2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Tardis blue sounds fun! I almost bought a Tardis diaper on a local cloth diaper group today, but it didn't look like it had any waterproof layer, and if I'm spending $35 on a diaper, I want to be able to show it off, not hide it under a cover!

So I tutor two 8th grade girls, and I had an extra 8th grade boy last night. I haven't gone public with the baby's name, so they really wanted to guess. I told them it starts with a T and ends with an E, and that's all I'm willing to tell them. They got a bit silly - I think Taste and Temperature were both suggested at one point :D They eventually guessed Theodore, but I'm a big mean jerk and didn't tell them they were right.

Mom is currently driving my SIL and me absolutely nuts. She's a retired speech pathologist, and has a very hard time taking off her professional hat and letting us teach our own damn kids to talk. It's really frustrating for SIL since nephew is a preemie and a little slower on his milestones. He's still meeting them in his own time, and she doesn't want the constant nagging about what she "should" be doing. We both agree that if we need professional advice, we'd go to an unbiased professional anyway, not to grandma. She's very pushy. So she emailed this morning about some book for teaching kids to talk who have speech delays, and now she's texting me about it too, insisting that I get it from the library and read it. I responded that I'm pretty happy with his speech development so far, but I'll keep it in mind if we have problems. My god, he's not even BORN! Even if I did want advice on teaching him to talk, I'm not going to study it NOW. I'm pretty sure mothers have been managing this without speech pathologists for millennia... We've both told her to knock it off, I don't know why she keeps pushing.
Wow, in one way it's nice that she's a speech pathologist, but mostly it would just be stressful and annoying! it's bad enough that Grandmothers think they know best as it is and like to give tonnes of advice. Is your nephew even a year yet? What is his adjusted age? There's such a huge range that kids hit milestones too even when they aren't preemies.

That diaper sounds cute! I wanted to do a tardis theme but hubby is not into Doctor Who. I don't think he realized when we picked the colour though :)
Good job on sneaking the blue in. Maybe you can get a few more references in there without him knowing ;)

She's really frustrating. My nephew has tons of fun with her when they just play, too, so it's a shame she insists on just being a jerk and stressing everyone out instead. She also does stupid crap like distract him trying to talk to him (or hold the cat right in his view) when SIL is trying to feed him. And of course she assumes that SIL's behavior while she's visiting (keeping nephew more contained rather than giving him free range when she can be attentive to what she's doing) is what SIL does every day. But you know, she periodically makes a big show of telling SIL what a great job she's doing in the most condescending way possible, so that totally makes up for being an asshole every other second of the day. She's gonna be surprised when I'm not as nice as SIL is...

Nephew was born in early October 2013, due right around New Years 2013, so he's a little over a year adjusted, 15 months actual. He's making lots of noise, just not actually talking in words. He crawled late (early December 2014, so about a year adjusted), but then jumped straight to pulling himself up on tables and stuff, and mom says my brother and I both skipped crawling, so we're thinking that may not be a preemie thing so much as a genetic lack of interest in crawling around. He's doing exceptionally well for a 28 weeker, and he gets plenty of special preemie assessment at his doctor appointments, so it's not like there's nobody who would point concerning delays out...
OB gave me all the answers... I am not on best rest but have been ordered to rest in general... so no huge trips to Ikea or Costco anymore. Me and DH agreed that an hour out at a time would be all I can do. Clearly I am contracting at some point causing the dilation, but he didn't check me again today and didn't seem worried. The usual "if you start bleeding red or leaking fluid, go to the hospital" speech. He said after the next 2 weeks she'd be perfect if she came, so no worries. On the one hand I'm still hoping she stays in as long as possible, but on the other hand I'm getting pretty uncomfortable, which I know is normal, and now I understand when women start to say they're so over being pregnant. Next time I will also watch my weight a bit better, because lugging around this extra poundage is no doubt not helping either.

