2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Do any of you have any probs with blood circulation? What I mean by this is like every morning my whole body feels weird kind of like it feels if u say led on ur hand after a while it feels kinda numb if u get what I'm tryin to say it takes a little while for it to go back normal after wakin, I'm sure its down to the circulation, any tips on how to prevent it?

Do you sleep on your right side? Apparently theres a big vein/artery running down that side so preferably sleep on your front or left side, if you find that your turn over on to your back in your sleep tring to position pillows so that your sort of tilted on to your left a bit more. Hope this helps!

Wow... I didn't really think it mattered so much this early, but perhaps that is why my right hand is going numb when I sleep on my right side. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why it kept doing that. It never did before I was pregnant. I just figured I kept sleeping on it wrong. I am a 'side' sleeper, but I toss and turn a lot. It's going to be hard for me to avoid the right side, since most of the time I am unconscious when I switch to that side. I know they prefer you sleep on your left side, but it doesn't sound like right side is as detrimental as sleeping on your back once you are out of the first tri.

I don't think which side you lay on at this point really matters, unless you already have circulation issues. It's the weight of the baby (and placenta and fluid) that causes the issue, and a raspberry sized baby wouldn't weigh very much :) However, your blood supply increases a lot when you are pregnant so that might cause issues as well.
How many here are determined not to find out the baby's sex until birth? There's no way I could do that personally... I can't stand the not knowing!!

I couldn't do it! There is a good chance I will know before 12 weeks! Being that I will turn 37 next month, along with the fact I am diabetic... they will probably push for this early gender marker blood test. It's not a CVS test, it's safer. So if my OBGYN convinces me it is safe, I will probably jump on it. I know that it doesn't confirm any of the conditions you may have markers for, but it just gives them a heads up for what to look for at the 20 week scan. It's pretty exciting to think we may know in the next few weeks!

We feel pretty strongly that it's a girl though. Just a strong gut instinct the whole family has. Plus it's what the Ramzi Method predicts and apparently the Ramzi Method is based on a doctor's research of over 5000 pregnancies in a 10 year time span. It bases the gender on the placement of the placenta, and in all of his studies of these 5,000+ pregnancies it was 97% accurate. I guess some doctors even use it early in pregnancy when they absolutely need to know the gender because of known genetic complications that are gender based. Personally, I wouldn't run out and paint a nursery because of the Ramzi Method, but it's pretty fun to think about. It predicted my niece's baby boy. You just need to know what side of the uterus the placenta has formed on and it only works for singleton births. If the placenta formed on the right, Ramzi says it's a boy. If the placenta formed on the left, Ramzi says it's a girl. But make sure your sonographer or doctor actually TOLD you it formed on the left or right. The pictures they give us are all over the uterus. By my pictures, baby could be left or right. My Sonographer and Doctor both told me I ovulated from my left ovary and the baby is implanted on the left. So Ramzi would say girl. (See, fun to think about! :haha:) But of course we'll love a boy just the same!
I can't wait to find out, but it's not making me as crazy as I thought it would. I guess the suspense of just getting to the first appointment is enough for now! I feel like it's a girl, but my sister in law thinks it's a boy because I don't have bad morning sickness. Can't believe I'm almost halfway to finding out!

I was naughty at the grocery store yesterday and bought a salami. The only meats I can think about eating right now are bacon and salami, and I'm so hungry all the time because I'm not getting enough protein. I can only eat so much peanut butter. Now I'm trying to convince myself it's safe because really the odds of listeria are so low, and I have a really strong stomach anyway :p I keep thinking about really rare prime rib, too, and that's definitely off the menu :(
Not finding out either! We didn't find out with ds which is what we both wanted. This time, dh really doesn't want to know but I have this little itch to know. But because dh really doesn't want to, we won't - there's not much he can get involved with at the moment so i'll let him have this. :) Plus I might have an elective section so d.o.b. would already be known too so might feel like it's taking more surprise away.
Kwynia and Lolly - thinking of you both and crossing everything that things turn around for you both. xxx
Do any of you have any probs with blood circulation? What I mean by this is like every morning my whole body feels weird kind of like it feels if u say led on ur hand after a while it feels kinda numb if u get what I'm tryin to say it takes a little while for it to go back normal after wakin, I'm sure its down to the circulation, any tips on how to prevent it?

Do you sleep on your right side? Apparently theres a big vein/artery running down that side so preferably sleep on your front or left side, if you find that your turn over on to your back in your sleep tring to position pillows so that your sort of tilted on to your left a bit more. Hope this helps!

