2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I'm so glad it helped the heartburn. I don't know why it's not typically prescribed in the US. Was it your Dr's idea or did you ask about it?
Anyone know if this is early labour? I woke up with shooting/dull ache pain in my lower back and belly and at the top of my bump and my belly felt like it was tightening (hard to explain really I haven't ever felt these pains before) I've also been getting shooting pains down below I had this yesterday morning and it kept me awake for about a hour or two and now tonight I've just got back into bed and its happening again I can also feel baby moving tonight as these are happing I think she maybe hitting my cervix witch is coursing the shooting/stabbing pain down below. Anyway the dull ache seems to be in my back and at the sides. Sorry if this don't make sense but this is my first lol x

At my midwife appointment she said I was 2/5 engaged and baby was very low x
I'm also a first timer so not sure. Could you phone the maternity ward and ask what they think? They might ask you to go in to check.
Frenchie: I had to ask my OB since the heartburn was so bad. He asked me if I tried tums and another antacid which I did before he even mentioned the nexium. I think he would have rather had me just taking tums but nothing was helping. I am just relieved now to be able to lay down without the fear of waking up with that horrible burning sensation. :happydance:
I'm guessing they don't suggest Nexium unless you really push so people like me don't end up on unnecessary medication while pregnant - my heartburn has been constant from the first trimester, but I can only think of two times that Tums didn't knock it back down. They like to make sure you've tried everything mild first.

We have the midwives at 4 today, and DH is making a Mardi Gras feast :) He's dropping some off for his coworkers, too, because the three to four of us (depending if our friend's husband come) can only eat so much, but we're having jambalaya, gumbo, and red beans and rice, with homemade Hawaiian rolls. He ordered king cake (and packzki, because Chicago is a very Polish city, so we might as well celebrate their traditions too) from a bakery for dessert. I think all his nesting energy is going straight into cooking - hopefully I can get some freezer meals out of him! I'm claiming any leftovers as mine.

I got the detergent I need for diapers and baby clothes, so I can start on those maybe tomorrow. I just need to bug DH about getting the baby's dresser downstairs. Maybe if our friend's husband comes, he can help him get the door to the baby's room out of the attic, too. He insists he doesn't need help, but it's a heavy door, and I figure just because he could manage alone doesn't mean he should.

I survived the Costco run! I was hoping to stock up on pads while I was there, but all they had were Always, and someone here mentioned that Always aren't good post-partum. I would have thought there would be a Kirkland pad. I was sore last night, but good today thankfully. It's going to be a busy week, but I think aside from Mommy Con on Saturday, it'll all be manageable busy.
Sounds like a delicious meal you're having tonight! We are having pancakes! Is that a Canadian thing to do on Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras?

Yeah, apparently Always pads can cause issues with Stitches :S A few people warned me last time. I had the hardest time deciding what kind to buy lol.... I think I ended up with a store brand.
I think there are areas in the US that do pancakes, too. Probably it just comes down to who immigrated into that area. We love New Orleans and Creole and Cajun food, so we just steal that tradition ;)

I think I'm just going to grab a couple smaller packs of different brands (I think I have Kotex and Seventh Generation in my Amazon cart), to see what works. I can send DH out for more.

I'm looking into wipes now. I may want some for me for the first few days, and even though we're doing cloth wipes at home, we may have some diaper disasters, and I'll want disposables for the diaper bag.

Little Dog (about 35lbs) decided to use my bump as a springboard a few minutes ago. I'm not too worried about it, I think at worst she just surprised the baby, but I'm glad I have an NST appointment in a couple hours anyway.
So today I learned that I have tested positive for GBS. I'm over this whole business of tests and treatments I just want my normal life back 8 days left for me unless baby decides to come sooner on his own...
ladybrown: they can always retest you when you get to the hospital for GBS. otherwise it's just some antibiotics via IV. I don't know my results yet.

Had a great appt with the OB today. babies HR was around 150 and fundal ht is remaining at 34 cm. Apparently that is great news but I have no idea what it really means. I gained 2 pounds, made the OB laugh about my experiences with stool softeners and magnesium citrate. I was told to do an enema on the weekend if I'm still having issues. :wacko: I don't look forward to this at all. Other than that, I'm given the thumbs up to come back and repeat everything in a week. He said he'd check me then but we will see. I swear the next few weeks are going to feel like forever.

How's everyone else doing? anyone having any symptoms? cramping?
I'm sorry about the GBS test, ladybrown :( The treatment is straightforward, but still a hassle I'm sure.

Glad you had a good appointment, Momma :)

I'm pretty sure I actually finally had a Braxton Hicks contraction in line at the store. About time! It didn't hurt or anything, just felt like everything kind of tightened for thirty seconds or so, and my belly felt firm. I wonder if it's all the raspberry leaf tea, or I just finally got one while I was paying attention.
I'm glad everyone got their house stuff done, be it moving or painting, I'm sure it's a relief!

We had pancakes yesterday Nelly.

We are 10 days out from March! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Ladybrown sorry about the test results and I know what you mean about wanting your body back now. I keep wanting to flop down on the bed on my stomach. Soon!

I'm also trying to enjoy these last couple of weeks as I think this is our last baby. It's very bittersweet that we are so close to the end.

I've had some cramping but I don't think it's been productive. No doubt we are going to start seeing lots of babies very soon though!!!!!
Sooooo,this time next week girls I should be all done and holding a baby! It's gone from feeling like forever, to suddenly being OMG that's only a few days!!

