2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Mrs k around this stage of pregnancy it's relatively common for the weight of the uterus to "kink" the neck of the bladder. Obviously the first thing to rule out is a UTI, but in the absence of fever or septic type symptoms it's less likely. If there is not infection, the kinked urethra can irritate the bladder neck making you feel like you need to go literally right after going. Speak to your OB, there are a few things they can do if it's unbearable including a ring pessary to hold the bladder up a bit and straighten out the urethra. It works like a charm for some women. Good luck!

Swamp- I also have a maxi cosi car seat and base and absolutely love it. They can be stripped down relatively easily for washing if baby decided to puke in it and doesn't necessarily require MENSA membership to reassemble as some do!! ( important issue when one is sleep deprived...!) nothing worse than a crusty car seat!

Thanks for the updates on mummy3 and amelya guys. I'm glad to hear they are both trooping along.

I'm excited that in a couple of days I can say "next month"! I know technically this makes me not a marshmallow, but I'm hoping you won't evict me now :) I got my appt for pre op clinic, and have my next fetal echo on Monday. If all looks well on that I'm not sure if that will be the last one or if they will do one more or not. The same cardiologist will see the baby before we leave hospital anyway so I feel comfortable with that plan.

Anyway apparently I'm in essay writing mode this morning, so will stop before anyone expires of boredom! Have a great day everyone :D
lil bean: I wouldn't worry too much on what the technician said. The estimate on the weight is just that, an estimate based on a formula. Just think, our bodies will make babies that it can birth naturally and no bigger. if by chance for some reason your little one is just a big chunky butt they can schedule a C-section if you're afraid of birthing naturally and tearing. We had an ultrasound at 25wks and baby was measuring a week ahead. We saw the little chipmunk cheeks and all. I then tested positive for GD so now I get to see a specialist and get one more ultrasound sometime between 32-38 weeks. Don't worry on your weight gain, just make sure you're staying active and like mentioned, look up the GD diet. Maybe switch in a few of those meals to cut out carbs. Carbs make us gain weight. Anyhow, remember to breath and that it's perfectly fine to have a big baby. I know my little chunkers is healthy and that's all that matters. :happydance:

Thanks Mommasquirrel! I feel better (calmer) after your reassurance...I am okay with a chubby lil baby as long as she is healthy. So lets see what the doctor says at my Jan 15th appointment and I dont mind seeing her again in an ultrasound either. So I will stay calm and not stress till then. I will update you guys as to what the doctor says.
We bought a Chico infant seat, I believe it's the highest rated car seat of 2014 in North America.
I'm not getting that weird have to pee feeling today, so I'm guessing it was just Teddy dancing on my bladder. That's a relief. It's so hard to deal with that kind of stuff on a holiday week... And annoying when I go in next week anyway - no special trips!

We were looking at a Maxi Cosi. I liked what I saw of it, but a lot of the reviews said that babies outgrew it really quickly :(

DrMum, when are they delivering you? Since I'm due so early in March, there's a good chance I could go in late February, which seems a lot closer somehow...

DH made bread the other day, and we had a whole loaf left that I was looking forward to getting into for lunch today. Grilled cheese, yum. Turns out the dogs helped themselves to it while we were out to dinner last night. So now I have no bread and a gassy dog... They're good just long enough for us to let our guard down, and then they get naughty. I swear they do it on purpose.
What's everyone doing for NYE? Anybody have the energy to party? ;) The insomnia should serve me well for once. We're just having appetizers at a friend's house with a few other friends, very low key, but at least I'll for sure be awake for it!
Met with the endocrinologist today and got a blood glucose machine and got lectured on how I should be eating. Of course we went out in the morning for a feast of breakfast before the appt and my blood sugar was super high. I figured it was my feast before the famine. lol
The food plan I was given is insane, I know I'm going to be hungry all the time in the beginning. Pray for me ladies that this next week I can be good with food. I start testing tomorrow. Really not looking forward to having to prick my finger 4 times a day. But, it's all worth it if I can protect baby from issues during birth.
As for NYE, we are sitting home and hoping there are fireworks in our neighborhood. I'll probably be up for it but who knows, my schedule for sleep is so erratic. :sleep: So I sleep when I can.
I got my care package today and I love it all. =):hugs::hugs::hugs: Thank you ladybrown. Can't wait for baby to arrive so I can take some pictures of him/her in the outfits.
I went bowling with the tutoring kids today (we take them out somewhere every year for a Christmas party). Ever bowl while 7 months pregnant? OMG. It was fun, though! My back is just a little sore, I think from all the getting up and down more than the actual bowling. And I bowled terribly because I wanted to make sure I didn't strain anything (ok, so I always bowl terribly...)

