2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I hope everyone has had happy holidays! We pack so much into a couple of days, now I'm utterly exhausted.

Thinking of you, your family & especially baby, Mummy3. :hugs:

No plans for nye, probably early to bed and just ignore it entirely!! At least that'she how I feel about it right now.
That cough sounds awful :( I'm amazed that I haven't started peeing all the time yet. For a mucusy cough, I'd probably go with lots of very hot tea with honey (I usually go for lemon ginger when I'm sick), and you can use Vapo-rub, too. I'm not sure what medications are safe. I hope it passes soon.
Missfrick: Isn't it amazing? just to think that after Valentine's day it could happen. I would laugh so much if it actually happened that day for me and I'd tell my little one it was because they were my love baby. :haha: My DH really wants the baby to bake until St. Patty's day because he is a proud Irishman. :dohh: talking about nuts, I've been craving pistachios. I know it sounds weird but pistachio ice cream sounds so good right now.

Mummysmurf: I hope everything works out soon. I couldn't fathom being under that type of stress right now. I stress about going to get groceries or meeting a new specialist. I don't even want to imagine how it life would be if we were still trying to find a house and then move in. The cough could be cause from the heartburn. Once that gets taken care of, your throat will start to heal and you won't be coughing as much. The congestion, from what I've been told is a pregnancy symptom. I have a weird cough and some congestion and I use Vicks ( I rub it on my chest, neck and then under my nose at bedtime) in the mornings I drink Hot water with lemon, honey and a dash of cinnamon to help make the congestion get loosened up so when I do cough it's more productive.

LilFoosh: hope the next few days are restful and that you're energy comes back. Personally, I can't wait for the "nesting/cleaning" energy. I would really like my entire house to be clean and fresh for baby.

Oh January, there is so much going on in January but I am really looking forward to the classes, doctors appointments and more. I figure I'll be doing something or seeing a doctor every week. As for February, I don't have anything except for doctors appointments. DH has his bday on the 30th and we're going out for breakfast that day then to meet my new doctor, endocrinologist. Kinda worried about it but not too much.
Aaaargh some sleep would be nice tonight! This has been possibly my most ridiculously sleepless night yet! And I am soooo exhausted!
Between the heart burn and the pain in my hip and DS waddling through at around 3am out climb in beside us, and then being awake and being hungry I have literally NOT been to sleep yet and it's nearly 6am!

I always laugh at one of our neighbours who is out shovelling his snow in the middle of the night. True to form, it's 6am, pitch black, still snowing and he is out there shovelling his driveway and sidewalks already. Now I'm thinking this is why! Maybe that'll be me soon...?
Congratulations Mummy3! She's beautiful! I can't believe that our first little March-mallow is here already! How is she doing?

Also a belated Merry Christmas to everyone! Ours has been busy, visiting family and now I'm exhausted and just want to sleep rather than try to find homes for all the new toys! :haha: I would also really like to take the tree and decorations down now and get my house back to normal but I think I'll have to leave it a few more days. Does everybody wait the usual 12 days after christmas?

January is busy for us too with lots of appointments, including another growth scan next Monday - 5th January. I'm looking forward to seeing our little miss again! Hopefully if she continues growing well we will be able to be discharged from consultant care and just have midwife care and a low risk birth :thumbup: I am a bit nervous though as my consultant told me to stop taking aspirin at 34 weeks and that's coming up soon! I will have another growth scan at 36 weeks so hopefully stopping the aspirin won't cause any problems.

ETA - bump picture from this morning 30+5!


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I hope you get some rest soon, DrMum. Sounds miserable :(

Nice bump, Loozle! We usually just take the tree down whenever. Sometimes embarrassingly late if it's a fake tree... I hope everything looks good at your scan and you're back to low risk!

I'm still feeling a bit off, but improving. I took one probiotic instead of the two my midwife recommended, just in case they're what's throwing me off. I'm glad my girls night was delayed from tomorrow til Thursday, I'll probably enjoy it more later.

I'm finally getting the hang of the Snoogle. I usually like lots of pillows, but it turns out the extra head pillow over the head portion of the Snoogle was making my backache worse. I had almost immediate relief when I went to just the Snoogle. Weird! I woke up not feeling too achy this morning. I may add a wedge pillow under the bump if I'm still getting back pain in a couple days. My sleep was still somewhat disturbed by a dream that DH left me. I told him about it when I got up, and he seemed a little disturbed. Pregnancy dreams are so weird.
DrMum: I hope you get some quality sleep soon. it throws my entire day into a mess when I can't sleep.

Loozle: You are all bump! It's gorgeous. I'd take the tree down when you're ready. If it's today then do it..it's better to do it while you have the energy. It seems like everyone in our group has tons going on in January. I can't believe Valentine's day is in 7 weeks.

MrsK: I use my snoogle and have an extra pillow for my legs and a pillow on the other side of me. I also have another pillow near my head in case I need extra head/upper back support at night. DH laughs at me saying I'm like the queen of Sheba with my mountain of pillows. Also, really hoping you get back to feeling normal.

