2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Iv got a midwife apt Monday so going to ask them to check as they never have yet, il be 39+1 Monday so surely they will oblige :D
My 37 wk appt is Monday as well and midwife told me that they will check again for dilation..I m trying to stay active and walk...tried dtd thus week after 5mths but it was uncomfortable and I didn't enjoy it..so that option is outta window lol...I think during my entire pregnancy we must have dtd like 3 times...my dh is not into preggo body and I accepted it and focused on other things..plus when we were trying and considering fertility treatment, dtd felt like a chore and I think it carried over until I found out at 21/2mths that I m preggo...I dunno if it will ever pick up or remain like this until I lose some weight and we start trying for another baby as soon as this one turns 9mths...
Thank you.. It's so frustrating at times and It's good to hear I'm not the only one. Yes, over being pregnant. I yelled at DH on the phone today half jokingly. I told him it's all his fault because when we found out he kept telling everyone we were going to have a st. patty's day baby because god willed it. It's funny since he has predicted when baby will arrive and I was hoping and told it would be weeks earlier due to the GD and big baby. Now that the GD is under control and baby is in the normal weight category it seems to look more promising to go in for the induction on the day before St. Patty's lol. Urghh.. just want to punch DH- playfully ofc.
I think I am just sleep deprived and grumpy because I can't do much of anything other than walk. It's funny because I have now hit turtle stage. If I am on my back with no way to roll on my side I literally get stuck and end up flailing around til I grab hold of something to pull myself on way or another. It's funny but at the same time frustrating. I also look like a sumo wrestler every time I try to get up from a chair. both hands on each thigh and a grunt. lol I'm ready..going to pray tonight and try everything I can to help things go along. Maybe I can keep my mind off of it by watching some movies. DH will be home in 4 hours and then I can relax some more. :hugs:
I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow morning. I'm crossing my fingers I have progressed some! I had an ultrasound on Tuesday and it showed that the baby is already about 7lbs 6oz! I'm terrified to go full term, I don't want to have a 10lb baby! Ouch! I'm not sure if she will allow to go full term with the GD.

I think baby only puts on like half a pound a week at this point, so that's not too bad!!
Same here about DTD, Jannah. I can't remember the last time... Maybe before Christmas? We were TTC for about a year, so it did become a bit of a chore. However we did get more creative the last couple months, so I'm hoping that leaves a good impression for both of us for non-pregnant sex. DH doesn't push it at all - he's always so worried that I'm going to hurt myself doing housework and taking care of DD, so he definitely doesn't want me thrashing around!

I've made peace with going to term (March 12th) but a couple days after would be the weekend, which is ideal for finding someone to take care of DD and DH not having work. We'll see what the little man decides!
Hi ladies - just checking in. :)

Sounds like we all feel the same now... slow, heavy and ready to be mommas! In some ways I feel I am over being pregnant and in another way I feel I might miss it a bit, I did with my first, plus this might be our last child so kinda sad to think I may never be pregnant again.

I was supposed to have a section last Tuesday but it got postponed. They said little one is happy and five where they are for now and we've all had a really nasty sickness bug. They said I wasn't well enough for the op so they've given my antibiotics and said to come back this Tuesday (10th), so 4 days to go!! :)

My ds, who is 2.5, does not understand the whole baby thing and it's going to be a huge shock to him. I think he senses that something is coming as both dh and I are at home at the moment so his normal weekly routine has changed. He's having more tantrums than usual, everything is a battle of wills. Trying so hard to be patient and give extra reassurance but also maintain discipline and boundaries so he feels safe and secure. It's hard work, bless him. Worried about how he'll react when new baby comes in. I know he'll get used to it soon enough, I just want to make the experience as pleasant for him as possible.

Sorry for the rambling..! Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend and we might have some new additions by the end of it! :) x
for anyone not on facebook, my waters broke around 2am this morning after waking up feeling sick and minutes later in huge amounts of pain and more blood leaking along with my waters and yes u can imagine the things that went wrong starting with my phone goin for a swim in my foot spa that i was moments away from moving so now my phone wont charge i was just lucky it was still powering to be able to ring mum and set alarm bells ringing because of course she couldnt hear me so i had to txt and ask her go on facebook quick lol n got her here n had get her ring midwife for me lol i was shaking and in so much pain. mum got her quite quick thankfully and i walked around as much as possible. Liam conor was born 9days early at 3:31 am weighing 6lb 6


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Fast fast birth mummy!!! We're you expecting to go that quickly?

He is absolutely darling and I love the name!!
Wow mummysmurf, you were right about the quick births. Congrats on the new little one. Glad it went well for you. I guess you had the full moon baby!
Congrats Mommysmurf!! That is a fast birth in deed. ..soo happy for yoi and your family...he is a cutie pie!!!! Hope both you and baby are doing well!!
I dunno why I read your message and I was teary eyes...I guess the anticipation of holding the bundle of joy along with my sciatica acting up last night and finding out my sil will be going through high risk surgery Tuesday to get her second ovary removed...we are truly blessed to go through this pregnancy and birth. ..my sil adopted two girls as she couldn't have her own...she is a strong woman!! When I waz going through fertility stuff, I was devastated!!

