2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

View attachment 848481After a long 26 hours baby was born on February 28z weighing 7lbs 15oz. Just wanted to update you guys who aren't on Facebook. Breastfeeding is challenging so I'm pumping as well. Babies name is King William and I just wanted to see his little face most but once I got him in my arms I could barely see through the tears


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Congrats again, ladybrown :)

Sounds like lots of baby action today! Hopefully we see some more Marchmallows soon!

No plug or anything here, but judging from the new sensation in my pelvis, I think maybe he's starting to engage a little. I'll find out at my appointment Tuesday, I guess.

Is anyone else ravenous? I've been eating like a teenager the past couple days! Feed meeeeee! I don't know if it's a symptom of something or if I'm just a glutton ;)
Nope not had that :p I just had the first sign I'm gonna produce milk this time thou lol was feeling all itchy so squeezed em n a bit of white stuff came out, colostrum I'm guessing lol
Ooh, good sign! I've been getting colostrum for awhile, but I think I'm making even more recently.
Hope everyone's day went well. I had something scary happen while I was out by myself doing errands. I usually pack snacks and bring them wherever I go but today I simply forgot. I wasn't feeling hungry at all and when I finally got home I got super shakey. Legs, hands and felt dizzy beyond anything I felt before. =( I grabbed some sugary drink in the fridge downed it and almost instantaneously felt better. Hoping that no one else is experiencing this like me. I am now going to shove food in my mouth and keep snacks everywhere. Also, DH left for Georgia today. praying little one stays put until Friday night. I stopped taking EPO and RLT just in case.
I've been absolutely ravenous for a couple days, and when it hits, it hits hard. I've had a couple of "MUST EAT NOW" moments. I wonder if my body is storing energy in anticipation of not wanting to eat during labor. I bought a lot of snack food for during nursing, but I've been dipping into it already.
MrsK: I didn't even think of it, that our bodies are storing up lots of calories for when we won't be eating during labor. I need to pick up some fenugreek to put into baked goods. My freezer is nice and packed and I am printing out a meal plan/schedule. I also need to pick up a few pizza's as DH has requested that as an easy alternative. If only salads would keep in the freezer. I'd make a ton of batches up.
MrsK are you getting excited? I know that we can all go over but we know now for sure our babies WILL be here in less than 3 weeks since most doctors will not allow us to go over 42 weeks. Eeeeek... More cute baby photos....Can't wait. I wonder who will be thee lucky one to actually have their little one on their due date.
Frenchie: did you knit the blanket or crotchet? After baby is grown up I may need to hire you to make me one. =P I keep looking on etsy to see if anyone makes them and if I like the color pattern. DH wants a red/white/blue one...he loves patriotic themes.
MissFrick's baby girl is here! Our first actual March baby, I think!

I'm so excited, but definitely nervous! I thought he'd take his time, but I don't know after today. He feels so low! It's definitely not the most comfortable I've ever been... How are you feeling? I can't wait to see what all these yellow bumps turn out to be :D

We got a few frozen pizzas, too, and some more snack foods. DH made a giant pan of mac and cheese for the freezer, and he'll make a couple more tomorrow. I think we're in really good shape on food for the newborn days.

