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Ok little too much info here but something has just baffled me,
Not been able to go toilet for about 2 days and I'm really reluctant to push, even tho OH laughed when I said it yesterday, anyway starting to get painfull from not being able to go so strained a little today on the toilet and had a 'pop' feeling in my lower right abdomen like just above my groin! Like a cross between a pop of a bubble or the kind u feel when you pop/crack ur joints.
There was no loss of fluid and no pain but just kinda struck me as odd. Any one had this before?
Hey ladies, a quick pop on to let everyone know that I had a baby boy on June 11th. All is well, though I'm sore and tired but ultimately feeling incredibly grateful.


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Aww what a little angel x
Best wishes to all the family and hope u have a speedy recovery x
Aww he is cute! Congrats!!!

Smartie thanks. I get pretty depressed after each baby but they don't say PPD since I have no issues with my baby just general coping and anxiety. And then I don't know how I'm supposed to be ready to go back to work and have my life together in 4 weeks. These first two have gone so fast.
I've also noticed that it looks a bit smaller. Probably due to him dropping right? or should I be worried of fluid loss that I might not have noticed?

At my last appointment on Thursday my FH was 40cm but they've always measured bigger but it showed growth.

Sorry the contractions stopped as I know you too are ready to get labour going. Sorry that you are feeling poorly :hugs:

:rofl: at DTD with all that EPO - can anyone say "slippery when wet" hahahahaa

I hope you get to soak today and that your labour now gets under way as the kids are going home :dance:

I don't have any advice on the popping though as I haven't had that before.

Love the swing!!

Congrats on your beautiful little boy :flower:
Aww thanks wunna :D
I thought I might have been looking smaller worrying about fluid but I think it is just due to baby dropping. I think also even if u had a small tear or leak it only take a few hours to re generate. If ur worried tho MW would be able to advise you properly. I'd love for my labour to start now haha! MW in the morning and really gonna lay it on thick and hope she will feel sorry for me and give me a sweep and stretch haha
That's what I'm hoping haha!
Starting to get really stressed about the thought of being induced. Just know there gonna tell me it has to be c section. Just sat in the bath and sobbed my little heart out......
Im so disappointed with myself, got this far with out letting my mental health take over and now I just feel it's taken full reign, panic attacks are creeping back in and I just all of a sudden wish I hadn't tried to get pregnant!!
Don't get me wrong after everything that happened last year I'm over the moon but I just know I'm gonna get to hospital that stressed out, have some sort of mental break down, go off my head and ruin it for me and OH. Makes me want to be sick thinking about it :'(
I managed food with no pain :yayy: it was scary attempting.

Pink Yeah, no point going through hassle of bringing things back and forth along with all the other baby clobber which comes with one. I get the odd bubble pop under the skin when I bend forward and they "rub" on my ribs, and sounds like "bub" but never had a low pop. If there's no gushing with it then it was probably some sort of air bubble. Don't put yourself down so much, fingers crossed you go into spontaneous labour. Have your MW go through all procedures with you and what will happen and put your foot down with want you want unless assistance is needed. If you end up being induced then ask to see if your body allows itself to do everything else naturally once they've started things off :flower:

Treeroot - What a little treasure! Hope you manage to feel yourself again shortly.

MissFox - That's good! The blues aren't the nicest of all feelings, but I guess being overwhelmed along with time flying by quickly will put you in a panic. Things will settle down, just keep your current close ones close :) They'll all be there to support you when needed.

Wunna - Yeah dropping normally wipes a couple of cm of your FH too. But you certainly do look smaller, he must be sitting comfortably in your pelvis. Unless you've had any wetness, don't worry about fluid loss - having a little squish around in the softer parts will put your mind at rest :)

Nothing happened today either, just sore groin and thighs, throbbing inflamed feeling so baby must be putting some wild pressure on me. Yeah, I wouldn't recommend EPO beforehand at all. Never known OH jump in the shower so fast afterwards. Turned my wee a funny colour all day too and I just reeked of the damn thing despite washing myself!
Hey ladies :hi: that's me back home a few days ago but still haven't got round to writing a birth story :dohh: just thought I would pop in to update myself on you guys! I see a few more babies have been born!! :happydance: congrats! <3

Little update on me,

Lily is just a wee angel <3 she is so so content so me and oh are getting plenty of rest and certainly making the most if it! Kian is so great with her as well he just loves her so much already, always asking to hold her and petting her hair going "fluffy hair!" And always tickling her going "tickle tickle" in a little high pitched voice like he used to actually do to my bump which I find so so adorable <3

I will get round to doing my birth story at some point :dohh: :haha: as short and sweet as it will be as I was only in labour for 4 hours this time :shock: and only got to the hospital with just under an hour to spare :dohh: :haha:

