2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I have been exhausted the last couple days too. Today I have just felt like something is off and I can't place my finger on it though. I just took a 3 hour nap and still feel off. Baby is moving his normal amounts. I wonder if things are slowly starting but refusing to tell me for sure that they are. Last night when I went to bed and on my nightly bathroom trips I had so much lightning crotch that I couldn't walk standing straight or at a normal pace, it was much slower. Today has been much better on that front though.

Any of you mommas that have had your little ones or are waiting for #2+, did you feel like this before going into labour? I would totally be okay with him arriving this week.
I think it's normal to be really tired in the last few weeks. I've been napping a lot. Still waiting for that supposed burst of energy right before labor.
I've been getting on and of period/wind pains all day today in my back and above my pelvic bone! I keep getting my hopes up that every little pain could be labour but then nothing happens! I'm getting so impatient but I guess I'm not the only one!

Come on March Babies!! :) x
View attachment 848481After a long 26 hours baby was born on February 28z weighing 7lbs 15oz. Just wanted to update you guys who aren't on Facebook. Breastfeeding is challenging so I'm pumping as well. Babies name is King William and I just wanted to see his little face most but once I got him in my arms I could barely see through the tears

Congratulations x
When I went into labour with my second I felt "off" 2 days before contractions started. I couldn'the put my finger on it, the next day I woke up feeling fine, then the next day when I woke up I was in labour.

I had a NST yesterday (started off crap but then baby started kicking and rolling so it ended well) and met some of the nurses that will be there for my section on Friday. They were all really nice and helpful. The timing was perfect because they didn't have any other patients while I was there. I have a feeling this week will pass slowly for me though..I hate not having something to do, but I don't want to miss the chance to relax before baby gets here! GAH, so torn!
I hope all you ladies are doing well. For those that aren't on the Facebook group, I thought I would share that we had our baby boy 6 days ago at 38 weeks 2 days, 12 days early. His name is Andrew Mark Lawrence and he weighed 7 lbs 14.5oz.

My waters started leaking at around noon, but they were pink. Went to hospital with no contractions, contractions started soon after I got there And they hooked me up to the machine to monitor the baby for a while. My contractions became really regular but i was only 2cm dilated. After a couple short hours, my contractions got really intense and I was struggling. I didn't want pain relief but was told I wouldn't be able to have the water birth I wanted due to there being blood in my waters. I eventually caved and asked for some pain relief, but they kept saying the doctor was busy and they weren't allowed to prescribe anything without a doctor. I started feeling the urgent need to push and was unable to stop myself. They checked me again and I had gone from 2nd to 8cm in less than 2 hours so they wheelchaired me up to labour suite. A couple minutes later we were in labour suite and I was told it was too late for pain relief. I told them I really had to push and that I could feel baby coming now. The midwife told me to get on all fours and push when I needed to. 10 minutes after arriving in labour suite, I had given birth to our son. He was born at 4.50pm. Around 1 hour of active labour and 10 minutes pushing.

I had a third degree tear which needed repairing in theatre under a spinal injection.

I can't believe he is 6 days old already. We all love him so much.
Congratulations coffeepuffin! Thank you for sharing your story. Enjoy your little man :)
So sorry I took so long to update. For those that missed my last post I'll recap. My waters went early Wednesday water. Last time I posted I was waiting for labour to start on its own or was being induced Thursday morning. Well during the night contractions started on their own. So thankfully wasn't induced. Went to the hospital at 8 o'clock Thursday morning as had already been arranged. Wasn't pleased to hear I was already 3 cm dilated. Had a straight forward labour and go to 8 cm just with paracetamol. Then used gas and air for the last bit. He was born at 15.31. The midwife who delivered him was amazing and I feel like I had a really positive experience. He weighed 8lb 3 oz. Bigger than I was expecting! He's just perfect . We are having some breastfeeding issues but other than that all good
Thanks for sharing your story coffeepuffin, congratulations!!

Congratulations Molly too!!
So sorry I took so long to update. For those that missed my last post I'll recap. My waters went early Wednesday water. Last time I posted I was waiting for labour to start on its own or was being induced Thursday morning. Well during the night contractions started on their own. So thankfully wasn't induced. Went to the hospital at 8 o'clock Thursday morning as had already been arranged. Wasn't pleased to hear I was already 3 cm dilated. Had a straight forward labour and go to 8 cm just with paracetamol. Then used gas and air for the last bit. He was born at 15.31. The midwife who delivered him was amazing and I feel like I had a really positive experience. He weighed 8lb 3 oz. Bigger than I was expecting! He's just perfect . We are having some breastfeeding issues but other than that all good

Congrats :D not sure if I said it so saying again hehe
Congratulations to those who have given birth!! I am still in awe at how we are now all in line to be next. How many "active" mom's to be do we have left? I know we have a massive list on the first page and a very short list on FB. I think more than a 1/3 of the ladies on FB have had their babes. It's so exciting to think, will I be next? lol. There is a Full moon in a day or two..I wonder if that will affect anyone.
So I finally looked up the whole being numb on one side and feeling like my leg is on fire. From what I read it's the pressure of my uterus cutting off part of the nerve in my pelvis. So my leg is literally numbed but I can still move it. The being on fire is when I shift over to that side and the pressure builds up and bypasses the nerves and it sucks. So for now, I can no longer sleep or lay on my left side without being in extreme pain. I mean, I literally scream because it feels like there are flames on me.
So glad I can lay on my right side but I know that will get old fast.

Ohhhh We need to make a collage of the babies newborn pictures for our group. Kind of like a Marchmallow line-up.
Love the idea of a collage mommasquirrel!! I notice too when it gets to the end you come up with a significantly smaller core group of ladies. My other mom group is down to something like 23 ladies. We're all very close and I like it much more than a barely connected large group. There's 35 members on the FB group and most of those are active ones which surprises me because I created the group so early on! I guess facebook is just a little more convenient to use.
Facebook is defo easier but then wen I'm posting stuff I never know if to post here or Facebook lol I tend to be active on both.
Thanks for sharing your stories and big congrats ladies!!

I'll report back later this evening after my appointment.
Facebook is defo easier but then wen I'm posting stuff I never know if to post here or Facebook lol I tend to be active on both.

Eh, just post everywhere!!

I'd like to know how many of the active users are not in the group on FB. These things don't really seem to stay active long after the babies come and I don't want to lose touch!! I know DrMum is not on FB and doesn't want to be. We'll just have to make the extra effort here!!
Congrats on all the new babies! They are coming fast now.

I am on here and facebook. I probably post here more, though I do read everything on both. It can be hard to keep track of everyone, so I make use of the username list at the top of the page frequently. I think our group here has dwindled quite a bit. Mostly the few familiar names these days and a few others checking in from the beginning.
Congratulations, new mamas!

Squirrel, that sounds absolutely miserable! Hopefully you don't have to suffer too much longer.

I post here and Facebook, but I don't know if I get as detailed here just because the format doesn't make it as easy. I'll probably stick with both as long as both are active.

I'm off to the midwives in a few minutes! First cervical check today. Not looking forward to the actual check, but I am looking forward to maybe getting some information. I want to get some details on their post-40 weeks routines, too. I hope I don't have to start more frequent appointments!
We have a little action, but nothing that suggests he's going to show up tomorrow. 1cm dilated, 50% effaced, -2 station. Next week starts twice weekly appointments.

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