2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I guess with alcohol, I figure that if it is a substance that has a chance of affecting my baby, why risk it? What are the benefits? I do drink a small cup of soluble coffee in the morning, but it helps with my regularity and relieves the sinus headaches that I get from time to time. This is my personal opinion, and is very much linked to my so-so liking of wine and beer. This time around it helps that I have a toddler: you have to stay sharp! If you think that the stress of not having alcohol will affect your well-being, then you should consider the benefit of occasionally having a small glass of something.
yeah, i agree.. even tho evidence supports that a few glasses/drinks here and there wont pose any real harm, and plenty of women have had healthy babies despite a few drinks here and there... why risk it? I already feel guilty enough over an occasional cup of coffee or cola, and with my history of pregnancy loss, Im terrified of doing anything that would increase my odds of something going wrong.

All that said.. I freaking love wine, and I miss it, and though the abstinence is worth it, I cannot wait to be able to have red wine with dinner again... I completely empathize with anybody nostalgic for their vino :)

BTW.. what is soluble coffee? is that instant coffee?
I wouldn't judge anyone for having the odd glass of wine when pregnant. For me however, the idea of it makes me feel sick in a similar way that meat makes me feel sick. Also, as swamp maiden said, with a history of pregnancy loss, I'd rather not risk it. Obviously I know that having a glass of wine can't cause a miscarriage.

On a different subject, my GP has advised me that they recommend that all pregnant women have a flu jab now and a whooping cough jab. I've never had either jabs before, and they weren't offered in previous pregnancies. Who will be getting these jabs? I need to look into it and see what the risks are I guess.
I heard about the flu jab for pregnant women also... I've never had a flu shot though... I maybe get a mild case of the flu once a year.. already HAD the flu when I was 6-8 weeks preggers, and baby obviously survived even thru that sensitive period.. and Im probably not going to get one this year.

Im curious as to what others think too about this, actually.. since its flu season and all
I received a letter the other day from my gp about the flu jab. The letter states it is recommended and risks are low, however, I'm definitely not booking it until after my 20 week scan.

In regards to the wine/drinking thing, I don't really drink wine normally but I'm dying for some brie and crackers! I did feel guilty about drinking coke or Pepsi too so I bought some caffeine free.

Lovely scans mommasquirrel :) I adore the feet scans I think they're so cute!
I got my flu shot at my appointment on tuesday. They offered it the month before, but as I was suffering with heavy morning sickness, they said maybe I should wait. I've had the shot with my last pregnancy too and no problems.
I got both shots in april. I doubt they'd want to do it twice in one year. Little one woke me up this morning. I think it has early morning dance workouts. I can feel a ton of movement.
Yeah, sorry, soluble coffee is instant coffee.

I had a flu shot with my last pregnancy because I worked with children. I wonder if my dr will recommend it this time since I've stopped working, but my LO is in contact with a lot of other LO's, and you know how preschoolers love to share germs!

The whooping cough vaccine is given to all French parents after their LO's are born.
I am having the flu shot tomorrow. I had it when carrying DD also. I work with patients in the older adult sector so we are expected to have it really. I will get the whopping cough one also in 3rd trimester.

Also, confession time......I checked out ASOS.... Dangerous!! But they have such lovely stuff. Chrislo...who knew your gorgeous dress and bump would have this effect on bank balances around the world haha!! Thanks for giving us all new maternity clothes hope!!

Yes, ASOS was definitely dangerous. I have not seen dresses like that around here at all! I can't wait for my order to arrive!!!

Ahhh so glad to have enabled. Its a talent of mine apparently haha.
I will be getting the flu shot. My work has a flu shot clinic every year so I always get it. I can't remember how it works here... I think the whooping cough vaccine might be combined with the tetanus shot which I had a couple years ago. I will have to look into it.
I'm a little worried about getting the flu shot but my doctors recommend it. There is a clinic at their office every year so I will probably wait until it's there. DH gets one every year but I've not gotten one before, neither has DS but with him starting school this year it is probably a good idea for all of us to get it. I have heard the shot is fine but pregnant women aren't to get the nasal spray.

For drinking, SM you will love and hate this at the same time, for our 30th birthday party this year we had a cider tasting party. DH makes cider and when one of our friends kinda made the suggestion we thought it would be fun and informative for DH. I was not pregnant at the time. We also tried our hand at wine and beer. We planned for 4 months, less than 1 month out from the party I got my BFP. DH talked about cancelling but it was still the big 3-0 so I wanted something memorable and we had already put in so much effort. I ended up being the bartender. Someone tried to get me to try some of our wine & a small shot of the liquor DH made... since we weren't ready to tell people yet I played along but didn't actually drink any, I just let it hit my lips and licked it off so I had relevant comments. I really want to try the wine, everyone loved it (and we have 23 bottles :rofl:) but it makes me nervous so I just won't. I don't think a glass here or there hurts it just isn't for me.

