2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I don't think I've felt any BH. I thought I had when I felt a kind of all over pressure, but in hindsight, I think it was the baby turning over. He was head down at my midwife appointment the day before, and breech at the ultrasound a few days later.

Our bassinet is here, so whatever happens, at least the baby won't be sleeping in a drawer! DH agreed that we need to just settle on a paint color and paint on Sunday. I told him if he didn't want to go greener to just go with the one he likes because I'd rather just have it painted - we'll see if it works. I've gotten the final decision on a few things, it's only fair that he gets the final decision on a few too.
Thanks for all the advice on what to pack in the hospital bag girls. Mines prob about half done now. It's crazy how much you need when you're likely to only be in a short time. I had my 34 week check up yesterday. Midwife said she thinks he is head down now. So hopefully he'll stay that way.
Iv been havin bh for a while now, at least a month but I read they do start earlier with 2nd pregnancy :p
had my whooping cough vaccination yesterday and knew I'd regret it after, my arm is still soar and I don't think baby was impressed either about it as about an hour later he kicked me and it really hurt, he's not done that the whole pregnancy so surely it was that which made him do it.
on a plus note looking forward to bedtime for a change, my new mattress arrived. :D
now for a not so good thing lol I'v 99% been accepted for a house finally, they said as long as my reference goes ok they will be giving me one which will be ready in February. It's a new development they started which really does sound amazing except one problem. Because it's a new build there's going to be no carpets, cooker, fridge which of course are essential so its going to become a problem getting all that so close to baby being due, it will b roughly two week before.
Oh no, what a hassle! I guess rushing to find appliances beats rushing to find a house! Maybe you can do the research now and just put the order in once you're approved?
I also had my whooping cough vaccine yesterday and my arms been really sore today. So think it's normal. Although I can't relate to your baby's reaction. Don't think mine noticed it. Blimey your going to be busy the next weeks! Good luck with the move.
I had another one about half an hour ago... fun! Is it common to just get one at a time? I definitely did not experience them with my first.
I think they're supposed to be just totally random, Nelly. Getting only one of them is one of the ways you know they're not real contractions, from what I hear.
Makes sense! I didn't even feel contractions until after I was induced with my first, so it's new to me lol.
Wait- this group has a Facebook version?

Squirrel- that list is so helpful! I have 2 button front nightshirts packed and that's it. I figure I would pack more last minute with a checklist or I will bring my whole apartment with me

MrsK- the paint situation would drive me bananas. Hopefully DH will follow your suggestion

Smurf- yay for the house but I do not envy the moving and getting sorted! Good luck! And enjoy the new mattress!

DrMum- glad your appointment went well and I am right there with you with a huge baby. 32 weeks yesterday (based on lmp) and 5.4! It does make the 30lb gain seem ok though lol

I had quite the day yesterday. Was supposed to go for my scan, then to OB, then back to hospital for my GD orientation. Well.. Scan was great. Mass ratio is below 1.0 . Baby is still breech and was bratty by not wanting to show her face. One of my 2 main maternal specialists saw me and was happy to know Boston childrens said she was now the boss of me. My fluid is high though so they want 2x weekly NST.. I had time to kill so I opted to do one right there and then. Bratty Amelia was kicking and moving like crazy so it took a bit to get the monitor to capture her. Then came time for my bp check and it was 166/94. Not terrible for me but high. So they came in and said I wasn't going to see my OB because they were sending me to L&D!!! Yeah that freaked me out!! So I had to email hubs to tell him and talk him off of the ledge and text my mother who kept asking a million questions and wanting me to call her. I was put in a gown and hooked up to a monitor in triage while they monitored my BP. Of course they use those automatic cuffs that aren't accurate with me and cause me to have white coat syndrome because it hurts so much.
Long story short- I have a sinus infection. My OB upped my bp meds to 3x a day, ordered me a z pack, prescribed fiorecet for my migraine, I get to do 24hr urine, and see him tomorrow. Oh and I went to diabetes class- my A1C is really good at 5.4 but my numbers today are not good despite eating really well so I may have insulin after all.

Been looking at my registry and I got a travel system, auto Rock n play, swing, crib, play mat, and I feel much better about having stuff. Just hoping to get a boppy and some sort of baby wearing thing and I will be in great shape! My showers are the 31 and 8.
Oh and has anyone heard of having a photographer for their shower? My mother emailed me basically saying to not look homeless because we are having one!
Here's amelia. Her nose isn't smooshed- she was pressed against the placenta and they had to digitally remove it to show her face. Technology is awesome!


