2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Hello! Hope everyone had a good Christmas!

Mummy3- Good to hear that the baby is doing well. So cute and adorable! Congrats!

Hmm.. well about the massages I'll have to keep that in mind then.. sounds pretty interesting. I guess trying it couldn't hurt anything right?
Also yeah about dtd after having a baby... I suppose afterwards that you probably wouldn't be interested in doing it for a while anyway then. 4-6 months sounds like such a long time!
Hi again,

I got some rest on Saturday and a little on Sunday, so I wasn't exhausted for work this morning, but I too am having difficulty getting comfortable and sleeping. My sciatica came back too, so I have to be pretty careful when bending or shifting. I also made sure I packed the necessities for my hospital bag because...

I must admit that I am very scared for Mummy3 and little Amelya. I have been thinking about you both a lot and sending positive vibes, prayers and thoughts your way. :hugs: NICU is rough on it's own and with other kids at home it is almost unimaginable. I really hope to hear a positive update soon, that Amelya stays strong and isn't burdened with any further complications. :hugs:
I've been dreaming so much lately because of waking to go to the bathroom. I remember more and I wish the dreams would either shift to be awesome instead of so sinister. Although, I am sure it's just hormones and the anxiety of being so far along. Also, I noticed I wake up from the nightmare right after DH gets out of bed. I'm going to ask him to wake me so I don't have the nightmare. Fingers crossed it works.

MrsK: Sounds like the pup is figuring out there is a little person in there. I can't wait to hear more stories about it. I too wonder how dogs react. I saw a video on how a dog got super protective of her female owner a few weeks into her pregnancy. She wouldn't allow anyone to touch her. It was insane.

missfrick: I'm sorry to hear the trip has taken such a toll on you. Hoping you can get some well deserved rest when you get back home. Also, have you tried ginger ale for the queasiness? I have it in my fridge just in case and it has helped so much from six weeks on along with sea bands. I never went anywhere without them.

bookity: I understand where you are coming from. I blame it on the pregnancy hormones, lack of sleep and being uncomfortable all the time. I never had a hot temper before being pregnant but now...my fuse is short and I erupt constantly. I feel so bad afterwards and DH is mostly supportive. Just think, it will get better

So today in one of my birth circles they talked about DTD post pregnancy and having your menses. One woman thought she couldn't get pregnant while BF and that her periods and ovulation would stop. one month post partum she is Pregnant. :cry::cry::cry: She was so upset. So ladies...menstration and ovulation can happen during breastfeeding and you don't need to have a menses in order to ovulate. so please be careful post partum and let your body heal. unless of course you want a pair of Irish twins.:thumbup:

Oh yea, my adopted mom mentioned something really important to me about eating certain foods during the weeks leading. Strawberries!! or something that is high in vitamin K. She said to start eating a cup/day starting 4-5 weeks before your due date. She said it will help with healing after baby is born. I LOVE strawberries..:happydance::happydance::happydance: So I'm going to buy tons starting in a month or so..yummy

Also, the snoogle is the godsend of pillows..but I agree that it looses it's luster after weeks of use but darnit..I still use and abuse it nightly. DH says I wrestle it into submission while I am sleeping. :blush: also, that i now smack myself when I snore too loud.. :haha: I guess I must be so loud I annoy myself now.
Oh crap. She posted an update on Facebook yesterday and I didn't even think to post it here! She said Amelya is doing well, still on the ventilator but doing great, but Mummy3 has a womb infection that they're treating now :( Thankfully they caught it before she left the hospital.

Mummy3 I hope all is well and both of you continue to do great!

I know I dont post alot because I am a quiet one until i get started..but I have been following the group and it is nice to be able to read how everyone is doing.

I am feeling anxious about something and wanted to get some advice if anyone had any insights on it.

I had my appointment on 23rd and everything went well. I also had my GTT on that day and got my results on 26th which they said were normal. My doctor hasnt been concerned about my weight gain. On the 27th I had an ultrasound (30 weeks and a few days) - the baby was doing great...everything checked out except for the baby being 4lbs putting her at 98th percentile.

This was supposed to be my last ultra sound but most likely there will be another. The technician asked me about my blood pressure which has been normal and about my GTT which came back normal. So what does this mean -- she also asked what my weight was and my DH's weight when we were born. I was about 7.7 lbs and my DH was about 8. something lbs. So it could be genetics or I could have gestational diabetes. She just left it at that. My next appointment is Jan 15th...and I just want to do something about this...either know if I have gestational diabetes or know that its okay and the baby will just be bigger (well it will be bigger for sure). Technician said that it was 2 weeks ahead...so then does it make it more likely I will deliver before March 5 which is my due date.