Wow... I didn't really think it mattered so much this early, but perhaps that is why my right hand is going numb when I sleep on my right side. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why it kept doing that. It never did before I was pregnant. I just figured I kept sleeping on it wrong. I am a 'side' sleeper, but I toss and turn a lot. It's going to be hard for me to avoid the right side, since most of the time I am unconscious when I switch to that side. I know they prefer you sleep on your left side, but it doesn't sound like right side is as detrimental as sleeping on your back once you are out of the first tri.

I don't think which side you lay on at this point really matters, unless you already have circulation issues. It's the weight of the baby (and placenta and fluid) that causes the issue, and a raspberry sized baby wouldn't weigh very much :) However, your blood supply increases a lot when you are pregnant so that might cause issues as well.

A raspberry sized baby doesn't weigh much, but a uterus that's grown from fist to large grapefruit might make a difference.

Even just changing positions while staying on the right side may help at this point. I have a deformity in my left elbow joint, and that arm goes numb if I lie on it wrong or lean against it while I'm sitting (it's going a little numb right now :p). Just shifting around to change the pressure helps a lot. After awhile you get used to certain positions, and stick to them even while you're sleeping.
I don't think which side you lay on at this point really matters, unless you already have circulation issues. It's the weight of the baby (and placenta and fluid) that causes the issue, and a raspberry sized baby wouldn't weigh very much :) However, your blood supply increases a lot when you are pregnant so that might cause issues as well.

Yeah, I don't think the side matters..... but I can definitely tell a difference in my circulation already. I had borderline high blood pressure before I got pregnant. When I found out, my general doctor switched my BP medicine but the dose she had me on wasn't lowering it a ton. My OBGYN said not to worry too much about it right now because I was on a low dose of what my other doctor gave me and that pregnancy would lower my BP anyhow. He said we'd be more concerned if it starts rising more after 20 weeks. He was right... my BP has dropped significantly for me. Pre-pregnancy, even with my old medication, it ran approximately 142/97 on any given day. When my doctor changed my meds a month ago, it dropped down to 130/85. Last week, it dropped down to 117/68 on a regular basis. Once it was even 98/67. With that drop, I've noticed a lot more dizziness... and like I mentioned, my hands 'falling asleep' a lot easier. Even more fatigue too, which I guess can be common when you drop to a lower blood pressure than your body is used to. Now if only baby would drop Momma's blood sugar too!

I would be the one who couldn't get pregnant until she was nearly 37... about the time the family history of high blood pressure and diabetes sets in. You guys are talking about all this wonderful starchy, carb heavy food... and I can't touch any of that. *sigh* Plus, since I am not pregnant, they have actually put me on insulin. I wouldn't need insulin if I wasn't pregnant. :dohh: My diet consists of very little carbs and sugars... and a LOT of chicken and eggs. (I am sooooo tired of chicken and eggs. I want ice cream darn it!!! :haha:)
A raspberry sized baby doesn't weigh much, but a uterus that's grown from fist to large grapefruit might make a difference.

Even just changing positions while staying on the right side may help at this point. I have a deformity in my left elbow joint, and that arm goes numb if I lie on it wrong or lean against it while I'm sitting (it's going a little numb right now :p). Just shifting around to change the pressure helps a lot. After awhile you get used to certain positions, and stick to them even while you're sleeping.

I totally agree! I don't have a deformity, but my shoulders tend to get pinched nerves quite often from me sleeping on my sides. I have to adjust my arms accordingly BEFORE I fall asleep in hopes I don't end up with the pinched nerve again. Especially now that I am pregnant since ibuprofen is out of the question. Tylenol doesn't even touch that kind of pain. But I totally have different positions of side sleeping. I have also found that having a pillow between my legs while I sleep helps me get more comfortable now too. I seem to have that restless leg syndrome and the pillows help. It just sucks when I am ready to roll to the other side. Now if only there was a comfortable way of sleeping on my side after I've had my progesterone injection in my butt cheeks. That injection site hurts for days! I am still hurting from Monday's injection on the right and tonight hubby gets to give me another on the left! I think I wish I slept on my stomach!
I can't wait to find out, but it's not making me as crazy as I thought it would. I guess the suspense of just getting to the first appointment is enough for now! I feel like it's a girl, but my sister in law thinks it's a boy because I don't have bad morning sickness. Can't believe I'm almost halfway to finding out!

