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:hi: sorry I haven't posted in a while it's just my health has deteriorated yet again :sad2: again baby is doing great :thumbup: just me who's been so ill I've been bed bound :dohh:

I would be here FOREVER explaining every painfull and some gross detail :haha: so I'll spare yous! :haha: the doctor just said I am so run down that my body is just getting every nasty infection etc going.. :dohh: and there is basically nothing they can do about it apart from give me antibiotics and other meds etc etc but just my luck it seems with one med they give me that Mrs gives me something else... For example I had an awfull chest infection so I was given anti biotics and taking them has given me a bad case of thrush in my mouth... :sick: it's the most vile and nasty thing ever :sick: so f knows what I will get from the treatment they have given me for this now and other things :dohh: it's just like a never ending vicious circle :cry: and honnestly I'm done... :sad1:

I've been so so close to breaking point for a while now with being in constant pain and never getting a break that and the sickness that just as it seems to get a bit better for one day all of a sudden the next day I'm back to square one ... I just feel like I'm one more thing away from having a complete meltdown :cry: and last night well I pretty much did when I had a complete panic attack because I was walking a few doors down to my mums because she had been trying to phone me and the phone was playing up and I just got so irritated I couldn't stay in bed knowing she was trying to call me :dohh: so anyways on my way over a medium sized dog just came out of nowhere and gave me the biggest fright , he wasn't aggressive but despite growing up owning dogs anytime I am pregnant I have this irrational fears of them :dohh: anyways the dog was jumping up on me pawing at my tummy (which hurt like a b*tch) but again he wasn't being nasty just a bit to playfull and in your face for me and he just wouldn't go away and I was so weak that he was nearly knowing me over and tripping me up etc and I was trying to push him away and then panic set in because I know he's a farm dog and well... Some of them aren't the best treated so can be a bit unpredictable and I just started panicking with thoughts like "he's only trying to play just now and almoast got me on the ground what if me pushing him away pisses him off and he attacks me!? I'd have no chance!" And I got really upset too that despite being surrounded by houses no one seen me and helped .. Idk :cry: when I eventually got to my mums door it was locked and I had to bang on it a few times which made my anxiety attack elevate even more and by the time she opened the door and I got in the dog came in after me and all I could say through my tears was to get the dog away from me.... I mean the poor dog hadn't done anything wrong but I just panicked so bad that in the end I was terrified of it :cry: so bad that I nearly collapsed when I got into my mums because I want breathing properly and hysterical and I ended up throwing up :cry: and tmi but I got sick a fright I wet myself :cry: and after and now I just feel mortified , I've never had a panic attack that bad in my life and I just feel so immature and silly for getting in that state, for hours after I had a banging headache and bad tummy cramps which I just felt and still do feel so guilty for :cry:

I just can't take much more if being so poorly and as weak as a kitten that I can't even act like a normal adult in a situation where a dog was just trying to play ... :sad1: instead I panic like a scared little child :cry:

I'm also so worried if they don't give me a date soon to induce me that if I am so up and down like bed bound for a few days then my okay is well someone's else's shittest day ever :dohh: that I will be to drained of everything to actually be able to give birth, because it's already been mentioned that I could end up needing and emergency section because of how week and poorly I've been that I might just not physically be able to give birth :cry: and the thought of a section just scares the crap out of me! :sad1:

My mum had to miss work the other day as well because I physically couldn't lift me head out of bed And oh buggered off to work anyways even though his boss is super understanding and knows the situation he f*cked off anyways but don't even get me started on the way he's been acting basically he's being hard on me and not loving and carving because in his head he must think I'm just being weak or something idk :growlmad: but yeah so my mum ended up having to take the day off to look after lo and I just feel like such a burden on everyone :cry: and I can't help being ill buy oh really doesn't help with the way he's grown hard towards me this pregnancy and I know he resents me for being so poorly for so long as it had been hard on him too but he takes it out on me which just breaks my heart :cry:
Jesus if anyone actually reads that ^ they deserve a medal ha
Well hand me over my medal Sarah :hugs:
I am terribly sorry that you aren't feeling well and that you are having such problems. It really is a shame that you don't get to enjoy pregnancy to the fullest.

I wonder had you mw taken better care of you in the beginning would it maybe have been different now?!

