smoore - Welcome to the group

I hope things go smoothly this time around.
sengland - Everybody is afraid of a M/C I think. It´s the nature of life...
Heather - Wait feels like it can go on forever...
Snufkin - cramps are a pregnancy symptom. I have those almost constantly, much less painful the AF.

Aww, such a cutie, pointing at the baby
kissesandhugs - I hope your pregnancy stays trouble free
SarahTabor - Welcome
NDH - Hehe. Hopefully she won´t sniff out your situation just yet
pb - yay for seeing the heartbeat

and yay for eating without nausea.
Nikoru - I hope things turn out for the best

It´s never good to google your symptoms or sac size...
Fx for your next appointment.
Marlarky - no symptoms is good, some symptoms is good. It´s just kinda unfomfortable to not feel symptoms as it makes you unsure... that´s never fun
Radiance - I hope you get to hear the heartbeat, best feeling ever
sengland - yep, I look huge. Hope it goes down soon.

Maybe you´ll have twins, huh?
Marlarky - haha for the hotdogs.
Ruz - congrats for the 2-3 weeks

I hope it´s a sticky bean
AFM - My MS started this morning. It´s quite mild today. Haven´t thrown up yet. I hope it stays that way for this pregnancy, though that´s hoping for a lot.
I´m feeling very pregnant, but still not trusting that I am. I POAS 2-3x a day, just to see those beautiful lines again.

Midwife is calling tomorrow. Hopefully I get a dating scan soon.