I was naughty at the grocery store yesterday and bought a salami. The only meats I can think about eating right now are bacon and salami, and I'm so hungry all the time because I'm not getting enough protein. I can only eat so much peanut butter. Now I'm trying to convince myself it's safe because really the odds of listeria are so low, and I have a really strong stomach anyway :p I keep thinking about really rare prime rib, too, and that's definitely off the menu :(

I've heard that very little morning sickness means girl. So just old wives tales. Honestly, they have a 50/50 chance of being right! My Mom didn't even know she was pregnant with my sister until she was 5 months along because she had zero symptoms. (and she's a registered nurse)

I've been eating WELL DONE steak like a champ!!! :bodyb: Hamburgers are also my new fave when I rarely ate them before being pregnant. I told hubby this HAS to be his spawn, because all he ever eats is hamburgers! :haha:
Oh, that sounds miserable. I would starve to death right now if I was stuck with chicken and eggs. And I don't even have proper morning sickness... Tell your baby I said she'd better be extra cute to make up for it ;)

I have no idea what my blood pressure normally is (nobody ever bothered to tell me at checkups, so I assume it's in the normal range), and I have no idea what it is now, but I'm sure it's lower. And my blood sugar is kind of all over the place because pregnancy is weird and my eating habits have gotten crazy. The dizzy spells come and go, but I'm convinced I'm going to get one at the worst time and fall over. Our bedroom is up 3 steps from the rest of the house, with no handrail (note to self: talk to DH about handrails), and it's just a matter of time til I get out of bed too fast and go flying :p
A raspberry sized baby doesn't weigh much, but a uterus that's grown from fist to large grapefruit might make a difference.

Even just changing positions while staying on the right side may help at this point. I have a deformity in my left elbow joint, and that arm goes numb if I lie on it wrong or lean against it while I'm sitting (it's going a little numb right now :p). Just shifting around to change the pressure helps a lot. After awhile you get used to certain positions, and stick to them even while you're sleeping.

I totally agree! I don't have a deformity, but my shoulders tend to get pinched nerves quite often from me sleeping on my sides. I have to adjust my arms accordingly BEFORE I fall asleep in hopes I don't end up with the pinched nerve again. Especially now that I am pregnant since ibuprofen is out of the question. Tylenol doesn't even touch that kind of pain. But I totally have different positions of side sleeping. I have also found that having a pillow between my legs while I sleep helps me get more comfortable now too. I seem to have that restless leg syndrome and the pillows help. It just sucks when I am ready to roll to the other side. Now if only there was a comfortable way of sleeping on my side after I've had my progesterone injection in my butt cheeks. That injection site hurts for days! I am still hurting from Monday's injection on the right and tonight hubby gets to give me another on the left! I think I wish I slept on my stomach!

Thankfully all I get is the numbness, which goes away after I change positions. I've perfected my weird chicken wing, arm sticking out, but no hands dangling off the side of the bed because monsters pose :p
A raspberry sized baby doesn't weigh much, but a uterus that's grown from fist to large grapefruit might make a difference.

Even just changing positions while staying on the right side may help at this point. I have a deformity in my left elbow joint, and that arm goes numb if I lie on it wrong or lean against it while I'm sitting (it's going a little numb right now :p). Just shifting around to change the pressure helps a lot. After awhile you get used to certain positions, and stick to them even while you're sleeping.

I totally agree! I don't have a deformity, but my shoulders tend to get pinched nerves quite often from me sleeping on my sides. I have to adjust my arms accordingly BEFORE I fall asleep in hopes I don't end up with the pinched nerve again. Especially now that I am pregnant since ibuprofen is out of the question. Tylenol doesn't even touch that kind of pain. But I totally have different positions of side sleeping. I have also found that having a pillow between my legs while I sleep helps me get more comfortable now too. I seem to have that restless leg syndrome and the pillows help. It just sucks when I am ready to roll to the other side. Now if only there was a comfortable way of sleeping on my side after I've had my progesterone injection in my butt cheeks. That injection site hurts for days! I am still hurting from Monday's injection on the right and tonight hubby gets to give me another on the left! I think I wish I slept on my stomach!

Ouch that really doesn't sound like much fun don't think I could do that lol
Oh, that sounds miserable. I would starve to death right now if I was stuck with chicken and eggs. And I don't even have proper morning sickness... Tell your baby I said she'd better be extra cute to make up for it ;)

I have no idea what my blood pressure normally is (nobody ever bothered to tell me at checkups, so I assume it's in the normal range), and I have no idea what it is now, but I'm sure it's lower. And my blood sugar is kind of all over the place because pregnancy is weird and my eating habits have gotten crazy. The dizzy spells come and go, but I'm convinced I'm going to get one at the worst time and fall over. Our bedroom is up 3 steps from the rest of the house, with no handrail (note to self: talk to DH about handrails), and it's just a matter of time til I get out of bed too fast and go flying :p

Yikes! I would be sooooo doomed if our bedroom was like that! As it is, I get out of bed to pee and crash into the wall from getting up too fast. :haha:

I only know my blood pressure so well because I've been monitoring it over a year. We've been trying to get pregnant for over 2 years and I knew from donating blood and plasma for years that mine was climbing up. So I talked to my doctor. She wasn't as concerned, but put me on a water pill to ease my mind. But the water pill was vetoed by my reproductive endocrinologist the minute he knew I was pregnant. Even though it was category B, it was a diuretic. So dehydration and too much strain on the kidneys would be a concern. They say if you can manage high blood pressure before you get pregnant or early in pregnancy, it can help reduce the risk of preeclampsia. Not all women with high blood pressure before pregnancy end up with preeclampsia and I am hoping to be one of them! :thumbup:
Good luck to you! I'm sure you can manage it.

