2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Back from in laws and exhausted. ...

U girls are so talented...I wish I could make something for my monkey but I dunno if I m left with any energy after today...

Hope u r feeling better Mrs k...

37 weeks in 2days!!
Bookity - That's ambitious, all that piecing together. I can't stand weaving in ends!

Mommasquirrel - Hurray! The blanket looks great. I knew you could do it!
Yeah. I probably stood little chance of getting it all done even if Warren gave me three more weeks. Lol.
Hi ladies, Charlotte Louise was born yesterday at 4:35 pm; 6lbs 14oz. The cord was wrapped tightly around her neck twice but she did amazing. We are both doing well, I'm not on any pain meds and should be released tomorrow!

Totally in love. Big bro is super proud and excited to show her off :cloud9:
Congratulations, Foosh! I'm so thrilled for you :D

I'm still pregnant over here. My lower back ached in a hormonal way last night, but otherwise no new symptoms. Oh well. DH works Saturdays, and he can drop everything and leave with zero notice at any time if I go into labor, but it sure would be rough on his coworkers if it's a typical Saturday there.

I'm tempted to start playing pranks on people. Mom has been sending silly texts asking for updates and giving goofy advice on how to get the baby out. The other day, she sent me her morning routine - "1. Turn on Keurig. 2. Turn thermostat up. 3. Check for baby texts." I'm tempted to text her at 3am with "Still pregnant!" :haha: There are just so many opportunities for mischief when you're past due...
Congrats LilFoosh!! I love the name for you're little one. So precious. Looking forward to picture updates and to hear how you are recovering.

MrsK: You are hilarious..I don't know if I could mess with people with random texts. I'm already getting phone calls up the yinyang asking if it's here yet. lol I am tempted to answer the phone no baby yet...how are you? hah!! My adopted mom has been good about calling. She just wants to make sure I'm doing okay emotionally since I was crying a lot in the last week but I told her it's normal. I think the farther we get along with the pregnancy the more we cry or stress about stupid things. I just let it out...I cry and cry until I feel better. My friend Stacey told me sometimes we need a good ugly cry once in awhile. I completely agree with her.
Today is going to be interesting..i'm going to the mall to walk and then the park. I told DH he has no choice other than to comply. I told him we can sit and do nothing tomorrow but today I need to walk. His job is sending him out of state again on the 26th of this month for 5 weeks. I really want to strangle them and his supervisor. His boss said, it's okay and that I will be fine and that his wife can check up on me. The only thing is his wife is sickly and has major health problems. The last time I saw them she was sick but didn't tell me until afterwards. I told them I don't want anyone around the baby unless they have their TDap booster and Flu vaccine and she blatantly said she wasn't getting either because she gets bad reactions to vaccines. So I said well you won't be seeing my baby. They thought I was joking but DH knows how strongly I feel about it. So yea, we both are pretty mad about him having to go again but we are hoping that baby and I are super healthy and recover quickly before he has to leave. Now..all that needs to happen is for little one to make it's arrival. I swear, some people make me want to smack them.
Five weeks?? That's crazy! I hope you have someone local to you who's actually helpful...

I don't have too many people bugging me yet, thankfully. Mom, but she's being funny about it, and she is the grandma, so I'm letting it go. I'm just thankful that she's not being bossy and overbearing like she usually is. And one friend has asked a few times if there are any updates, despite my making it super clear that if there are any updates, I will make sure to tell people. It's sweet that people are asking how I'm feeling, if I'm still feeling patient, etc, but I promise, I'm not gonna have the baby and forget to tell you! I was proactive about making sure people know I will update Facebook with any big news, and close friends with any small news, and I think it's helped.