I have a scan today then anesthetist tomorrow, then I get to meet with the specialist post natal OB on Friday who apparently they introduce all previous stillbirth moms to before delivery so that she can monitor for PPD etc. at first I thought it was a bit unusual but as I get nearer to delivery I think it's quite a good plan to know there is someone specifically who understands our background.

Im sure there are going to be a few deliveries before me though!! Anyone getting any feelings that they might go soon?
So close drmum! I wish I had the feeling I was going soon! I'm so uncomfortable and that's putting it simply :( I'm not sure if my body or my mind can handle much more than another week or so but I've technically got just over three weeks left
DrMum, I'm excited for you! It's nice that they have a system in place to reassure you as well, and really take care of the little one.

I soooooo cannot wait to see this little man's face and hold him! It's really starting to get real. I lost what I thought was my whole mucus plug on Saturday, but I somehow am still losing more lol, and lots of Braxton hicks and pains. Who knows if that means anything will happen any time soon though....

Pancakes last night were fantastic, and DD ate 6! For such a mini little thing, she sure can eat :)
So exciting Drmum, can't wait for next week to happen so we can see what your little one looks like. =) I wish I knew when baby would arrive but at the same time I'm just enjoying the moments. Little one is moving a lot more lately and is reacting more to my voice now. I have a very high voice and it sounds like I am very young. When people talk to me on the phone they ask for my mom. :blush: So baby has been more attentive to DH's deep baritone voice.
For today's agenda I get to do whatever I want. DH is making dinner-Japanese Curry and I am to sit back with my feet up. Ohh someone on FB posted a site that will do baby birth predictions and mine said I would deliver on the 28th at 12:50 am.. That's just around the corner. I wonder if it will happen. Here's to not knowing and enjoying the thrill of questioning every ache and pain. =)
It sounds like your hospital has a great plan, DrMum! I'm glad they have extra support for you.

I hope everyone is hanging in there. I absolutely cannot believe how close to the end we are. I'm in complete denial. I haven't even packed my hospital bag, I'm going to get on that tonight and tomorrow if I can, and I'm working on an Amazon order for little bits and pieces I'm missing like non-slip slipper socks and flameless candles. By some miracle we have NOTHING going on Sunday. I'll be totally wiped out from Mommy Con, but I'm hoping I can talk DH into doing some freezer cooking so it's not just Italian and more Italian in there. He's totally nesting, and it's manifesting in a need to feed everybody, so I'm hoping I can just kind of twist that into feeding the freezer instead of his coworkers ;) We have some leftover red beans and rice and gumbo and jambalaya (he went a little nuts) and that's all packed up and ready to freeze, too. I have ingredients for a couple muffin recipes, too, and I need to get those made.

One of his coworkers gave me a little postpartum bag with milkmaid tea (looks like it'll taste AWFUL, but if it helps, I'll drink it!), nipple balm, and a couple other things she found helpful after her babies.

The predictor on Facebook has me going a week from tomorrow. Earlier than I'd planned, but I'm ok with a week from tomorrow, as long as I don't go into labor on the third floor with no elevator at tutoring!
MrsK: If you make the milkmaid tea and stick it in the fridge it's easier to drink. I was told the colder the better. I have been doing that with my mommy to be tea and it's good. I think I am having serious mommy brain but for some reason I thought you were doing a home birth. If you are at the hospital they will give you the non-slip socks/slippers to wear. They are ugly but serve a purpose (in case your waters break and they soak up gunk, you get another pair) I am sticking the aloe vera and witch hazel into the fridge this week. I figure it will be a life saver after baby is born. DH think's I'm a bit crazy but he has no idea. i'm glad you're DH is nesting so you can just sit back and relax a bit.

I almost feel like everyone has a 20 sided die and we are all rolling for a crit roll (20) to go into labor. yes, I am a nerd but still I feel that way.
Ha! What do I have to roll to get another week or two? ;)

I'm not brave enough for home birth, I'm just doing a lot of the home birthy type stuff at the hospital - midwives, low interventions, etc.

I thought about seeing what the hospital would give me, but I found a 6 pack of the socks for $15 on Amazon, and I figure they'll be handy around the house, too, since I don't have slippers. And they're colorful, maybe it'll keep me cheerful between contractions ;)

I'm enjoying DH's nesting, but he's in complete denial that it's actually nesting. He's gone on cooking sprees before, but this is different. Usually he's happy doing a nice meal for the two of us, and now he wants to feed everyone. He's made lunch for everyone at work twice in the last couple weeks!
I can't wait until we start seeing more baby announcements! It's so exciting!

Is anybody feeling like they may start soon?

How exciting that you only have a week left DrMum! Are you all ready for baby now?

As for me, I'm completely in love with my little girl :cloud9: and enjoying every single moment, as she's definitely our last. Breastfeeding is going well and the boys both absolutely adore her :cloud9:
Ahhhh so exciting DrMum! How are the new digs? You said you are planning g on staying in the city for at least a week after the baby is born, right?

Today was my first day off work. I'm doing every other day until the end of the month to try to help transition myself at home and my role at work. I ended up doing 2 loads of laundry, making 3 batches of pancakes (they are great for freezing just toss 'em in the toaster when you want one) and falafels. I also emptied the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen... but I managed to relax a bunch too. This was great. And tonight we are visiting DS's godmother, so I don't even have to cook dinner! I do have to dress a bit nicer than my yoga pants and sweater though :haha:

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