2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

why, oh why does this waiting period seem so long? I swear just a month ago each day passes so quickly and now that I'm past 38 weeks, the days drag on and on. I guess it doesn't help that everything is in its place, all major things taken care of and absolutely no laundry needing to be clean has some part in making the day seem so much longer.
Heck, I even went online for a tutorial on how to make the star baby blanket and I'm already halfway finished and I just started it today. I hope labor doesn't feel like this. I rather be swept off my feet and time passing quickly. I also wish I could sleep more but I figure baby is just prepping me for his/her arrival.
my DH might be coming home tomorrow instead of Friday depending on his lecture schedule. Fingers crossed he can get through it all early to come home. I don't like having him so far away.
So what are you momma's doing to keep yourself sane while you wait and symptom check ( I swear I question every ache, pain, wetness, discharge...everything under the moon wondering if this kid is about to drop out of me)
You can always come do my laundry, Momma ;) I hope your DH gets home early!

I honestly have no idea what's keeping me sane. I think I just got the lucky hormones, I'm usually very anxious and impatient. I'm definitely attempting to symptom spot, but my symptoms aren't cooperating ;) With the way I've felt lately, I may just sleep the last days/weeks away... 96 minutes away from my due date! Aaah!
Momma. .I know what u mean...all of sudden time passing so slow...I was like that last week...all I did was sleep, eat, watch tv..and than when dh got home after dinner I was again sleepy...one thing that I never gave up before and during pregnancy is my sleep...I dunno how I would have come this far with no sleep. ..
but in between of all this. ..I applied for professional degree and got my admissions lined up for this summer at Northwestern and it will be online...I also lined up part time job to do after I m done with baby...
I spend alot of time cleaning each room like closets, cabinets..getting shopping list ready , finding deals...now I m done most of it so this week is more getting kitchen organized and keeping up with weekly cleaning, laundary and daily cooking.
.dh does grocery so I just give him a list...
today I speND alot of time reading about breast pump and ordering one, laundary which included linens etc, cleaning my and dh closet, cooking dinner and I m exhausted. ...remainder of week I just have to vaccum, mop, clean washrooms and cook...few small items to get for baby still like towel, wash clothes, laundary basket, first footprints frame so will do that this weekend...
other than that eating, sleeping, praying, tv takes up rest of my day. ..DH is usually out for 10hrs a day...since pregnancy, I just dunt gave energy to talk on phone maybe less patience so I just talk to all you lovely ladies on forum and read alot on pregnancy etc and educate myself....
Mrs K wish you good luck. ..I live 30min from Chicago:) it seems like I m organized but I m sure will have adjustment phase..I m a scientist so like to plan everything and understand that if one plan fails, there is a backup to fall on lol
Thanks Jannah. I wondered if you were near me when you mentioned Northwestern :)

I think I'd be more organized if DH took orders better ;) He's been wonderful about doing way more than his share around the house, but we still haven't even built the crib... At least the bassinet is ready, that's the important part.
I stopped asking dh to do anything...he does better if I tell him and leave it to that. .the more I ask hI'm to do something, the more it gets delayed...lol I think I did pretty much what I used to do before pregnancy just grocery and lifting stuff is dh tasks...other things I pace myself out and than when I m tired and achy I make sure to tell dh only if he shared..luckily I wasn't working since pregnancy otherwise this will be too much lol...even when my body ached and dh didn't see how it was uncomfortable for me, I ended up going for prenatal massage and it made him realize how this is not regular everyday ache lol...men are from totally diff planets! !!
crib etc to setup..the only way I got all this done was by inviting my in laws to come over to help as he liked showing everything to his family lol...meanwhile I cooked them meals!!! Now I refuse having anyone over as I can't be hosting parties etc and exhausting myself out...so don't feel bad about crib not getting done...you will need bassinet right away..crib maybe not for sometime..
I have pack n play in master so I plan to keep baby in room with me for 3months and than move him to nursery..most likely will use crib during daytime till than...
are u having boy or girl??
Coming out of hiding to say congratulations to everyone who has gotten to meet your little ones! So exciting!

For those who were asking about "active" members...I'm not sure I actually count since I post so infrequently, but I do check in most days & I want to thank everyone for all of your advice & updates. I definitely have felt more informed & confident in each stage because of what I have read on here! Just think of me as the shy friend standing in the corner at the party!

