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Lol the newborn shoots aren't easy but I'm so happy to have them. I missed out with my first due to my csection incision opening and oozing in one spot and I have some decent ones from my 2nd. These are the best.


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My friend has her own photography business and she's always booked up for newborn shoots, some really beautiful pictures come out of them!
Glad you had such a positive experience after being poorly last time
Well think I may finally have some signs she's on her way soon. Sat watching tv about an hour ago and actually felt great ( apart from being exhausted) and all of a sudden period type pains that went on to desperately needing poo pains. Just made it up to the toilet and this sudden gush of nausea washed over and chest felt tight and mouth watered like I was going to be sick. Called assessment unit as hands and feet suddenly swelled a little earlier in the day too and they said take paracetamol, drink plenty of fluid and if no better in an hour ring back.
Was just coming on for an hour and thought I was getting away with it then all of a sudden period pain, desperate poo pains and nausea. This time worse. And tummy is so hard it hurts!!!!
Does this sound like anything or just getting my hopes up......
Could it be stress from being wound up today or could it possibly be the beginning of labour
Any help would be much appreciated
I had that about 10 days before I went into labor. It was crazy! I was shaky and sick and started having some contractions. I even txt my husband (he works out of town Monday-Friday) to keep his phone on him. I kept pooing and felt so weird. A hot shower helped calm it down.
Also I'm not complaining but my baby has been aslee for 2.5 hours now and she usually cluster feeds right now. I'm concerned it's going to mean a late night. Upside is that my oldest went with my mom for a couple nights (my little traveller! Always asks to go spend the night) so it's just me, Ruby and Charlie at home tonight. We will all sleep in my room. My toddler had been having a hard time with not being the one in my arms all the time. She wants me to wear her more too
I ended up calling the assessment suit back and they asked me to come in, baby is happy and they noted some pretty intense readings and asked if I was getting any pain. Said more discomfort than pain but Defo something, got an internal, I'm 1cm dilated so atleast it's a start. I know it still means can be a while before anything happens but atleast it's better than nout haha! Being kept in for observations over night just incase but fingers crossed will be better news tomorrow
Good luck! Hopefully They pick up. Any chance they have you a sweep while they were in there? Lol! I know my contractions always get much more intense after every internal while in labor
No they didn't do a sweep unfortunately, thing MW was a little concerned o was much further along than she thought. We were talking about my brain op and total lack of willingness to take pain killers and laughed about me having a high pain thresh hold so she thought she best just check before sending my to ward incase I was actually in labour ha!
Still getting tightenings and been sat bouncing away on a birth ball for past 20mins so hopefully when they check again before deciding if I can go home it will have helped. If not ill just ask for a sweep while there at it haha! Can't do any harm can it. And if they won't atleast I know my MW next week will atleast be able to attempt a sweep!
Not slept yet either. It's like 5am haha! Went for a brew and ended up cleaning the kitchen on the ward haha. OCD strikes again. Them some woman was making noises I've only herd on the discovery channel when a lion severly wounds another animal so Defo wasn't sleeping thru that so thought I'd give the ball and wondering round a try

He was born on 12th of June Friday at 12:55 a.m. measuring 3.410 kgs or 7lbs 8.28oz and 20 inches in length at 39w1d. Here’s how it (birth) all started hopefully I can remember even the simple details.​

Be warned some pictures are TMI!!! oh, and it's long....​

I had my weekly appointment at 38w6d (Wednesday) where I was planning to give birth that allows DH inside the room for normal delivery. The doc gave me an internal exam (IE) to check for any dilation. He said cervix is totally closed. We were so disappointed because we thought I may have dilated even it just 1 cm due to having strong contractions for the last 4 days. Another bad news was he said baby is too large for my built, my pelvis is too small - Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) - and I have a 40% chance ending with a caesarean section which means DH will never be by my side but he said they will me try to deliver normally. Was told to come back a week later and see the progress. Later that afternoon I got a brown stain in my undies and some sort of a mucus either that’s the start of a bloody show or my cervix were irritated due to IE.


