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Didn't use anything for his face. It's peeling off on it's own went from reddish to dark then white as it peels off. We use liquid soap with oil though maybe that helped. About his weight, he went from 3.41 kgs (birth) to 3.60 kgs (2 weeks from birth) to 4.6 kgs (4 weeks from birth) That was a month ago if he continued at the same pace he might be around 6 kgs now. He's really getting heavy and he's so big compared to other babies at his age.

Our next pedia visit will be in two weeks but we'll try to way him at home just to get a close estimate.

:haha: Abel defo flipped you off.... :rofl:
Didn't use anything for his face. It's peeling off on it's own went from reddish to dark then white as it peels off. We use liquid soap with oil though maybe that helped. About his weight, he went from 3.41 kgs (birth) to 3.60 kgs (2 weeks from birth) to 4.6 kgs (4 weeks from birth) That was a month ago if he continued at the same pace he might be around 6 kgs now. He's really getting heavy and he's so big compared to other babies at his age.

Our next pedia visit will be in two weeks but we'll try to way him at home just to get a close estimate.

:haha: Abel defo flipped you off.... :rofl:

wooooow nice weight progression. at 2 months, abel weighed 9 lbs around 4 kg and this is with extra calories added to my milk when i pump for his medication.
I'm not sure on current weight. We have out two month appointment tomorrow (I'm running late lol). Charlie was 9lb7oz last weigh in about 4 weeks ago. I'm so lucky! She sleeps great! Most nights she sleep 8-5:30 and then back asleep at 6-9am. Or just goes balls to the wall with 7:30-8. Definitely helps since I'm still up with my other two.

Love the pictures ladies! Some very handsome boys!
Got a pic of some proper smiling. She was laughing her head off at granddad, she always does
This thread just makes me want to cry :( How fast time has gone, with all memories in here and that we was rushing for our pregnancies to end :flower: I want it all back again, I miss it.

I'm glad everybody's doing well, little gorgeous tots too! Wish I could get on here more often but I'm juggling a lot atm to keep up. I have no Ava tomorrow so will catch up and reply to everybody :thumbup:

Olivia's 8w1d and just seems so much older already and building her little personality. Slept through 10/11:30pm-5/6:30am Weighs just over 11lb going by my bathroom scales, getting her weighed at clinic on Weds. Also teething has began :( Also, my coil didn't hurt at all :) had bleeding and spotting for 3 weeks and my first period started yesterday (boo!)

Photo spam.






Olivia 6w and Ava 6w5d

4 weeks old :cry:

Olivia has a hernia in her bellybutton, Nilla. It comes and goes, but she has a 1cm dent where it pops out when she's relaxed.
Gone back 2 weeks.

mdspca - Adam is really a happy little fella isn't he?! So vocal as well. Swings really are a life saver at times. Did your OH take up baby massaging classes? That's really impressive that he managed to do it, it's apparently a complicated skill.
Wunna - Matthew is a real cherub, I'm surprised with how much he likes being laid on his mat! The photo with him on DH is amazing! I like how he seems so calm about it too :haha: But Matthew really is a double of you and you look fab!
Pink - Ivy looks beautiful in the photo your friend took. Have you tried many different remedies for her belly? She sounds so ahead of her milestones too! Your milk must be contain special steroids ;) I really hope your pain doesn't hold out for much longer, you've already had it hard through pregnancy with it :flower:
Sarah - Lily looks adorable in her little shoots :) Still can't get over how little she still looks, just too dinky.
nilla - Abel looks so healthy! And putting on weight nicely. You'd never have thought he was premature considering he's catching up to his "should be" age. He's a lovely size! Crying it out isn't something to be ashamed of, it teaches your baby that you won't give in to their ways of attention :) You'll have that period for a good lot of years after too when tantrums begin. Once they know you give them comfort and what they want after 5 mins of screaming, they'll know to do it again next time. Yesterday I let Olivia cry for 15 mins while I was cleaning bottles and I told Ava to ignore her, as soon as I was finished, she was asleep in her bouncer.
MissFox - Charlie is a little stunner.
treeroot - Don't be so teasing with June 2016 :haha: it's disheartening knowing that what we've done is done now, and been almost a year. Oh to do it all again.