I can't believe how close I am to actually having a newborn living in my home. As excited as I am to meet him, I'm nervous about this whole giving birth process & it hasn't completely sunk in how much life will change once he gets here! I'm 38 1/2 weeks now. My doctor told me yesterday that he is looking good. I'm 1 cm dilated & 50% effaced. She said his head is still a little high. So, I'm guessing I still have a bit of a wait...which I'm okay with since my husband & I finally kicked our downsizing/reorganizing for baby project into gear & I'd love to get it finished before he arrives! Who knows...maybe I'll walk myself into labor just going from one end of the apartment to the other over & over again! If nothing else, I'm keeping myself busy so I don't have much time to think too much about when labor might actually start!
We're having a boy :)

The crib's not a huge deal - I have the important furniture all set up, at least. But I don't want to deal with it during the newborn phase, you know? I know he's been really busy, but I'd like the baby to at least nap in the crib during the daytime so it's not totally unfamiliar to him. Oh well. He's taking the first week off of work after the baby comes, so he'll just have to play catch up then.

I really lucked out, he works with all women, and a few of them have had babies while working with him, and they've almost all had rough pregnancies. Mine has been relatively easy (especially since I'm not working), but I'm still reaping the benefits of him having witnessed other women's struggles ;)
Gluck Lorelei....u r soooo close:)

Mrs k..that's true...I think once baby arrives and there is need for crib, it will get done...don't stress over it:)... It's good your DH is informed...my DH isn't .i might be first preggo he is interacting with....I m super scared and nervous about labor plus not knowing how much support DH will provide...ohh well...there is no going backwards now...lol just gotta do whatever is needed for baby safe arrival....
Hi ladies,

I hardly ever post here but I do check in from time to time when I get five minutes (not too often these days). Congrats to all those who already have their little ones. I had a little boy who arrived just over a week before his due date :cloud9: He's perfect!

I just wanted to try and calm any fears any of you might have about labour. I worried most of my pregnancy about it as I had a pretty unpleasant labour first time around. This time I didn't even make it to the labour ward as it only lasted an hour and a half and I got him out in one contraction! No time for pain relief. I had my heart set on a water birth but DS had other ideas :winkwink: Anyway, my advice is that every labour is different and your birth story hasn't been written yet, so try not to worry about it. Staying calm definitely helps and my advice is to really work on your breathing beforehand, it's what got me through both labours. Good luck to all of you yet to meet your babies, it won't be long now! Oh, and enjoy your sleep while you can! That's DS just woken up again, better dash. Good luck :flower:
Mommasquirrel: good job on the blanket! Let me know if you have any questions. If you're so far along you must have figured it out! I'd love to me crocheting/knitting to pass the time, but this pregnancy carpal tunnel is definitely making that impossible.
Ah, pregnancy carpal tunnel had set in with me too Frenchie!! I didn't have to deal with it very long as ds made his appearance three weeks ahead of schedule. It subsided within a week of delivery. Hope you get some relief soon! Perhaps a wrist brace to keep your hand in a neutral position?
Hello all
this is my 1st pregnancy. I m due March 30. Having a boy:)..took me over year to conceive and was about to start fertility treatment until this miracle happened...
I am 37 wks on monday. My 36 week appt went well...cervix soft but no dilation...Baby head down...I goto women clinic. .they have 2 OB and 1 midwife...I have seen all of then at some point..anyone of these would be on call so it's nice to know who will deliver my baby...I m hoping to get midwife as they r more nurturing and sympathetic. ..
I am thinking to start fresh pineapple and Raspberry leaf tea starring monday..I m walking daily min 30min on treadmill...
I get alot of BH and when I over work alot of pelvic pain..
I n going through nesting phase...cleaning everything..kitchen cabinets, pantry, closet, car...organized everything in nursery. ..have hosp bag and diaper bag ready...got snack bag too for dh since he is diabetic..car seat installed as well....got myself breast pump and nursing bra..picked pediatrician as well...started to make extra meal and freeze leftover. ...done major grocery items...
have already plan in place if I need to get to hosp during daytime on what to do...call dh...he works 20min away and he started to keep phone on him...if time is running short either drive myself or call 911...
now just waiting for baby to arrive...

Welcome, wow ur super organised :D wish I was that organised at 37weeks :p
I got carpel tunnel as well...it was unpleasant at first...I wore the brace bUT it did nothing so I returned it lol..now I just live with it..some days are better than others. ..today I woke up with a lot of swelling on both hands...didn't have much until now....swelling hurts!!! And I don't like the itching g part-was closed to be dx with cholestasis. ...
thanks mommy...I guess I m organized coz my family is coming from Canada to meet my baby after delivery and they are clean freak...they are coming for first time...so I want them to feel I m still like them plus they will feel like home lol.plus when you have to do everything on your own with little or no help and your body doesn't cooperate...than I guess you got no choice but to get as organized as possible.....it's funny I lived with inlaws for 3years and they were complete opposite..was very tough.... ..you just go through stuff in life and pick lifestyle you want for your family..I m still cleaning and picking after DH but hoping I can give better training to my DS#1 ...lol...sometimes being too organized can cause probs if your other half is not on same page lol
Congrats! !! Hope both you and baby are happy and healthy:)
This is such a motivating birthing story...did u do something diff this time or is it coz this is 2nd and it tends to be slightly easier?
where can i learn about breathing? I just dont want yo spend money on a class...
Congrats again!!!