Our bedroom is really odd. I'm glad I've had 3 years to get used to it before adding in pregnancy. It's long and skinny, so the edge of the bed is about a foot and a half from the wall. I think the only reason I don't walk into it every morning is because it's too close to walk into. But the room is long enough that I can get through any dizzy spells by the time I get to the door and the Steps of Doom. Of course, the bathroom is as far from the bed as you can get, but we're lucky to even have a master bath in Chicago. We'll have to do some rearranging if I want the baby in a sidecar sleeper. Poor DH may be exiting the bed at the foot...
Ouch that really doesn't sound like much fun don't think I could do that lol

I was on prometrium which is a pill form of progesterone I had to insert vaginally twice a day. My reproductive endocrinologist put me on it immediately because at 10dpo my progesterone was only 8.8. Well, my OBGYN rechecked my progesterone during week 6 and sent it to some special institute in Nebraska that does a more thorough analysis of the progesterone. It came back at 9.3 and at 6 weeks, it should be closer to 25 or more. So my OBGYN was not satisfied with the prometrium and switched me to the injections. I will do whatever it takes to give my baby the best chance, and truthfully the injections them self aren't painful. It's the days after. The prometrium was probably less pleasant. No pain, but lots of 'pill remains' falling out of my hoohah all day long. *gag*
How often do you have to do the injections? I'd be in big trouble if I had to do that, DH would have to do all the stabbing while I squinched my eyes closed and looked away...
How often do you have to do the injections? I'd be in big trouble if I had to do that, DH would have to do all the stabbing while I squinched my eyes closed and looked away...

You wouldn't be able to self administer them anyhow. Hubby has to do them on Monday and Thursday. I only started them this week, so Monday the nurse at the office did it while showing me. My Mom came down Tuesday evening to walk hubby through how to do it. Tonight is 'game time' for him. I'd be lying to say I wasn't nervous. This is a BIG needle and each mL has to be slowly injected over 60 seconds. Since I am currently on 2mL the shot takes 2 minutes to administer.

I am getting used to being a pin cushion though. With the diabetes I have to prick my finger 4 times a day to check my blood sugar, plus I have mix my insulin and inject it in the morning and the evening. I do those myself, but the needle is a LOT less scary! :rofl: These needles are more like my Follistim pen when I was doing injectable meds for IUI cycle last November. They are just tiny.
Lol I'm the same I look away if I'm havin any needles put in me just cnt watch I hate the diabetic test they do aswell I seriously cnt see the need for it for those not at risk so this time il be sayin unless necessary then I won't have it. I had it done with dd.
Oh god. I don't envy you. That's just about my worst nightmare. All those needles....

Kwynia been thinking of you hun, try and get in to be seen somehow if you can:hugs:


I sleep with a million blankets and pillows too, drives hubby mad as theres barely enough space for him to get into bed:haha: My joints are extremely hypermobile as a result of my genetic condition so have to sleep in certain ways or things move too much!:wacko: The only pregnancy pillow I would recommend is the wedge shaped one, after 5 other kids, I 100% cannot live without that one:thumbup:

Mac and cheese :sick: lol!

Its pretty common for babies to measure out of range this early, usually a result of human error as they're so small:hugs:

I have wonky blood pressure, Usually its normal, around the 100/60, yet when I stand from sitting it tanks and my pulse goes sky high, my cardiologist recommended a high salt diet :rofl: I put it on salad even! Usually just go with what your body asks for.

Oh and progesterone injections hurt like hell!!! Not as bad as the steroid ones but still nasty!! My last 2 pregnancies I got them from week 16 to PProm at 30 and 32 weeks to try and stop preterm labour. They would sting and then often the oil that they're mixed in would not spread right and then a big painful lump:nope: Elphabaa, you get them every 3 days? Ouch! How long do you have to do that for?:hugs:

Drmum, I don't know if I missed in the speed of the thread, how did your scan go?:hugs:

I might not find out this time, but I'm pretty sure its another girl:shrug:

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