I hope you get an induction date sooner rather than later. I'm happy baby is fine but with you being so poorly it cannot be good for her either :hugs:
34 Weeks Bump :D Bonus facial features included :rofl:

Lovely bump Wunna! And I need a medal to Sarah lol, I'm sorry you feel so poorly. :( Hoping you get your induction day soon! I believe your OH should be more supportive than he is :/ especially as bad as you've had it! So sorry you don't get to enjoy this pregnancy :( I hope things get better for you soon!
Looking good Wunna, and I wish our bedroom was 90% ready (though it's not too bad).

And you've got things together too mdscpa!

I'm sorry you've been completely out of sorts Sarah, and being ill absolutely effects how you can deal with situations - it's a physical and mental drain. But I'm glad you've got your Mom nearby to help out.

Glad you have a date epp! But sorry you're feeling sick. I still can't believe I feel nauseous sometimes; it just never stopped.

Hugs Smartie. I hope you get some emotional relief soon. Why does life have to be so difficult sometimes?

I really hope everything is ok Miley.

I had my last day of work yesterday. Feels surreal to now be transitioning into this new stage of my life. Still hoping to have some time before baby comes - I'm not quite as ready as most of you ladies!
Ah Treeroot, maternity leave must be feeling so great!!

I don't think we'll ever be ready even with the nursery almost done and bags packed I still feel not ready. I think I'll feel "ready" once I actually hold him.

Just think in a short while now our lives will change completely and will never be the same again. Excited at the moment :dance:
Gone back to page 485 so I'm not bringing up the same things as others for repeated replies.

Wunna - You look great, stretchies and all!! I need to post a recent bump pic, I've got some new ones on the front of my bump as well as old ones showing up again but I don't feel bothered about them this time round. Even have a random on my back and the back of my knee. Also it's odd they're giving you the flu shot this late, over here it's not to be given any later than 30 weeks. Glad things are looking up for a vaginal birth :)

Mdspca - Oh no, sorry about your BP, hopefully it doesn't escalate into pre-eclampsia. The odds of babies turning breech from head down at last minute are slim so you have no major worry :) Get active on the birthing ball to be sure.

Pink - Hope the packing is going well and the move goes smoothly. No idea how you're managing doing it this far along AND with 13+ pets! Glad scan went well too, it's amazing how they manage to have such a clear image in 2D now.

Eepgirl - Oh wow, you have a date!! I bet that's huge relief! I hope you manage to feel the days fly by quickly for you! Exciting times.

Mileymamma - Sorry about your update :(

Nilla - I hope Abel is doing well, he'll be able to come home with you in no time :) Has there been a date that he can be released or are they waiting until your EDD?

Sarah - Wow, I have no idea how to reply to that. That is some essay! You've had a very rough ride recently, and I'm surprised how you have even managed to last this long! I'd have caved and hidden in a cupboard until the end. That's the major downside to pregnancy, not being able to get full care and recovery for problems inside the body as we're restricted from pretty much everything. I hope you never get to experience the attacks again, but you can't help being poorly so don't blame yourself. Your OH might not be uncaring as such, he probably doesn't want to see you the way you are. But I guess he should be there as that's his role. I hope things look up for you.

Treeroot - Thank you. I'm trying to plan things for me, DD and OH/me and OH to do as I think that's a big burden atm. We're locked inside the house and it's getting me down, and then not spending time with OH when we should be spending time together has took its toll. Going out for a meal as a trio next week and having Sundays as a dedicated day for OH to do what she wants as it's the only day OH gets off work. End of the month will be awkward being around my family as it's falling apart from sisters partner but it's my nieces birthday so hopefully things are temporarily pulled together for her sake.

30+/- days for us all, gone so fast! Must be relief getting close to the final days of work too!! And nursery's are coming together nicely, ladies!! Sorry they aren't long replies and if I've missed anybody out or missed important bits. I feel caught up enough to keep track on everybody now.

DD has tonsillitis again, second time in 3 months, fingers crossed she doesn't suffer with hives and sickness again.
I think there'll be no end to washing baby's clothes before he even arrives... Got more stuff from another receptionist at work... :dance: I think i wanted to be pregnant again if this keeps on happening :haha: I guess having a baby makes everyone around you so kind & happy that they wanted to give something for the baby... Here are the things i got last night.

