Gone back 2 weeks.
mdspca - Adam is really a happy little fella isn't he?! So vocal as well. Swings really are a life saver at times. Did your OH take up baby massaging classes? That's really impressive that he managed to do it, it's apparently a complicated skill.
Wunna - Matthew is a real cherub, I'm surprised with how much he likes being laid on his mat! The photo with him on DH is amazing! I like how he seems so calm about it too

But Matthew really is a double of you and you look fab!
Pink - Ivy looks beautiful in the photo your friend took. Have you tried many different remedies for her belly? She sounds so ahead of her milestones too! Your milk must be contain special steroids

I really hope your pain doesn't hold out for much longer, you've already had it hard through pregnancy with it
Sarah - Lily looks adorable in her little shoots

Still can't get over how little she still looks, just too dinky.
nilla - Abel looks so healthy! And putting on weight nicely. You'd never have thought he was premature considering he's catching up to his "should be" age. He's a lovely size! Crying it out isn't something to be ashamed of, it teaches your baby that you won't give in to their ways of attention

You'll have that period for a good lot of years after too when tantrums begin. Once they know you give them comfort and what they want after 5 mins of screaming, they'll know to do it again next time. Yesterday I let Olivia cry for 15 mins while I was cleaning bottles and I told Ava to ignore her, as soon as I was finished, she was asleep in her bouncer.
MissFox - Charlie is a little stunner.
treeroot - Don't be so teasing with June 2016

it's disheartening knowing that what we've done is done now, and been almost a year. Oh to do it all again.
All these smiling photos are gorgeous
Sorry about keeping them short. I'll hopefully get on more regular now. Trying to start up another new business before Ava goes back to nursery, so once she's back I can really focus on it. Starting the gym next week to lose weight at bring back some confidence, bought my gear ready. Still have over a stone to lose. Can't fit into pre-preg clothes still so had to buy 1 size bigger. I weighed myself last Monday and I was 9st 3lb/58.5kg,.