2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

So happy everything went well for you DrMum. Too bad you had to go through labour though! Have a good recovery.
Congratulations DrMum and welcome Rory!!! Absolutely thrilled that everything went smoothly and you are both doing well. :hugs:
Congratulations DrMum! I can't wait to see a picture of baby Rory! Enjoy your little man :cloud9:
DrMum, what a champ! All of us ladies are chomping at the bit as you have your little man in your arms. Rory, so cute, so cheeky! Blessings to you four!
That's fantastic!! So happy you have little Rory in your arms now.

Who's next ladies?!
Congratulations DrMum! I can't wait to see a picture of baby Rory!

I think I have finally dropped a bit. The pressure down below is so much more now! :) I do want to get past 37 weeks (so, only two days) before he comes, but then I welcome him any day.
Congratulations DrMum! Great birth story =) Looking forward to pictures!
Congrats drmum!!!

My ultrasound went well this morning. Baby is perfectly happy and healthy, just tiny like his mommy.

Before leaving DH was saying that he just felt like today was going to be the day. And even after he dropped me off back at home, he said as he was leaving that that feeling hasn't gone away. I was quite carsick on the way home and asked DH to pull over at the end of our street. I don't have the same feeling as him that it will be today, but I think sometime this week.
Woow I can't keep up with this thread! Congratulations to those that have had there babies :)

I've been losing loads and loads of plug today I normally only lose a bit but today every time I wipe there's big blobs of yellowy snot like stuff sorry tmi. Is this a good sign? Im feeling so impatient to meet my baby and every little sign I'm getting excited over and then nothing happens :( x
Hooray DrMum! Congratulations on little Rory :)

Teilana, glad the little one looks good! Your fundal height was measuring behind, right?

Missbx, I think it can go either way with losing plug, but I hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too long.

Still no signs of anything happening over here. I really want to make it through this week to tie up loose ends and get some more meals in the freezer, but I really have a feeling this pregnancy is just going to keep on going. I don't know if it's all the stories I hear about first timers going over, or if it's because I'm so close to the end and not feeling too bad, or actual instinct. As long as I don't get too physically uncomfortable, I don't mind going a little over, but I'd rather not draw it out an extra two weeks and face induction. I'm going to talk to the midwife about EPO tomorrow, and maybe start this weekend. And I'm all ready with an eggplant parmesan recipe from a restaurant in Georgia that's famous for inducing labor ;)
Is anyone else scheduled for a section this week?

I heard that italian food and any spicy food will help but there is no science behind it. I would do just about anything as I am so uncomfortable but my OB seems to think walking and walking and walking will do the trick. I tried bouncing on the birthing ball and EPO as well as RLT but so far my cervix is being uncooperative. I seriously think this kid just wants to sit close to me as long as possible. I did say I wanted a mommy's baby but seriously now I think I got what I asked for. DH is super anxious and he blushes every time he gets a kick or punch from baby. There is defin. no more room to grow in there as I can now feel most of baby's body and only very small pockets where it's just fluid around my abdomen. If we make it to Friday, we'll have some ultrasound pics to share. Fingers crossed we get a good sign of labor by this weekend or I mmay end up going on a road trip to Georgia with DH for a week. =( at that point I'll pray that baby doesn't come until we get back. I don't want to get stuck in Georgia at a random hospital.
Congratulations on your little boy drmum! Such lovely news!

Hope baby works with your schedule mommasquirrel!
Got back from grocery shopping a little bit ago. I'm feeling crampy and I think baby is trying to chisel her way out or something.
Yes mrsk I'm the one that fundal height was measuring behind. DH and I were all prepared to stay and be told that we were going to have the baby today/tomorrow but I guess he gets to cook a bit longer!
I had a good walk and got some free donuts. I love our local donut shop. They make me feel good and they always ask about how I am doing. I swear I will be sure to send them a good picture of baby and me as a thank you.
Anyone else feeling antsy? I feel like I am forgetting to do something and it's bugging me. I've been up and about all day trying to figure out what I missed. It's weird. I usually get this way before taking an exam when I was at school. DH think's it's just another phase of nesting so i dunno.
I got good news today about one of my adopted mom's coming to visit in April. So excited. She's going to be the first to meet little one out of the family. DH is relieved because he was worried that no one was coming to visit us and we'd have to go to them in summer. :happydance:
As for the road trip..we will have to see. I will ask my OB what his thoughts are on us being so far away from our primary hospital. I can just imagine giving birth in the backseat while DH is trying to get us back to Florida, lol. Ohh the stories we will have if that happens.
I've been nesting all day since we got home from our ultrasound. I finished off another blanket (for dh's cousin who's expecting in May) and then I started working on our mobile. I was quite frustrated that the balloons that I had bought to wrap the yarn around were not at all what I needed :( So tomorrow I'll have to go out and find some proper ones. And then I put away the load of baby clothes from everything we got at our shower. I don't think baby is going to be much longer the way I've felt the last few days and the extreme nesting feeling I've had all day.

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