2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I started taking it orally on Thursday night (alternating 1000 and 2000 mg because I couldn't find 500 mg pills to take the 1500 recommended). I'll start 1000 oral and 1000 vaginal tonight. She gave me a list of other things I can try, I'll share when I'm on a real computer.
The appointment went well. Luckily baby was moving while I was in the waiting room because the doc had trouble finding her HB. I was just starting to panic a little when he found it. I go for another NST either tonight or tomorrow. And I officially got scheduled for this Friday at 11 am, the lady who had this spot originally went into labour on the weekend (I was originally on standby to try to get to me in the afternoon if it wasn't too busy). So overall good appointment. Only 3 more sleeps.

Is there anything anyone is really looking forward too?

Rare steak
no heartburn
lying on my stomach
Soft cheeses
sandwich meat
a glass of white wine
not feeling like I always have to pee

I'm sure there is more! And I have Facebook but I don't use it at all. If it was my only choice to keep in touch I could join there though
Runny eggs, a beer, and sleeping on my stomach. I'm not crazy strict about foods if I know they were handled properly, but for some reason I can't talk myself into runny egg yolks.

DH had to run to a work thing and leave me at the midwives because my appointment ran over, so I'm treating myself to a pedicure while I wait. It would be more relaxing if I wasn't so ticklish, but it'll be nice to have pretty feet.
I had a mani-pedi on Saturday and then on Sunday I found out I have to take it all off for the section! Haha haha oh well, it makes me feel pretty for now and it was relaxing to have done. I hope you enjoy yours MrsK, maybe you'll even have pretty nails for some of those first baby photos
Now that Warren is here I'm enjoying sleeping without my limbs falling asleep, laying on my stomach, having satisfying bathroom trips (no pathetic trinkle and having to go again five minutes), being able to sit up without feet in my ribs, no more lava throat!!
The appointment went well. Luckily baby was moving while I was in the waiting room because the doc had trouble finding her HB. I was just starting to panic a little when he found it. I go for another NST either tonight or tomorrow. And I officially got scheduled for this Friday at 11 am, the lady who had this spot originally went into labour on the weekend (I was originally on standby to try to get to me in the afternoon if it wasn't too busy). So overall good appointment. Only 3 more sleeps.

Is there anything anyone is really looking forward too?

Rare steak
no heartburn
lying on my stomach
Soft cheeses
sandwich meat
a glass of white wine
not feeling like I always have to pee

I'm sure there is more! And I have Facebook but I don't use it at all. If it was my only choice to keep in touch I could join there though

No more leg cramps, frequent toilet trips. I can't say no more heartburn as I know it will stick around, it did after DD but hopefully not as bad after. No more Labour symptom spotting haha :haha:
I'm looking forward to sleeping on my belly again, not having my belly in the way, no feet in my ribs and less bathroom trips!
I can't wait for less heartburn, less bathroom trips, being able to reach my feet to paint my toenails and even to put my shoes and socks on more easily. To be comfortable again. Also don't get me wrong I don't want my little one to stop moving but lately his movements are so painful and uncomfortable I end up holding my breath half the time I'm kind of ready for him to be on the outside.
I almost feel cruel mentioning it so close to the end, but soft cheeses are 100% safe, as long as they're pasteurized. Go get yourself some brie and goat cheese!

The pedicure was nice, and now I have lovely blue toes for when my baby boy arrives :D I skipped the manicure. I always chip them five minute after they're done, and I can still reach my fingernails if I feel like doing it myself later.

I finally had to cave and take off my wedding set. It isn't really tight, I don't think I'm at any risk of the rings getting stuck or anything, but they were getting a little less comfortable, especially since so many of the places I go now are so hot. I can't believe I made it this long, I kind of hate to admit defeat so close to the end!

