2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I'm sorry you have that worrying you, Foosh! So few women get scans this late in the game, so who knows how many babies get a bit jumbled up with their cord and then pop out fine. Maybe 5 minutes later the cord was elsewhere. With some of the strong kicks and rolls I'm getting at this point, I'm surprised he hasn't unplugged himself!
Hoping everythings okay Foosh! Glad they are keeping a close eye on you!
Thanks ladies. I've calmed down a bit, baby has been obliging and moving regularly. I'm going to try to relax but I have my parents on standby for DS in case I have to go in unexpectedly.
Hi ladies!

How exciting that we are getting news of these little ones making their way into world now!! :) I don't update very often but have followed the thread from the start and wanted to share my congratulations with the mama who already have their beautiful babies and good luck to those of you who are patiently waiting! :) Not long now!

Foosh - Glad baby is showing you all is well and at least you've not long to wait to check in on her again - hopefully she's found a way to slip right out of her tangle, us girls are so resourceful! ;)

As for me: I'm having an elective section which was due on the 16th but has now been pushed forward to this Tuesday!! Baby hasn't grown as much as expected in last couple of weeks so they're going to whip him/her out of there! Such a worry and a shock at first but now just looking forward to meeting baby sooner. :) I've got to have steroid injections to mature the baby's lungs - had one yesterday and got one today. It was such an emotional day yesterday when they told me about the baby and 1st jab hurt so much that I burst into tears like a great big wuss! :( A bit scared about going about for second one today, partly the pain (it's a lot of liquid pumped into thigh muscle) and partly cause they'll see me coming and start drawing straws for who gets lumbered with the crier! Lol.
Lilfoosh: I've heard babies do all sorts of things with their cord. from pulling, grabbing, even holding onto it during the birth like it's a life line. Ia m sure everything will be fine and baby will take off it's temporary scarf before the fireworks. =)
Frenchie: you are hilarious about the unplugged comment. I feel that way all the time with how much this little one rolls. It's so painful now when he/she rolls and I can see the outline of the shoulder, bum and legs moving. it's cool and creepy at the same time. :wacko:
Kealz: I'm glad the doctors decided to pull the little one out early. I have heard those steroid shots are unpleasant but I am glad you are so brave. I too have issue with shots. Actually it's anything requiring me to get a needle. Since getting diagnosed with GD I have to fingerprick myself 4+ times a day now. I cried in the beginning and now I wince before it even happens. i still don't like it but I know it has to be done. I don't look forward to all the needles, shots or IV when I have to go in for delivery. I'm a big wuss and cry.
So for me, I'm excited for the ultrasound today. Hopefully some good news on this growth scan. Then it's off to Endocrinology to get a pep talk about my morning numbers. :growlmad: Getting even more frustrated as I've literally tried everything up to standing on my head to get good numbers and I'm still having issues. Well that and I've gained like 12 pounds in less than 3 weeks.. I think I am absorbing water from the atmosphere via osmosis at the moment. The proof is in my legs and feet. Going to attempt a long walk after lunch to promote some circulation. Wish me luck!
Good luck with the section, Kealz! I'm sure it's scary, but it sounds like baby is in good hands :)

I hope you have good results from the ultrasound, and the endocrinologist isn't too bad, momma. Just remember, you're almost done!

I'm terrible with knives and needles, too. It was actually a big factor in my choosing the midwives - I knew they'd support me in natural birth and reduce the likelihood of needles in my spine and IVs. Gah! The idea of needles in my spine is just creeptastic. Way more scary than pushing a baby out without drugs :p

I'm not impatient yet, but I am starting to symptom spot! I've mentioned a few of them to DH and he told me to stop stressing. I'm not stressing, just super curious! I'm gonna keep up on the leg shaving just in case ;) I started EPO orally last night, too. After talking to the midwife, it made sense to get a cervical check next week (I didn't want to go through one just out of curiosity), so I'll be glad to have an idea of what's going on.
I don't see midwife til 39+1 :p they was supposed to do an antenatal wen dropped off my box and didn't so missed out on one lol my dd is ill at the moment with some sort of stomach bug iv been having to change her nappie every 5min they have smelled so bad, she just been sick all over carpet as well :( and I fear I'm getting it too :(
Oh mummy smurf, that's terrible!! I hope your daughter recovers quickly and you manage to escape catching it!

Feeling very unsupported in bfing. DH keeps nagging about wanting me to pump for him to feed him. I did pump this morning because I had such a hard time getting Warren to eat last night. He would wake angry and fall asleep every time I put him to breast, it was terrible. So I woke super engorged and uncomfortable and there was no way he was going to be able to latch with how full I was so I had to relieve the pressure. My manual hand pump isn't working and I'm not sure why, so I had to break out my double electric which I really REALLY didn't want to do. I have a bad habit of falling to what I know or what I consider "easier" in some aspects (certainly being chained to a pump isn't exactly easy)... I just really need to stick to my guns on this and have no support (in person).

