2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Oh, I didn't catch that it was your 30th, Frenchie. 30 is great! Way better than the 20s. But I've noticed that the 20s really like to give people one last kick on their way out - I was sick as a dog on my 30th, and there was a death in the family the day before, and I'm not the only one of my friends with similar stories.
Oh MrsK, I'm not looking forward to people asking constantly if I feel like anything is happening, did I have the baby yet etc.
Oh MrsK, I'm not looking forward to people asking constantly if I feel like anything is happening, did I have the baby yet etc.

Haha, seriously. So far they're just acting like he's gonna show up tomorrow. I know 37 weeks is term, but it's still really early for a low risk first timer. Nobody is allowed to imply he's showing up tomorrow until the nursery is ready! I better not get a bunch of "Is he here yet??" I live on Facebook. If it's not on Facebook, it hasn't happened!
Lol, I saw an awesome flow chart someone posted somewhere about this... Can't remember if it was in one of our threads or on FB, or pinterest or what. I will try to find it because it was perfect!
Good, I am going to look for it and post it on my FB page :)
They helped me out :)


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DH's cousin is 5 days past her due date and everyone has been driving her nuts so I sent her that as soon as I saw it! She loved it and immediately posted it to FB :haha:!
I love it!! Thanks for posting here guys! I really might circulate that... Today has been non stop "have you had it, are you in labor" since I finished up work yesterday. Good grief it's going to be a long 13 sleeps at this rate...
Had my 36 week appointment today. Did the GBS swab, so should get those results next week. I'm hoping for negative, obviously, but I'm not too worried if it's positive. I just want to avoid an IV if possible.
Everything seemed fine. My bp was good still and what little of the heartbeat she could find was fine. Baby was moving around a lot. She thinks baby is head down. I was told in just a few days baby can be born whenever she wants (because of term), so that's exciting and terrifying all at the same time.
Counting down until my shower this Sunday. I don't know how many people are coming, but hopefully it's fun. I'm excited to see what we are going to get, and excited to make list afterward of things we still need and go shopping.
Have to call the hospital soon to make a booking in appointment. It sounds like a nice place. I've never been to this hospital before, so I guess we'll see when we get there.
Twinkie I feel just like you do with work being so overwhelming you can think about delivery.
I hope you have a great shower, bucherwurm :)

I had a major hilarious face palm moment with DH tonight. He's not one to get caught up in anticipation. Whenever something awesome is coming up, I'm usually counting down and super excited, and he just waits calmly. He's very in the moment, and says he'll just enjoy it when it's actually happening. Holidays, vacations, buying a house, getting married, it's all the same. He's happy, but not an anticipator. He's also very literal. To him, the word excited has one very literal meaning, and that's just what it means. No nuances.

So, all his coworkers and a lot of their clients know about the baby, and he gets a lot of questions. We were talking tonight, and he mentioned that a lot of people have been asking if he's excited about the baby. And he's been falling back on his very literal definition of excited as being an active, heart racing, can't stop thinking about it thing, and his general habit of not looking forward to things, and telling people no. OMG. I can only imagine what they think! I told him he needs to adjust his definition of "excited" or just lie, or meet them in the middle with something like "I'm looking forward to it" or "I'm very happy" or something, but he's convinced they'll sense his lies. His coworkers already jokingly call him a robot, this is not gonna help! I don't even know what I'd say if I asked a friend if he was looking forward to his baby and he said no :dohh:

I think I'll be the one teaching the baby about small talk... :haha:
lamago-I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Feels so backwards! So much time thinking about this yesterday and the decision right now is to start laying off on orders for random clients and take mostly work from my good/local clients. Afterall, they are the ones I don't want to upset or inconvenience, the ones that contact me 2x a year aren't really all that important. Then I will see where I'm at for the next dr's appointment and make my decision from there. If I'm starting to efface and 1+ dilated, then no new orders and that is that, if not, I'm going to base it on how I am feeling physically day by day (again, the damn back pain). If I don't stop taking orders then, I definitely will by the end of the month, which is only 1 extra week really from the appt. I feel a little more in control with that decision being made and I need to just get over the lack of income potentially for a few extra weeks.