Then again, I've had a couple of mild symptoms (backache, etc) and a few very widely spaced "was that a contraction?" moments that I haven't shared with the close friends who I swore I'd keep updated, so maybe she's sensing my deceit ;) I just know if I say the word contraction, everybody is going to freak out, and I really don't want friends freaking out over 3 contractions ranging from 6 to 12 hours apart.
Hi ladies, Charlotte Louise was born yesterday at 4:35 pm; 6lbs 14oz. The cord was wrapped tightly around her neck twice but she did amazing. We are both doing well, I'm not on any pain meds and should be released tomorrow!

Totally in love. Big bro is super proud and excited to show her off :cloud9:

Congrats hope ur both doing well :D
Congrats foosh! glad to know u and baby are doing well.
Mrs k.. I understand the frustration. .I still have 3 weeks before due date and ppl already bugging me..
on a side note..I m very sad today and I have cried and went on long drive but I still feel like I need it out of my system...as u girls know I had busy day yday from cleaning my entire house to cooking for in laws and literally cleaning and cooking more once I got there with little or no help..as always dh was demanding food and was interfering with my work when I was in kitchen..I was rushing as everyone was hungry not realizing I m due any day
.I even got mil birthday cake served my sil and fed her kids...I come home and my entire body was achy...dh comes to bed and wants a massage..by than my fingers were swollen too and I needed rest..when I refused he called it disrespectful ...long story short 6am he gives me huge lecture that I gave attitude at my in laws yday and when I say I m in pain..he doesn't take it seriously as usually I m crying or nagging. ..he even said it he rather have me go far from him..thats his line everytime he is upset!!... and baby is going to be messed up like me...I feel so hurt and alone. ..I wish he understood what pregnancy does to u emotionally and physically...I m terrified of labor and having no support..I just can't expect from dh even than he will think it's drama and make me get epidural..
Anyways thks for listening...wish my family lived closer..really missing them...today dh isn't talking to me and just on his tv n laptop..I m expected to cook which I m not..
oh BTW Thursday night also he wanted me to give him massage...I actually ended up having pinched nerve and my entire leg n feet ached all night and hands got swollen Coz I massaged him....if I dont listen he gets mad and tells me to go sleep on couch...if I ask him to massage my back he doesn't do it makes me do it n sleeeep. ..such control freak!!! ..it's so unfair...yet he ll praise how perfect my sil is..and how onr should be like her submissive and polite...is she the one preggo..if she is so perfect he should have married her not me...i m done making meals for him and his family..I m do e cleaning till baby..he comes home and throws his jacket and his dirty shoes everywhere and i cannot be upset???REALLY???
Jannah: I am so sorry you have to deal with him. Sounds like he is not being very supportive at all. Do you have any friends or relatives that live close by? I'd suggest hiring a doula or trying to get someone who volunteers and can be your support for the birth. You need someone who will listen to your needs and will be supportive of you through the birth and being forced to have an epidural is not being supportive at all. I'd suggest cooling down a bit before approaching your DH about everything. Write a long letter outlining what is going on and be sure to add that you are in pain. Pregnancy does so much to us and sometimes men forget. Re-read the letter over a week then if you are ready. Give it to him. He may or may not read it. It's up to him. Also he should not threaten you by suggesting that you leave. If that is the point I'd go and stay with family so he can be reminded of what life is without you in it. No man would be okay with that unless he has already emotionally separated himself from you. Wish I lived closer, I would have you come stay with me. Also, feel free to vent or whatever on here..we are all here to help support you and be the shoulder you can lean on.
Thks So much mommy
I have been on bed all day....Its like his behavior took out all my strength...we fought enough throughout this pregnancy..I dunt even know if we will have another baby. ..I ll write a letter and give it to him before I go into labor...rt now I don't want to depend on him for anytHong which means if I need to get to hospital, I will either drive or call 911. I wI'll speak with midwife on monday and see if I can find duola...it's just that I m not working and dh won't get why duola and he may get more upset..my family is in canada..dh doesn't want them here until after baby as he thinks I have enough support here..
I Dunt want epidural coz it increases chances of tearing, baby distress, forcep delivery, spinal injury but offcourse I m open..if I have no support, I may have to get one...and than worry about his family visiting us in hosp..he shows off everything to his family..with me their is no excitement...ultrasound, baby movement, baby nursery-every experience he shares with my sil and his family..I m so numb and tired...I need to gather myself up and gain strength to bring my baby to the world. ..I m already thinking about working etc as if it will come down to leaving him due to his behavior, I want to make sure I can keep my baby and provide for him...I m not going to decide anything until after my family visits me. .I can't share with them..they will feel so helpless...
I'll be honest, that sounds like really bad behavior even if you weren't pregnant. I hope you'll talk to your family for some insight and do what you have to to take care of yourself. If the good outweighs the bad, maybe you can eventually talk him into couples counseling. You don't want him setting that example for your son :(
Congratulations LilFooshFoosh!!!

