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Well after an absolutely terrible night arguing with staff that clearly couldn't give a shit I've got a doc that seems worth his weight in gold this morning. He's rung my brain specialist in Manchester to see if he agrees it's safe to be induced. If he does i'll be started off today, if not I think there gonna take me for c section.
Not what I wanted but I'm that exhausted and that sick of the site of this place I'd happily let them bring a local farmer in with his tracktor and rope for pulling out stuck calf's.
Hope something happens for you soon wunna, it's horrible being one of the last still waiting, especially when everyone's posting such beautiful pics of their precious little arrivals
Ah hun, I'm so sorry that you are so tired :hugs: Even with all that you are going through I love how you still manage to crack jokes!

I hope they can safely induce you and that you get to labour naturally! So exciting that you will be holding your little girl so so soon!! :dance:

Please keep us updated if you can! Plus if I don't hear from you again before she is born, good luck! :hugs:
Ah Pink! It's all coming to an end for you thankfully. As weird as it is, them deciding on a birth plan for you is so much easier than the stress of doing it yourself. Hopefully you get your vaginal birth, and your body reacts well to an induction if that's the chosen way.

It's okay Wunna, I don't seem to be shifting anywhere soon lol. I've had cramps in my front and back but nothing to craze about. Just hope I have a successful sweep. Tried to check myself yesterday but all I feel is mush so no idea what I'm feeling for. Bought a bed from gumtree which is being delivered tonight, going to sand it down and paint it to see if it brings something on. Got the painting/nesting/energy bug. Finally hit home there's going to be another one of us by next week, pretty scary in fact.
Yesterday I did have a knicker wetting which needed changing. A bit disgusting - has normal discharge then clear water. 1st pic is when it happened, I checked today (2nd pic) what it dried like and it's pretty much clear still and discharge normal white.
Smartie, I have the same! Cramping in front and back. Watery discharge and loads of BH's (well, comparing to before.. It's not like it's crazy much, really, just for me :P)
I'm just waiting on the gyne reg coming up now to make a decision on what we gonna do, she may request an urgent mri at another hospital or I may get it here tomorrow.
We've been told there could be a few days wait for a c section so nothing is gonna happen today or tomorrow now unless I get an mri and they decide to induce but then again there's 3 ladies on the ward with me that have been here 2 days being induced so there's really no rush by the looks of it
And I'm trying to keep positive and crack jokes because I think I'd just break down and cry if not and then I'm no use to anyone am i
Got little one to think of who's already stressed by the looks of it
Snorman - it's frustrating when nothing comes from it, isn't it? Are your BH's starting randomly or are you doing things to make them happen? If the latter, keep doing it and see if it carries on. My ribs get crushed when I'm sat down and have a BH, so uncomfortable. I know the watery discharge is a close sign but not close enough :(

Pink - I wish I could say something to make you feel better. You do have the authority to decline an induction if you really want to avoid it. Plus, them other women may not be high risk or priority. If you want to cry then cry. Holding it in is going to do you no good and it'll build up more. Once you've got your little lady you'll forget every feeling you had beforehand or think you were being stupid and laugh about it anyway :hugs:
Snorman - it's frustrating when nothing comes from it, isn't it? Are your BH's starting randomly or are you doing things to make them happen? If the latter, keep doing it and see if it carries on. My ribs get crushed when I'm sat down and have a BH, so uncomfortable. I know the watery discharge is a close sign but not close enough :(

They are starting randomly, but tonight I was planning on getting em going. They always start when I walk in stairs, so I'll be running up and down tonight :P Yeah I know, my ribs are kind of squished everytime a BH comes along when I'm sitting. Sucks! :P
Naah, I wish there was a clear list of signs, instead of all this guessing! Going crazy..!
It's ok hun there's not a right lot to say, I just really appreciate having some where to rant and the support from everyone. It works wonders when your ready for tearing ur hair out haha!
I would like an induction rather than c section due to needing to have GA. We only thought that c section would be quicker but apparently not, if I have to wait for a few days I'd rather wait a few days for and induction and attempt natural than wait for a c section and end up being in longer. It's all down to what's gonna be best for baby and quickest we can all get home and recover together. I can't imagine me wound up in hospital for any longer than necessary is gonna do any of us any good
Good luck to every one still one labour watch. I know it must be hard for those at the end of the month!

My little one is doing extremely well, gaining weight like a champ. My recovery is a slower process but I know it won't last forever. Had an episiotomy which is restricting my mobility due to pain, but even today seems a bit better.

