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Hi Katbar, fellow IVF/ICSI belly here as well. Great number of frosties thought ours was a number with 11 :)
NDH and Marlarky thank you so much for the advice. Feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment and sometimes not sure if I am jumping the gun thinking about these things so early, but clearly not. Has also made me realise that being able to choose a hospital is a real luxury, and a choice I will be making very carefully. Thank you :)

Does anyone else have suggestions of questions to have ready for hospital tours?

Welcome Katbar! xox

You probably might want to see what their policy is on having a partner there with you even if you have to have emergency c-section. Visiting hours etc.
What happened with your second, if you don't mind sharing? My first was induced at 11 days "late" and finally arrived at 13 days late via forceps assisted delivery. My thinking is that it shouldn't be a problem, because induction and not being ready led to painful long labour, which led to me needing an epidural, which led to labour stalling a bit and ineffective pushing, which led to forceps...so no induction = hopefully no further interventions. I only lost 500ml of blood and baby was absolutely healthy, so I have high hopes for a more natural birth next time. I will be vigilant about following all the "get baby out!" advice (minus castor oil because that sounds dangerous) from 36-37 weeks.

With my 2nd the birth itself went absolutely fine, quick and I was in the birthing pool just like I had planned. However afterwards they decided to wait for the placenta to come away naturally this didn't happen so i got out and onto a bed. The placenta still wasn't coming away and i think she started to tug at it, may have given me the injection at that point I am not sure however i started to hemorrhage and that's when it all got very scary. I have never felt so ill and just being wheeled around from the birthing centre to l&d was the worst feeling ever, like being on a horrible roller coaster that you can't get off. At this point i remember thinking I am so glad i wasn't at home, which I had considered but then decided against.

However fast forward to now, its 3 years later and I am again considering a home birth! but after researching and thinking about the experience I think if 1) I had, had a managed 3rd stage like i did with ds1 then I wouldn't have hemorrhaged. Maybe I am just one of those ladies that needs the injection to prevent this.
2) This is something that Natalie talked about. Increasing blood flow by eating a good diet and one with more calories. Well with ds2 i only put on 12 lbs( I was a normal weight to start with) maybe it wasn't enough. With ds1 I put on 28lbs.

I do believe though that a NHS midwife will be wary because of the pph so i intend to tell her my thoughts and see where it leads. I don't really want to have to fight for one but i will argue! Hopefully i can get the midwife on board then dh will follow :)

Yes I think you are right the induction did lead to most/all the problems arising and had you been left alone everything would have probably gone a lot smoother. I think a midwife should be able to see that too. I don't think you will have too much of a problem with getting agreement hun. :thumbup:
hi everyone :)
welcome to the newcomers of the group :)

officially hit the 5w mark. goodness, was that a slow week! :p

i get an ultrasound on wednesday (5w4d) due to my history of having a miscarriage, and because this was an IUI conception, the doctor just wants to monitor everything is okay. i know i won't be able to see/hear the heartbeat but i just want to know everything is starting off okay, a sac, hopefully yolk sac..pole?
Excited and nervous!

With my last miscarriage it was missed because I was on progesterone which stopped bleeding - so I didn't even know I was starting to miscarry until the doctors saw it on u/s and advised me to stop the progesterone so I could bleed. *SIGH*

So you can imagine how anxious I am again because I am again on progesterone this time.

Radiance - hope the pain has subsided!

*hugs and kisses*
I'd just like to add, I'm still at zero symptoms!

Not asking for MS, but still keep fondling my boobs secretly hoping for an 'ache' ;)
Yeah boobs not so sore today, bit tender only if I touch them which has been mainly the only boob tenderness I've had so far. Usually if I wear a bra it feels worse when I take it off though but yesterday it didn't hurt at all when I took it off. Morning sickness has been awful lately. No vomiting yet though. My sister said for her it was actually worse before she starting vomiting. The vomiting offered a little bit of relief. Last two days the nausea has been pretty severe, not just queezy but actually getting a bucket ready just incase I needed to hurl. Food has been a nightmare. I can't tell when I'm hungry and when I'm not as I only feel sick :( and have no appetite.
susannah, that's awful! i'm glad everyone was okay.

:hugs: radiance :hugs: how are you feeling now? our dog has jumped up and stuck his paw right into my uterus twice now!! it HURT and i was worried, but thankfully everything seems fine.
Susannah how scary!!! Glad everyone is okay.

Welcome to the newcomers!!! :)

Afm I go back to the Dr's to see if my levels are rising which I have no doubt about since I've been having horrible morning sickness. Nikoru that's exactly how I feel. It's a terrible feeling. It does help me believe that baby is doing just fine though :D
Don't know if baby is going to make it, guys. Had our first ultrasound last week and got a heartbeat, but baby was 12 days behind where I thought it should be. That worried me, but my dr said not to worry. I work at a hospital and had my beta run when I thought I was 6+1. It put me in the 4-5 week category, which lined up with where my dr said I should be after the ultrasound, so I tried not to worry. Had them run it again on Friday and got my results back this morning. Exactly one week apart.

