2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I hope you're right and the weather gets back to normal soon. One of my friends said you've gotten 95 inches this winter. Absolutely nuts!

We ended up postponing our fancy date because I didn't sleep well last night, but we discovered that the place we were going to delivers! So I still get delicious Colombian steak, and DH owes me a date next weekend ;)

And in even better news, IT'S BLUE! IT'S FINALLY BLUE!!! Changing table and rocker are in there, and once the bar comes out, the crib and dresser can go in :)


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Looks good MrsK!! Those colors go really well together :)

I got to meet my nephew after work today :) He is adorable and so tiny! I found it amusing though that he kept trying to nurse when I was holding him :)
Mrs K the nursery looks great!!

Chimama this is absolutely nuts and I'm hoping for plenty of rain next month who can take anymore I need to go outside. I'm thankful for the maternity leave as well
Thanks, ladies. DH picked both colors, in the end. We've had the green for a few years, and he made the final call on the blue, too. He has a pretty good eye for color. I'm just happy to have it painted!
Congrats MrsK, finally!! And it looks great.
Ladybrown - I'm fine with rain as long as it doesn't turn to ice!!
Your nursery looks great Mrs k. Like the colours.
I've had a strange sympton the last couple of days. I was wondering if any of you had experienced it or could shed some light? I keep getting a really sharp pain in the inner thigh. It's when I'm walking. I suddenly feel and it's almost unbearable. But only lasts a couple of seconds. Then I could go hours without feeling it again. Any ideas anyone?
molly, I think i've had what you are describing. I talked to my dr about it and he thought it was just pulled muscles as a result of all the shifting and relaxing going on right now in preparation for baby.
Molly and Twinkie what you are describing is the feeling of the head descending into the pelvis. It's waaaay worse first pregnancy, or at least was for me! Third time round I've hardly had any of those "toothache in the groin" type feelings- I guess my ligaments and muscles are already wrecked haha!

It's a good sign believe it or not, as it tells you the baby is engaging. BUT it can hurt like you would never believe! Try sitting on your birth ball and wiggling side to side if it persists, that sometimes moves baby into a less scary position!

mrsk loving the nursery! Very relieved for you it's all done!

So we are all safely in the city. After the crazy day of packing and moving my feet and ankles were the size of the moon last night and so painful. They are a bit better today but I'm going to be breaking out the compression socks today that's for sure. Anyone else in the snowy places finding it sooooo uncomfortable driving over snow drifts and ruts. I was certain my waters would go yesterday from all the bumping around!
I have been getting a weird pain. It's like I pulled muscle in the groin. It can make walking difficult and it can hurt to move my legs lying down. I assume it's from baby, but it can make things unpleasant. It's probably the worst symptom I've had all pregnancy.
Yesterday after my shower baby was sticking what I can assume is her bum way up high into my ribs making it uncomfortable to sit up, and I have to lean to the opposite side. She also likes to tickle my sides as soon as I get strapped in the car and start driving.

Good to hear you got moved into the city fine, DrMum. Try to take it easy!
I've had the leg pain too, makes sense that it's baby engaging. I mostly notice it on my left side. SO I just move to lay on my right side and wait for it to pass. I figured it was baby pinching a nerve somewhere in my back. I'm just thankful the back and butt pain are non-existent. It was so painful to walk and move around in 1st and 2nd trimester. lol, as soon as I am writing this the darn pain in the left side has appeared. I swear this kid knows that I am talking about him/her.
Ohh..so no one has really touched my belly or has asked other than my DH and medical people-OB/midwife/technicians.. I'm also a pretty private person and don't let strangers come near me. My DH and I went to get mani/pedi's yesterday and the owners son noticed my bulging belly. I said there is a baby inside and he asked me to show him. He's about 3. I put his hand on my belly and baby moved. He stepped back wide-eyed and had a massive grin while saying..."oohhh!!" It was hilarious. The look on his face was priceless. Both of his parents had a good giggle.
This was the only person to touch my belly and the reaction was so sweet, honest and amazing that it makes me glow inside. :happydance:

