2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I called the nurse line and they said she is probably positioned behind the placenta. I only feel her kick in 2 spots so I calmed a bit. I felt her a bit after drinking some juice (bad for GD, good for peace of mind this one time) so I am off of the ledge for now lol. She was moving like crazy I think when I listened to her on the doppler, based on the changing sound level of the HB.

The babyphones are super cute. DH is a huge music junkie so I thought it would be something nice to get. He compiles lots of playlists for her of music he thinks is important that she likes. I have her listening to a lot of 80's and 90's pop to balance that out. She went crazy kicking over Led Zeppelin, to DH's chagrin (hates them)
I had another midwife appointment today. Everything was fine, except a bit high on something that could mean a bladder infection (we have to pee on these sticks that have different colours on them, and the colours show certain things). She said to just keep an eye out for symptoms. I've had a bladder infection before, so I would know if it's happening. It's not fun.
We went to wal-mart after and got a couple of things for the baby room. A small ceiling fan and a closet organizer. Hopefully it will fit well, but it seems like a good idea. Better than just getting a rod. I also got myself a t-shirt, and a few baby clothes. Some were $4 each, and two others were on clearance for $3. I also got two packs of Christmas wrapping paper that was $7 each for $1.75 each.
I think we have the colours narrowed down for the room, which is good.
I booked another 3D ultrasound for Tuesday. It will be nice to double check that baby is still a she, and to get a good face picture, hopefully. Baby is known for keeping her hands by her face, so I guess we will see how good the picture is. It will probably be our last ultrasound, so I'm excited to see baby for the last time.
bookwrmgal: When I went to meet someone about my gestational diabetes they showed me how to use a glucose monitor and gave me pamphlets on what I can/should eat in order to help control my blood sugar. I'm so used to eating what I wanted that it is hard for me but I'm slowly getting there. If you want, I can send you part of my food diary, so you can see what I am eating. I don't I put exact amounts just descriptions. Also, If you love olives, you can have a good handful everyday since there are no carbs in it and the oil is good for you and baby. Let me know. :hugs:

bucherworm: Hoping there is no infection, can you dose up on cranberry juice to help?

We went to LB and found some underwear that fit, thank god. Also, happy I didn't have to pay $10 for each one. We got 5/30 dollars. :happydance:
Oh mummy3 so glad to hear that she is doing so well! lovely pics, cant believe how something so tiny can be so perfectly formed. I hope your infection clears up asap!

bucherwurm- a 3d scan sounds lovely! I hope baby co-operates and you get some great pics. No doubt you will. I'd love one myself but i'm worried id see what gender baby is.
The midwife didn't seem too worried about the possible infection, as right now it's just elevated (though I don't remember what "it" was). I fought a bladder infection with apple cider vinegar once, so I might look into it's safety if it was to turn into an infection.
The place I go to for the 3D scan the gender is optional. They have a normal 2D machine and the technology to make the pictures into 3D, so the tech could just stay away from the "goods", and focus on the face. You could turn away while they are searching to make sure you don't see anything you don't want to while the tech finds the right spots for you to see. It's funny you don't want to go in case you see what baby is, and I want to go to double check!
My midwife also brought up the Group B Strep test today. We are going to talk about it at my next appointment in 2 weeks, and I think we make the decision to test or not the appointment after that. Has anyone been told of this yet?
bucherworm: I think my doctor is doing the swab for strep B at my 32/33 week appointment. Although to be quite honest i'd want t wait for the next appointment. I don't like pelvic exams at all. The only thing I am not looking forward to is getting checked under the hood at every appointment starting at week 34. :blush:
The place I go to for the 3D scan the gender is optional. They have a normal 2D machine and the technology to make the pictures into 3D, so the tech could just stay away from the "goods", and focus on the face. You could turn away while they are searching to make sure you don't see anything you don't want to while the tech finds the right spots for you to see. It's funny you don't want to go in case you see what baby is, and I want to go to double check!

Haha that's a good point!! No doubt your little one will still be a she :). A family friend due a similar time to me had a voucher for a 3d scan. She explicitly said she didn't want to know the gender but they told her anyway!! She is ever so upset! I'm afraid that might happen to me and I'd be so annoyed at myself for letting it. If I just stay clear and force myself to wait till the birth to find out, it will be worth it. I definitely want a 3d scan next time though!!! :)
bumpwishes, I'm in the same boat about getting the 3D ultrasound. I really don't want to know if baby is a he/she until birth. I rather not take a chance and I figure I'll do it for the next one if I can.

