2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Elphabaa that is a lot of needles!!!:hugs: My progesterone at the second measurement (OB ordered it with the second beta from her) was just over 40, is that too high then? Have not had the number before but I know the last time it was measured this early with #4 she just said "slightly low" but no number and no action taken.
Morning!!Oh and progesterone injections hurt like hell!!! Not as bad as the steroid ones but still nasty!! My last 2 pregnancies I got them from week 16 to PProm at 30 and 32 weeks to try and stop preterm labour. They would sting and then often the oil that they're mixed in would not spread right and then a big painful lump:nope: Elphabaa, you get them every 3 days? Ouch! How long do you have to do that for?:hugs:

Indefinitely. My reproductive endocrinologist was planning to take me off the prometrium (progesterone vaginal supplements) next week, but the OBGYN nixed that in the butt... literally. He said it's possible I could be on them my entire pregnancy. He is a huge progesterone supporter. He views it as it can only help. Because of my PCOS, I also have luteal phase defect which meant typically my progesterone fell off so quick after ovulation that my period would start before a baby could really implant. (Most women have 14 days between ovulation and AF... I have 10-11 days.) Basically my corpus luteum usually has issues producing sufficient progesterone. This condition can persist even after the placenta develops. I really don't understand it all, but progesterone has been proven to help women who are at risk for preterm labor (as you know) as well as other things. My OBGYN will keep checking my progesterone every 2 weeks I think, and if the level is suitable he will take me off injections. If it's not, I am on the indefinitely.

The big painful lump... I know that all too well.................... tonight I shall get a second one on the left butt cheek to match the first one on the right butt cheek. :haha: Maybe I should buy one of those donut pillows to sit on the next 7 months. :rofl:
Elphabaa that is a lot of needles!!!:hugs: My progesterone at the second measurement (OB ordered it with the second beta from her) was just over 40, is that too high then? Have not had the number before but I know the last time it was measured this early with #4 she just said "slightly low" but no number and no action taken.

Nope! You're all good! My doctor was saying mine needed to be closer to 25 or higher when it was only 9.3. You have rock star progesterone! :thumbup: I really think it's pretty hard to have too much progesterone. 40 sounds about right for the majority of normal women.
Donut pillow :rofl: That makes sense with the luteal phase defect, I know with #4 I was still breastfeeding and I ovulated much later in the cycle so about a 10day phase max.

Oh man I cant imagine those shots the whole time and so regular! For preterm labour its later on and one once a week and that is more than bad enough!!:hugs: But yeah it can only help:hugs: For the big giant lump, I found changing the oil they mix it with helped, but I cant remember what it was changed to:dohh: and rub the lump a lot to try and spread it out.
Scan is complete. It would appear I am carrying one little baby in my womb with a HB of 143bpm.

The picture was so blurry and the tech barely zoomed in at all and has tried to back date me from 7w1d to 6w3d, which I know is impossible. Hubby was only home a few days that cycles (he was gone most of it for work) and I tracked ovulation plus that meant I got faint positives starting at 2dpo and a blaring positive on frer at 5dpo! So either his dates are wrong or this pregnancy will fail. I wouldn't mind 2 or 3 days max! For now I will stick with my dates till my 12 weeks scan.

I've heard that early scans can be off by several days, so I wouldn't worry. Also, I had my first scan, with DD, at 7w3d and the heart beat was also 143bpm. I bet your baby is doing just fine. <3

I've always been a one cup of coffee kind of girl, but it's still very vital to my functioning in the mornings. I'm definitely not giving that up. I also allow myself a can of diet coke as well. I'm usually VERY caffienated on a daily basis, so cutting down to just two servings a day is a huge for me.

i know this is quite far back, but i'm seriously struggling with lack of caffeine, i normally drink like 2 litres of diet coke a day along with about 6 cups of tea, i've cut down to 2 cups of tea with no diet coke, but its getting me down :(

Have you tried the caffeine free Diet Coke? It really doesn't taste all that different and I can drink it with zero guilt.