I'm sure you could find someone on etsy to do a custom color blanket for you :)
:hi: Hi ladies! I've been here all along but I've kept pretty quiet just following for the most part. Wanted to jump in a little more as we're all ready to meet our sweet little ones! Congrats to those who have already gotten to meet theirs!! I find it so nerve wracking knowing something huge is going to happen soon but not knowing exactly when!
Hey mykerby, how's it going? It really is crazy not knowing a date, isn't it? Like, I could have a baby tomorrow! Or not for 2 1/2 weeks! Someone get these babies some calendars!
I know right! I just don't see how I can make it much longer even though I'm not due till the 20th and this is my first. He's definitely dropped and is sooo low it's so uncomfortable and hurts so much when he hits my cervix. At my last appt I was 60% effaced but only like half a cm dilated although I know that doesn't mean much. Guess I'll just have to keep waiting! I'm jealous of those who don't have to work anymore! I'm trying to work till I pop but it's so hard lately as I'm an xray tech and have to push stretchers and move patients around.
MrsK: I didn't even think of it, that our bodies are storing up lots of calories for when we won't be eating during labor. I need to pick up some fenugreek to put into baked goods. My freezer is nice and packed and I am printing out a meal plan/schedule. I also need to pick up a few pizza's as DH has requested that as an easy alternative. If only salads would keep in the freezer. I'd make a ton of batches up.
MrsK are you getting excited? I know that we can all go over but we know now for sure our babies WILL be here in less than 3 weeks since most doctors will not allow us to go over 42 weeks. Eeeeek... More cute baby photos....Can't wait. I wonder who will be thee lucky one to actually have their little one on their due date.
Frenchie: did you knit the blanket or crotchet? After baby is grown up I may need to hire you to make me one. =P I keep looking on etsy to see if anyone makes them and if I like the color pattern. DH wants a red/white/blue one...he loves patriotic themes.

I had dd on her due date don't rate my chances of it happening twice :p
Can't believe we are actually approaching due dates now!
I know baby is going to come soon, but after all this time, it's hard to believe that time can be literally any day now!
Congratulations to all the new mums!! Cannot believe we are finally at this point. Babies everywhere aha and such lovely pictures!!
Wouldn't that be something, mummy smurf?

I can't believe I'm due in THREE days. I mean, when the hell did that happen? I got on DH yesterday about not having any gas in the car - it's even in the labor paperwork, keep a full tank! He said he thought that was for closer to the due date. Uh, we really can't get any closer to the due date, honey! He's so smart in most ways, but sometimes I wonder what planet he's from!

I'm not as achy as I was yesterday, but I haven't been up and on my feet much either. I'm guessing I'm going to go a few days over 40 weeks, but not drastically late. Early next week would be nice, it would give us Sunday off to finish everything up, maybe go on one last date.
Too funny about your hubby MrsK!! I disn't get that issue this time. Since our first came at 36+2, I just reminded him how far I was and he would get antsy. Haha
The best part was his response. "It just takes so long to get gas." Yes, that's why you avoid doing it on the way to the hospital when your wife is in labor! What a goof... I'm not sure either one of us truly comprehends that there's going to be a little baby in a few days!
mkyerby: I heard that keeping active will help labor along. I'm pretty sedentary now and have days when I do a lot of walking and I notice I have more intense BH on those days. i swear, during my next pregnancy I'm going to be super active and not like I am now. I feel so tired all the time and all I do is spend a majority of my days with my feet up.
my poor DH is going to go crazy being away. He called me four times yesterday, it was sweet.
MrsK: I keep wondering, is it today? Will it happen right now or maybe in a few hours? It's so exciting yet crazy to think that these little ones will be making their grand entrance in hours, days, maybe a week or two. That reminds me, I'll gas up the car tomorrow when I have some energy to leave the house. Also, I just realized that i don't have one single pacifier in the house. I think that was what has been bugging me for the last week. Going on amazon now to get a few in case this kid needs them. aaaahhh!!!!
Well, we have a full moon this week (the 5th) and a new moon in a couple weeks (20th), so I wonder if this will effect things at all? My original due date was March 4 (moved a few days due to ultrasound). I'm curious if we get a lot of full moon babies.
I'll be happy as long as baby dnt choose Sunday or Monday lol can u imagine that.. I have an engineer comin Sunday to install sky tv and one comin monday to install broadband, imagine having to tell them to get out as iv just gone in Labour lol although baby is defo going to be born nameless if I dont get something decided soon. What happened to the burst of energy for Labour yesterday and today iv just felt so tired I do wander if it's baby tellin me get lots of sleep or something lol

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