MrsK & Nelly: I heard it was some of the worst too (cervix checks) but when I asked my mom she laughed at me! Nelly, when you were laboring without drugs, did you find you were okay, but the check was worse? I'm still planning on going as drug free as possible, and from what I've heard, I believe gas is available in Canada so I'm feeling positive about alternative pain management options.
Oh, MrsK, I meant to add this for you: my cousin's son has delays. He wasn't extremely premature, but has ended up with trunk/core strength problems. Everyone was giving my cousin a hard time because he wasn't talking for quite some time. As much as your mom is a speech pathologist or whatever, I have a degree in linguistics and took child language development, and it is not even indicated to be concerned about speech until 2.5 years. As long as he starts speech therapy around then, he'd be fine. Some kids just take longer, and while some speak in full sentences by 14 months, some only have a small vocabulary at the same age. The most important thing is that he starts speaking, and that his vocabulary grows exponentially in a short period of time once it starts. Again, I'm sure your sister isn't an idiot, so she will undoubtedly have mentioned to her pediatrician if/when she is concerned about her son's development. Also, as a premie, he will have delays (even with adjusted age).
Thanks, MissFrick. I don't think SIL is really worried (she was a preemie even smaller than nephew, and she's very smart, so she knows how it goes), we just both wish mom would shut up! I have a teaching degree and have studied early child development, too, so you know, I'm at least a little familiar with how it should go! Nephew isn't talking, but he's communicating just fine, and making lots of noise, so it's only a matter of time til he connects the two.
Missfrick, I was in pretty intense labour before I got the epidural and I would still say the cervix check was the worst part! I didn't cry during contractions but they were very painful... Just nothing like a man shoving his hand up your Coouch hahaha!

I am getting pretty uncomfortable too... This guy loves being shoved up in my ribs! Good idea on not intense outings too MissFrick. Take it easy and bake your cupcake a bit longer!

MrsK, that is annoying. My mom has always been good at giving advice and trying to get our kids to do things that they aren't ready for. My nephew didn't crawl until he was 12 months and my mom would say if she had a few hours with him, she could get him to crawl. My dd didn't walk until she was 15 months.... That was too late too. Frustrating but I have learned to ignore. Kids do things on their own time. It's good to know when you should intervene but 15 months is definitely early to worry about speech.
Tuna lady. It's funny. Even more so because I worked in a seafood department for 6 years. :haha:

So, the name we are thinking is Annabelle. It was not one of my original names. We were stuck with Lilyanne for a while, which I still like, but Lily is super popular and I'm trying to avoid those names.
Tuna lady. It's funny. Even more so because I worked in a seafood department for 6 years. :haha:

So, the name we are thinking is Annabelle. It was not one of my original names. We were stuck with Lilyanne for a while, which I still like, but Lily is super popular and I'm trying to avoid those names.

anabelle is nice :D
I know a little Annabelle whose big sister is Lily :D I like it, it's cute and feminine, but she can go by Ann or Anna later if she wants to simplify.
Annabelle is an adorable name! I love long names that can be shortened to something sweet too :)
I love the name Annabelle too!

This weekend I actually plan to do some nursery action. My crib bedding arrived and I want to rearrange the furniture and put up the wall decals etc. it does feel like "tempting fate" but I'm trying to push all those thoughts aside and think about being sorted out for a newborn!

Our little vacay is exciting, I'm glad you guys are excited too! :D the suite is a beautiful 2 bed condo just 3 blocks from the hospital so all three of us can just move over there. By that stage I have pre op clinic and all the other jazz at the hospital so it will be nice not to have a a 2 hour drive every other day as well. I'm kind of hoping because it's doctor ordered with a letter from my OB, I can either try my health insurance or tax return to reimburse.

Momma - yep I'm a c section. Booked for 25th feb at the moment. Previous c section 10months ago due to late third tri stillbirth, so they really really don't want me contracting on my scar, hence the move nearer the hospital too. I'm ok with a repeat c section given they are predicting a 10lb baby.....!

Anyone else still working full time? I'm starting to really feel the pace that's for sure. But if I can just keep going it will give me a few more weeks with baby at the end!
I'm still working FT DrMum. It is getting hard, but, same a you, if I ride it out for the next couple of weeks means more time with the baby. I am going to be working from home more often starting next week though, so that should help a little... I hope.