10/17- about 4500
10/24- 6988

I called my dr immediately and left a message with the nurse. Hopefully she will call me back, as I explained that I am traveling on Wednesday and would like to know sooner rather than later. Prayers appreciated. I'll keep you updated.
Don't know if baby is going to make it, guys. Had our first ultrasound last week and got a heartbeat, but baby was 12 days behind where I thought it should be. That worried me, but my dr said not to worry. I work at a hospital and had my beta run when I thought I was 6+1. It put me in the 4-5 week category, which lined up with where my dr said I should be after the ultrasound, so I tried not to worry. Had them run it again on Friday and got my results back this morning. Exactly one week apart.

10/17- about 4500
10/24- 6988

I called my dr immediately and left a message with the nurse. Hopefully she will call me back, as I explained that I am traveling on Wednesday and would like to know sooner rather than later. Prayers appreciated. I'll keep you updated.

I hope your doctor gets back to you soon and may be able to reassure you. I don't know much about HCG numbers so I can't really speak to this. Hope everything is okay. :hugs:
Don't know if baby is going to make it, guys. Had our first ultrasound last week and got a heartbeat, but baby was 12 days behind where I thought it should be. That worried me, but my dr said not to worry. I work at a hospital and had my beta run when I thought I was 6+1. It put me in the 4-5 week category, which lined up with where my dr said I should be after the ultrasound, so I tried not to worry. Had them run it again on Friday and got my results back this morning. Exactly one week apart.

10/17- about 4500
10/24- 6988

I called my dr immediately and left a message with the nurse. Hopefully she will call me back, as I explained that I am traveling on Wednesday and would like to know sooner rather than later. Prayers appreciated. I'll keep you updated.

I'm so sorry this has been so stressful. Either way, I hope you have some answers soon. I'll be thinking of you.
Don't know if baby is going to make it, guys. Had our first ultrasound last week and got a heartbeat, but baby was 12 days behind where I thought it should be. That worried me, but my dr said not to worry. I work at a hospital and had my beta run when I thought I was 6+1. It put me in the 4-5 week category, which lined up with where my dr said I should be after the ultrasound, so I tried not to worry. Had them run it again on Friday and got my results back this morning. Exactly one week apart.

10/17- about 4500
10/24- 6988

I called my dr immediately and left a message with the nurse. Hopefully she will call me back, as I explained that I am traveling on Wednesday and would like to know sooner rather than later. Prayers appreciated. I'll keep you updated.

:hugs: kdmalk :hugs: I hope they get back to you very soon.
Kdmalk I'm thinking about you. All my fingers and toes are crossed for a good outcome for you. If I manage to get to a shrine before you get any news I'll be sure to say a prayer for you. I'm still on bedrest but I'll try my best.
Ugh. It's been an hour and she hasn't called me back yet. Trying so hard to just focus on work, but I just want to know if she will get me in sooner!!!! This is AGONIZING!
Kdmalk, I hope your doctor phones you back soon and you get some reassuring answers...sounds like you'll just have to wait though, which must be so hard. Do you have a next appointment/scan scheduled already? I hope your dates were off and the numbers mean nothing, they're not always a good indication of things going right or wrong. I hope you'll know soon either way (and obviously crossing my fingers and toes for good news!)
Kdmalk, I will keep my fingers crossed you hear some good news today :hugs:

I had my first appointment today at the government prenatal care unit. It went well otherwise BUT my blood pressure was super high, higher than it has ever been. I am very overweight (BMI 39) but my blood pressure has been ok before, it was ok even two weeks ago. The nurse measured it twice and it was around 160/95. Apparently they won't do anything about it now, I just need to cut down on salt and exercise. Now I'm terrified of something going wrong with the baby and developing pre-eclampsia and I wish they could just start a blood pressure medication already. I am terrified of miscarrying as well and baby not getting all the nutrients it needs. This might explain why I have been feeling so dizzy in my pregnancy. I have some bloodtests coming up in two weeks but next checkup is late november. Should I try contacting a nurse/doctor again and voice my concerns and ask about a possible medication for blood pressure to reduce pre-eclampsia risk? So worried :cry:
Kdmalk, I hope your doctor phones you back soon and you get some reassuring answers...sounds like you'll just have to wait though, which must be so hard. Do you have a next appointment/scan scheduled already? I hope your dates were off and the numbers mean nothing, they're not always a good indication of things going right or wrong. I hope you'll know soon either way (and obviously crossing my fingers and toes for good news!)

My next appointment is supposed to be on Wednesday, but I am also supposed to get on a plane that evening. So if something is wrong, I am not really sure how I am supposed to handle it. Especially since I am going to see my brother, and I feel like I really need him if something is wrong. Sigh. I wish I could feel better with everyone saying dates could be off, but we only dtd twice the whole month, and it was within a 24 hour period, so it just doesn't seem possible to be off almost two weeks. I'm preparing for bad news because the beta looks so bleak. If I prepare for the worst, guess it could only be good news from there.

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