All these smiling photos are gorgeous :flower:

Sorry about keeping them short. I'll hopefully get on more regular now. Trying to start up another new business before Ava goes back to nursery, so once she's back I can really focus on it. Starting the gym next week to lose weight at bring back some confidence, bought my gear ready. Still have over a stone to lose. Can't fit into pre-preg clothes still so had to buy 1 size bigger. I weighed myself last Monday and I was 9st 3lb/58.5kg,.
Aww smartie olivias pictures are just adorable. She got some beautiful hair colour as her big sis. That lovely <3

I've tried everything going for her poor little thing, she's about 2 new meds away from being classed as a lad rat haha! Bless her

Hope ur doing well

I only managed to BF for 2days before I got too poorly and MW advised me to stop...Much have done the trick tho
Thank you :) We're trying to work out what colour it actually is and what colour it's going to change to. She was born with mousey brown hair, then it lightened up a little bit. The sides are looking ginger, but the top is medium blonde. When it's washed it looks super light. She's going to be rocking some crazy ginger flahes :haha: Her eyebrows are light but lashes are brown, where as Ava has light/no brows and blonde lashes. Her skin is darker than mine and Ava's too.

Aww bless her! I really feel for babies with bad tummies, they can't express anything :( Have you tried using anti-colic bottles? Some say the Tommee Tippee ones are crap but Dr Brown are really good, but if you want to try TT, HomeBargains have a pack of 6 5oz ones for £17.94 RRP £35.94.

Yeah I'm doing fine thank you :) Although Olivia is sleeping amazingly at night I still have the odd feeling of deprivation. I'm wanting to decorate and it's really making me irritable because I have to wait for the letting agency to contact my landlady and it takes forever for a response.

Oh no :( at least the MW didn't push or force you to carry on like most do.

Are you doing well bar the pain? And all the other mummies!
I'd kill for hair like Ava! It's stunning and so beautiful on little girls
Ivys hasn't made its mind up what colour it's gonna be yet. Was black/brown when I had her now it's mousey with a red hint to it. Runs in my mum's family apparently.
Aww glad she's sleeping so well. Yeah I can imagine waiting for agents and landlords to pull their fingers out can be annoying!
We just noticed she wasn't pooing properly but everyone just kept telling me it was normal but she just got so upset and screamed in pain every time she pooed every few days. I was just sick of hearing it would sort it's self, really thought no one was interested.
Only tried this milk we are on due to the shortage on the aptamil and cow and gate. But been best thing ever she poos after every feed pretty much and there not explosive diarrhoea so she's a happy little camper now......well most of the time. Just hates sleeping in her cot. Had a crappy night with her last night so at 2.30 I came down and put her in her swing. Then she stored so I cuddled her and we both slept on sofa till 10ish. I know they say not to but I was propped up so I couldn't move and she lay on her front on my chest. And she's slept perfectly. Really give up listening to the "don't do this" "you can do that" bolloks haha.
We bought some of the TT anti colic bottles, utter crap!! She's no different on them to the bog standard bottles haha.
It's so long too when it's straight, makes me jealous. Photo's from 2 weeks ago and last August. Has random streaks of blonde too, a true strawberry blonde. MIL and both SIL's are naturally ginger so OH has brought the gene along. Red is a prominent colour to carry though.

She's been a great sleeper since coming out, struck lucky with her. Sleeps through until 6-7am from 11pm. I just feel like painting without permission lol. Magnolia is such an awful colour.

Some babies don't poo as often as others, it could actually be down to the milk, lactose intolerance or a specific ingredient. Hopefully the current milk is the cure :flower: bless her little self. Has she slept in her cot from birth or in a moses or crib beforehand? As much as I dislike it, swaddling may help her sleep better in her crib so she feels a little more snug. I fall asleep while BF'ing Olivia on the sofa where she's laid in my arm but side towards the back of the sofa or on a pillow. As long as there's no chance of falling or suffocation you will be fine :) I had Ava in bed with me from a few days old up until she was 4-5 months old. There was a time where she did end up at my hip under the quilt and I absolutely shit myself. Took a long time to get her out of it.

Ah that's a bit pants. Probably some sort of dishonest market selling scheme, just to make money.