Well I weighed myself and I'm already down a little over 4 pounds since my doctor appointment. Even though I should be thrilled I am a little worried it might be an issue later on. I'm going to ask my doctor on Tuesday if this is normal since going on a GD friendly diet. Maybe if its all good I can lose everything I've gained since getting pregnant, lol. I could then brag to people how being pregnant, I lost weight. =D
bookwrmgal: When I went to meet someone about my gestational diabetes they showed me how to use a glucose monitor and gave me pamphlets on what I can/should eat in order to help control my blood sugar. I'm so used to eating what I wanted that it is hard for me but I'm slowly getting there. If you want, I can send you part of my food diary, so you can see what I am eating. I don't I put exact amounts just descriptions. Also, If you love olives, you can have a good handful everyday since there are no carbs in it and the oil is good for you and baby. Let me know.

Mommasquirrel...I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes yesterday. I would love to see part of your food diary for some ideas. I don't meet with someone until next week. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. I LOVE my carbs :nope:.
mommasquirrel...my SIL lost 15 lbs when she switched to the GD diet! I think it is normal to lose a bit when you switch.
I'd be surprised if a GD diet didn't lead to at least a little weight loss. It's a drastic change for most people!

I had another creepy dream, where I hadn't felt the baby kick all day, and nobody near me thought it was a big deal, and I couldn't get to the hospital. My mom is picking me up any minute to go shopping, but I don't want to go til Teddy at least starts his morning dance party. I know he'll sleep through a shopping trip and it'll worry me. I've gotten a few light pokes, need more... I think we may have hit the running out of room phase, because he's still active but not quite as active, so I'm going to ask the midwife about it on Tuesday.
My Food diary: a compilation of random edible foods that will not raise my blood sugar to extremes that cause me to leap and jump for joy. Goodbye cakes, pies and my friend, cookies.
Day 1
Breakfast: 1 egg fried over easy with 2 oz of baked chicken without skin and a heaping spoonful of plain hummus. -At first glance It seems like such a small amount of food, I could add another egg but I don't want all the cholesterol. I drink copious amounts of water and my stomach is now sloshing around. I go for a brief 10 walk around my kitchen/living room. I think it was twenty full loops then my 1 hour timer went off. Tested my blood sugar and all is well.
Snack: 1 large celery stalk smothered with smooth peanut butter, a cheese stick and a handful of olives. Followed by more water. Thank goodness for olives, my zero carb friend. I'm feeling pretty good now from the sugar in the peanut butter.
Mid-snack: tea with splenda and 2 oz of milk.
Lunch: a small piece of toast covered in mustard, a slice of ham and cheese. 3 large strawberries in 1/4 cup of cottage cheese, 1/2 cup cucumber chips with hummus. Again, when I look at my plate it seems like such a small amount of food but 3/4 of the way eating it I feel fuller than usual. Must be all the protein. Followed by more water. Drag DH for a walk around the neighborhood for 25 minutes. Test my blood sugar and Hooray I did not go over. I am now a sweat covered whale...why do I sweat so easily???
Snack: 1/2 piece of raisin bread toast with butter, half of an avocado, 2 oz of chicken and more cheese. I might just be turning into a large mouse; a pregnant grouchy mouse. I continue my regimen of water. Why am I going pee every 15-20 minutes??? I walk to the mailbox and back. So tired, I want to sleep for an eternity.
Mid-snack: tea with splenda and 2 oz of milk.
Dinner: small fist size fillet of Salmon baked in olive oil, lemons and seasoning. salad: 1 cup of lettuce chopped, 1/4 tomato, celery, 1 small bell pepper all mixed up with 1 tbsp of ranch. 1/2 large Sauteed Zucchini. I am soo full, will it last for at least an hour?? Convince DH to go on yet another walk. 10 more minutes of gasping for air as we casually stride down the street and back. I hope this gets better or people may think I am actually in labor every time i go outside. Test my blood sugar and numbers are great.
Snack: 1/2 piece of raisin bread toast with a small smear of peanut butter and some tea and splenda.
Feeling pretty good now other than dealing with small hunger pangs here and there. Hoping it will dissipate as the diet proceeds..It's just 3 months...12 weeks...I can do it!!!
Hope you don't mind the comments portion. I'm on day 4 now and the hunger pangs are mostly gone. I think I was so used to eating carbs non stop that my stomach was just accustomed to it. Now with tons of protein I stay full a little bit longer and I'm eating a lot healthier. I've been googling info on fruits and vegetables online. Most of my big meals are under 35 carbs. The breakfast meal should be low in carbs. I was told under 10 if possible. Although, I really do think I am turning into a mouse. I eat lots of cheese and thankfully haven't had to give up milk. I used to finish a box of cereal in a day..I miss captain crunch but it's okay. I keep telling myself it's for the baby. I can do anything if it's for my chunky monkey to make sure they are okay when their bday arrives.
Happy new year everyone!