For the brie and crackers, my doc said as long as it is made with pasteurized milk (which most are here) that it is ok. I had some a few weeks ago but it was on a warm brie & pear sandwich so it was heated.
oh my goodness, I want some brie now! I was really careful about what I ate during my first pregnancy... No soft cheese, no caffeine at all (other than a bit of chocolate!), no deli meats, not even things that said you could eat a small amount. I'm still pretty careful this time, but I definitely have a coke every once in a while, and not as worried about the cheese as long as it's pasteurized.
When i was pregnant with my DD i craved bacon and brie with caramlised onion paninis from Costa. They are DELICIOUS! I know i wasnt supposed to eat them but i couldnt help myself!! Didnt help there is a Costa literally just outside my office base.
I'm sorry ladies. I usually like to stay positive and topical, but I'm really not getting on well.

My emotions are really getting the best of me: my toddler has been very difficult over the last few weeks. Any little thing can set her off. She usually enjoys reading and playing on her own, but lately she's been a frequent groaner and refuses to do much without watching her favorite cartoon on my tablet. She had a cold last week (it could still be hanging on) and a new molar is breaking through. I feel really guilty about starting bad habits, but I really want her to eat and I don't want to lose the progress we've made with potty training. I also get frustrated and exhausted so easily, especially since there's another baby on the way.

Again, I'm sorry that this really isn't the place to talk about this. Some of you don't have toddlers/preschoolers yet, but I didn't know where else to go. I guess I'm just feeling alone in a country where I don't have many friends, with my pregnancy hormones running wild.
I'm sorry ladies. I usually like to stay positive and topical, but I'm really not getting on well.

My emotions are really getting the best of me: my toddler has been very difficult over the last few weeks. Any little thing can set her off. She usually enjoys reading and playing on her own, but lately she's been a frequent groaner and refuses to do much without watching her favorite cartoon on my tablet. She had a cold last week (it could still be hanging on) and a new molar is breaking through. I feel really guilty about starting bad habits, but I really want her to eat and I don't want to lose the progress we've made with potty training. I also get frustrated and exhausted so easily, especially since there's another baby on the way.

Again, I'm sorry that this really isn't the place to talk about this. Some of you don't have toddlers/preschoolers yet, but I didn't know where else to go. I guess I'm just feeling alone in a country where I don't have many friends, with my pregnancy hormones running wild.

You're not alone! Toddlers are HARD! Mine sounds pretty much the same as yours. She goes through days of being incredibly stubborn and difficult and then days of being an angel. Last night she locked herself in our bedroom at bedtime and we couldn't get it unlocked for 30 minutes. The bad habits thing is hard too. Before I was a mom, I was very "I won't let my children sleep in my bed, I won't let them play on my ipod/ipad or watch tv. I'll only feed them healthy food..." that went out the window pretty fast! Our most difficult thing is that she wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to sleep in our bed. We are just so worn out that we usually let her instead of dealing with crying and a tantrum, but then it just leads to her wanting to sleep in our bed more often.... It's a good thing they are so adorable and sweet when they want to be haha!
You're home with your DD all the time aren't you Frenchie? At least I get to come to work and have some adult conversation. It would be hard 24/7!
Yes, Nelly, I stay at home. I think that's part of the reason that she's so sensitive. At our last checkup the pediatrician recommended taking her to daycare from time to time. I stopped for the week that she was sick, so when we went back today, it was like she had never been there.

I'm repeating to myself to have patience and wait until this teething is over, but I feel like it's definitely a one step forward and two steps back kind of time. She does sleep through the night, the holy grail of parenting. Gotta love that!
Yes, Nelly, I stay at home. I think that's part of the reason that she's so sensitive. At our last checkup the pediatrician recommended taking her to daycare from time to time. I stopped for the week that she was sick, so when we went back today, it was like she had never been there.

I'm repeating to myself to have patience and wait until this teething is over, but I feel like it's definitely a one step forward and two steps back kind of time. She does sleep through the night, the holy grail of parenting. Gotta love that!

It doesn't even matter how often they go to daycare! My DD screams and cries every time I leave for work, and I work Mon-Fri every week. It's just so sad :(
Definitely not alone, and my guy is 4! We have been having difficulty at bedtime especially but pretty much whenever we want him to do something he doesn't want to. He normally would give in after a little but since he started school he has been much more stubborn and will shriek if he doesn't get his way. The only thing that has worked has been to threaten to throw out his toys, it makes me feel terrible but I'm not going to yell or throw a fit, I'm the adult and he has way too many toys anyway.

All the extra hormones definitely don't help. My fuse is so much shorter, so I try to cut him some slack but, as you said, bad habits.

It is definitely a different experience to be pregnant with your first versus pregnant with a second or third or next. Don't feel bad for bringing it up in the thread, it's for all aspects of pregnancy, this is one of them. :hugs:
Hi everyone! I have been lurking for a while now, but finally decided to register & introduce myself! I'm due March 16th with my first child.

I found this forum while looking around for all of the "what to expect" tips. I've loved following along & seeing where others are feeling some of the same things that I am. It helps calm some of the nerves! :)

I have my scan scheduled for the 27th. Can't wait to find out who is hiding out in there!

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