I just hate not knowing what do I need to do and is the baby okay. The appointment feels too far away. Has anyone else had this issue?
Mmm, strawberries. Wonder if I can find good strawberries this time of year...

I'll keep you updated on the dog thing. Both dogs have been completely oblivious so far. Little Dog is definitely a mama's girl, and she's a bit possessive and jealous to begin with (at least around other dogs), but she didn't change when I got pregnant. There's a German shepherd that DH walks twice a week who I think knows, though. He's usually jumpy and a little wild, and the few times I've joined him on walks since I got pregnant, he's been very cautious with me and hasn't even tried to jump. I tripped a little once and made a noise while walking behind him and he stopped and looked back to make sure I was ok. Maybe it's a breed thing. He lives with a toddler, but she was adopted, so he hasn't experienced pregnancy before that we know of.

I've never even given birth and I can't imagine getting pregnant a month after. OMG. I don't think I'll even want DH near me within a month of giving birth! Aren't there infection risks if you have sex so soon, too? I know a couple women whose periods have come back really early, which is just totally unfair, if you ask me. Mine can just go ahead and stay away til the kid weans ;)

I didn't take the probiotic today, and I'm feeling more normal. No issues after my coffee, but I haven't eaten yet. I'm thinking chicken soup and bread for lunch. Poor DH has wanted to go out to a make your own stir fry restaurant for days, and normally I'm all over going out to eat and have to convince him. He knew I was really feeling crappy the first time I said "Maybe tomorrow..." We've had to "maybe tomorrow" it a couple times now, but I'm hopeful for today.
Lil Bean, I've heard that those size scans are terribly inaccurate, especially later on. Sometimes just a matter of a few millimeters makes a big difference. If everything else checks out, I wouldn't stress about it.
Lil Bean, I've heard that those size scans are terribly inaccurate, especially later on. Sometimes just a matter of a few millimeters makes a big difference. If everything else checks out, I wouldn't stress about it.

Thanks MrsK - I will definitely try to stay positive since there have been no other issues noted and I guess if she was really concerned they would have said something. I do hope to have clarification one or the other way - either I have diabetes or the baby is fine and will just be bigger and maybe earlier.
They'll probably follow up with you at your next appointment. Could be a big baby, or it could just be an inaccurate scan. There are stories all over the forum of women told they're having 10lb babies, and the baby comes at 40 weeks and 8lbs. They're wrong more often than they're right. I think they're more reliable for comparisons - like if your baby is getting bigger than it was a month ago, or if the various parts of baby are all proportional.
Hi Lil bean,

I was told DS was going to be well over 10 lbs but he was 7 lbs 15 oz. He was really long though (23 inches I think).

The way they estimate the baby's weight is by measuring certain parts of the body and then using those numbers to get an average and applying a formula to determine weight. They can be off by more than 2 lbs in the last weeks of pregnancy!

This baby is currently being estimated as 2 lbs 10 oz (as of 12.23)- that is using the Hadlock method- but the doc showed me that if they use a different method that doesn't take into account the femur length (as my baby's femuar length is over the 95th percentile) that drastically reduced the estimated weight. Therefore, they are estimating this baby will be between 7 & 8 lbs, and long- just like DS.

If your blood tests came back normal for GTT I wouldn't worry about it too much, but you could always look up GD diets and try following one if you are really worried- just talk to your doc first.