I hit a new level of tired today, too. I didn't sleep well or enough last night, and the midwife appointment took a lot out of me (the cervical exam was not fun), and once I added in the pedicure and a light lunch and a very very brief grocery stop, I was ready to pass out on the couch for a couple hours. Even after napping, I'm feeling ready for bed, and even during pregnancy I'm usually a major night owl, but lying down for a couple hours did help with the mild cramping and BH I was getting after the exam. I'm getting more hip pain as baby engages, too. I don't want to get too miserable, but I welcome a little more discomfort and inconvenience because I think it's one of the things that really makes women welcome the unknown and the pain of labor.

It also occurred to me that this baby, who was almost definitely conceived on Friday the 13th, has a very high chance of being born on Friday the 13th. Average for 1st babies is 41 weeks, and I'll be 41+1 on the 13th... Pretty cool, but it would be cooler if conception date was actually something it wasn't weird as hell to share ;)

So, the advice from the midwife to promote labor. To start, the ones I'm approved to try:

Evening primrose oil: 500mg vaginally, 1500 orally

"#1 Aid: SEX" (they must really love this one!): No sex after water breaks, and in addition to the prostoglandins from the semen, female orgasm will release oxytocin. Really not sure on the logisitics of this right now, to be honest  

Pedicure: Professional, full treatment pedicure including foot massage - stimulates acupressure sites, and also just a nice way to spend your last few days. Had one after my appointment, but didn't get the super deluxe version. I do have cute blue toes now  

Reflexology: "To stimulate the uterus - apply pressure or massage the inner aspect of the feet above the heel. To stimulate pituitary gland - massage the ball of the big toes."

Fresh Pineapple: Enzymes in it are said to cause contractions (can't do this one, either it's too acidic for me, or I have a mild allergy - makes my mouth feel funny)

Mesclun salad with balsamic vinegar dressing (no explanation here, I think it's the balsamic)

Eggplant Parmesan: they said to ask the midwife for a recipe or enjoy a night out. I've heard good things about this particular recipe and will probably try it next week: https://www.scalinis.com/main-babies.html

Dates: 7 dates/day starting at 36 weeks are said to shorten labor duration and the length of pushing phase. I wouldn't mind trying this because I like dates, but I'm not sure how much good it would do me at 39+6  

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea: 1-4 cups/day starting at 36 weeks. I think we're all pretty familiar with this one by now

Acupuncture: See a certified acupuncturist - I may look into this if I'm facing down a second week...

Aromatherapy: A daily gentle massage with a blend of jasmine, lavender, and clary sage (one drop of each in 5ml of base oil) should stimulate uterine contractions. Seems simple, but I'd have to buy even more oils...

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedies: If you're fearful of labor, Rescue Remedy or Mimulus, and add Walnut for protection. DH uses RR with animals at work and speaks highly of it, but I've never tried it.

Stuff I'm not supposed to do yet:
Sweeping membranes
Castor Oil (they're very firm on talking to them first and only doing this under supervision): 2-4oz in the morning, followed by 1-2 quarts of water, it will cause diarrhea, and if you're not ready, that's all it will do.
Enema (fun!) - releases prostoglandins
There are also some homeopathic remedies, but they're extremely firm that you should not try them if you're not specifically instructed to by the midwife, so I'm not gonna type up all the details here.
I'm most looking forward to wearing anything with a waistband again. Even my maternity pants with a panel are cutting into my belly. My yoga pants have nowhere to sit, especially when I'm seated. After 8 pm is often no pants hour for me. And I definitely can't wait to sleep on my stomach, even though I know with BFing it won't be comfortable right away.

