2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

He worries about the baby, but we've talked about things like if I have to have a c section and we have to be separated, I want him to go with the baby, and he really didn't like that idea because the baby will be fine but I'd be having surgery so he needs to be sure I'm ok. And I'm like, NO! THE BABY! BABY IS TOP PRIORITY EVEN IF I BLEED TO DEATH! He's just not in that zone yet because he doesn't have that physical bond, but once Teddy's here, he will be. And it's kind of nice to have him so worried about me ;)

We had not talked about this in advance specifically but we had said that if the baby needed to be taken somewhere he would go with because we couldn't guarantee what kind of shape I would be in (it turned out it was hospital policy that 1 parent always had to be with baby anyway). I did end up having a section and DH wasn't even allowed in the room because I was gassed so when the nurse came out with the baby DH took him and wouldn't give him back. The only time he gave up the baby to anyone was when I was awake and he handed him straight to me. He was very concerned with my health but there wasn't anything he could do for me but he knew I wanted him to be with the baby. Definite papa bear attitude.

My parents shocked me when they came to the hospital, though. Both walked right past the baby (they visited separately) and to my bed to see how I was doing. They were both immensely worried about me. In fact my mum couldn't even decide if she liked DS or not until after he was born and no longer "hurting" her baby. :haha: She is completely devoted to him now though.
Different experience than I had with my parents! My mom barely acknowledged us and went straight for the baby! Although I didn't have a risky delivery as it sounds like you had.
I'm sure the risky delivery makes a big difference. I have no idea what my mom will do. My nephew's birth just wasn't typical in any way, and it wasn't her kid who gave birth, so I can't guess based on her behavior. I expect her to focus on the baby, but she'd better at least check on me briefly first...

I forgot to post, I almost had a heart attack today. We have two dogs, and my friend is going to take care of them when we're in the hospital. She's also on call to take them to her house during early labor if we need her to - the little dog probably won't do well seeing me in pain, and if we have the doula come to the house, it's best to just have the dogs out of the way. She's also my labor support backup, so if DH can't get home from work right away, or I want extra support or anything, she's it. I don't really have anyone else local who I can (or want to) ask for either of those things. I'm due March 5, and I woke up to a message from her saying that she had to make a trip back to Georgia to take care of something to do with her car, so she booked a flight out on the 24th and her DH would meet her with the truck and they'd drive back and be home on the 3rd. OMG. I almost died. I feel like pet care is the only thing that is under control right now! She messaged a minute later to say she cancelled the flight because she doesn't want to risk missing the birth, and they're just going to drive there and back really fast sometime next week. I'm glad she's excited to meet this baby and changed her plans, because if she left us in the lurch like that after promising to take the dogs, knowing that the little dog doesn't do well with strangers so we couldn't just hire someone, with so little warning to arrange something else, I'd be absolutely furious. She was just thinking about new baby times, but the dog care would have been a serious problem. I can handle the short trip next week, since I'm unlikely to go into labor that soon anyway, and we do have a backup who can come here and let them out and feed them. It's not ideal, because we couldn't have the doula come to the house, but it's way better than her vanishing for a week right when I'm due.
Glad you got that figured out, MrsK. And it worked out in your favour!

So the hospital called me today with a day and time for pre-admit. I have to work afterwards (it's at 8am), so I'm wondering if you guys have any idea of how long it usually takes. I saw usually 30-45 minutes. Any idea?
Are you doing a tour too? My preadmission paperwork took about five minutes, but the tour was probably more like half an hour. We had about a half hour orientation talking about the fancy midwife rooms, too, but that's specific to my hospital, and only a few minutes of it (the when to come in, what to pack stuff) would be necessary for most tours. 30-45 minutes seems good to me.
Well girls yesterday was my last day at work. I'm currently still in bed as I write this which is great. Especially as Saturday is normally a 6 am start. Anyone else still waiting for the nesting instinct to kick in? My house is a mess! Hoping after a couple of days rest I'll find the energy to clean.
I got the nesting instinct start about 2week ago which has been annoying knowing I couldn't do anything :p
Iv had to wait for carpets put down in my house before I could even move furniture in and then of course il have the fun of finding places for everything and buildin baby crib etc
Hi everyone! Just checking in for those not on Facebook to introduce my beautiful Rebecca Lily born on Wednesday 11th February weighing 6lb 3oz.
I was induced early due to reduced movements. They put a 24 hour pessary in and then had to remove it 30 minutes later as I was overstimulated and having 7 contractions in every 10 minutes. When they removed the pessary I was still only a fingertip dilated but soft. I continued contracting but they went down to 4 per 10 minutes. Less than 4 hours later she was here, on my notes it says established labour length was 36 minutes as I wasn't checked again until I called them and told them that I was feeling a lot of pressure and at that point I was 8cm and they had to run me to delivery suite in a wheelchair.
Sadly my oh missed her being born as I'd sent him home after they put the pessary in as they had said it would take 24 hours before anything was likely to happen and it was past 11pm already. The plan was for him to come back in the morning after we'd both got some sleep! I called him just before they rushed me to delivery suite - I hadn't realised that I was progressing so quickly as I hadn't been checked. He got there half an hour after she was born. We're both gutted that he missed her being born but I'm trying not to dwell on it too much as I get tearful when I talk about it.