Thank you ladies for your thoughts and prayers, it really means a lot to me :hugs:
Last night I was pink red bleeding twice when I wiped and cramping. This morning it was red brown and some on the pad, a streak, and when I wiped it was brown. But the most telling thing is my cervix because it's wide open. Cramping on and off and a lot of nausea but no real pain yet.

My DH is away on business and won't be back until tonight so I can't really get in with my OB-GYN today. I don't think it would make much difference at this point, I am sure they would just confirm what's happening.

Thank you again, we haven't told anyone but my mom yet, and she will lose it when I tell her :( So, it's nice I can talk about it. I will update when something changes.

Super big hugs! My fingers are crossed for you that it's nothing serious.
Donut pillow :rofl: That makes sense with the luteal phase defect, I know with #4 I was still breastfeeding and I ovulated much later in the cycle so about a 10day phase max.

Oh man I cant imagine those shots the whole time and so regular! For preterm labour its later on and one once a week and that is more than bad enough!!:hugs: But yeah it can only help:hugs: For the big giant lump, I found changing the oil they mix it with helped, but I cant remember what it was changed to:dohh: and rub the lump a lot to try and spread it out.

Yeah, hubby has to slowly inject each mL over 60 seconds to help with the lumping. Then he has to massage the area for 15 seconds immediately following the injection, then I am to massage it for at least an additional 2 minutes trying to help work the oil around. Then I was advised to sit on heating pads. Also was told that taking a cube of ice and rubbing it around the area will help too. My guess is that I REALLY didn't comprehend how important massaging the area GOOD for 2 minutes after was after the first injection Monday. I was in the doctor's office and I felt awkward rubbing my butt in front of the nurse. :haha: I am not making THAT mistake tonight!!!

Was your progesterone made locally? I have to pick mine up at a custom pharmacy where they specifically make the stuff for me and only me. It's weird... and my insurance won't cover it. So I get 10 injections (or a month's supply) for $80. Guess I am lucky my insurance covers the insulin I am on or we'd be racking up credit cards with my med expenses! I am on 2 different insulins that I mix, and they would likely be closer to $400-500 for both of them each month without insurance. :wacko: So I will gladly take the $80 progesterone expense as long as the insurance keeps paying for my diabetes! (test strips aren't cheap either!)
I called my OB-GYN office, spoke with one of the nurses. I don't have anything in the pad so far but my wipes have been all over the place today. Dark brown/red this morning, then a little pinkish brown, then this last wipe was light tan dishcharge with bright red but they weren't mixed, it's been weird. Nurse said just try and relax, it will either go away or pick up flow. Which I knew of course, she said to be concerned about bright blood and pad soaking and we're not there yet. I've also had some cramping come and go. So, for now I'm just gonna sit tight and ride it out.
I called my OB-GYN office, spoke with one of the nurses. I don't have anything in the pad so far but my wipes have been all over the place today. Dark brown/red this morning, then a little pinkish brown, then this last wipe was light tan dishcharge with bright red but they weren't mixed, it's been weird. Nurse said just try and relax, it will either go away or pick up flow. Which I knew of course, she said to be concerned about bright blood and pad soaking and we're not there yet. I've also had some cramping come and go. So, for now I'm just gonna sit tight and ride it out.

I called my OB-GYN office, spoke with one of the nurses. I don't have anything in the pad so far but my wipes have been all over the place today. Dark brown/red this morning, then a little pinkish brown, then this last wipe was light tan dishcharge with bright red but they weren't mixed, it's been weird. Nurse said just try and relax, it will either go away or pick up flow. Which I knew of course, she said to be concerned about bright blood and pad soaking and we're not there yet. I've also had some cramping come and go. So, for now I'm just gonna sit tight and ride it out.

