2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Epidurals are covered here, so no worry about that. And if epidurals were around for the last few centuries, I bet many women would have opted for them lol. Everyone's labours are different though. Some don't find it too bad, and some feel like they are going to die from pain. So if people want an epidural, by all means, go for it. :)
I am really hoping that I will be able to have this baby with us after delivery, it will be a totally new experience for me. My twins were born at 34 weeks and had to spend 3 weeks in the NICU. It was really awful, and I am hoping for a healthy full term baby this time.

Hopefully everything will be fine since you're having a singleton this time. My nephew was in the NICU for just over two months, and it was so hard on everyone. My poor sister in law didn't even get to meet him for a few hours til she was a little recovered from her c section :(
MrsK - That's what I'm hoping! I couldn't imagine 2 months in the NICU. 3 weeks already seemed like an eternity without my girls! Originally they told me they were going to keep them until their due date, but they did so well that they were able to come home sooner. Luckily, I was able to get two rounds of steroids to stimulate their lungs enough that they were able to breathe on their own. That made the biggest difference.
MrsK - That's what I'm hoping! I couldn't imagine 2 months in the NICU. 3 weeks already seemed like an eternity without my girls! Originally they told me they were going to keep them until their due date, but they did so well that they were able to come home sooner. Luckily, I was able to get two rounds of steroids to stimulate their lungs enough that they were able to breathe on their own. That made the biggest difference.

That's great! I think the shots make a big difference. And nephew and your twins (it seems) are doing great now, and that's what really matters in the long run. I'm sure things will be fine for you this time. 34 weeks isn't unusual for twins, I'm guessing there weren't an issues that caused it beyond there being an extra kid taking up space.
Here in ontario we have something called motherisk run through a local children's hospital. Basically online information about drugs, cosmetics, etc during pregnancy and a hotline for emergency questions. Since people are asking questions about cosmetics this is what I found on their site. It's based on research done regarding cosmetics, absorption of cosmetics, etc.

Not everyone desires a drug-free delivery, and since we now have the option to deliver without being in pain, I can definitely see why most women choose not to. It's not like we are handed out awards for choosing to experience every inch of childbirthing pain.

This is coming from someone who had a natural delivery with her second, and is planning another natural for this one. :shrug:
I definitely echo that going into labour with an open mind is the best way to go. My birth plan was totally different from how my labour ended up playing out. I wanted an all natural birth with the option to ask for pain meds if I couldn't handle it, but I didn't want the nurses pushing me to take something.

In the end I laboured for 16 hours and DS started to crown when I was only 4 cms, he was trying so hard to come out that his heart rate became erratic. I agreed to pitocin to try to get my cervix open but it didn't work, I ended up having an emergency c-section because I never got past 4 cms and baby's heart rate started dropping. All of my plans went out the window when I heard my baby was in distress, I freaked and told them to do what they needed to make sure he was ok. I don't regret anything and am totally fine with how the birth went considering I got to bring home my healthy baby.

When I got pregnant last time I decided I was going to have a scheduled C-section because I didn't want to take the chance that I would have to have another emerg one. But then I ended up going into labour at 17 weeks and delivered vaginally.

I don't know what I am going to do this time, but I know I won't have any control over anything anyway. :flower:
I can definitely see the appeal of the drugs! I'm pretty sure I'd be a lot more open to it if the idea of a needle in my spine didn't creep me out so much. I think the stress that would cause might outweigh the benefits of the epidural for me, but I've never given birth, so what do I know? I can only guess.
My blood test results came back and the nurse called because my thyroid antibodies were high. She just said I'll get tested again at 28 weeks and postpartum, but nothing else is being done.

Google is talking about Hashimoto's thyroiditis? Anyone able to shed some light on this. I'm ok with waiting to talk officially with my doctor on the 9th, but just curious.
I'm actually really curious about an epidural and sort of want one, but if my labor is like either of my other two I'll just leave it. Don't need the added expense.
Great news all around. Good to hear!

I had an epidural and loved it. I totally agree with Bookity about adaptability being key. You can have all sorts of ideas about how you want your birth to look and feel, but when it really comes down to it, you want that baby out with as little stress as possible for mama and baby! I had to be induced because I was having lots of rapid but painless contractions. So I could feel the pain level change once they broke the placenta. I called the anesthesiologist right away. I could still feel my legs to change positions and I could feel her moving down lower and when I had contractions for when to push. Also, sorry for the squeamish, but you'll most likely have to have a stitch or two once you've delivered, so the numbing obviously helps.

