2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Thanks guys! Just back from today's scan and they are toning down the 10lb+ predictions which is good to hear! Today's weight was 8lb3oz so they think under 9 by next wed. Still a whopper though! All fit and healthy though and wriggling all over the place, sucking his thumb like crazy!

The new digs are good thanks apart from the very high luxurious beds which Are freaking out DS " because it's such a long way down" so he has ended up in with us for the last 2 nights. Cue no sleep for me and DH!

Good luck to all the milkmaid tea attempters.... That stuff is very much an acquired taste....! I never had any supply issues previously but I'm a big fan of pumping early to get your supply up so I plan to just do that this time round as well.

Loozle it's so great to hear that things are going well for you. I'm sure the boys must be fascinated with a little sister!

Early bed for me tonight as I have to be at the delivery unit early tomorrow for the anaesthetic appt and non stress test.

And in a final note to this essay.... Anyone else already got the bubbly in the fridge?! I have three bottles just waiting for action! :haha:
I've been thinking about buying some!

I'm watching my 16 month old nephew tonight, and I have a newfound respect for all of you who are expecting little siblings. He's a good baby, but he is incapable of holding still!
Good to hear of lots of good appointments and things.
I am not a drinker, so no bubbly in the fridge for us.
Glad to hear things are going well with the new little one, loozle.

Yesterday I had a home visit from the midwife. Everything still seems fine. She liked our nursery. Our one dog really liked her, and one of our cats got a pet. The other cat was hiding and the other dog stayed far away for the most part. She's shy.
I had my pre-admit appointment at 8 this morning at the hospital. Lots of questions, and I got to see the rooms a bit. A couple ladies were in there so didn't get to see too much. I found out that I am also GBS positive. It sucks because of the IV thing, but I'll survive. I had a feeling I had it, even though there was no reason to think that way. The hospital is easy to find, but I got lost trying to find my way out. Turns out I entered through emergency and that is considered the basement, and I only went to floor one. At least I know for next time.
I also worked today, so I'm tired this evening. Hoping for some good rest tonight!
I got my cloth diaper order today! Excited. It's not for newborn, though. I bought a kit that starts at 15 pounds, but also got a few covers for smaller babies. So we can start practicing a bit when they are smaller and should be all set by the time we full time cloth diaper. I figured there are too many things to learn for first time parents with limited baby experience to throw learning about cloth diapers right away in the mix. I have plenty of pre-folds, so I could also order more smaller covers before they fit into the bigger ones if we want to get started earlier.
I am expecting some other things today, too. We placed a few orders for things on Tuesday and they are saying we should get some of it today. More exciting things!
I have to start really thinking about our hospital bags, too. I was told they supply diapers, wipes, pads and things, so don't have to worry about that, but will probably bring one or two of each just in case. Clothes, definitely don't want to forget the camera!
Yes, Bucherwurm, I assume it's the same in all of Ontario. Here in Ottawa, they supply basically everything you need while in the hospital other than clothes. Although they do even have little night gowns for babies that you can use until you leave, but who doesn't want to start putting their baby in adorable little sleepers right away :)

I did the same with cloth diapers with my first and will do the same this time. Approximately the first three months in disposables. It's just easier lol.
I'm no longer so bummed at this GBS test being positive I'm being induced exactly one week from today(yay!!), so I'll have an IV anyway the only issue would be a spontaneous labor anytime before then would mean rushing to the hospital through all of this snow but otherwise I'm okay.

It does seem that time has flown by can't believe we're at the end of this journey
That's so exciting that your little one will be here in one week!!!!
Iv still not packed my hospital bag but it hit me before and now I'm quite worried. I'm 37week on Sunday which is just around the corner and expecting my birth box delivered one day between Fri and Sunday but since I'm now living on my own I'm a little concerned not about the birth cause hopefully that goes well and easy like my first. What I'm bothered about is what if I go in Labour late at night on own Not forgetting my daughter will b here, what do people in this situation do because I know even if I was to say never mind il have hospital birth it changes nothing I think it makes it actually worse because they won't allow her in room while I'm giving birth and I don't drive so how do I take her some where and if it's anything like my first there was no prior warning as I didn't feel contractions. Its also made me realize I need to also pack a bag for her in case.
Do you have any family or friends nearby who can come at a moment's notice to watch your dd? We don't have any family here, but MIL is planning to come watch DD. She's planning to come next week, but if anything happens before then, we have good friends lined up to watch her until MIL can get here. It's definitely different trying to organize when you already have a child!
There's only my mum and that would be a problem if it happened during day as She only has one car which her husband uses to get to work everyone else it takes a good 25min to get here
Do you think she might be willing to drive your dad to and from work so she'd have the car? Was your last labor really fast? Hopefully you get at least a half hour's warning!