Here's a few pictures of the millions I have taken already :dohh: :haha:

https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/540/WAYZvn.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/537/xoL1qm.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/673/uA6VIi.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/901/uvEN9t.jpg

https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/540/ByFwEz.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/538/Ll2oeW.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/538/ytFokD.jpg

https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/912/vGWXzZ.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/673/hU3DV5.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/300x200q90/673/aYVbtm.jpg
Hey pink just had a quick read of your worry about having to be induced, I was in a similar situation , as much as I wanted to be induced because of the pain I was constantly in I still didn't want to at the same time because the thought of it well scared the crap out of me! I ended up speaking with a consultant in the hospital at my 38 week appointment and he basically asked me where is the pain to which I responded with from the neck down :dohh: :haha: and that is all he needed to hear to get me a sweep done for the day I was 39 weeks and about ten hours after the sweep I got my first contraction, and four hours after that my little girl was finally in my arms! If I where you I would really press on having a sweep done because even though midwifes don't particularly like doing it before 40 weeks , if there is reason to do it and baby is ready it is possible! And it's actually not painfull at all :thumbup: well it wasn't for me anyways it just felt slightly uncomfy and well tbh just gross :haha: hope your baby is here for you soon! :flower:
She is precious Sarah!! Happy to hear labor was quick!!
here is a picture from our newborn shoot


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Thanks ladies for the reassurance, I know I'm prob just over reacting a bit but when my head goes I can't do a single thing to pull my head out my arse till its run it course. Can really tell I'm stressing out now, can't eat, can't sleep and what sleep I do get I'm having horrific night mares. If I can't have a sweep today I'm gonna ring and mither the assessment unit as the swelling in hands and feet is getting bad and face even started yesterday.
Pictures of the littones are just absolutely precious Sarah and miss fox. Could sit and look at them allllll day haha :hugs:
Hope everyone is doing perfectly xx

Mdscpa and nilla been thinking of you guys too and hope all is going well, I know it must be difficult to get online but just wanted you guys to know your in our thoughts. Along with your families and little abel and Adam :D
Aaand that's Lily due today! :haha: so strange to think but even though she is only 6 days old I already can't imagine what it was like without her <3
I really understand how you feel or I mean I can relate at least :hugs:

I have anxiety and without my meds I could really feel it hammering on me through some parts of my pregnancy. For the most I've been able to get on with it. I try to do something relaxing so that I can just get a change of "scene" or sleep on it then it's better.

You will be great so try not to worry about it too much now :hugs:

Good luck at the MW today! I hope she gives you no hassles and does the sweep

I'm glad to hear that you got some food in and down!! :yipee:

Thanks for the reassurance on my drop. I've kind of figured that much too. Plus his movements are a bit different but as long as they are still there I'm sure all is fine.

5 Days to go :shock: Come on baby!!!!!!! We are all waiting now

Good to hear from you hun and glad that you have it good with Lily - she is really so adorable! :flower: Thanks for sharing family pics!

Looking forward to your birth story once you've been able to do so.

Love the pic! She is sooo cute!!
Thanks wunna :hugs:
I feel a little better now I've give my head a shake but just tired and sore!
Didn't get the sweep, MW just didn't get what I was saying really and OH is just a dick head. Argues with everything I say when we're in there then agrees with me at home. Only to argue again at next appointment. Gonna tell him not to bother at the rest. Can't be arsed.
On the plus side booked in on my due date for a sweep as that's the only day MW does a local clinic!

I Defo agree that ur bump is dropping. My FH today was a considerable amount lower than the last measurements and put me exactly where I should be if not lower so how there gonna carry on that baby is big I don't know!
The anxiety is bad but worse that no one takes u serious just blames it on the fact ur pregnant. Even OH when he suffers with it too. Think he would be a little more understanding.....

Hope ur feeling better today smartie

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:

No signs of little one coming yet wunna?
Nothing here on my side Pink. I jump at every lower back ache and almost hold my breath... when a part of my bump goes hard I stop what I'm doing to feel if it is going hard at the bottom but nothing :( I'm ready!!!

I know how you feel with people not taking you seriously and always "blaming" everything on pregnancy!!! OMG drives me nuts! I'm pregnant and I still do have feelings! When I'm upset do NOT dare tell me I'm hormonal or write it off as such because what I'm feeling is real! Grr :growlmand:

I'm so sorry you didn't get the sweep :( I still say what harm could it have done? I mean it could have either worked or not. If it didn't then at least it was tried. :hugs:
That's what I thought but I kinda rambled on a bit like I do when I'm upset and I don't really think she understood what I was trying to get at, that or she did and wasn't interested!
Ohh I get excited at back ache and my bump hardening but it's been doing it now pretty much 24/7. Kinda just got to the point where I ignore it.
Just trying to keep my self busy. OH walked the dog and said I couldn't go, should be resting so just gutted down stairs of the house while ruby was out the way haha! On to the final bit of washing babies clothes, down to my last bin bag of 0-3 months, if she does come out on the large size I doubt new born will fit her long. Although MW did say don't pay too much attention to what they have said about her being big haha

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