QUOTE=Happenstance;35035439]Hi ladies,

I hardly ever post here but I do check in from time to time when I get five minutes (not too often these days). Congrats to all those who already have their little ones. I had a little boy who arrived just over a week before his due date :cloud9: He's perfect!

I just wanted to try and calm any fears any of you might have about labour. I worried most of my pregnancy about it as I had a pretty unpleasant labour first time around. This time I didn't even make it to the labour ward as it only lasted an hour and a half and I got him out in one contraction! No time for pain relief. I had my heart set on a water birth but DS had other ideas :winkwink: Anyway, my advice is that every labour is different and your birth story hasn't been written yet, so try not to worry about it. Staying calm definitely helps and my advice is to really work on your breathing beforehand, it's what got me through both labours. Good luck to all of you yet to meet your babies, it won't be long now! Oh, and enjoy your sleep while you can! That's DS just woken up again, better dash. Good luck :flower:[/QUOTE]
Jannah: I agree with you on picking a lifestyle that will work for the family. My DH is not as organized as me. In fact he lives in an organized chaos which drives me insane at times. I used to have such a clean house, bathrooms and paperwork was never left out. Now it's somewhere in between. I've gotten him used to cleaning and to putting stuff away but when we are tired we both let it go a bit. I'm glad I don't have anyone coming out too soon once baby arrives. The first person to visit will be in Mid-April for a week. I figure it's okay if the house is a little messy at that point. As for learning about breathing techniques you can find a lot online via youtube videos. I went to birthing classes that focused on meditation and breathing techniques. For instance when to catch a breath in between pushing and how panting can help just as much. Just remember our bodies were made to birth children and we need to trust our bodies. Even if it's our first child...it's instinctual. Ever seen a dog or cat give birth for the first time?

I remember our dog going into labor. I was 13 or so. She couldn't find the right place to lay down and she started panting a lot. when she starting to push I could see it was painful but she focused and kept panting. After the first pup was born the others were easier. It was incredible to see how my dog labored and gave birth without anyone giving her medications or coaching her. So I am sure without a doubt that we can all do it. It's just conquering the fear of not knowing and of course handling the pain.

So I finally got a good nap, maybe 20-30 minutes long and I had a dream..so I feel a bit rested. In my dream I dreamt I got out of bed and there was a small wet area and so I checked it out and it was my waters..So when I really woke up I double checked and nope...nothing. ROFL I was so hopeful that the dream was real. I have an OB appt today so hopefully I can find out more. Fingers crossed for some good news..I'd say toes as well but my little piggies are so swollen the thought of crossing them is painful, lol.
Momma..let us know how your appt went...
it's good that you guys have met halfway...I learned to keep my mouth shut when I m tired and cranky..chances are if I demand something in a so called disrespectfull manner chances are I will get nothing in return...sometimes all we need is patience. ..
I m hoping as I train DS and get busy with work and school..DH will pick up..just don't wanna be another mama to a big boy lol
I have seen crazy dreams all throughout pregnancy and nothing came true lol...Ie I m having twin girls lol...in reality having single boy...etc etc...
I have my in laws over today as getting some furniture delivered from costco and dh thinks that it is unsafe to be alone lol..
Just got back from the OB and I'm only a fingertip dilated and somehow baby is back up high along with my cervix. Doctor isn't concerned about me going over my due date and scheduled an induction sometime between the 16th and 18th. I'm so over being pregnant... He said to walk and do lots of activities with DH to get things moving along. =/ I'm so cranky right now because I was hoping it was as least 1-2 cm.. Going to go take a nap and hopefully it will improve my mood. Anyone else going to get checked this week?
I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow morning. I'm crossing my fingers I have progressed some! I had an ultrasound on Tuesday and it showed that the baby is already about 7lbs 6oz! I'm terrified to go full term, I don't want to have a 10lb baby! Ouch! I'm not sure if she will allow to go full term with the GD.
Keep going mommasquirrel. You're nearly there and I'm sure baby will make their arrival before you know it.

Lilfoosh I'm just the same! Have been overly cautious about food despite knowing some soft cheeses are pasteurised! Can't wait to stop panicking over everything I eat and have some brie. Yum :)

Frenchie I've had carpal tunnel for weeks too. My fingers ache so much. Worried they will stay this way forever.
I'm grumpy after my appt too! I've been only half a cm dilated for 3 weeks now. Last week I was 60% effaced and she said I was a little more this week but still not dilated anymore! Gr! He's soooo low and hits my cervix all the time but that's apparently not doing anything other than making me miserable! With me my mom effaced almost completely but never dilated past 2cm even with medications and ended up having to have a c-section so I'm just scared the same thing is going to happen to me plus I'm so over being pregnant!

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