Wunna you look amazing!!!
Matthew is so adorable, can't make my mind up who he looks like yet haha!!
And that finding nemo mat is amazing!!
We ordered aload of stuff off amazon as it was on offer, got a jumperoo which is miles to big but at £60 it was too good a deal to turn down, and then a smart trike, like she can sit on and pedal but it has a handle. Again miles too old for ivy but was a bargin haha!
Yeah time does fly, Ivy will be 7 week on Sunday!! I can't believe it!
I'm still not allowed to drive, having serious issues getting my pain under control which is shocking as my pain thresh hold is so high and back on some hard core antibiotics as doc thinks I've got an infection. Not that he listened or did much. When I haven't been able to poop for a few days I'm in aggony and it hurts when I wee. But not normally if I've been going. So he automatically jumped on the urine infection band wagon! Still in pain moving and sitting up so I can't see it personally.
He also assumed I wasn't anemic and didn't lose much blood. So had to put him right. Was a bit of muppet
We tried her in her jumperoo just for fun and she seemed to like it.......

Although daddy had to give her a little help haha

And I get my cuddles in every chance I can
She sits up after her bottle now, does press ups during tummy time and stands her self up if u hold her hands.....been a bit of a shock but then again she is built like a tank haha