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I think it's the whey they use to bulk it out that's the issue. Especially as it's hard for most mature digestive systems to digest. I thought it may have been lactose intolerance but this new milk is predominantly skimmed milk and it's fab. Organic apparently haha!
If I'm on the sofa with her I lie along it length ways propped up against the back pillows so there's no chance I'd move in my sleep and lie with her head on my shoulder and against the sofa so it keeps her in place. fell asleep a few times with OH in the room with us during the day and he said there's no chance of either of us going anywhere other wise I'd never have done it.
She had a moses basket down stairs to begin with and think a day or two at night but then she was in her cot.
Never liked the moses baskets either. I think it's the lieing on her back flat that's the issue as it aggrivates the reflux. But on me on her front she's as happy as a pig in shit haha!
Awwww the pics are lovely, it's like a proper 'Irish red' colour as I call it.
How is she finding having a little sister? Bet she loves it doesn't she x
Is there no allergy test which the doctor can do on her to see if it is the whey? Oooh organic ;) Steroid in boob milk and organic powder. She really is getting the luxury stuff!! Ah that's good to know, coming from another's point of view from keeping an eye on you. If she much prefers her swing to sleep in, let her sleep in it at night time, or prop her up in bed with a pillow. Olivia has to sleep with a flat-ish scatter cushion underneath in her moses, hates being flat.
Only down side is, she doesn't let me touch her hair, only sisters and SIL's lol.
She loves her, when she cries in the morning she'll run into my room to stroke her head, helps by bouncing her when she cries and I'm in the kitchen, and feeds her some bottles. She is beginning to play up a little more for the attention. 2 is pretty hard with a biggish age gap, especially when the oldest is independent but demanding.

Things been sorted with OH's daughter and a routine?
I'm just soothing her asleep on me then when she's proper asleep I'm moving her over to her cot. I have her right by the side of my bed. She went 6 hours between feeds last night which has been her longest. I get what u mean about the acting out, OH'S kids are here for two weeks and I'm already wishing they would piss off home. His daughter has mithered and mithered for a sister. Was on my case the whole time I was pregnant and now she's just a little fucker. Didn't sleep much the night before so last night I went to bed with ivy at half 9 and the little ******* spent 20mins slamming doors and stomping round so I asked OH to ask who ever was doing it to pack it in ( obv at this point I didn't know who it was) not 5 mins later slam slam slam then the bathroom door was flung open and handle smashed into wall which joins to our room so I just shouted someone's taking the piss. OH stormed upstairs and had a go at me saying I was out of order. Went down stairs and 3 times she's was in and out of bathroom with out even doing anything so I went off my head. Any way argued for a while and he said he had told her off what else didi expect....erm how about a bit of respect from ur kids that at half 9 I'm trying to get baby to sleep and be a little more concious of noise especially 5mins after being told keep it down. His snide arse reply was well they don't wanna hear a baby thru walls so I said easily remidied. They don't have to come again. If they don't like it stay at home, or if there coming me and ivy will be staying at my mum and dads for the entire lenth of any future visits. He soon shut up. I hate men, especially him at the minute haha
thank you for responding smartie. super helpful :)

cute pics as well . i love the comparisons.
How are you nilla? How's abel? As to being pregnant again we're gonna hold it for awhile like the doc said about 3-5 years. DH wants to after 2.5 years that will let me give birth on the 3rd year at least. :D FX it happens fast.
How are you nilla? How's abel? As to being pregnant again we're gonna hold it for awhile like the doc said about 3-5 years. DH wants to after 2.5 years that will let me give birth on the 3rd year at least. :D FX it happens fast.
pretty good, how about urself? abel is doing good as well t for asking. how is adam doing?

why did the doc say that long?

im kind of nervous that i might not have the opportunity or be in a worse condition to have children and i would like to try like in dec. i think im crazy lol. i would like him to have a sibling close in age as well.

ob and docs were pushing birth control down my throat like i have 5 kidds by 5 different men. one doc said. u did know breastfeeding is not a safe form of birth control. i never knew such a thing but thanks for educating me in your own particular way!
Well packed up me, Ivy and the dog yesterday and came to my parents. Left him at home with his kids and the puppy. Just can no longer be arsed with the spoilt brat tantrums, snide remarks, arguments over nothing and being spoken to like I'm a complete waste of space. Will be going back at somepoint today to sort some stuff but think once the rent runs out on that house I'll be going somewhere on my own!!
Hope you ladies and little munchkins are all doing well xx

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