Onesies & 1 PJ


Sets of clothes and holder.


Bigger (12-24m) Sizes of clothes.


Other Stuff.


Oh, BTW we bought a nursing bottle, milk container (never thought we have them with the gift) and a formula 1 that we'll bring as well to the hospital just in case lil boy won't latch or i don't produce anything. I will bottle feed him instead of starving him until he gets the hang of my boobies... :D

On the other hand, BP's still normal but i'm having a blurry vision (astigmatism attack i guess) and a very bad BH at 7:51 am accompanied with a tearing-like vajayjay this new. Same thing happened at 8:16 am that's 25 minutes apart so DH is not alarmed... Yes, i'm timing already... :haha:
Smartie, cannot wait for updated bump pic. I hope you can arrange time for you all. It def is needed before baby comes.
Also sorry DD is ill again, have you thought about having her tonsils taken out?

Great gifts Mdscpa :D
Do you think it's contractions your timing or just really bad bh?
Smartie, cannot wait for updated bump pic. I hope you can arrange time for you all. It def is needed before baby comes.
Also sorry DD is ill again, have you thought about having her tonsils taken out?

Great gifts Mdscpa :D
Do you think it's contractions your timing or just really bad bh?

Thanks Wunna :hugs:. With too many minutes apart i think it's BH but it's really different that the previous BHs i had. I have to time how long it lasts once it happened again.
Finally got a chance to read your novel Sarah.. I guess i can claim my medal now.. :D I'm so sorry you're so sick and having those panic attacks... You are not weak you are pregnant everyone is different some have smooth pregnancy some don't. Glad your mum is there to help out. And your DH should be more understanding he should be reminded that he has his part how you become pregnant. I know it's a lot for him seeing you weak and sick but he should be more supportive enough and caring about how you feel. There's no need to take it out on you. :hugs:

Smartie - i hope DD feels better soon.... :hugs:

Wunna - love <3 the 90% ready nursery :yipee: It'll be fantastic once it's 100% done and seeing your little boy in there.
35 weeks 1 day just 2 weeks 5 days til my csection! :happydance:


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Wunna - I'll have one done for tonight, and try to make every mark visible too :) Yeah, in a way I think OH wants as much of his own time as possible since once baby is born it'll definitely mean cutting down his "free time". But isn't fair on my behalf. A lot of money has been spent on Ava in the last 2 months and I don't want to make her feel like it's going to be a regular thing so rather do something than buy her something. Although, when I took her to Toys'R'us a few weeks ago (collect cot mobile and a dolls accessory/changing kit for Ava), she turned down McDonalds for dinner and asked for us to have it at home.

I don't know how many times they need to have the virus for them to be removed, but won't be able to get into the doctors until tomorrow for advice or medication, which sucks.

Mdspca - Thank you, she's really playing on it today. I hope the signs are something for you. BH's do become more intense towards the end as your body prepares properly and they'll become the real thing before you know it. It's very nice of your receptionist to buy Adam something too :) Make the most of everybody's generosity haha.

I'm certain I'm in latent labour atm which I'm happy about - can last for weeks so it's just like a head start before the active side begins. Anything over Ava's labour.

Also a bit of a dilemma. We've picked Eve for baby's name, I did some research and it turns out that Ava is the Greek alternative for Eve. Is it odd that they'll both essentially have the same name? Ava refuses to change it when we ask her what she'd like her response is always "I want it to be Eve. Eve and Ava are good. Ava and Eve are nice".
I don't think there's anything wrong with Ava and Eve. Most names have several different origins anyway, even if there's a traceable root name.
Well OH wishes to change it now but everybody else is settled :dohh:

Bump update - 35+2 plus stretchies, actually worse than I thought :haha: Much rather them be continuous lines than scattered the way they are. Can definitely tell the old ones from thenew. The red one on my right/frontish side is super itchy and sore. Please excuse the mess.

Currently at 10st 4lb/65.6kg, gained 4lbs in 7 weeks which seems to be a record for me. I was gaining that in a week before, plus more.

*rotated photo*


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You look great Smartie :D

I'm so glad we can all be proud of our bare bumps together.

I also like Ava and Eve

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