2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Happy new year ladies! 2015 will be amazing, the year we all get to meet our beautiful babies! Here's to a healthy and happy year for all of us!

Frenchie, I haven't had an amnio but I have had a CVS with ds2, which is similar to an amnio, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I may be able to help a little x
Happy New Year everyone!

The new year has already brought me my first experience of night time leg cramp.
Wow that was painful aha. Otherwise I had a lovely new year with family and friends. Hope you all had a lovely time too.

Here's to a wonderful 2015 xxx
Happy new year to all.
The cat was laying on my side this morning and then baby started going crazy. She just started back up again.
I can't believe it's the new year already. Things are going so fast. More babies will be here before we know it!
Mommies who have had experience with GD, Is it completely normal to have all your readings be under 100 when you wake up and after meals? Also, Should I be concerned if I get numbers in the 80's? The doctor didn't go over this part. She just said if i go over 130 to retest in another hour.

I really need to find out my numbers for the GTT, I'll be sure to ask at the next appt.
I think Teddy has shifted positions again, so he's mostly kicking the placenta. I'm feeling him just enough to keep me from really freaking out, but I'm getting a lot of these faint kicks in unusual places. Stupid anterior placenta... Hopefully this mean's he's finally not breech, but if not, I hope he gets into a kickier position soon.
Happy new year everyone!!!

Mommasquirrel-I really don't know anything about gd, but if your # on your test is the same # they test on the actual gtt, then being in the 80's should be great. Mine was 83 and my dr said it was absolutely perfect, but again, I don't know much about this stuff, just assuming the blood sugar you test is exactly what the blood test after the gtt # is. Sorry, that's all the help I can be (if it even is any :shrug: )
Happy new year all!

Mommasquirrel, I really don't know but I googled! I found this chart thing:

Mommies who have had experience with GD, Is it completely normal to have all your readings be under 100 when you wake up and after meals? Also, Should I be concerned if I get numbers in the 80's? The doctor didn't go over this part. She just said if i go over 130 to retest in another hour.

I really need to find out my numbers for the GTT, I'll be sure to ask at the next appt.

I'm not sure what your doctor wants but mine wants my sugar to be under 90 for a fast and under 130 after meals. I've been able to do okay for the most part. I had a few high days during Christmas but it is Christmas food and I told my doctor that I didn't plan to deprive myself. Of course I lost 4 lbs the first week and a half that I started which he wasn't thrilled about 😀
Happy New Years ladies! Anyone have any resolutions? Usually mine is "get in shape" but that's done until at least April since I just wanna be healthy for the baby and be the best mama I can, forget about hitting the workouts yet! Sorry to those of you who seem to have contracted a stomach bug, fingers crossed it is short-lived!

Today I was emotional about family issues that occurred over 10 years ago, and some good conversation with my mom helped a lot. BUT, after talking for 1.5 hours on the phone, I was out of breath really bad. Is that normal, to get SO winded from just talking? I felt like I ran a marathon!
Happy new year!!!!

I'm such a slacker keeping up:blush: A lot is exhaustion! I hope everyone is holding in there ok?

Lilfoosh :hugs:

Frenchie, I hope everything goes ok:hugs: I had an amnio this pregnancy, got to say it wasn't painful to me, a little pressure maybe, but nothing major at all, I hope yours goes as smoothly. Fetal MRI sounds pretty cool!

My infection is minging and just will not go!!! I have had 4 lots antibiotics now and still its not settling!! I have this giant lump on my lower/mid abdomen and the thyroid seems to have come back because I look like skeletor and my milk is proving hard to get supply up this time!!

Amelya though is doing AMAZING!!!! She's 10 days old and needing no breathing support at all now, she went from the oscillator vent to regular vent to CPAP to off them all in 8 days:wacko: I thought she was off the PIC line but it had just been moved, they'll take it out when she takes all her feed at least by NG. I got to hold her yesterday and today, she's soooooo tiny!!! Very, very feisty lol:cloud9: Her brain scans have all been clear this far, no brain bleeds and today she got moved down a level from the critical care ICU down to a feeder/grower part of the NICU:happydance: Her neonatologist is having our geneticist come down to visit her, WIth my EDS she needs a full workup, they're doing the heart echo and he was talking putting signs on her incubator, so nurses are aware of her high risk of bruising/bleeding/dislocation/fragile skin etc. As of right now though none of this is proving a hindrance to her though! I'll put some pics up:baby:


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Thanks for the advice ladies. I think the biggest hurdle I am facing now is consuming enough calories on this restricted diet. I decided to count up everything and I'm not getting near enough. I'll ask the endocrinologist what she wants me to do. I don't mind losing weight but I really don't want to hurt baby.

mummy3: So glad for the update. Glad that your little lady is thriving. DH said she is lovely and had a huge grin. He can't wait to meet our little one now.

So today I had a mini meltdown. I told DH to make sure he packed an overnight bag for himself and not to put in video games or electronics and he threw a fit. Saying it was unfair of me and that sent me into a spiral. I told him how I want him to put all his energy in supporting me while I am in labor and he can have his games and books after we got home. Then I started bawling. he couldn't figure out why I told him not to bring his games and said I was being inconsiderate, etc. Finally I told him the reasons why and that I just want him there for me and for that to happen he can't have distractions. After an hour of tears he finally stopped being stubborn. I mean the only reason I mentioned the overnight bag is so he can be prepared and well, I don't think playing video games while I am laboring will help me much. I know my DH and when he plays any video games or reads a book he forgets anyone else around him. Am I wrong for telling him to leave these items at home when we go to have the baby? I hope I am not being an emotional B&%$# but seriously, I just want all of his attention. I don't have anyone else to be my voice when I am in thr throes of pain.
I think you have a good excuse to not be on much lately, Mummy! ;) Thanks for the update. I hope the infection clears up soon.

