Hi Everyone,
Hope you're all doing well! Get to go into my doctors check up again on Wednesday, can't wait. Hope we get to see the little heartbeat.
I have nausea that literally lasts for 2 seconds at a time, but I think it's just my progesterone suppositories. Only real symptom i've been feeling is that i'm alway sooOOOooooo tired and ready to nap. I don't know if this is due to the fact of being lazy since I've been home for two weeks taking it easy because I'm use to be being out and about - or if its really the pregnancy!
I feel a bit bloated too, I mean my jeans do fit, but I feel tight in them. I always can't wait to come home and get out of them!

Trying to wear all my nice stuff now, because I know soon I will grow out of everything.
Still been good at keeping our pregnancy a secret. My in-laws know and my sister knows. I can't wait to tell my brother, will wait till we hear that heartbeat.
It's quite sad......I have the most close-knitt family ever. My parents were wonderful and kept such an amazing relationship with my siblings and I. I am the baby of the family. I lost both my parents and I was their "favorite", being the youngest. My dad passed away 7 years ago (3 months before my wedding) and my mom only passed away this April. Both my parents got taken away so soon. Both were healthy, and happy. My dad was only 63 and my mom was only 69. Both were active, working, and weren't even sickly. I'm feeling so sad I can't share this with them and that they will never meet my baby and that my baby will never feel how amazing their grandparents were. I was especially close to my mother so I'm going through lows and days of sadness because of all this emotion about being pregnant and not having her here with us anymore breaks my heart.
I keep telling myself that they are with me daily and it's their blessings which have gotten me to see my BFP after so long of trying. I am so thankful that I have an amazing sister and brother though, both older than me and even though we live in 3 different countries, still so close. All three of us have had a very tough few months dealing with losing my mom so suddenly and it has really shattered our world. Hopefully hearing about my being pregnant will pick them up from all this heartache dealing with mom's sudden passing this year.
Ok, sorry for the long post. Just had to share.
Hope you're all well and happy. xx