My friend who was hosting NYE is overwhelmed with cleaning (she's disabled due to an old foot injury, so can only do so much on her own, and her DH got called into work), so she bribed DH with a nice bottle of whiskey if we'll take over. The house is still pretty clean from Christmas, she's bringing most of the food and drinks, and it's just a very small group of close friends (plus one new boyfriend), so it shouldn't be too bad.
:hugs: mommasquirrel, I hope the eating plan doesn't leave you too hungry!
MrsK, just the idea of bowling right now feels painful lol. I hope you aren't too sore today.
We will not be partying for NYE, we will more than likely get a takeaway and oh may have a drink. I'll be happy if I stay awake till midnight to be honest! We have oh's work Christmas party on Saturday evening, which is a meal and drinks at a golf club. My SIL is having the boys overnight for us. I'm only half looking forward to it if I'm honest, oh changed jobs in September so I dont actually know anyone that he works with yet but it will be fun to get dressed up and meet them I guess!
Our car seat options were narrowed down to 2 because of the stroller we wanted (M&Ps Armadillo), it only has adapters for either the Chicco keyfit or Graco Click Connect. I let DH pick since he was letting me spend more money than he wanted to, so he picked the Graco. We have a Kia Rio (hatchback) and a Ford Freestyle, the Ford we weren't worried about getting stuff into, but we wanted to make sure everything would fit into the Kia too...so that drove a lot of our decision making. I loved the Armadillo to begin with anyway but when we started measuring the other contenders while folded it was the clear winner, everything else would take up the whole trunk. Plus I love that my 4 yo still fits in it nicely, so we are hoping to get a lot of use out of it.

We bought a couple of cloth diapers yesterday. We are going to try it, though we have no intention of using them fulltime. We just ended up getting a couple of covers and 12 pre-folds.

I had terrible dreams 2 nights in a row and then last night had some relief. For two nights I dreamt that I was pretty sure my baby had died and I spent the whole dream trying to get home to my doppler to try to find her heartbeat, it was horrible and upsetting. :cry: Last night, while the dream wasn't "good", it wasn't a really bad one either- I got in a fight with my mum in the middle of a kids Halloween party because she wouldn't let me take DS to get him a costume. :saywhat: I want rainbows and unicorns! Between these dreams, being uncomfortable and potty trips I'm not doing so hot in the sleep department.

Mommasquirrel, I hope the diet isn't too bad. It's hard to stick to a diet if you want to, let alone if you don't! You have really good motivation though. :hugs:

MrsK, good luck with your sudden party! I hope DH does most of the work since the bribe is not something you can share in at the mo!

Loozle I hope the party is fun and there is a least someone there you hit it off with.

I think I said already, but I don't think we are doing anything tonight. My brothers (15 yo twin boys) have come over for the last 3 or 4 years to play video games all night with DH while my parents went out, they didn't have to- it wasn't babysitting- it was for fun. This year we haven't talked about it at all and I think they may have their own plans with friends. I doubt I would be able to stay up anyhow.
MrsK: You should get a medal for hosting both Christmas and New Year's - no matter how low-key!

We're just staying in and having some hors d'oeuvres and Champomy (champagne for children, it's just sweet bubbly cider). Since my parents are still here we'll all probably be in bed before midnight. I'll make some sort of roast with potatoes tomorrow for New Year's day.