I started writing the following to include a couple points, and it pretty much turned into my birth story, but I'll leave it in case anyone is interested:

Oh and FYI my contractions I had posted about were all early stages of labour. That night I couldn't get to sleep, so I thought I'd pace upstairs till they eased off. Took me a couple hours to realize that they weren't stopping. So at 1 am I woke up DH to time them for me (I wasn't timing before because I was focusing on trying to get some rest in case this was still early labour). They were 3min apart. I finally called the midwife at 3am. When she arrived and checked me...turns out I was 7cm. Active labour continued for hours, I think I reached 10cm around mid afternoon the next day. I didn't feel the need to push so I just sort of hung out for while, had a bath, and nothing was really happening, so they broke my waters and I was coached into pushing. Was finally getting the hang of it and they could see his head but I couldn't get him out. They were going to give me one last 1/2hour to keep trying, but a bit of meconium stained showed up so we went into the hospital. I was offered the option of forceps or cesarean but told that even with the forceps if the baby wasn't coming with the first couple tries they were switching to the cesarean right away. I opted for the forceps, and after getting prepped with an epidural had my baby boy within minutes. He was actually born less then a 1/2 from arriving at the hospital, 6:03pm. Apparently his head was sort of sideways and he had gotten his little hand stuck up beside it which was proving to much for me to push through on my own.

(Edit - I had a home birth planned, which is why I'm at home for most of this. If it wasn't for the final snag at the end I would have been totally medication free as well :( )
Aww treeroot glad little one arrived safely after all that went on. And wow 7cms dilated still chilling at home. Now that is something!
Hope your both doing well and recovering perfectly

I'm still sat waiting on my MRI. Should be some point today then will get my final decision as to whether I can go naturally or will need a c section but either way she should be here at somepoint in next few days
Keep us updated Pink.... FX all goes well..... Trying to catch up and see new births...
Thanks for sharing your story Treeroot and happy that you are both safe. Congrats :hugs:

Pink, not too much longer for you. At least soon you will know what is going to happen next and ten you can focus on getting ready for her birth! So exciting!!
Hey girls :) I've been keeping up to date with this thread quite well recently but it's hard to post from my phone. Congrats to all the ladies whose babies have arrived, it makes me so happy to pop on and see a new birth announcement. You must be so pleased.

Pink, I hope that you get a decision soon, waiting for baby is tough enough without having to wait in hospital! It's going to be so worth it though.

Smartie, I have been having exactly the same discharge for a week or two now. Sometimes I get so much I have to rush to the bathroom to check it's not my waters. Do you think it's a sign things are starting?

Afm, baby is still 3/5ths engaged as it has been for the last month. I think I may have had my first set of braxton hicks the other night and I wake up every morning now with period pains on my right side of my lower back, on and off for about half an hour and then nada. Beginning to think it's more likely to be a kidney issue than early labour :dohh: So so ready to meet this girl/guy. My ankles and feet now belong to those of a woman eight times my weight and frankly, I can't take another 3 weeks of wearing only flip flops.
Hi ladies. Quick update,
I'm currently waiting for a doctor so I can sign the forms to be released from hospital. They've well and truly taken the piss and I've had enough.
Waited two days for a scan which I had this morning, no one has bothered to do a report on it, it's currently floating round on 'they system' somewhere, what ever that means.
No one seems to care, baby is clearly happy as all the monitoring they have done has looked great so I'm off home to wait for her where my time isn't pissed up the wall.
I've now missed my consultant appointment thanks to this set of lazy good for nothing morons so going to spend what I can of tomorrow chasing my own arse getting an appointment.
Got the midwife on Monday which is my due date and will be getting my stretch and sweep so with any luck this should be all the encouragement baby needs to make her appearance
Hope everyone is well
Wow ok so finally gets home after what's felt like weeks, been telling MW's for two days been having snotty discharge, no one's bothered to examine me. Gets home, goes for a wee, snotty discharge with pink streaks! Looks like I'm gonna be back faster than I thought
Woo pink! Hope you don't have much longer!!

Hope you heal quickly tree!

My pelvis still feels broken and I did break my tailbone again.

Spent some time at my moms. It's hot there! We took the girls swimming


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Yayy smartie!!
I'm thinking that too, or soon. Just lost my plug! Hours after signing my self out!!!!

Hope it is for u smartie

Beautiful pic miss fox. Hope your tail bone heals quick and ur all ok

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