3 weeks of feeding as it can give baby a colic tummy. A LOT of ladies said this to me so I'll use that as well.

Pink, I agree it is so much easier to feed and so much healthier for baby too. My friend couldn't bf her 1st and he got sick a lot. Her 2nd was bf for almost 2 years and she is sooooo healthy compared to her older brother. Plus I'm having baby as winter hits so not keen on having to get up out of bed, make formula and then feed :)
Oooh I didn't know that about cheese and chocolate. That's gonna be tough. I have cheese with everything at minute ha
My SIL said she had to learn this the hard way and since a few ladies said the same thing.

I'm going to try and cut it out at 1st and then slowly introduce it again.
A little update on me (or knowing the way I ramble not so little :dohh: :haha: )

So me and the wee man have had a chest infection and just happened to start when oh went away for 4 days... :dohh: so with the usual sickness and pain I get I had to deal with a poorly toddler , constant coughing which leaves you in the most horrible pain up you back and sides and also breathing problems :dohh: thankfully oh is back now an me and lo have been on anti biotics for a couple of days and wee one seems in the mends so hopefully I will follow soon! :thumbup: plus oh gave me a lie in today which was like a little bit of heaven even though I was wide awake :dohh: haha

As for the pregnancy with just over a week since I complained and said I was refusing to see the shitty midwife again , the new midwife had managed to get me and appointment with physio as for months now I've been in agony tbh and she got me an appointment with a consultant from away on the same day (today) even though she (the midwife) was super busy :thumbup:
So I seen her and the consultant first today and he was just so lovely! He said he had had a quick look through my notes and praised me on how I hadn't just broke down and given up with the amount of painfull symptoms/ conditions I've had this pregnancy ( I could have cried when he said that I've done so well because you know what it's like you sometimes feel people don't know how hard and how much pain you are actually in24/7 and they may just think you are being a wimp or overreacting :dohh: ) so to have some sort of acknowledgement from someone I've never met before and he's just read the things that I've been through and not even seen the effects just felt good idk why :haha: and the best part is he actually said "because of the ongoing pains, sickness, etc etc you are getting it would be cruel to keep you pregnant any longer then you have to be... So come 38 weeks we will start looking at dates to get you induced" :happydance: I could have actually kissed him!! :haha: even though it will be only a couple of weeks shaved off the 40 mark or if I went later 42 mark it feels like months! :haha: and it just feels so much closer now till the finish line and excuse my language but I can't fucking wait!!! :cry: :haha:

So anyways next was the physio and I described all the aches, pains and pressure that has been going on and how long ago some of the started and she did the usual things that I suppose they do like try make you bend ect and she said that I deffonetly had bad lower back problems (can't remember if she have it a name or not :dohh: ) also I had a bad case of pelvic girdle pain I think it was :dohh: and also something else but I can't remember for the life of me what it was and going by how long ago I said they started and gradually from aching to pain and aching and got worse and worse till maybe a month or two ago where now I am in pain 24/7 it sound like it started over five months ago!! And I should have been seen long ago before it got this bad! (So that's another big X , neglect or whatever you want to call it by my previous midwife ...) still so annoyed with her and when I found that out today my blood was boiling! But trying to hair let it go now because I have the fantastic midwife now and within just over a week she's had me seen by physio and a consultant and things are quickly looking up! One being I don't have to go full term!! :happydance: and the second being I've got help from the physio like exercises to do ect to help ease the pain a bit and also I've got something similar to a support band but different.... :dohh: ( it's just like a giant tuby grip o think you call them like for when you sprain your wrist etc? Haha ) and it goes from all the way under bump to right under my breasts and I've only had it on a few hours and I'm already feeling a bit of relief :thumbup: she did say it won't take away the pain because it's got so bad now but even a bit of relief is just ahhh! Something! :haha:

I think I covered everything haha so much for a "little update" :dohh:
Hope you ladies and little (not so little ...) bumps :haha: are doing okay :flower:

P.s sorry for all the typos :dohh:
Glad some one finally managed to give u the care and attention u needed! Was about bloody time!
Sarah, so happy you finally found the best person who will look after you closely....
Ohh u do make me laugh!!
My boobs have always produced milk/colostrum since MMC in 2011 but they have Defo turned it up a notch in past few weeks. I have a thing in my head that if I don't clean them properly in bath or shower there going to smell so sometime due to the stimulation it's squirts out lol! Hoping it's a good sign I should be able to BF ok but only time will tell

wow. that is such a long time to be producing milk. and you as well smartie, already producing.

i didnt produce milk/colostrum the day i gave birth. second day, i pumped less than 2 cc's.. yesterday was the first day i produced milk(was pumping less than 10 ccs of colostrum for both breasts)! yiippee. over 4 oz from both breasts. i was so excited. im happy because abel dropped down to 3.4 lbs and is now back up to 3.7

his eyes are so big and he is so alert. When i went to visit him yesterday, he was crying while the nurse was on the computer chatting away. i opened his incubator and started singing to him, he stopped crying right away and fixated his eyes on me. This was such an awesome feeling/experience.

glad ur with someone u feel more comfy with sarah.

p.s now i know not to pay for a 3d 4d ultrasound at 17 weeks anymore lololol. it was a nice experience for a first child, but i can see how they change and look completely different aftr birth
Aww nilla that must be so wonderful to see him react to you like that :D
Made me want to cry reading that!
Been thinking of you and your little man, wishing you both the very best :cloud9:

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