Anyway, this post ended up being longer than I expected lol, now time to try and catch up with the thread to see what I've missed!


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Congrats loozle! Such a shame your husband missed it. But atleast he was there very soon afterwards.
Sounds like you're going to be busy right up to the birth mummy smurf!
Ah congrats loozle and thanks for updating for us non-FB ers! I'm sorry you DH wasn't there but you guys have quite the story to tell- and as you say all that matters is she is here safe and sound.

I went in for what *should* be my second last scan yesterday. Baby looks fit and well "sizeable" is what she said :haha: one more scan on Wednesday this week and delivery the Wednesday after by c section.

We are however right in the middle of a huuuuge canadian winter storm with snow blowing around crazily and windchill in the minus 30s. And so of course now that the highways are closed I'm convinced I'm going to go into spontaneous labor today! Trying to think very "closed" thoughts haha!

Happy valentines everyone but especially to our newest moms/mums! Great job loozle- enjoy all those lovely newborn snuggles!
She really is such a cutie, Loozle. I'm sorry your DH missed the birth :(

DrMum, knees together! Keep that baby in!

I'm definitely nesting, but it's not manifesting in useful ways. I hate cleaning, I have very little urge to clean. I'm very focused on readying the baby things, though. Nursery is getting painted tomorrow, even if I have to lock DH in the room ;) On Monday I'm going shopping for the detergent I need for diapers and baby stuff, so I can get all his diapers prepped and laundry done. And hopefully Tuesday DH and I can assemble the crib.
Congratulations Loozle!!! She is beautiful

I'm counting down the days to induction baby boy will be here in 11 days or less.
Congrats loozle. Such a cutie.
Can't wait to see more of these babies. Half way through February, more will be coming soon.
As for nesting, I've been busy with babies room, and have it all finished (still need to take pictures), and have clothes and things washed. Now I don't have much to do. I'm hoping I get to sort through shower things on Monday, and then I'm hoping to get some sort of packing list at my pre-admit on Wednesday to get bags ready. I don't really feel like doing other cleaning besides normal stuff.
Baby is feeling heavy today. My belly feels heavy near the bottom and I've had the crotch pain all day which makes walking uncomfortable. I don't know if it means anything.
I'm so excited for the new mom's and the rest of us who are patiently waiting for babies to arrive. It's insane that we are so close to our delivery dates. I figure a majority of us will deliver well before St. Patty's Day. I too feel quite heavy. I have been having a lot of pressure down there and along my tail bone. DH want's baby to wait until next weekend but I am ready whenever baby decides to come.
We had such a relaxing day of sitting around and playing with our video consoles. DH had us playing a game together and it was fun. It's one of the best Valentine's day's I've had in a really long time.
There is only one thing that would make it better..If I wasn't so backed up. =( DH went out and bought some miralax and I figure I will try it since the suppositories and stool softeners haven't helped. I even tried probiotics but nope...I swear my intestines are on strike and all the while little one is moving like a champ. Oh yea, super embarrassed about this but everyone here will probably understand. I was just laying in bed hanging out with DH watching little one move around like a ninja and then he kicked me so hard I passed gas. DH laughed so hard, I did too but I was super embarrassed. Hoping I don't have it happen out in public. I already warned DH if it did, I'd blame him.:blush:

Anyhow, I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend and can enjoy some sweets for valentines day.
Hahaha! Teddy hasn't kicked any gas out of me yet, but it does like to sneak up. I used to get some warning so I could decide whether to hold it in or let it rip, now it's just like "Oh, gotta fart! Wait, already farted!" Poor DH.

I have really heavy days when it's uncomfortable to walk. Lots of pressure on the cervix, lots of ligament pain. Usually it's just a day or two when he's riding low, but I'd guess that it could be a sign of engagement if it stays that way.

I woke up with a tiny headache, and stupidly assumed it wouldn't be a problem. I don't know what gave me that idea, because every single headache I've had this pregnancy has ended with me on the couch with a bad headache not wanting to do anything. Our dinner reservations aren't until tomorrow, but DH was really tired when we talked earlier, and he had a craving for Swedish meatballs but wasn't up for cooking, and I told him if he managed to get the groceries I would cook. So the poor thing is probably at the grocery store right now, and I'm just hoping I can get through making meatballs. I took a little nap and ate something sweet and took some Tylenol, and I'll try a little caffeine when he gets home, and hopefully something will take care of it.

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