MrsK-my husband is so the same, doesn't really get excited about something til it happens. He has learned that when people asks if he's excited the No answer is not really acceptable so now he tells them he'll be excited when the baby is finally here...at least it's a step in the right direction. I can tell he is started to get a bit more into the idea though as the last week or so has a lot more comments of when baby is here, which gets me more excited :happydance: It sucks when they are like that though cause it almost seems like they don't care, but I know my hubby and I know that it's not a lack of caring, it's just that it's hard for him to react to something that isn't present. At least I know this and both our families, everyone else can just think what they want I guess! Our kiddos won't be loved any less because of it!
MrsK, I can just imagine what those people are thinking to themselves after he says no :haha:
These men... It's hilarious how one can be at one extreme or the other. My husband is usually the type of guy that goes to work with his work attitude and he tries his best to leave it as that but then a co-worker asks about the baby and he just gets this grin. It's weirding people out. lol
His supervisor laughed so hard when I described how he reacted when we found out. I took a HPT and got a positive. I asked DH to check he said to do another. It's one of those cheap ones you pick up from dollar tree. There was defin two lines but he said he'd be right back and left the house casually. At first I thought he was upset. He came back with 60 dollars worth of digital pregnancy tests and wanted me to test them all. I said no but I would use one. We got a happy face that said, You're Pregnant!
He then hooped and hollered and started jumping up and down like he was on a pogo stick. He kept saying the same phrase over and over, "I'm going to be a dad..I'm going to be a dad!!" It was freaking me out.
There I was sobbing thinking I'm in the twilight zone for a few minutes til he grabs me kisses me and says he is super excited.
Now, If you know my husband he doesn't ever show much emotion especially at this extent. It took almost a full week for him to get back to "normal" I had several calls from his co-workers asking me if he was okay because he was acting "weird" at work..ie..smiling so much. They wanted to know if they should prepare for him going postal or something, lol.
I told them not to worry and after awhile they all figured it out. I guess It didn't help that he would wear my halloween shirt whenever they played basketball. It's the skeleton with baby under the ribcage. They thought it was a joke because he has a very pronounced beer gut.

Mommasquirrel: that is such a sweet story! I'm so happy that you found someone like that.

DH is very sensitive and understanding. He was so supportive during the TTC journey and is very involved in feeling baby kicking through my belly and wanting to know how I feel. He's super excited for the baby to be here, but I know he worries a lot about what we're going to with DD during the delivery and being able to support me in the early days of breastfeeding so that it goes more smoothly than last time. We compliment each other very well because I'm the one that's very logical and matter-of-fact. Sounds like a lot of you have found yourselves some real man's men!
THat is really cute, Mammasquirrel! My DH is excited but anxious as well. His family has a lot of health issues and he's become very worried that something will be wrong with the little guy. He's also concerned about how DD will be because she is very attached to me and he doesn't know how she'll do when I'm feeding the baby etc.
Aww, that's so cute, Momma. DH got a big grin when I told him, but no jumping around - he already suspected because I kept asking him if he thought my boobs looked veiny and other random symptom questions.

I think his coworkers know him well enough by now to know that he's just a weirdo about how he expresses things! I do think he's still more concerned about me than the baby. He worries about the baby, but we've talked about things like if I have to have a c section and we have to be separated, I want him to go with the baby, and he really didn't like that idea because the baby will be fine but I'd be having surgery so he needs to be sure I'm ok. And I'm like, NO! THE BABY! BABY IS TOP PRIORITY EVEN IF I BLEED TO DEATH! He's just not in that zone yet because he doesn't have that physical bond, but once Teddy's here, he will be. And it's kind of nice to have him so worried about me ;)

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