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Oh, that's scary! I'm glad they figured out what was going on instead of just delivering her! Those automatic cuffs read me wrong, too. My nurses all just do it manually now.

There is a Facebook group, I don't know if it's searchable. You could try looking for Marchmallows, or send me a pm here if you want and I'll send you my real name and you can friend me, then I can add you in.
Goodness, that is stressfull bookwrmgal! Automatic cuffs are the same with me too though. They end up redoing it manually at every appointment because the bp is so high according yo the automatic cuff, then it's perfect when they do it the old way.... Sounds like they should just get rid of automatic cuffs!
Those automatic BP cuffs are awful. The small machines generally over read for safety so that patients self monitoring at home don't sit at home with crazy numbers. The hospital ones should be better but I find they never have an appropriate sized cuff for pregnant women! If they use a cuff which is too small they will naturally over read. Ultimately the most accurate way to check a BP is a good old fashioned sphyg with a stethoscope!
Glad you survived overall though!! :hugs:
My other news of today is that we have to move into the city before delivery as my OB doesn't want to risk me going into labor so far from a hospital ( we live in the hoolies) so we have rented a 2 bed condo for 2 weeks. I'm actually kind of excited about it! Feels like a mini vacay before baby, and maybe even for a night or two after I get out of hosp. Starting to feel really real now...!
Ooh, sounds fun. I hope baby cooperates with your time frame!

So it turns out DH doesn't like the light blue, either. Excuse me while I go tear my hair out...
Today has felt like an accomplishment but man am I tired now :(

Midwife appointment went well this morning. Can't remember what my bp and baby's heart rate was but they were good. Belly was measuring 31 and I'm 32, last appointment was 29 at 30. They wern't concerned which is good. Weighed myself there as well and I've only gained about 25 lbs.

Went out shopping with my mom and gramma afterwards and picked up a couple nursing bras and a nursing shirt. My mom bought baby a few outfits (like she does every time we are out it seems!) and my gramma bought him an outfit too.

Relaxed a bit when I got home and then went out and got the paint for baby's room. DH was supposed to get it on his way home... Still not fully sure why he didn't... And then took another break for supper and then made him clear a couple of things out of the baby's room and fill holes in from the previous owners of the house, we haven't done anything to the room since we moved in a year ago, except fill it with crap. Then I sorted out what all was left in there and he has a bunch of stuff to take to his parents to store until he builds our storage closet for upstairs when he does the new entranceway sometime before baby comes.

And now I am relaxing the rest of the night. Bath, then bed to either crochet for a bit or pass out. Tomorrow I plan on painting baby's room. It's going to be a fun experience, yellow on top, blue on bottom with a stripe of black separating the 2. I'll post a picture once I'm done painting :) Minions from despicable me is our theme :)
Drmum: that sounds exciting. When is your section scheduled for? For some reason I have it in my head you are having a section but not sure why. Can I say it's baby brain? lol

MrsK: How stressful, did he forget he liked the color? guys can be so funny. I am thankful we don't need to paint anything because I think I'd end up throwing the pain bucket at him and screaming. I have no tolerance for anything as of late. not too sure if it's related to the pregnancy but I literally have such a small amount of patience and find myself cussing out people while in the car. I'm usually not like this. :blush:

Teilana: Sounds like you got a lot going on. I love minions..Can't wait to see the pics.

Bookwrm: I'd be freaking out if I got sent to L&D. I also hate the auto BP cuffs. Thank goodness the nurses at my OB all do it manually. Glad to hear all is well with the little one. Today I had my 32/33 week check up and all is well. I was so oblivious that I forgot to ask my measurements. All I know is my BP is good and babies HR was strong. I'm scheduled for my next ultrasound in the second week of February to check on size.

Is it just me, or are the appointments making the weeks go by even faster? It's surreal to think that many of us will have our babes in the next month or so, give or take a week.