Whew, had to let that out.
Oh Bookity that sucks! I used to take off DS's socks when he would fall asleep at the breast, or I'd switch sides. I'm sure there are a ton of tricks for that. I hope your DH smartens up and gets on board, it's hard enough without his input!
that sucks in regards to the no support in BFing. Hoping baby will catch on. have you tried using a paci. If he's not hungry maybe he just wants soothing. Also if getting engorged you can take a hot shower and manually release some of the milk. Call up your local lactation consultant or look at videos on youtube. I currently have to do the hot shower and baby is not even here so I just have to release some of the pressure or it feels like they turn into throbbing rocks on my chest.

update: Ultrasound went incredibly well. baby is measuring roughly 6 pounds 6 ounces give or take a pound. So glad the baby isn't massive like my OB predicted. Had to reschedule my endocrinology appt. The doctor was sick after returning from a trip to Haiti.. So yea, i don't mind..stay away germs!! lol

Here is the only picture we were given for today. soo in love with this littler person.


  • baby squirrel 37 weeks 6 days.jpg
    baby squirrel 37 weeks 6 days.jpg
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I ended up having to do exclusive pumping with a double electric for 5-6 weeks with DD because she gave me such cracked nipples and it was hard to keep her attention for more than a minute or two. I tried all the ear, foot and cheek rubbing, but she just wasn't interested. She loved the bottle and would chug it down. I know this isn't really advice that helps you, but I wanted to say that I can relate, because no one could tell me why my nipples were in such bad shape or why DD wasn't really interested in eating more. However after a couple of weeks of pumping I popped her back on the breast and we had a couple good months until she discovered she could eat other things. Then I had to really insist with the feedings - we were able to keep the morning feeding until she was 1 year since she was a bit groggy when she woke so I could sneak it in. I guess what my main point is that even though everyone says breast is best and everyone tells you that your baby really loves your milk and feeding, it can certainly not feel like it at times. You feel like you made the sacrifice of BFing for nothing and you have to force something that should be "natural". If it's something that you really want to continue, you have to fight for it: just like during your pregnancy when you were on your left side and you REALLY wanted to roll over on your right...
Little update. Warren fed great all day yesterday and has also done fantastically thru the night. I keep setting my alarm to go off in 3 hours and he always wakes me before that (closer to two). I'm finding he feeds better if I turn on the lamp rather than just relying on the night light. Very pleased with the direction things are going!!
That's great news Bookity! Rebecca was very sleepy for her first few days, constantly falling asleep feeding. She still does occasionally now but it's getting easier to wake her to finish her feed. I tend to change her nappy to wake her as she really doesn't like being changed! At the moment she's feeding every 2 hours in the day usually and anywhere between 2 hours and 3.5 hours at night.

I'm glad your scan went well mommasquirrel!
Morning all, just up checking in to see if we have any new babies to report?!

Oh gosh breastfeeding! Well I'm a big fan and I love it and for me it's one of the very best bits of the whole process! BUT yeah there are times when it's tough! Right now my supply is soooooo over the top - just over 2.5 x what a 5 day old baby needs. Shouldn't be a big problem right? Well it's the crazy let down, super engorgement, DS practically drowning in milk!
I saw a lactation consultant yesterday and even she was kind of wowed. We have implemented various strategies to try and reduce supply a bit so I'm hoping that will start helping in the next day or so.

Anyway...how is everyone else?

Cute scan momma! Crazy to think the next time you see that gorgeous bundle will be in your arms!
Frenchie- it's late but I loved your blanket!
Mrsk- are you still on for the midwife/doula birth you are hoping for?
Bookity and loozle- hang in there with the nursing!!

Someone else asked... Where is missfrick? Is she ok?
I just checked the front page and CoffeePuffin, Nelly and LadyBrown all welcomed their little bundles! Congrats ladies!!!!

I was asking about Missfrick, maybe she's had hers too?

So exciting, I'll have to check the front page more often lol
I'm trying to keep the front page up to date with info from here and facebook. I apologize in advance if I get the dates wrong because of the time difference and the fact that mommas (understandably) actually take the time to collect themselves and bond with their babes before posting birth info.
MissFrick is doing well. She posted on the FB page that she thought she was having contractions overnight, but hasn't updated in a few hours. Hopefully it's a good sign and she's busy having a baby!

Bookity, I'm so sorry your DH is being unsupportive. What a turd :( You and Warren will figure it out without him, and we'll all be here to cheer you on! I'm glad he's figuring it all out.

I'm still on track for midwives and doulas and all that hippie stuff, DrMum :D As long as no emergencies pop up, we should be in good shape. If I go overdue to the point where we have to do a hospital induction, I keep the midwives and doula but lose the fancy room and waterbirth (the fancy rooms aren't set up for the increased monitoring, etc), so I'm hoping he isn't too cozy in there. I'm feeling surprisingly patient otherwise. One of the ladies at tutoring Thursday night said that of all the women she's known in the final stretch, I'm the most like my normal self. I wish I could take some credit for it, but I think it's just pure good luck. It helps that DH has been great (except the nursery slacking!), and picks up the slack when I need to rest.

I started EPO orally the other day, and I'll probably be adding in vaginal EPO soon. We'll find out if I need the extra boost at my appointment Tuesday or if things seem to be progressing on their own. I won't be one bit surprised if I go overdue, but I'm stepping things up to avoid going too far over.
I just checked the front page and CoffeePuffin, Nelly and LadyBrown all welcomed their little bundles! Congrats ladies!!!!

I was asking about Missfrick, maybe she's had hers too?

So exciting, I'll have to check the front page more often lol

You know it didn't even occur to me to check the front page!

Thanks foosh!

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