Annabelle is sweet
Working from home will definitely be better! For me one of my big hates is putting my winter boots on haha! Why I have ones with zippers I don't know. The thought of wearing pj's and slippers all day would be heaven :)

I'm excited for you!!
OB gave me all the answers... I am not on best rest but have been ordered to rest in general... so no huge trips to Ikea or Costco anymore. Me and DH agreed that an hour out at a time would be all I can do. Clearly I am contracting at some point causing the dilation, but he didn't check me again today and didn't seem worried. The usual "if you start bleeding red or leaking fluid, go to the hospital" speech. He said after the next 2 weeks she'd be perfect if she came, so no worries. On the one hand I'm still hoping she stays in as long as possible, but on the other hand I'm getting pretty uncomfortable, which I know is normal, and now I understand when women start to say they're so over being pregnant. Next time I will also watch my weight a bit better, because lugging around this extra poundage is no doubt not helping either.

Glad your OB managed to give you the answers you wanted and needed. Hopefully baby stays put for another two weeks at least. I definitely feel the same as you, I'm getting uncomfortable but obviously would want baby to stay in as long as possible. Agree with all the 'I feel like a whale' comments aha, I feel so big.

Looking forward to seeing all the nursery pics when they get done. Hopefully paint colours get agreed soon MrsK!! I love the minion theme, whoever said they have that-sorry baby brain!

I'm not seeing my midwife until im 33 weeks-feels like forever away. Because of Christmas I had an appointment at 29 weeks instead of 28 and have therefore missed out on that extra first time mum appointment at 31 weeks.

I'm getting super impatient about LO's arrival! I am so excited I wish time would speed up a little. Have a strong nesting instinct too. I give high praises to all those mummas working FT still!! I am forcing myself to attend my seminars at the moment, which are only a few hours a week!
It was me that has the minion theme :)

Here is a pic from last night. Today the plan is getting the black stripe done inbetween the blue and yellow (I have already started taping off for this, but keep using up rolls of tape and DH isn't getting his butt out of bed to help me look for more downstairs) and painting the trim white, its currently a gross pinkish brown.


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I can't imagine working full time right now. I'd die... I wouldn't mind the income, though ;) DH keeps asking me why I'm not wearing my boots. My normal shoes are squishier, the traction's just as good, and they slip on! It's been a pretty dry winter, if there's less than an inch of snow, I'm not dealing with bending and zippers!

I'm going to do some craft shopping today for baby stuff. A friend and I are going to try to go to a knit night on Tuesday (I have two long appointments that day, so I may not have it in me), so I need to get the supplies for a little leaf blanket I want to make T, and I was looking at nursing infinity scarves and realized that they're literally just one seam on a length of jersey, so I'll see if Joann has any jersey that I love. If they don't, I'll just order one, they're not expensive. Anyone else have trouble convincing themselves to get up and get moving when the baby's kicking? As long as he's kicking, I know he's ok...

DH and I are going to have to have a paint color talk tonight. We both really want it painted tomorrow morning. He's very loyal to Behr, but we might just have to check out some other stores and other brands. Then maybe next Sunday we can get him some help getting all the furniture moved around. The nursery is currently our dining room, so the table needs to go in the attic, and we have a big bar in there that we're hoping will fit in the office, otherwise I don't know what we're going to do with it.

I'm getting so impatient for him to get here, but I'm also really hoping he doesn't surprise us before 40 weeks. I'm not ready!
I'm also still working full time. Finding it tiring now but as some of you have already said it means more time off when they baby's here. Have you all decided when you're going to finish? I'm finishing on the 13th February. So I'll be 37w1day.
Another one that loves Annabelle here! We were actually considering it before we found out its a boy. My only issue with it was I wasn't sure which is the normal way to spell it.
It was me that has the minion theme :)

Here is a pic from last night. Today the plan is getting the black stripe done inbetween the blue and yellow (I have already started taping off for this, but keep using up rolls of tape and DH isn't getting his butt out of bed to help me look for more downstairs) and painting the trim white, its currently a gross pinkish brown.

Yes Teilana! Loving that already. I have the strongest urge to paint big minion eyes on it! :)

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