I had the most terrible dream last night and I woke up sobbing. It was about my Ex attacking me and cutting baby from my womb. It was horrible. My DH had to console me for a long while this morning. He thinks it's me dealing with fears of someone trying to take our baby away from us and that it is normal to be scared of that since I'm going to be a mom. All I know is that I never want to have that dream ever again.:cry:
That sounds awful! The anxiety dreams are totally normal in pregnancy (worries about baby and relationship plus hormones makes for some crazy nights), but they're just no fun. I had one awhile back where the baby was kidnapped, it was awful. I'm glad your DH was around for comfort.

DH mostly abandoned the bedroom a couple months ago because my snoring is absolutely out of control, so I can have as many pillows as I can fit on the bed ;) It's just a matter of finding that perfect combination.
I think Little Dog might have finally found the baby. Neither dog has given any sign that they know what's going on, but Teddy had a little baby party today, and while he was dancing around, Clementine jumped up next to me and started sniffing like crazy where he'd been moving around just before, and then laid down with her head on my belly. I wonder if he's developing his own scent or something.
Wow those dreams don't sound nice at all thankfully iv not had any for ages :D
what is this snoogle I keep reading about from u guys is it something of another country?
I bet there's something similar there, if Snoogles aren't available. https://www.amazon.com/Leachco-Snoo...e=UTF8&qid=1419809630&sr=1-1&keywords=snoogle
MrsK: that's awesome! I always wonder if my dog/cat know something is up? My dog always wants to cuddle, and she always lies belly-to-belly with me and I know 100% she can feel Squiggles moving around, but she doesn't really respond at all, except that she always wants to cuddle in that position with me.

Last night I got ZERO sleep (and by that, I mean, probably 3 hours total, maybe). I didn't feel tired, then around 2-3am I got into bed, but rolled around for another 2ish hours. I have the snoogle and everything else I usually have, but it's just getting hard to get comfortable. It doesn't help that I am now literally out of breath rolling over (oh, did I not mention, she finally moved up, lucky me).

Belly button is just about non-existent according to DH, there's only the smallest indent left and the top "lip" I had is virtually gone.

The only thing that has been calming my queeziness the past 4 days has been 4 cans a day of diet coke (ugh, I know, I KNOW!)

This trip has been anything but relaxing for me, between the pains of sciatica from the car ride, the lack of power the first day, and then yesterday our windshield cracked so we now need to replace it when we get back (more $ that could be going towards baby things!). And, while we've had some great meals (yummy dinner last night and brunch this morning), the 50ish stairs to get to the top of the driveway means I am huffing and puffing away. I just want to crawl under a douvet for the next couple days please and thanks!
Sounds exhausting!

4 cans of Diet coke is still under the daily caffeine limit :) Do what you've gotta do!

I got DH a cookbook for Christmas, and he wants to cook everything. I feel bad because with my digestive tract acting up, there are only so many things I can eat. He made a couple loaves of Italian bread today, so that'll come in handy. I'm giving the pro-biotics a week and if I'm still having trouble, I'm done with them.
I bet there's something similar there, if Snoogles aren't available. https://www.amazon.com/Leachco-Snoo...e=UTF8&qid=1419809630&sr=1-1&keywords=snoogle

Oooh it's a pregnancy pillow as we call them here :p they are dear to buy for a proper one lol
Having a rough low low energy day. Husband is working this weekend so he wont be home til almost midnight. It's just me & the girls and I am so exhausted I don't want to do ANYTHING! Getting a bit short tempered and I know the girls don't deserve it. I wanna cry! On top of that I've got a headache that is making things that much less fun. I've just taken some tylenol and made some coffee (at 6:30pm, lol) Big one took a nap for 2 hours this afternoon so I'm pretty sure it's going to be a late night. Pray for me girls!!!
I know there are several different styles of pregnancy pillows available here, but I don't know how the other ones compare in comfort to the Snoogle. I'm sure DH did a lot of research to pick the one he thought would be best for my particular aches and pains (mostly hips and back). I'm very happy with it as I'm getting used to the best position for using it. I don't know if I'd have spent that much on it (I'm cheap), especially so close to the end of the pregnancy, but it's worth it!
I think the snoogle was one of my very first pregnancy buys. It was very comfy when I first got it. It's a bit flattened out now, but still nice. When I first got it I could barely walk after getting out of bed, and I think it helped having it between my knees. It takes up some room in the bed, but I'm glad I got it. Hopefully it will come in handy when baby is here, too.
Yup Snoogle was my first pregnancy buy, around 14w to help with hip pain. At first it caused me back/shoulder pain, but now I can't sleep without it!
As a pregnancy pillow expert I can wade in!! Now on my third pregnancy having tried every brand available I now find the snoogle! And it is by far the best- worth every penny I promise!!
Do it! Do it before it's too late and your back hurts even more!! :D

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