Hey how is everyone doing?
Was anyone's little ones born with a tongue tie? Lily was but not bad enough to effect her feeding so they never had to snip it thank God! ... Or so I thought

the past few days its been correcting itself ... Basically ripping

and my poor little lady has been in pain

that on top of the teething she has had since week 4 (for some reason both my babies started teething super early :shrugs: ) and we can't even give her any paracetamol as it is all from 3 months up and she's not yet even 7 weeks

that was till I phoned the doctor tonight in a panic because Lily was crying (as babys do

) and I was trying to settle her like cuddling her into my chest and that usually works but all of a sudden she let out a scream and I pulled her off my chest to see what was wrong and her dress and my chest where covered in blood patches and her mouth had blood in it too, fair to say I got the fright if my life! But soon figured out that the last part of the tongue tie had come apart and must have been really sore when it happened the poor wee soul

so I gave her some water to clear her mouth and the bleeding stopped then I phoned the doctor and he finally gave me the go ahead to give her some calpol!

he said that they do say no under 3 months but it's not forbidden

and if they really need it it's okay

I feel so happy and relived that I can actually give my baby something for the pain now! Before I was only able to try settle her with bathing and baby massage etc
Apart from all that though

and despite teething so early as well Lily still sleeps through the night and occasionally wakes up once

I literally have never seen such a content baby

we are so so lucky! We also got both the wee ones christened the other day which was lovely! A few family came home for it and we had a spread on afterwards , it was such a beautiful day and I am so happy we finally managed to get it done! (Been trying to get Kian christened since he was born

Also I've lost half a stone so far since having Lily

!! And I am now officially 4 stone lighter and 3 dress sizes smaller then I was this time last year!!

I still have a little bit ... Well a few more stone to go to be pre both babies weight

but for the first time since having my first I am actually loosing weight and keeping it off! And I can actually see it being realistic reaching my goal weight! Sorry if I am going on

but it's a huge thing for me and I am just so excited to be getting some confidence back! So much so that I actually wore a dress to the wee ones christening :O

that is something I haven't done in years
I hope everyone else and their little ones are doing well and would love to hear from yous all, I will continue to snoop on this thread whenever I can to check for updates
Here's a few random photos of the billions of pics I took at Kian and Lily's christening
https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x400q90/911/GdQMk7.jpghttps://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x400q90/901/8lvoD4.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x400q90/540/iVSfw0.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x400q90/661/Vi0HbM.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x400q90/540/p0AclR.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x400q90/905/VOtCOk.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/600x400q90/537/g5ShoM.jpg