Thanks very much MrsK for the update on Mummy3 & Amelya. I'm glad they caught the infection.
lil bean: I wouldn't worry too much on what the technician said. The estimate on the weight is just that, an estimate based on a formula. Just think, our bodies will make babies that it can birth naturally and no bigger. if by chance for some reason your little one is just a big chunky butt they can schedule a C-section if you're afraid of birthing naturally and tearing. We had an ultrasound at 25wks and baby was measuring a week ahead. We saw the little chipmunk cheeks and all. I then tested positive for GD so now I get to see a specialist and get one more ultrasound sometime between 32-38 weeks. Don't worry on your weight gain, just make sure you're staying active and like mentioned, look up the GD diet. Maybe switch in a few of those meals to cut out carbs. Carbs make us gain weight. Anyhow, remember to breath and that it's perfectly fine to have a big baby. I know my little chunkers is healthy and that's all that matters. :happydance:
I have a odd question for you all and I'm not sure how many can actually help me. So as you all know I'm going to have a home birth and looking forward to it but ideally I want a water birth so need to get a birth pool. I mentioned to my sister I planned putting it in my bedroom as its the easiest place for one but then she said I'm not sure u can because of the weight, what are everyone's thoughts would the floor boards be strong enough for it?
I know with large fishtanks you have to be careful where you put them, so it makes sense that it would be the same for birth pools. Can you ask your midwife? I bet she's got plenty of experience with birth pool placement.
I'm guessing it would be more of a problem to set up a permanent pool, though. I've never heard of a homebirth pool crashing through to the floor below!
So I decided Google could be my friend for this because surely I wouldn't be the only person to ever ask this. It's quite interesting and sure enough there's a lot of people who say yes it's fine they say think of it as people rather than a pool. If you can safely say u could have around 6 adults in your bedroom without any worries then it will be fine, I looked on the birth pool in a box website which says the mini one is equivalent to 8-10ppl. I'm going to continue research as i don't see midwife til 12th she's only at my surgery every 2weeks.

Quote from waterbirth.org website :p
Is there any danger of the pool falling through my floor?
In over 6,000 pool rentals, we have never had a pool fall through the floor. The weight of the pool is equivalent to 4 large adults sitting around a table. Water weighs 8.2 pounds per gallon, so once filled, the pool weights approximately 840 pounds.
mummysmurf: I'm an engineer and yes there could be a potential issue with the birthing pool in the bedroom. If your room is filled with heavy wood furniture and you add more weight, force on the floors you could have issues with the floor sagging later. But this all depends on when the home was build and what materials were used in its construction. If you're room is quire bare then the pool shouldn't be an issue as most homes built after 2000 in the USA requires specific weight capabilities in multiple floored homes.
Personally, I would place the birthing pool in an area with good access and in an area where you can easily get out. Also keep in mind you may want lots of room on each side so the MW or medical personal can assist when the time comes, in case of breech or medical intervention.
I'd add more but DH is rushing me. Lots of my local momma buddies do homebirths but most of their homes are single story.
Wow I feel like I could be writing some of these posts... from the heartburn, to the excitement of classes coming up, to disbelief of just 2 months to go before baby is here, to trying to learn how to sleep with all the pillows lol

my classes start next week, and Im pretty happy that hubby will get to attend the first half of them with me before he leaves for school again. At least i wont feel like an 'unsupported' mom by being there all by myself for the last half, since he will have been there for the first half

Also, today i finally got all the baby shower invites addressed and ready to be mailed tomorrow. And I finished my baby registry. I didnt put a few big ticket items on, cuz Im hoping that certain relatives will commit to buying them ;)

The only thing I havent settled on yet is a Carseat model. What models have you ladies settled on?
We haven't settled on a carseat yet. We've been meaning to go try some out in the car for weeks now, and we haven't had a chance. We have a small car, so we need to find something that won't leave me sitting on the dashboard :D I think the frontrunner right now is the Peg Perego whatever it is, but we haven't seen how it fits yet. There are a couple others that DH researched, but this one is the easiest to get our hands on and test out.
On top of everything else, there's a slight change I have a UTI. The only symptom I have is that needing to pee right after peeing feeling, though, and I know that can be a pregnancy thing, too. I've only had a few UTIs ever, and I can only think of one time that I didn't fight it off on my own in a day or so, so I'm going to give it a day and see if I develop any other symptoms or if the one random maybe symptom goes away before I call the midwife. Hopefully it's just the kiddo sleeping on my bladder.
We have a maxi cosi cabriofix with isofix base - although as I'm in the UK I'm sure that's not helpful to you lol.
MrsK I hope it isn't a UTI, I've had the odd day here and there where I feel like I could constantly pee but I think it's just the baby using my bladder as a pillow :dohh:
I have no idea about the birthing pool question, as my water birth was at the hospital in the birthing centre. I wouldn't have the space to do it at home unfortunately!

I'm 31 weeks today! 9 weeks left really doesn't sound like much, I need to get organised and sort out my hospital bag. I'm thinking I'll take a small holdall and my changing bag to the hospital plus a small bag to be left in the car for extra nappies, pads etc. When does everybody plan to have their bags ready by?

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