Me and DH decided to have a second opinion at our previous hospital/doc where they don’t allow DH inside the room for normal or caesarean delivery the following day at 39w0d (Thursday). I’ve been sleepless the night before due to painful contractions and they were coming every 3 to 7 minutes. I woke up with lots of mucus and brown stain in my undies didn’t thought I’ll have more so I didn’t put a pad after the first incident.

TMI ALERT!!! Only for those with strong stomach. Decided to put a pad after this.

Few hours later, only got little stain.

Later that afternoon, got a mucus dripping/hanging down there when I went to pee.

Contractions really got painful at this point and I was just waiting for DH to come home from work to go to the hospital and get checked. DH arrived home at around 4:00 pm, prepped myself while DH ate his meal. Contractions continued until we arrived at the hospital at 5:14 pm. Walked, took the stairs praying it will help me open a bit more. We arrived at our doc’s office and her assistant took my weight and blood pressure (BP) as usual. BP was 160/100 which is odd because I normally get bad headache if it’s high. Nurse asked if im tired or something told her I took the stairs coming here so yeah maybe that’s why… Asked me to rest for a bit and wait for our doc. Doc came and she did an IE and I was 1.5 cm dilated and more mucus and brown discharge came out. She said the same thing and that I have a higher chance of getting a CS and said I’m a day overdue based on my last scan with them (EDD: 10th of June) but will try to do it normally. Nurse told her about my BP and she asked to get it checked again still the same and the doc decided to admit me right then and there. She ordered more lab tests and another scan and baby was measuring 3.247 kgs or 7lbs 2.53oz. After all the tests and paperworks, I was admitted at around 8:00 pm. They gave me cytotec medication (instead of IV fluid) to induce labor and hooked me up with all these monitors. I was really shocked that everything happened so fast like I just do what they want me to do.

From DH’s side of story, at 9:00 pm, one nurse and a doc came out the delivery room to call my DH and have him sign the surgery agreement just in case I really need to have the surgery. They told him they will do the operation at 10:00 pm. I have no clue about it though because they told me they will let me try and do it normally.

Being in the delivery room with all the screaming ladies, and one lady with me in the same room made everything worst. They gave her enema, was too painful and she removed the tube, just imagine what happened next. Seeing all that made me want to ask the doctors to do me the surgery.

One doctor checked the monitor and said baby’s tachy. I asked her what’s wrong and she just said, “Everything is fine don’t worry.” But I know something was wrong and I know she meant that baby’s heartrate beats faster than normal (I told DH after the surgery that it was my heartbeat that was fast). She asked me to lie on my left side and nothing changes. They did another IE and still no changes with the dilation. Checked my BP and it’s still high… I cried :cry: because with all those painful contractions and feeling like my pelvic bone is going to explode (I can feel it stretching) still no progress, cervix stayed at 1.5cm. That’s when they decided to transfer me to the theater. They called DH to give him all my clothes and slipper at 12:35 am Friday. DH thought I gave birth already as he was told they’ll do the operation at 10:00 pm Thursday. He said, he was too worried because nobody was calling him passed 10:00 pm and he thought something bad went wrong. They put me to bed, asked me if I want to see my baby or just sleep. Of course, I told the anaesthesiologist that I want to see my baby. She gave me a spinal anaesthesia and then we waited for few minutes. They pinched my belly and I felt the pain and cried and ask them not to do it yet. They asked me to move my foot and lift it and I did. So the anaesthesiologist told my doc to wait few more minutes. Then she ask me if I feel something in my waist. I said yes but it’s not painful. The she gave my doc a :thumbup:. It was really weird because I can feel all what they’re doing in my belly… 20 minutes later from when they transferred me, our baby was born. They lifted him by his head and bum and then he cried while I was looking at him. It was the most precious thing I have ever seen. Baby is healthy and 3 of us were together 5 hours after delivery.