:hugs: Thinking of you! :flower:
Well, since I haven't heard from the midwife, I have called my doctor's office. I have to bring in a sample of FMU tomorrow and I have an appointment on Tuesday morning. The nurse on the phone mentioned bloodwork. Can't say I'm looking forward to that, but we do what we have to. Besides, I have tattoos. I should be able to deal with a small needle or two, right? Other than that, I'm excited. It's making it seem really real, especially since I had to say "I'm pregnant".
How often do you have to do the injections? I'd be in big trouble if I had to do that, DH would have to do all the stabbing while I squinched my eyes closed and looked away...

I have to do daily Lovenox injections. I'm just hoping we don't have to go up to two a day. :(
Ouch @ those that need so many injections! Needles/injections don't bother me but I'm sure they would if I had to have them that often.

So, I had my appointment this afternoon, although it wasn't actually a booking in appointment, that's booked for 7th august :dohh: she's given me a due date of 27th February, because she wouldn't take into account my longer cycles. She says they'll keep it as 27th Feb until a scan says otherwise. I'm certain that I'm due closer to 5th March, but we'll see I guess! Oh and I asked about getting an early scan because of my history of recurrent miscarriages, and apparently a hospital 10 minutes from me (not the one that I've chosen to give birth in) has a walk in service at the antenatal clinic, where you just walk in and request a scan?! I've never heard of anything like it but I think I will go next week. I would go tomorrow but we're leaving for our weekend away in the morning.
How many here are determined not to find out the baby's sex until birth? There's no way I could do that personally... I can't stand the not knowing!!

I couldn't do it! There is a good chance I will know before 12 weeks! Being that I will turn 37 next month, along with the fact I am diabetic... they will probably push for this early gender marker blood test. It's not a CVS test, it's safer. So if my OBGYN convinces me it is safe, I will probably jump on it. I know that it doesn't confirm any of the conditions you may have markers for, but it just gives them a heads up for what to look for at the 20 week scan. It's pretty exciting to think we may know in the next few weeks!

We feel pretty strongly that it's a girl though. Just a strong gut instinct the whole family has. Plus it's what the Ramzi Method predicts and apparently the Ramzi Method is based on a doctor's research of over 5000 pregnancies in a 10 year time span. It bases the gender on the placement of the placenta, and in all of his studies of these 5,000+ pregnancies it was 97% accurate. I guess some doctors even use it early in pregnancy when they absolutely need to know the gender because of known genetic complications that are gender based. Personally, I wouldn't run out and paint a nursery because of the Ramzi Method, but it's pretty fun to think about. It predicted my niece's baby boy. You just need to know what side of the uterus the placenta has formed on and it only works for singleton births. If the placenta formed on the right, Ramzi says it's a boy. If the placenta formed on the left, Ramzi says it's a girl. But make sure your sonographer or doctor actually TOLD you it formed on the left or right. The pictures they give us are all over the uterus. By my pictures, baby could be left or right. My Sonographer and Doctor both told me I ovulated from my left ovary and the baby is implanted on the left. So Ramzi would say girl. (See, fun to think about! :haha:) But of course we'll love a boy just the same!

I wonder how correct this will be for me. I will always ovulate on my left side. Ill have to ask my doctor about the implantation part though.
How many here are determined not to find out the baby's sex until birth? There's no way I could do that personally... I can't stand the not knowing!!

I couldn't do it! There is a good chance I will know before 12 weeks! Being that I will turn 37 next month, along with the fact I am diabetic... they will probably push for this early gender marker blood test. It's not a CVS test, it's safer. So if my OBGYN convinces me it is safe, I will probably jump on it. I know that it doesn't confirm any of the conditions you may have markers for, but it just gives them a heads up for what to look for at the 20 week scan. It's pretty exciting to think we may know in the next few weeks!