In the US/UK, do they take the baby out of the room right after delivery? Here they stay in the room to be cleaned and dressed unless there's an emergency, so I got to watch her every move until we were cleared to go up to a private room.

I agree about the birth plan. You can plan all you want, but delivering a baby is unpredictable. I had decided that as long as my baby was born healthy, I would be happy with how the delivery went. I'm glad it went that way because the only things I wanted (baby on my chest right after delivery and hubby to cut the cord) did not happen. It's best not to have expectations because it can ruin your experience.

In Canada, at least where I am, the baby never leaves your side unless there are complications.

Totally agree with this. With my son I thought I was going to take every & any med available to deal with the pain, but when the time came, I ended up taking nothing because it wasn't bad at all.

I LOVE this sentence: It's best not to have expectations because it can ruin your experience. SO SO TRUE!

I met with my specialist today regarding my "hypothyroidism." He said my case is so mild that if I wasn't pregnant, then they wouldn't do anything to treat me. Such a relief because I thought it was a lot worse than it is. I DO have to take meds just to be safe. Anyone ever take/know anything about levothyroxine?
This is probably not the response you were looking for, but my dog takes levothyroxine and it helps her a lot! There's a clear difference in how she feels when she's not on it, and she can't even talk. Wish I had some human input for you!
I didn't officially do a birth plan with my MW but i count myself pretty lucky in that I pretty much had the labour i wanted. DH was by my side, just gas & air, no forceps/ventouse, no stitches, DH cut chord, DD was put straight on me & after a late night delivery I went home the next day! I expect it to not be the same with this one and will be fully prepared to do what it takes for my little one to come into the world as safely as possible. I don't get the 'competition' that seems to go on between those who don't have pain relief & those who do. I've seen so many belittle each other with their birthing choices which isn't nice! I got to 6cm on my own at home (unaware I was in labour!) so it was my choice to go all the way with just gas!

Katestar, yay for it being gone!

Loozie, gorgeous bump!!
I don't get the competition either. You both got healthy babies? You both win! Your personal birth choices have nothing to do with anyone else's personal birth choices unless someone specifically asks for your advice and experiences, and even then, all you are is the advice person.
Agree with you both Chrislo and MrsK :) We are all just here to have healthy babies!
Yup, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just because of my personal past experiences and my want to try a natural birth doesn't mean I look down on anyone who wants drugs. We all get a baby in the end, not a competition.

As for an update: the rescan place the hospital referred me to is actually my normal OBGYN office - they have an ultrasound clinic inside. They called this morning and said they weren't going to see me early, even though I was seen at the hospital, so I have my normal appointment scheduled at 13 weeks (next Friday). Since I've had no more spotting and don't have any severe pain, I think we will still announce this weekend at 12 weeks. If, G-d forbid, something is wrong, at least we will have friend and family support. Waiting the 12 weeks was hard enough.
That's too bad MissFrick. At least your appointment is only next week, but it feels like forever doesn't it?

My ultrasound is this Friday morning. I was thinking we would announce on Friday but then realized my oh is going to be out of town from Friday to Tuesday, so I guess we will wait. I will probably tell people at work though, just won't announce on FB until he is back. We are thinking we will take a pic of Me, my hubby, and our daughter showing our bellies :) Our little one has decided her beloved owl is her baby and often puts it under her shirt already haha. We didn't even tell her to do it, she just did!
missfrick, we have our scans on the same day!

Nelly, that is too cute!!!

It's 20:30 here and I'm in my pjs ready for bed. Usually I can make it til 21:30. I need my energy back please!!
Nelly, my daughter does the same thing. She also puts her head on my belly to "hear" baby. <3
Update: by some miracle, I called to inquire about why the hospital said I should have an u/s right away if they were just going to make me wait a week, and was rudely told how they're full... I said how hard it would be to go a full week and a half without knowing for sure if the heartrate was okay and if the baby was measuring properly... not even 5 minutes later she called back and said they have an opening Thursday! Now I will have no doubts about announcing on Friday, and I will know for sure everything is okay! Geez the u/s machines in emergency are so primitive, they can't even do measurements, and the doctor was pretty vague, although he said he thought the baby was sucking their thumb already... I feel such a relief!!

Besides that, I can officially not button my pants today, so Bella Band is out in full-swing. After the all-clear on Thursday I'll be hitting the thrift stores hard, shirts are okay for a bit, but pants are becoming impossible!

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