We stayed in the hospital for another 3 days and finally went home yesterday afternoon instead of the night before as our doc was on a day off. Here’s some of his pictures.

First few hours old:

At 2 days old having a sun bath:

His fully grown finger nails before DH cut them:

Going home day:

Goodluck to those who are still waiting....
Congratulations mdscpa! He is gorgeous!
Update on my boys,
After a little worry because they were having a hard time getting up to birth weight, yesterday after just turning 3 weeks old Saturday William whose birth weight was 6 lbs 14 oz and at his appt last week only weighed 6 lbs 10 oz now weighs 7 lbs 3 oz!
Connor whose birth weight was 5 lbs 11 oz and at his appt last week was only 5 lbs 11 oz is now 6 lbs 3 oz!
Very proud of my boys!
He is beautiful Md!!! Hope your csection recovery is smooth!!!

epp- glad your boys are gaining weight now!!
How are you doing now?? You've been quiet since your last update earlier today.

Hopefully progress has been made and your doing okay :hugs:

Well done on the boys doing so well! Proud of them too
We had a bit of a scary hour, I started to feel poorly and was hooked up to monitor baby, she threw a wobbler and heart rate was 200+ for about 40mins. Think they were prepping me for emergency c section at one point then she just settled out. Will stay in hospital tonight and they will see how I get on tomorrow

Loving the updates ladies and glad everyone is doing well
She's close now Pink. Glad her heartrate went back to normal. Mine never did so they immediately prep me for CS. Can't wait to see her.....
Awww mdscpa Adam is just so beautiful!!! Makes me feel peaceful looking at him :cloud9:
I really can't imagine how terrifying it must have been for you, I was an absolute wreck, which obviously didn't help because I was climbing the walls!

Thanks wunna, I'm trying to rest but up on antenatal ward full of ladies being induced so think I could be in for another long night! Will put a trace back on baby in next half hour just to check her!

Will try and keep u updated when I can, consultant says they would rather I spontaneously go into labour as at the last check was still only 1cm dilated and the inner part not at all there only option now would be c section. If I dilate properly they would burst my waters and hope I progress well but doc seems keen as me to go as natural as possible. How are you feeling? And closer to holding your little one? :hugs:

Eppgirl, great to hear the boys are doing so well and gaining such impressive amounts
Wooow, haven't been on this site since I got my plus sign! So much has happened :D
Congratulations to all of you who already got their babies, I'm so jealous...!
My sister in law got a daughter last Friday, so incredibly sweet!
I've still got 11 days until my due date..

Last few days though, I've been getting kinda crampy and weird feeling. Hoping it could mean something, but at the same time I really don't think I will deliver before the due date..

How are you guys feeling?

I'm having increased pelvic pressure, some lower back pain, crampy stomach and (sorry if TMI) looser bowel movements. I've read that this could mean that labor is around the corner, but I'm guessing it could also mean my body's just getting ready to deliver within a month or so. :P
Wooow, haven't been on this site since I got my plus sign! So much has happened :D
Congratulations to all of you who already got their babies, I'm so jealous...!
My sister in law got a daughter last Friday, so incredibly sweet!
I've still got 11 days until my due date..

Last few days though, I've been getting kinda crampy and weird feeling. Hoping it could mean something, but at the same time I really don't think I will deliver before the due date..

How are you guys feeling?

I'm having increased pelvic pressure, some lower back pain, crampy stomach and (sorry if TMI) looser bowel movements. I've read that this could mean that labor is around the corner, but I'm guessing it could also mean my body's just getting ready to deliver within a month or so. :P

Sounds promising :D

I had the loose bowels for 4 days at the end of 36 weeks... I thought I was going to go into labour round about 37ish weeks but no such luck :haha:
Hope you are still doing okay Pink :hugs:

I'm no closer to labour than I was yesterday or the day before or before :( Urgh I want to have baby please

I hope your body does it thing and dilates and progresses naturally so that you can do your thing.

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