Oh, is anyone else experiencing intense pain in/around their cervix? I feel like there is something trying to pull it open every so often. It lasts 15-30 seconds. It's not regular but will come and go out of nowhere. I'll be watching TV on the couch and it happens..DH was so worried he put all the bags and car seat in the car just in case. oohh TMI: So last night one happened and it was the longer one, lasting 30 seconds or so..I grabbed my crotch to put counter pressure and my husband noticed immediate my panties had a massive wet spot. I had literally changed them 10 minutes before. We got so excited thinking it might be time but nope...still waiting.. I'm a FTM so not really sure what to expect but this feeling in my cervix..is that normal? It almost felt the same as when I had a procedure done when they placed a catheter into my cervix...It really hurt but as soon as it was removed it was instantaneous relief.
I would have assumed a sharp thigh pain was baby on a nerve or something, but I'd definitely go with an experienced mom's opinion over mine. I've had all kinds of fun new aches and pains this past month, but nothing that seems labory. It does freak people out when I stand up and have to pause for a minute to let everything kind of shift back into place. I think they're all convinced that if a hugely pregnant woman stands up, pauses, and makes a face, that her water just broke or something :haha:

DrMum, take it easy today! I'm glad the move went ok. I know what you mean about the ruts, we had bad ruts in our alley for a week after our big storm, and every time we pulled into the garage, I was cracking joke about shaking the baby out. It's rough!

Bucherwurm, how did the shower go? Did you have a good time? I'm glad it went through.

Momma, that story is so cute. What a sweet little guy :) I've been surprised, the general public has basically ignored me this whole pregnancy. I wouldn't mind if sweet old ladies wanted to ask a few questions, but I also don't mind being totally ignored ;) Besides a few close people, the only one who's asked to feel the baby is one of the girls I tutored last year, and he won't cooperate for her.

I wonder if that stretchy cervix feeling is dilation. I know it can happen before you actually go into labor and feel contractions. So crazy. Have you read about the purple dilation line? Maybe your DH can take a look. Be warned, there are some explicit birth photos on this link: https://birthwithoutfearblog.com/20...f-checking-dilation-the-purple-line-and-more/

I'm making one last Costco trip today. Wish me luck!
Good luck mrsk!

I love that blog! I've been reading it for a couple years now. It has definitely helped me be more confident that I can have the birth I want, barring any major complications during the actual birth. I have loved reading all the birth stories. I think when I first started all my research a few years ago this blog definitely helped me find some of the other links and such.
Thanks everyone. It's always reassuring to know your not the only one experiencing something. Everything you've said makes sense. So guess I'll view it as a good thing.
oh this crotch pain is definitely the worst. I play with the girls on the floor and it hurts when I stand. It hurts when I'm putting my pants on (when my weight is on my right leg mostly) and laying in bed at night, especially rolling over.

Mommasquirrel, sounds like you are describing lightning crotch. Just another end of pregnancy joy. Getting headbutts and punches to the cervix. These babies sure do like to put us through the wringer sometimes!
Mommasquirrel: have you been getting any heartburn relief with the Nexium?

I've been having menstrual-like cramps, which reminds me that I haven't had a period in about 9 months!
Anyone know if this is early labour? I woke up with shooting/dull ache pain in my lower back and belly and at the top of my bump and my belly felt like it was tightening (hard to explain really I haven't ever felt these pains before) I've also been getting shooting pains down below I had this yesterday morning and it kept me awake for about a hour or two and now tonight I've just got back into bed and its happening again I can also feel baby moving tonight as these are happing I think she maybe hitting my cervix witch is coursing the shooting/stabbing pain down below. Anyway the dull ache seems to be in my back and at the sides. Sorry if this don't make sense but this is my first lol x

At my midwife appointment she said I was 2/5 engaged and baby was very low x
Wow u lot talk to much :p I moved into my house Saturday so have no net at mo :p it's not to bad while I have a lot to do to get everything tidy and put away etc we actually only finished moving furniture today as we could only have the van we used Saturday for 3hrs lol so had to do rest in mums car. Anyway I'm exhausted so i Will catch up proper tomorrow :D
MrsK: Thanks for sharing that site. I'm defin going to have DH take a look. I wonder if I'll get a purple line. I have a blue birth mark down there which is bizarre to my DH..he asked me if I fell and bruised my tail bone a few years ago.. I figured everyone had it but it's just everyone in my immediate family. This makes me wonder if little one will get it too.

Frenchie: The nexium is amazing. I have no heartburn now, thank goodness. I am also getting some more sleep now because of it. The only thing I am dealing with now is constipation. =( Is it weird to say, I'm looking forward to have a normal poop in the future?

Other than that, all is well. I am still experiencing the pain down in my cervix but it's not the same as my regular lightening crotch. My entire belly gets super hard and then there is the pain down in the cervix. When I get lightening crotch baby is shifting and I can literally feel babies head moving down there and then there is the OWWWIIE that follows. lol

Today we had some belly pictures done and in the process they captured one with babies butt protruding out a bit. I'll see if I can find it and share. I swear this little one has a good sense of humor already, just like me and DH. :thumbup:
Here is the picture of my bump and baby showing off a little rump and shoulder. =) :haha:


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