2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I work from home and make my own hours, but I've been slacking at that, too. I volunteer tutoring a couple hours Thursday nights, which I can stop doing whenever I want, but I'm hoping I can stick it out. I'm probably going to keep my girls downstairs in the younger kids room instead of hauling myself up to the third floor if I'm still sore tomorrow. I don't like admitting defeat, but I can't be too stubborn...
I'm also 37 weeks today. This pregnancy has gone so fast! I don't feel in much pain but just really tired. its my last day at work tomorrow so hopefully I'll feel better after that. Think I'll spend most of the weekend in bed. Get some rest while I can.
Today is my 30th birthday, but I haven't been feeling very festive. DD was whining and crying for hours this morning. Now I'm exhausted and weepy. That's so unlike me - I don't like what these pregnancy hormones are doing to me!
Today is my 30th birthday, but I haven't been feeling very festive. DD was whining and crying for hours this morning. Now I'm exhausted and weepy. That's so unlike me - I don't like what these pregnancy hormones are doing to me!

Happy birthday! Sorry to here you're not feeling great. Have you got anything exciting planned?
Not especially. I'm going over to my neighbor's later for some cake. I think my mom sent me something special from the US, but it won't be here until next week. I've always had pretty chill birthdays. We don't really know enough people to have a party.
Happy birthday Frenchie!!

I have trouble rolling over and last night I woke up every hour from midnight to 6! Not a good start to the day :(

This week is my last full week of work, starting next week I work every other day. Monday is a holiday here. I have also been working from home at least every other day, so that is helping me feel not so exhausted when the day is done.

DrMum, are you finding this pregnancy physically harder than the others? I'm wondering if the extra trouble I'm having with my hips is because I have been pregnant for the last 14 out of 16 months... I know a few other ladies are on 3rd pregnancies as well, how are you faring this time around compared to the others?
Congrats to the term ladies! I was thinking about this the other day, I actually had made a comment about it in the long post I lost! ahhaha
Happy Birthday Frenchie!!!! And I hope you feel better!

I am 37 weeks tomorrow and have one more week of work. It's hard though! I am so sore everywhere and am constantly having period type cramps :S Can not wait to be done!!!!
Alright, so there's lot of talk of when ladies are done working. I'm having a lot of stress and anxiety over my end work date. DH and I own our own company so, no work is no income for me. DH has a part-time job so he can only cover the business to a small extent. I'm usually 1-2 weeks out for work so I need to decide when I'll quit taking new orders and just finish what I've got. Problem is, I'm afraid to stop to soon and lose out on the income for potentially several additional weeks, but I'm also scared of going into labor with a week or more worth of work that I won't be able to finish (don't want to upset clients). Seriously stressed way to much about this. DH keeps saying we'll handle whatever happens, but honestly, I don't want him scrambling to finish my work while we are in early labor and the second we come home with baby. Right now I've got enough work to finish through at least the end of next week, more likely the following Tuesday or Wednesday though. I've been having severe back pain which is making work that much harder, so I am toying with the idea of starting to turn orders down maybe next week already. I can't sit for more than an hour or so without having to go walk around and stretch for 10-15 mins, which really adds up over the course of the day and takes away a lot of productivity. Then I'm so sore at the end of the day, I spend most of my evening lying on the floor in my pillow "nest" I've created to get the pressure off my back. What would you do?

Happy term to those that have reached it! I can't wait for that day!!
Twinkie that is hard! I think it depends on the type of orders/business you get. Could you continue taking orders but be upfront with the clients and tell them that if you have the baby their order could be delayed a week or two? Then if they can wait for the order you still get the business but if you have the baby you don't have to scramble to get them finished. Or maybe extend your turn around time on new orders? So if you currently say your orders will be filled within 10 business days, put an attention item/note saying orders submitted will take 15 business days or whatever you are comfortable with, then you don't have to say why you just extend the timeline. Anyone who puts in orders can't complain as you have told them it will take longer. I'll see if I can come up with any other workarounds!
DrMum, are you finding this pregnancy physically harder than the others? I'm wondering if the extra trouble I'm having with my hips is because I have been pregnant for the last 14 out of 16 months... I know a few other ladies are on 3rd pregnancies as well, how are you faring this time around compared to the others?

Good morning! Sorry to hear you are enjoying the aches and pains! Me too, absolutely! I definitely think there is something about being pregnant for much longer than everyone else which makes all the ligaments looser and everything feel more out of place.

I was pregnant with DD in July 2013, delivered her in March 14, was pregnant a rather astounding 6 weeks later with this one and will deliver in 12 days. So 6 weeks off being pregnant from July 2013 - feb 2015.... Sounds kind of trashy unless you know my history so please no one offer any judgements if you don't...!

I read somewhere that for people like us who have been pregnant for extended periods, those hip stabilizer and post partum corset things are supposed to help a lot after delivery. I have the Bellefit corset but I might look into the hip thing -well.ca had them on a special deal.

I saw my OB yesterday and she took one look at my BP and my ankle swelling and said "and so you're done with work RIGHT now"!! So today I am officially full term and on mat leave. Now just need to NOT go into labour before next Wednesday for c section!!
I feel for you DrMum! That would definitely feel like one super long pregnancy!!!! And your body really wouldn't have recovered from the first one. You're almost done, and will have your little one in your arms soon though :)
This is my third and even with a nearly two year break between pregnancies, I'm definitely most uncomfortable with this one. However, I'm quite aware that it could be worse, so I'll keep my mouth shut!!

