thks mrs k....
i just finished cleaning entire house...I am going to do some grocery tom...make and freeze food for myself and for sil...I will do her grocery too tom and goto her house and help her out with her chores and.make sure i know everything that kids need etc...
just about to cook birthday and sil not well...tbh im exhausted after a cleaning but hopefully i can rest in few hrs but being active might help with gravity etc..haven't had time last two day to do treadmill....oh i got myself insanity workout dvds excited to get back in shape lol
(UOTE=MrsKChicago;35046251]I'm still here tbknd still pregnant. I'm going to try to get off my butt and walk around some this weekend, and hopefully I can get gravity on my side. I'm still feeling patient, but I'm also worried about having to induce if he's stubborn. I'm going to find out the midwife's thoughts on a sweep at my appointment Tuesday - if she thinks I'm favorable for one, I may do it. The particular midwife I'm seeing on Tuesday has always been totally frank in the past about whether she thinks any particular procedure would be valuable or just a waste of time, so I'm sure she'll give me a good answer on Tuesday.
Hope you're feeling better soon, Kealz. Sick and pregnant is a terrible combination
Congrats again, Mummy! He's so cute
Best of luck to your SIL, Jannah. If you're not able to actively help out with her girls, maybe you can do something like assemble a couple crockpot or freezer meals now, so she or another relative can just heat them up while she's recovering? I love my SIL and would hate to not be there for her too, but I'm sure yours understands that you have your own limitations right now.[/QUOTE]