I was in the hospital overnight to monitor a fever. I stayed in the maternity ward and heard little newborns crying! I had mixed feelings with the memories of the difficulties of the first few weeks and wanting my own baby NOW! Soon...
Well, today is the day of my original due date based on dates. It was moved because baby was measuring 6 days small at around 21 weeks. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but I guess it was to move it. Only a few more days until I "officially" hit 40 weeks. It's surreal that it's here already. I keep saying that, but it doesn't make it less true.
I'm excited to see who will be next!
My bags are all packed, besides things like my camera that I use a lot. It's on the list to put in the bag though. Everything is down stairs and ready to go. The bag with our clothes, and baby's clothes and blankets along with some snacks, toiletries, etc. Diaper bag that will stay in the car for the most part, but I will feel better knowing we are prepared just in case. Boppy pillow. I read that it can be handy to use if you're tired from the birth and need some help with holding baby properly. The car seat is beside everything. I got the cover washed (it had fur and drool from the dogs checking it out). We also have the base installed and the mirror to see baby from the front.
Not been on for a while (been checking the FB group) but I want to say a huge congrats to everyone who has gotten to see their little one already.
I can't wait now and am becoming so impatient & uncomfortable :(

Loving all the adorable March and Feb babies...too cute! :)
Hahaha, thanks MrsK. I did know that soft cheese is OK if pasteurized but I couldn't bring myself to eat it. I have been pretty strict on what I eat; with our loss I had eaten some soft cheese a couple days before I went into labour and they could never say where the infection came from so I am just more comfortable not eating it!

Bucher that's exciting. We have all our stuff by the door too! I saw a thread in 3rd try about the size of hospital bags, I feel really inadequate looking at some of the replies. :haha: I have 1 overnight bag plus the boppy pillow and car seat. I have delivered at that hospital twice though so I know exactly what to expect and we live less than 10 minutes away with DH going back and forth with DS.
Understandable, Foosh! It's hard to get past those things even if there's almost no chance of there being an actual connection. Anything to make you a little more comfortable and a little less worried. You'll have to plan a nice cheese feast for after the birth :)

I'm due tomorrow and still just hanging in here. It's definitely harder to get stuff done now that he's starting to engage. My poor pubic bone. I'm still probably a little more intimidated by labor than I am sick of pregnancy, so maybe the next few days will be super uncomfortable and tip the scales for me.
I wish mine would engage I don't think he's even dropped so it worries me the same thing that happened with DD is about to happen again and if that is the case then its gonna be little to no warnin and that's not ideal because I need time to ringmum n get her here and the midwives lol. With DD she only dropped minutes before Labour and it was very painful I really don't wanna go through that again :-(
This kid hasn't started to engage yet either. If he has he keeps popping out... I wish that he would just engage and stay there... Or just come out... Today was my original due date before they changed it after my first ultrasound... I am so ready for baby to be here.
This kid hasn't started to engage yet either. If he has he keeps popping out... I wish that he would just engage and stay there... Or just come out... Today was my original due date before they changed it after my first ultrasound... I am so ready for baby to be here.

Yep I know the feeling ready for him n want him here.

I went reading to see if there was anything I could do to help him drop and engage lol wish I hadn't as of course it suggested doing circles on yoga ball to help him drop ( it's meant to make something open) and of course I went doing it. Sat on it for a good 45min although not moving the whole time, now I can't sleep as I have a dull back pain :(
Hello all
this is my 1st pregnancy. I m due March 30. Having a boy:)..took me over year to conceive and was about to start fertility treatment until this miracle happened...
I am 37 wks on monday. My 36 week appt went well...cervix soft but no dilation...Baby head down...I goto women clinic. .they have 2 OB and 1 midwife...I have seen all of then at some point..anyone of these would be on call so it's nice to know who will deliver my baby...I m hoping to get midwife as they r more nurturing and sympathetic. ..
I am thinking to start fresh pineapple and Raspberry leaf tea starring monday..I m walking daily min 30min on treadmill...
I get alot of BH and when I over work alot of pelvic pain..
I n going through nesting phase...cleaning everything..kitchen cabinets, pantry, closet, car...organized everything in nursery. ..have hosp bag and diaper bag ready...got snack bag too for dh since he is diabetic..car seat installed as well....got myself breast pump and nursing bra..picked pediatrician as well...started to make extra meal and freeze leftover. ...done major grocery items...
have already plan in place if I need to get to hosp during daytime on what to do...call dh...he works 20min away and he started to keep phone on him...if time is running short either drive myself or call 911...
now just waiting for baby to arrive...

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