Feeling so tired and don't know how I'm going to get everything done that I need to. I never end up doing as much as I intended to by the end of the day. :( I know the really important necessities are pretty much worked out so that should be a relief!
Oh, and with belated permissions, I can say that Loozle had a baby girl the same day as NHKate had her little boy (February 11th). Little miss doesn't have a name just yet, but the new addition is home with her family and looking great!
Drmum: is your BP getting higher than usual readings? My feet feel like giant puffy clouds but aches so much. I didn't realize they would literally hurt from being swollen. So far my OB is not too concerned with swelling since my BP is always so low. I had higher BP readings before getting pregnant.

Today, is going to be ultimate lazy day. I will lay around doing nothing..eating snacks and watching movies. I have no clue what to do for dinner. But DH will have to figure it out when he gets home.

Also, going to say a prayer for the mommas scheduled for C-sections that baby won't go into spontaneous labor. Can't wait to see more babies arrive but want these little ones to bake a little more for their momma's sake. =):hugs:

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRENCHIE!!! Hope the day turns out better and your daughter calms down. Maybe cake will put her in a better mood. And I'm weepy at the flip of a coin. Hormones are not so friendly with me but I know it's all worth it. Just a few more weeks...can you believe it? Our due dates are in a month or so.. eeeepp!!
Twinkie that is hard! I think it depends on the type of orders/business you get. Could you continue taking orders but be upfront with the clients and tell them that if you have the baby their order could be delayed a week or two? Then if they can wait for the order you still get the business but if you have the baby you don't have to scramble to get them finished. Or maybe extend your turn around time on new orders? So if you currently say your orders will be filled within 10 business days, put an attention item/note saying orders submitted will take 15 business days or whatever you are comfortable with, then you don't have to say why you just extend the timeline. Anyone who puts in orders can't complain as you have told them it will take longer. I'll see if I can come up with any other workarounds!

Foosh-thank you for the suggestion! And I really like the extended turn times to offer, the biggest problem I still encounter is that I do have out of office appts (I'm a home appraiser) which requires me to schedule a home visit in order to complete the file, and I am still concerned with scheduling those and then going into labor and having to reschedule..I'll have to think if there is any way to work that out with the extended TAT. As I sit here trying to work and getting more and more uncomfortable already today, I'm really feeling like I'm going to see how my next appt goes (on the 18th) and if I'm starting to dilate/thin then I just may go ahead and stop taking new orders. I know I won't be working for a stretch with a new born anyways so maybe I should just quit stressing myself out and get an end date (for orders at least) set, then I can finish what I've got and just be done. That will likely put me working til the end of the month and then just be done. Maybe that is what is best, the stress is giving me such anxiety :( I feel like I should be thinking about labor and delivery and all I think about is how to handle work.

DrMum-absolutely no judgement!! I know your history and I think you are so strong to go through everything. Just wanted to send you some :hugs: as you get so close to the end now!
Thanks DrMum & Bookity! I had 2 theories: extended pregnancy and compounded hip shifting from the multiple pregnancies, both seem likely. I'm sorry you are in pain too, but sorta glad it isn't just that my body is decrepit, iykwim! :hugs:

Congrats Loozle!

Glad I was able to help a little Twinkie.
Thanks girls for all the support. Honestly, joining a nice "normal pregnancy" group was one of the best choices I could have made to stay sane through this pregnancy. I did consider a pregnancy after a loss group, but I'm glad I didn't as I have been able to just discuss normal healthy pregnancy stuff with you guys and not ramp up my own anxiety even more! To each their own but this group has been much healthier for me. Thanks guys!

Momma my BP was up yesterday but usually it's normal and I just have cankles in pregnancy. I think it was all the struggling to park, running late etc and my doc wasn't worried, she just felt we would keep an eye on it and stop work for now.

And happy birthday frenchie! Sorry I missed that somehow!! I remember crying on my 30th and I wasn't even preggo. I had some kind of bizarre coming of age moment!!! At least you've got the hormones as an excuse !! :D
Frenchie, I hope your day improves and you get a happy birthday after all. If not, demand a do-over tomorrow! ;)

Twinkie, I think it's a good idea to start pulling back. You're creeping up on term, and you don't want to be exhausted before the baby arrives. If you can make it work financially, give yourself a break.

I hope everyone is feeling better soon. The extended double pregnancy really does not sound fun!

I'm definitely feeling better today. I'm taking it easy til it's time to leave for tutoring, and by then I might even be up for taking the stairs after all. I'll see how it goes. DH is going to pick me up after, rather than meeting halfway (it's a short bus ride to a Starbucks that's convenient to his job, and we end at the same time, so usually I do that and don't have to sit around waiting for 20 minutes), since it's really cold.

My good local friend keeps saying we need to get together before the baby comes. We usually see each other a couple times a week, but she was sick, and then our schedules haven't met up right lately - her husband works weird hours, and she ends up getting onto weird hours with him because she doesn't work, so she sleeps through all our tentative plans. I do want to get some social time in before Teddy shows, but she's acting like he's due tomorrow. He's gotta give me at least til next Sunday! And since he's my first, he's more likely to be late than early - I don't want to spend 5 weeks hearing about how he's going to show up any minute now. I don't know, it's really bugging me for some reason. I'm looking forward to the baby being here, but I still don't want him to arrive too early.

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