Mrs K Any news from you?
Frenchie: glad to know I m not alone on dtd part!!
Kealz: good luck...atleast you know you are 4 days away!!

I am still 3 weeks from due date!! We got furniture delivered yday for our master room...I just have to do major cleaning today if sciatica permits...want to baby sit sil girls as they are 3 and 2 and sil not doing well...she helped me out alot in diff phases of my life and I feel not happy that I can't help her out in the sameway due to being so tired, heavy and if I over do my body acts up...if she has Tuesday surgery than her kids will need help plus food etc and who knows how the recovery will be if they diagnose her today with ovarian cancer...it's family of all boys and mil has dementia and unmanaged health issues..and my Sil and I m the only two females...we try to be there for each other so hoping junior doesn't show up next week so I can play my part lol
I'm still here and still pregnant. I'm going to try to get off my butt and walk around some this weekend, and hopefully I can get gravity on my side. I'm still feeling patient, but I'm also worried about having to induce if he's stubborn. I'm going to find out the midwife's thoughts on a sweep at my appointment Tuesday - if she thinks I'm favorable for one, I may do it. The particular midwife I'm seeing on Tuesday has always been totally frank in the past about whether she thinks any particular procedure would be valuable or just a waste of time, so I'm sure she'll give me a good answer on Tuesday.

Hope you're feeling better soon, Kealz. Sick and pregnant is a terrible combination :(

Congrats again, Mummy! He's so cute :)

Best of luck to your SIL, Jannah. If you're not able to actively help out with her girls, maybe you can do something like assemble a couple crockpot or freezer meals now, so she or another relative can just heat them up while she's recovering? I love my SIL and would hate to not be there for her too, but I'm sure yours understands that you have your own limitations right now.
Congrats mummysmurf! What a cutie!!

I think I can agree with the DTD issue also. Been so paranoid about it and it's been pretty sensitive down there.
Sensitive is thr right word!!!
QUOTE=bumpwishes;35046271]Congrats mummysmurf! What a cutie!!

I think I can agree with the DTD issue also. Been so paranoid about it and it's been pretty sensitive down there.[/QUOTE]
thks mrs k....
i just finished cleaning entire house...I am going to do some grocery tom...make and freeze food for myself and for sil...I will do her grocery too tom and goto her house and help her out with her chores and.make sure i know everything that kids need etc...
just about to cook dinner...mil birthday and sil not well...tbh im exhausted after a cleaning but hopefully i can rest in few hrs but being active might help with gravity etc..haven't had time last two day to do treadmill....oh i got myself insanity workout dvds today...so excited to get back in shape lol

(UOTE=MrsKChicago;35046251]I'm still here tbknd still pregnant. I'm going to try to get off my butt and walk around some this weekend, and hopefully I can get gravity on my side. I'm still feeling patient, but I'm also worried about having to induce if he's stubborn. I'm going to find out the midwife's thoughts on a sweep at my appointment Tuesday - if she thinks I'm favorable for one, I may do it. The particular midwife I'm seeing on Tuesday has always been totally frank in the past about whether she thinks any particular procedure would be valuable or just a waste of time, so I'm sure she'll give me a good answer on Tuesday.

Hope you're feeling better soon, Kealz. Sick and pregnant is a terrible combination :(

Congrats again, Mummy! He's so cute :)

Best of luck to your SIL, Jannah. If you're not able to actively help out with her girls, maybe you can do something like assemble a couple crockpot or freezer meals now, so she or another relative can just heat them up while she's recovering? I love my SIL and would hate to not be there for her too, but I'm sure yours understands that you have your own limitations right now.[/QUOTE]
I had a weird nausea spell just now, which is really unusual for me. My cheeks went pink and everything. I had a bowl of oatmeal and things have settled down, so who knows if it's a sign of things to come or just the baby kicking my stomach too hard? All this guessing...
Sensitive is thr right word!!!

Hahaha!! Glad I'm not imagining it.

I had a weird nausea spell just now, which is really unusual for me. My cheeks went pink and everything. I had a bowl of oatmeal and things have settled down, so who knows if it's a sign of things to come or just the baby kicking my stomach too hard? All this guessing...

Hopefully good signs for you MrsK. I've been hoping my cramping feeling and backache for the last 6 or so hours was going to turn into something but I think I'm being optimistic. It eased off briefly but is back now. Don't think it will come to anything. Got a bit excited too aha. Never mind.
So I finally finished the blanket. Thank you Frenchie and MrsK!! I needed a small push and a good tutorial on how to start it. Here's the final product..Only 3 days from start to finish. DH loves it and can't wait to wrap baby up in the new blankie.


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Looks great! I never did finish the leaf blanket I meant to make for Teddy. I shouldn't be surprised, I bought the pattern to make it for my nephew, and I never made it for him either!
I started piecing warrens blanket together the day before he was born... When am I going to finish THIS?!


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