I got a surprise evening off from tutoring today because it's so cold - when the schools close, we cancel. So today I'm focusing on the hospital bag. I have a few things arriving in the mail tomorrow, but I can get any necessary laundry washed and pack everything else I already have.
That's crazy fast mummysmurf! I thought my 3 hour labor was quick (and that was my second!)
Is there any chance you can stay with your mom for a while, or even better, if she could stay with you? Especially since you're likely to have this baby so fast!?
Good suggestion having someone stay with you. MIL is going to be staying here from 38 weeks on for me so I can leave for hospital as soon as possible as my last labor progressed from irregular to regular REALLY STRONG contractions very quickly!
I'm goin to talk to midwife about my concerns wen they drop off my birth box see what she says
Just caught up on the threads... I feel like I could be writing some of these posts, esp the heartburn and constipation

Anybody try eating a daily serving of prunes before going onto the meds? When i'm consistent with eating 5 or 6 a day, it really makes a big difference after a couple days and they don't taste bad at all!

At my last midwife group appointment (the birth center Im going to doesnt do individual appts, a bunch of us all come together for an hour long gab sesh/belly comparing, snack time group meeting, and they take us individually into another room for fundal height, heartbeat, blood pressure, weight and private questions)
they mentioned Placenta Encapsulation... is anybody trying that or has done it?

My friend said she did it with her second kid, but the capsules were kinda gross even as pill and she wound up not taking all of them and claimed she didnt really feel much difference between her first baby and the second baby, so I dunno because the women in my group who did do the placenta were raving about it like it was the best thing ever.

And just 9 days to go til March, it seems we're all melons this week!!!
I'm kind of in between two social circles, and I sort of agree with both of them... On DH's side, we have his coworkers who are all very crunchy hippie types, and can't say enough good things about placenta encapsulation. On my side, it's mostly just "average" people who would try to have me committed if I encapsulated the placenta and ate it. I can tell they think I'm a little crazy for trying natural birth and cloth diapering in the first place, and I'm pretty sure I've gotten at least one "well, as long as you're not eating the placenta, have fun!"

I've heard a lot of good anecdotal evidence about it balancing hormones and making recovery easier, but it sounds like there's no real sound scientific studies on it. We're the only mammals who don't eat it, but on the other hand, we also have the modern comforts that make it less necessary - I have access to high quality protein after giving birth, and I don't think any lions will be stalking me when I'm at my weakest. I asked the midwife about risks last week, and she said as long as the encapsulator follows typical food safety procedures, and you don't have any infections, there are no health risks. In terms of the traditional Chinese medicine that it's based on, it's only supposed to be advantageous if your placenta is on your side. If you had placental issues (infection, deterioration, etc), you're supposed to skip it. All very interesting, but it hasn't convinced me. I told DH that if it's something he feels strongly about (he's more into the traditional/alternative medicines than I am), and he feels like arranging everything, and he never tells my friends, I'd go along with it, but I have enough on my plate at the moment. I suspect he won't go through with it, but we'll see! I am kind of curious about it.

Prunes help me some, and I actually like them, but I forget to eat them. It's all I can do to remember to take a probiotic or a stool softener half the time, because I don't keep either with my daily pills (my probiotics live in the fridge, and I just don't like having poop medicine on display in the living room with the prenatals).

I really like the idea of the community midwife appointment group thing! That sounds really cool. I bet it leads to some great discussion. Are you in a group with women around the same gestation, or just randomly based on when you're available?

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