Man, I have a lot to catch up on!

I just zipped through to find mummy3's update and those pictures are just gorgeous! So glad to her she is doing so well mummy!

We have had a kind of stressful new year thus far. DHs family are still here, his mom ended up being admitted to hospital New Year's Eve with chest pain and her insurance wouldn't fly her home as she as classed as unstable. So it's been long hours in emergency etc for us all. They've now agreed to fly her back to the UK on Friday.

This week is a crazy one with fetal echo on Monday and OB on Wednesday and then flights on Friday now, and a full weeks hours to put in at work in the remaining days...

7 weeks to go until baby is here and I cannot wait now. I just need to be done and have some normal life!

I have to dash and move my SUV for the snow plough.... Catch up soon girls, happy new year again :)
Mommasquirrel- thanks so much for posting part of your food diary! That's a big help and it looks like my changes I've made are on track with what you are doing.
DH is type 2 diabetic so I was aware of what needed to be done but we've been lazy since my food aversions were so bad and all I could tolerate were carbs. It's hard getting into this new habit for myself, especially the small meals of increased frequency. Good job! Have you decided on any GD snacks to pack in your go bag?

I don't go to diabetic living until 1/16 for the class and learning how to use the monitor. They do all of my follow up and checks (my OB group doesn't). It seems super late in the game to do any meaningful changes medically speaking but I am at least incorporating changes into my diet now. I have found I feel much better with snacks like pb on toast, an apple with pb, hummus, and some almonds and cheese than I have been feeling lately so I'm encouraged.
I think the biggest worry is having high blood sugar in the weeks before delivery because the baby is getting all that sugar and when baby is born he/she may end up with low blood sugar immediately after the cord is cut and can go into shock. So if we can control the amount of sugar in our system then baby will not have such a hard time adjusting after birth. I think that is why they test us at 28 weeks because it's a toss up to catch it earlier unless you have had issues with insulin resistance. I got tested at 14 weeks and passed.
I bring apples and individual packs of PB and cut up celery if I know I'll be out for a bit. For my hospital bag I'm going to bring some mixed nuts, a couple bags of beef jerky and fruit to help along with a few cookies. I figure I'll be moving around a lot and I'll need the extra energy.
Oops hit post too soon

Hopeful - Sorry you got the GD diagnosis too and I completely understand the
carb love :flower:

MrsK- that is a creepy dream! hope your shopping trip went great

bucher- I don't know about when I will be getting the strep test. I just met my new OB on the 22nd (switched to a higher high risk group) and had my cervix checked. I wasn't expecting it on the first meeting! He comes in, says I have to check your cervix, and I said "well normally I prefer it if you buy me a drink first but ok considering your my Dr and I'm pregnant".

Does anyone else have periodic sharp feeling by their belly button? Like being poked with a needle from the inside out? I've had it the past 2 days a few times.

After some anxiety and a total stalemate about whether or not I am going to have a shower (or 2) both my mother and my MIL emailed me yesterday about showers they are planning separately. My MIL of course has drama with hers, which is typical. I'm just so relieved because we have been holding off on getting anything and I've been in a tizzy of fear that I will give birth with nothing for her because my MIL waited until the last minute for a shower and I didn't have time to go shopping. She is still leaving it late but my Mother is throwing a shower for me on 1/31. Now fingers crossed it doesn't snow because I have to drive 90min for it!
bumpwishes, I'm in the same boat about getting the 3D ultrasound. I really don't want to know if baby is a he/she until birth. I rather not take a chance and I figure I'll do it for the next one if I can

Ohh it's nice to see you're feeling the same way. It will definitely be worth not having and ensuring it remains a surprise. We've come this far!

Glad your new food plan is going well. I definitely would struggle but sounds like you're doing a great job. :)
Thanks, Bookwrm. The shopping trip was kind of a waste of time, but that's to be expected - my mother is difficult... I'm glad at least my SIL was along this time so she couldn't be quite as difficult as usual. The baby got a little bit of a late start (probably because I got up early), but he did have his usual dance party eventually, so that helped with the dream heebie jeebies. I'll be glad to be done with pregnancy dreams, they're all either terrifying or dirty! Ok, so the dirty ones maybe aren't so bad....

I'm glad you're getting a shower! It is scary not having anything, isn't it?
Good luck getting the GD diets sorted out, ladies.

Good news on our front is that the baby room is ready to be painted! I bought primer today so we can start that, but I'm waiting for Tuesday before we buy the colour paint! :winkwink: So excited to finally be able to do something more to get ready for baby.

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