We feel pretty strongly that it's a girl though. Just a strong gut instinct the whole family has. Plus it's what the Ramzi Method predicts and apparently the Ramzi Method is based on a doctor's research of over 5000 pregnancies in a 10 year time span. It bases the gender on the placement of the placenta, and in all of his studies of these 5,000+ pregnancies it was 97% accurate. I guess some doctors even use it early in pregnancy when they absolutely need to know the gender because of known genetic complications that are gender based. Personally, I wouldn't run out and paint a nursery because of the Ramzi Method, but it's pretty fun to think about. It predicted my niece's baby boy. You just need to know what side of the uterus the placenta has formed on and it only works for singleton births. If the placenta formed on the right, Ramzi says it's a boy. If the placenta formed on the left, Ramzi says it's a girl. But make sure your sonographer or doctor actually TOLD you it formed on the left or right. The pictures they give us are all over the uterus. By my pictures, baby could be left or right. My Sonographer and Doctor both told me I ovulated from my left ovary and the baby is implanted on the left. So Ramzi would say girl. (See, fun to think about! :haha:) But of course we'll love a boy just the same!

I wonder how correct this will be for me. I will always ovulate on my left side. Ill have to ask my doctor about the implantation part though.

Do you have both fallopian tubes? I only have one tube, and was worried about fertility, and was told that the one tube can catch the egg from either ovary (everything is a lot closer and more squished together than those health class diagrams would have you believe). Theoretically you could ovulate from your working left ovary and have either right or left tube grab it and carry it down to the uterus. Plus, it moves around before it implants.
Welcome new ladies :)

Elphabaa, yeah I had to get it from the compounding pharmacy and it wasn't cheap! Thinking to not do it this time as it didn't stop my preterm labour either time and in the end I actually felt more contractions with it than without.

Kwynia:hugs: Rest up hun:hugs: Will they get you in for an ultrasound?

Loozle I'm in same boat not knowing the date, hopefully we'll both find out soon enough when these LOs are due! A walk in scan place sounds amazing! Is it a free thing?

Menelly what are lovenox injections?
How many here are determined not to find out the baby's sex until birth? There's no way I could do that personally... I can't stand the not knowing!!

I couldn't do it! There is a good chance I will know before 12 weeks! Being that I will turn 37 next month, along with the fact I am diabetic... they will probably push for this early gender marker blood test. It's not a CVS test, it's safer. So if my OBGYN convinces me it is safe, I will probably jump on it. I know that it doesn't confirm any of the conditions you may have markers for, but it just gives them a heads up for what to look for at the 20 week scan. It's pretty exciting to think we may know in the next few weeks!

We feel pretty strongly that it's a girl though. Just a strong gut instinct the whole family has. Plus it's what the Ramzi Method predicts and apparently the Ramzi Method is based on a doctor's research of over 5000 pregnancies in a 10 year time span. It bases the gender on the placement of the placenta, and in all of his studies of these 5,000+ pregnancies it was 97% accurate. I guess some doctors even use it early in pregnancy when they absolutely need to know the gender because of known genetic complications that are gender based. Personally, I wouldn't run out and paint a nursery because of the Ramzi Method, but it's pretty fun to think about. It predicted my niece's baby boy. You just need to know what side of the uterus the placenta has formed on and it only works for singleton births. If the placenta formed on the right, Ramzi says it's a boy. If the placenta formed on the left, Ramzi says it's a girl. But make sure your sonographer or doctor actually TOLD you it formed on the left or right. The pictures they give us are all over the uterus. By my pictures, baby could be left or right. My Sonographer and Doctor both told me I ovulated from my left ovary and the baby is implanted on the left. So Ramzi would say girl. (See, fun to think about! :haha:) But of course we'll love a boy just the same!

I wonder how correct this will be for me. I will always ovulate on my left side. Ill have to ask my doctor about the implantation part though.

Do you have both fallopian tubes? I only have one tube, and was worried about fertility, and was told that the one tube can catch the egg from either ovary (everything is a lot closer and more squished together than those health class diagrams would have you believe). Theoretically you could ovulate from your working left ovary and have either right or left tube grab it and carry it down to the uterus. Plus, it moves around before it implants.

You know im not exactly positive. I had it removed when I was 18 and pregnant with my first. Ill have to ask my dr with that too.

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