I met my new OB today. She's young and a bit aggressive, which I love. She got on the phone right away to speed things along for me to get my fetal MRI to check on the brain structure that was a little large during the last scan. I've never had an MRI before, so I'm kinda excited. If the MRI shows that the same structure is above a certain size, they'll order an amniocentesis. Has anyone on here had an amnio yet?
We are going bowling for NYE MrsK! So funny that you just went, I was worried that the bump will throw me off balance or something :haha: guess I'll have to take it slow. We go bowling every year (I have no idea why, but a group of friends and us having been doing it for years!) DH has a year end party tonight so I told him he can go to it and I'll stay home and take a nap so that I can try to make it til midnight, so we'll go bowling whenever he gets done with his thing. Tomorrow we are doing our traditional seafood feast to celebrate the new year! Ladies, we are about to be in the year of our babies!!!
2015 is going to be a crazy year.
Don't we have someone from Australia or New Zealand on here? If so, happy new year to you!
I have stew in the slow cooker for tonight, and after supper we will go to my parents and probably stop by my nana's to visit. We don't do anything super exciting for New Years. Every holiday that has come up since finding out baby is on the way we have been wondering what it will be like on the holiday next year with baby here. Easter is the first holiday after baby comes, so it will be exciting.
Happy NYE to everyone! I can't believe it's already going to be 2015! Wow! We are hosting a party at our house tonight, about 15 friends...we are leaving for dinner and then everyone is coming back to ring in the new year! I bought some sparkling cider for the preggo ladies (two of my close friends are also pregnant...one is 34 weeks and the other is 18 weeks) and some regular Champaign for all the others :). I hope I can make it to midnight!
Thanks, Loozle. I didn't get fantastic sleep, but I'm feeling ok. My back was feeling a lot better by bedtime. Hope you find someone to talk to at the party.

Foosh, those dreams sound awful. The pregnancy dreams are just so weird, and often disturbing. Good luck with the cloth diapers. We're planning to cloth diaper full time, unless maybe we're on vacation or something (I am not hauling dirty cloth diapers around the country). It's actually more common in our social circle than disposables, so thankfully we have a lot of support and potential babysitters are just fine with it. I'm looking forward to cutting out that one big expense.

DH will do most of the work for tonight, thankfully. He's pretty domestic, he's a better housekeeper than I am ;) I tell him pretty frequently that that's really why I married him :D I'd never have survived this pregnancy without his help (then again, I wouldn't be in this position in the first place!). I don't like whiskey anyway, so it's a good bribe to be excluded from.

Glad you like the new OB, Frenchie! I hope all looks good on the MRI.

Good luck bowling, Twinkie. Two games was my limit! I didn't bowl as well as I usually do (not that I'm usually amazing), because I was more concerned about not hurting myself, but it was still fun. I'm sure you'll have a good time.

I'm getting looks from DH for taking too long to drink my coffee, so I'm off to do a little cleaning. Happy New Year!
:dance: :happydance: :dance: Happy New Year :dance: :happydance: :dance:

I hope everyone has a fantastic evening. We're just going to stay in and enjoy the TV.

Frenchie: My friend had an amnio and she said it didn't hurt but there was a lot of pressure. Other than that, she didn't have any complications from hers. Really hoping it's just that your little one is just super smart.

Today is day one of my new diet and I have to say I miss carbs. I keep fantasizing about cakes, pies, truffles, everything I can't have. Also, it's so alien to me to have to do portion control right now. I guess the good thing is that I am now walking more. I have to walk 10-15 minutes after each big meal and about 5 minutes after snacks so it helps whatever carbs I consumed to get burned away. So we will see how it affects my weight. I started this at 260 pounds. I'd like to claim it's all baby but I know better. Fingers crossed I don't sleep walk to the fridge and eat everything by morning.
Good luck, MommaSquirrel! The adjustment period will suck, but I'm sure you can do it.
Mommasquirrel I'm glad you love everything in the gift box I did as well. Also I am a diabetic without pregnancy the eating plan does take some adjustment but you will get used to it and just remember you can enjoy treats just not as often you will be fine.

I will be bringing the new year in the church with my family which should be nice although I'm exhausted I'll force it for them.

Happy New Year everyone!!!!
Happy 2015! Our babies are coming this year! Maybe even some next month!

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