Oh yea, anyone else getting swollen feet? I feel like I am the state puff marshmallow man from the calf down. I can't fit any of my shoes and it's noticeable that my feet are actually longer than pre-pregnancy. :dohh: :dohh::dohh: Feeling like a whale most of the day but then DH comes by gives me a kiss and says I'm sexy..I don't know how he does it but darn it, I end up feeling like a sexy whale...lol we end up going into a giggle fit for a few minutes and I pray when that happens I already emptied my bladder or we all know what happens. Hope everyone else is laughing, it's good to have something to giggle about while we are gestating our little beans.
I say to my husband that I feel as big as a whale and he responds with "more like a tuna". Weirdo.
Glad to see lots of good appointments.
I was worried about getting our baby room done on time, but it seems like we are on the same track as some of you now. We had to tear down the walls (lath and plaster), get someone to frame, insulate and drywall. I did the painting, the flooring and we just finished up the trim yesterday. It's not ready to move furniture in to. Husband brought the boxed up dresser into the living room last nigh for me to tackle today. He knows how much I like building and doing stuff. I'm almost worried that the room will be done too soon and then I won't have anything to do later!
We also came up with a new name. I was looking through my name book and online the other day and saw one I really liked, so when my husband came home I told him, and he said he thought of it at work but didn't think I would like it. I think we are a step closer to having her final name picked out.
Bucher: As big as a tuna, lol! Guys can be so strange!

DrMum: that's exciting, it would be so fun to have a mini vacay especially when it's basically doctor ordered! Is it a regular condo, or one that has turn down service?

MrsK: been through the hubby stress with them suddenly being difficult over dumb things! I feel your pain! I eventually got my DiaperGenie (took months!), hopefully you can get your paint colors figured out faster!

Bookwrm: I was at L&D yesterday too! It wasn't fun, but the staff was really nice to me, I hope you had a positive experience with the staff where you were? The 24-hour urine test sucks, my best friend had to do it and she hated it! Glad they caught the sinus infection, I never realized how dangerous seemingly small things can be when preg.

AFM: Catch-up for those of you not on FB. Was sent to L&D yesterday after a severe UTI wasn't clearing up. Luckily, Squiggles was incredibly healthy, moving around and having a great heart rate. Because of back pain, they decided to check me, and I am already dilated to 1cm. The check freaking HURT! I am kind of discouraged because I want to go natural, and DH said I looked like I was in quite severe pain during the check. The check also caused me to bleed, so that wasn't fun. The doctor said that she could "just get her fingertip into the cervix, and that she could feel the head"... well I'm damn scared now! And I've been cramping all night and morning since the check... luckily, I have an OB appt today so I will ask my million questions.
Minion paint sounds so cute!

DH doesn't have much baby experience, and our friends with babies and I have been pushing him to kind of practice on their babies because they're bigger and sturdier, so he'll be a little less intimidated when Teddy is here. He says he doesn't need to practice, he'll figure it out. So his coworker sent me a photo today of him holding her 3(ish?) month old. Apparently she handed him the baby and ran :haha:

Momma, I think we both agreed that the blue that we tried was lacking in depth, but I didn't realize that he disliked it, I thought he was just open to looking for something more interesting. I'm willing to compromise on a paint that he loves but I don't but no way am I painting the nursery a color neither of us likes! It's getting painted Sunday no matter what, even if I have to wake up early and walk to Home Depot and pick out paint and do it myself, so we'd better just agree on a color soon. I want to build things and get his dresser in there and start washing his clothes. I really need to take an inventory because we've gotten so many gifts and hand me downs, and I don't want to be 39 weeks and realize we only have three 6 month outfits...

Glad to hear you're closer to a name, Tuna lady ;) That would really stress me out, way more than paint colors. Enjoy building the dresser! I love assembling furniture, but I think the big stuff might be beyond me at the moment.

MissFrick, I've never been there, but I've heard the cervical checks can be one of the worst parts, and I'm sure you were freaked out which would undoubtedly make it a lot worse. I wouldn't give up on the idea of a natural birth based on that. Hope you get some good answers at your appointment today!
Yes! The cervical checks hurt! Maybe it's not so bad for some, but I cried when they checked to see if I was dilated after my water broke. I assume its not as bad when you're dilated further, but they didn't check me again until I had my epidural lol.

Tuna lol. I want to know the name! I love hearing name choices :)

Mrs K, hopefully you guys settle on a paint colour soon. We went with a pretty dark blue... Think Doctor Who Tardis blue :) The baby furniture is very light though and all the artwork and curtains will be light/white. I like it!

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