I think I might have gotten my first Braxton Hicks tonight. I had a random kind of tightening a little below my belly button for a few seconds. Weird!

I'm finally using the silly bellyphones that DH got me for Christmas to play Teddy some music. He seems to like it, he's dancing around, and it's past his bedtime.
Oh, no way in hell would DH be allowed to play a video game while I was in labor! No way in hell! I don't care if we're in the hospital for days. Maybe a book for if I fell asleep, and only if I fell asleep, but that's IT. Does he think you're going on vacation???
Thanks Mummy! Do they know where your infection is? I can't believe how persistent it's being. I'm so glad Amelya is doing so well, she is very cute. Getting to hold her is a big milestone! :hugs:

Momma, I wouldn't let DH bring anything in during labour but after I kind of wished I had. He was sitting around for hours with nothing to do but watch me. For active labour- definitely not, I need and deserve all of the attention. But leading up to it, especially because I was in labour for so long, I started telling him to go get himself something to eat & read, I even told him to take a nap in my bed (nurses did not like that but tough titties, it was my bed and I wanted at least one of us to be rested for when the baby arrived).

After baby arrived there were hours when we had nothing to do, I could only sleep for so long. I had to send DH out again to get more magazines and the ipod and a few other things to keep us busy while DS was sleeping away the day.

I don't think you are being unreasonable, I said the same thing the first time around. If we were going the vaginal birth route again though, I would let him bring something. If I was in labour and felt like I needed more attention I would let him know. Otherwise I would be happy to have him there for if I needed something but not up my butt every second (i.e. how are you doing, can I get you something, do you want to go for a walk, do you want something to eat, can I get the nurse, do you feel ok, do you think things are progressing, etc) because he didn't have anything else to do. But like you said, you know your DH and how he will behave if he has those distractions.
Mummy3: Sorry about the infection, but good to hear how baby is doing well. Nice pictures!
Mommasquirrel: I think I agree with how you reacted. I haven't really thought about it yet but I would probably be really annoyed if my husband wanted to play video games while I was going through labor. I think maybe books sound reasonable.
Great pics mummy3 hope the infection clears soon and then u can look forward to taking baby home.
I'm feeling a bit better today managed to eat some rice crispies and a nice hot choc, tired now though lol
Thank you for making feel a little sane in my reaction. DH has agreed that he will bring a paperback book in case there is "down" time, lol.

Have you noticed that baby will kick when you try to sit in a normal position? I think it's time to break out my exercise ball. Right now I feel like I'm a gangsta sitting reclined in chairs and in the car. DH just laughs at me. Wish me luck on underwear shopping, lol. I'm heading to Lane Bryant to see if I can find some that are reasonably priced.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and that the ladies that aren't feeling will get better soon. :hugs:
Is there some form of entertainment that's less engrossing for him? I can see how either of you might want to have something if there are any lulls, but it has to be something he's not going to get totally sucked into and not want to drop. I'll have my Kindle and I'm sure he'll have his tablet just for updating people, and maybe we'll bring a couple magazines, but I don't know how much use either of them will get.

T kicks most when I'm sitting back a little or reclining on pillows. Not as much when I'm lying down or sitting up straight.

We're starting our birth classes on Sunday afternoon. I'm very excited! We're under orders to wear comfortable clothes, so my beloved yoga pants may actually leave the house for once. Too bad one pair is too short and the other pair is too long.
Happy New Year ladies!
Here's to an easy last 2 months for us! January is going to be overflowing with appointments for me. Next week alone I have a trip to Boston for my u/s and surgeon meeting, my OB appointment, my meeting with the pediatrician, and my meeting with my primary care since my OB wants to up my BP meds to 3x a day. Plus I have 2 more scans at least this month and my diabetes class (just found out I failed). Lots and lots of time in the car for me! I am a little concerned because I could feel kicks (anterior placenta) but the past 2 days they have been less. Used my doppler and her heart is beating but I'm worried about hydrops. It's the longest I've been without a scan in 3 months (3 weeks) and I don't have another until the 9th and my OB is closed. So I am just trying to stay calm.

Missfrick- sorry about your emotional upheaval. I can get winded after talking when I'm worked up. Maybe that was the case with you? My 2015 resolution is to work on my health- mental/physical/emotional/financial.

mummy3- your little angel is beautiful! and yay for a stubborn feisty healthy baby! I hope the infection clears up soon.

mommasquirrel - I would go ballistic on my DH if he packed games in his bag! and it is so something mine would do. Although he is such a nervous Nelly, I'm tempted to tell him to bring something just because I know he will drive me crazy lol. Good luck at LB with the undies. I wasn't thrilled with the prices when I was there last week so hopefully they have marked things down since.

MrsK- glad the bellyphones are working great. I was considering picking some up myself with my amazon gc but then opted to go with just the regular earbuds because nursing bras are much more needed with that gc!
Is there someone you can call while your OB is out of town? I definitely have lower movement days (if you think about it, you have energetic and lazy days, too), days when I suspect he's kicking the placenta more and I can't feel it, days where he's rocked to sleep because I'm active, and so on, so it's totally normal, but I understand being extra cautious in your case. My midwife is ok with lighter movement and less movement, but not no movement.

The bellyphones really are very silly. There's no way I would have bought them myself, but it's kind of fun. If I listen to music at home, it's usually on my laptop balanced on my lap anyway, and I've mentioned to DH that it gets him going, so I think that's why he bought the bellyphones. It's nice to be able to use them when we have the TV on, I guess. I guess I'm supposed to be playing him Mozart or something, but I'm teaching him all about the 90s ;)

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