Jannah I hope things get better no one deserves to be treated that way.

I'm exhausted but loving every moment spent with my son, it still feeks funny saying that.

Mommasquirrel I'm dying to know the sex of your baby wishing little one would just comenon out already....
I made dinner tonight, in hopes of gravity kind of getting on my side. Sitting on my butt all day isn't going to convince this baby to come any faster. I think it definitely made a difference. My back hurts on and off and I'm kind of crampy. Not fun, but if it means this baby doesn't stick around for another 11 days, I'll consider it a plus! Ideally, we'll get through a last pleasant and productive day off together tomorrow, and then Teddy will decide to make an appearance early in the week.
Jannah that is terrible i hope u can sort something soon you dont need you or baby stressed :( as sad as it is u sound like ud b happier on your own. Hugs
Okay so funny story...

Last night I had noticed that my lady parts have gotten quite swollen over the duration of the pregnancy. I look in the mirror and can't recognize it as my own anymore. Everything is a different color and it just looks like it gained a lot of weight. I also noticed that I could see a very faint pulsating on the outside so of course I put my hand on it and push. I could literally feel my heartbeat through my crotch. So I tell DH to come and check it out because it's just so bizarre. He complies and pushes his hand on the outside and at that exact moment little one decided to headbutt my cervix several times in a row. This is painful but I just look at my husband who has gone pale and jaw dropped. I asked him if he was okay. He asked me if the baby just moved because he could feel something very round hitting his palm a few times. I laughed so much. Later DH laughed too but he was like...who in the world can I even tell this too. I just felt my baby knocking at his own exit. ROFL So I decided I'd share it on here. I am guessing that baby has dropped down into my pelvis a bit more this weekend.

Looking forward to some good news on Tuesday..hopefully I'm a little more dilated and can get my membranes stripped. I would much rather have this done than having the induction.
Ha! I feel like mine is trying to drill his way out sometimes, knocking doesn't sound as unpleasant ;)

So, no baby yet, but I'm making progress! By the time I fell asleep last night, I was pretty confident that I was having irregular contractions. I was kind of scared to go to bed ;) My labor handout from the midwives specifically says "If you're not sure, go to sleep! You'll wake up before the baby comes out!" so I just kept that in mind. The contractions tapered off, but in addition to that bit of plug last night before bed, I had some bloody discharge at my middle of the night bathroom break and this morning. Nothing like water breaking, just seemingly normal bloody show stuff. So I'm thinking the contractions must have been effective, to a degree! They didn't feel like Braxton Hicks, that's for sure. It was like a painful (but not the worst ever) period, with cramping and back pain, and on some of them I really felt like I needed the bathroom.

They tapered out overnight, and so far I'm feeling normal but tired (unsurprisingly, I did not sleep well), but I have the feeling if I got up and started doing a lot, it would get started again. I don't really want to go into labor right this minute, because there are a few things DH and I are hoping to get done today, but sometime in the next couple days would be just fine with me. I know this on again off again pattern can go on for awhile sometimes. If they start up again today, I may pull out the TENS and see if it helps.

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